ROMANCE: MC Romance: Owned by The Bad Boy (Stepbrother Bad Boy BBW Ménage Mafia Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Billionaire Romance Short Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MC Romance: Owned by The Bad Boy (Stepbrother Bad Boy BBW Ménage Mafia Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Billionaire Romance Short Stories)
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“Come here.” He commanded as he stood up from his desk.  He curled his finger up, giving me bodily direction on what he wanted me to do.  Caine had shut the door and left the study. I wished he would come back. The large mahogany desk was in front of me and I was nervous about approaching it as he moved towards the other end.  Closer to me.

I walked slowly as if I was a child in a principal’s office.  Mom had called and made it clear that a simple apology was needed and I shouldn´t be calling Damon names.  It reflected badly on how she had brought me up.

What reflected on how she brought me up was bringing me to this house.  We weren´t welcome, she was too in love to see it.  The house still had pictures of his ex-wife.  She up and left Charles when Damon was a baby.

No one spoke about it.  It was almost as if they pretended that she was dead.  I did ask once why she had never been in touch.  I was told simply by Damon, ´None of your business.´

That was maybe the second time he had spoken to me in the few weeks that we lived in the house.  I reflected about the way he had thrown me out.  Leaving the bone on top of my clothes.  I didn´t have much and him leaving it outside the gate highlighted that.  I got a scholarship to study at college.  It only paid for my fees.  My books, equipment, clothes etc. all came out of my own pocket.  Which was why I needed to work at the call center. 

It was not a bad job.  Helping students with the enquiries and logging them in an action database.  Not only for my college, but all colleges in the New York state.  I was lucky to find the job, because the pay was quite high.  Just not high enough for me to keep the car going and everything else.  There is never anything left at the end of the month.

Charles made it clear when they got married that he was confident that mom wasn´t after his money.  Which was more than could be said for the rest of the family.  They asked him constantly if he got her to sign a pre-nup.  So, he made her do it.  Mom happily agreed saying, that she never had much.  So, it was all new to her, to have so much.

I made sure that I never changed my lifestyle.  I kept working and paying my own way.  We gave up the trailer to live here.  I never wanted to do that, but mom said it was for the best.  We had to make changes and fit into our new life.  I had met Charles a few times, so it didn´t feel like a big sacrifice.  Until I met, Damon.  He was on trip, that he couldn´t get out of when they got married.  I didn´t meet him until after my first month here. 

“Come closer!” he commanded as he sat on his desk lifting his head up and adjusting it to the side.  I wanted to run back out, but I couldn´t.

´Apologize.´ mom said, then we can all go back to being a happy family. I think she is deluded.  There is nothing happy about this family.  Especially as far as Damon and I are concerned.

I inched closer towards him and sat down on the leather chair.  I hesitated and asked, “Do you have a bone behind your back? Are you expecting me to go and bury it again?”

Okay so I should have kept my big mouth shut.  That wasn´t needed and I wasn´t helping matters.  He just seemed to have a way of winding me up.  Just by the way he frowned at me all the time.  I always had to look at my shirt to see if I had a stain or something.  He never made me feel comfortable.

His lips curled when he said, “No, on the chair.”

I sighed and moved closer towards him.  He was sitting on the desk directly in front of the chair.  I thought that it was a trick.  That he was going to do something.  I shook my body when I thought about how silly I was being.  I came to apologize.  My bags were already in my room.  This was just a formal way of me making things right.  So, we could live as one big happy family. I kept reciting it to myself over and over again as I slowly made my way to the chair.


This was when the tables revolved, I couldn´t believe it. Damon Walton kissed me.  Passionately, as if his life hinged on it. I didn´t even make it to the chair he just grabbed me and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He tore my shirt apart and clutched hold of my breasts.

“Damon!” I screeched in between his tongue exploring mine.

“Damon!” I repeated as I held him in my arms.

I had wanted him for so long, and his animal behavior told me that he had too.  I had dreaded coming here to his study to talk to him.  I thought he would throw me another bone. I thought he would call me a dog, gold digger or something. I never imagined that he would kiss me.

That Marsha was actually right.  She would laugh if she could see him right now.  Probably tell me, way to go if she saw the way I was acting too.

“You know you want me!” he said as he continued to consume my mouth.  I was never good at hiding my expressions.  They were always clearly displayed on my face.  I grabbed hold of his hair as his hands unfastened my bra.  My breasts were free for him to do as he pleased, and he lifted me up and put me on the table.  Not by force, but to make it clear who was in charge.  It was Damon by far.  He knew that I would comply.  He knew I wouldn´t refuse him.  He knew I wanted him from the moment I laid eyes on him.  I was half-naked and now with him removing my pants and jeans naked on his desk.  In the study which faced out to the grounds.  Ten in the morning with staff and God knows who else was outside.  In plain view for everyone to see.

He gently kissed me on the lips.  I returned his kiss as the soft pecks went to my breasts and he slowly bit my upright nipple. He did it so slowly that it felt like a light pinch.  His hand held on to my breast as his other hand lightly traced my body.

I exhaled at his touch, which was so gentle this had surprised me.  The gentleness in his touch.  All that time I’d thought he hated me, but right there and then, I knew it was nothing more than frustration. 

This was the best feeling in the world.  When, we first met and he simply huffed and walked away as his dad introduced me.  ´ This is Sophia, a replica of her beautiful mother. ´Those were Charles words.  Damon said in reply coldly, ´Only if you like that sort of thing. Dad you clearly do.´

It cut like a knife when he said those words. He hadn´t even met me and he insulted me the very moment he laid eyes on me.  Sure, I had the same dark hair and light eyes as mom.  Every woman in our family was tall apparently.  Mom was and so was grandma when she was alive.  We all seemed to tower up to five ten.  We don´t know where we inherited it, no one had ever bothered to do a family tree.  It never felt important.

Here, he was kissing me and touching me like I was a precious jewel.  So, different from the first time we met. It felt unreal. I had to keep opening my eyes to make sure that I wasn´t dreaming.

“I wanted to do this from the first time I met you…” he whispered as he lowered down.  He licked me right there on his table.  His tongue lightly caressing inside of my pussy.  I held on to his head and put my feet on the table to stabilize myself.  He had taken me by surprise.


Mum had said, not get him to have oral sex with you on his office table.  Yet, it felt so right as I continued to stroke his head and encourage him to go deeper.  I started to wonder what his dick could do, if his tongue was doing all the work.

“Hmm,” I moaned as he flicked his tongue up and down my pussy as his hands gently stroked inside of my leg.  He was doing so much work, yet so little at the same time. I was getting more pleasure then I had ever had in my life.  No man had ever been done there with his tongue.  If anything I was the one that was asked to give a blow job, all the time from my old boyfriends.  Whenever I asked them to do it, they always said the same thing.

Ýou need to shave.´

I would shave and then they would complain about something else. Until I dumped their ass.  I started to shake and shiver.  My climax had reached its peak as I started shouting out loud. 
God that felt too good.
I said to myself as my back collapsed on the table.  That was the beginning.  That was when things started to really change.




It was exactly four mornings since I was in his study.  He had made up a contract.  That was our talk, him telling me that, I should give up my job at the call center and he would look after me financially.  It seemed silly, because it was obvious that he wanted me.  He wanted to play a game, I thought I may as well go along with it.

After he finished sending me to my peak on his desk.  He simply got up and left the room.  Remaking that I should clean myself up and he would be back in twenty minutes and we would talk.  I had a feeling then that he was the one going to be doing most of the talking and I was right.

The contract was quite simple every weekend, I was to be available at his beck and call with the required schedule times.  I would go up to his room.  He gave me a phone. So that he could only call that number, if he was away on business and needed me outside of the scheduled times. He would only summon me if and when he wanted to.  I had never had sex and he had a schedule for it.  There were other terms in the contract such as: I shouldn´t sleep with anyone apart from him, keep to a strict diet, make sure that I was on the pill (actually he had a doctor, inject this into me), make sure that I was screened and tested for any sexual transmitted diseases etc.  I had one night to think about it.  One night to confirm all the details and not discuss it with anyone and return it to him.

Sure, I came back to the study the next day and he wasn´t in there.  His instructions were clear.  I should leave the contract on his study desk, signed or leave the house once and for all.  He knew that I had nowhere to go.  Sure, I could turn to mom but that would jeopardize her marriage.  Which had only just begun when we went to visit the Chrysler Building on a school trip.  I knew that I wanted to be an architect.  Everyone used to laugh at me setting my sights so high in life.  Only grandma believed in me.  She said, ´You could be anything you want to be in life, Sophia. You just need to work hard. ´

Her last dying wish was for me to be the one thing that I had set myself to be as I grew older.  The one thing that I had worked my butt off for so many years.  Working at the call center was causing a strain on my studies.  At times I slept during class exhausted at working a ten hour shift.  Sometimes, I needed to work more shifts.  I only got the chance if someone called in sick, which wasn´t often. 

No, Damon knew I needed the money.  He knew I wouldn´t say no.  I couldn´t.  I had to finish my studies. I had to pass, I had to be an architect.  No matter, what!

I thought that I could get to his heart and it couldn´t just be about the sex.  He wanted me as much as I wanted him.  Him throwing me out of the house like a piece of trash.  Sure, we were related by marriage, but not by blood.  We weren´t brought up together and up until a few months ago, we knew nothing about each other.  We never knew each other existed.  We were both consenting adults.  That fucked every weekend, what could be the harm in that.  This was my mindset as I signed the contract.  Part of me felt like I was signing my soul to the devil.

Just as I was in my room trying to gather my thoughts together.  He sent a text.

Damon: You´re late!

Shoot, the contract had a schedule of the times, I was supposed to be in his room. I looked at the clock. Sure, I was supposed to be there now. Showered and ready to take on action.  Or more like ready to fuck Damon.

Me: I´ll be there in 1

I just dropped my phone when a reply came through.

Damon: No, you´ll be in my room NOW.

He never gave an end date to when the contract would stop. His message was clear as I tried to figure out when I would stop being his sex slave. That is what the contract said, as fancy as it was, that is what our ´arrangement´ entailed.  Or so I thought until I grabbed my shirt. Put it on and with no shoes and just my jeans on headed to his room.

He explained to the roles of the dom and the submissive.  He clearly laid out what was the key to being a submissive.  “The number one rule is the ability to listen.  Do you think you are good at listening, Sophia?”

“Yes,” I lied.  I had stubborn written all over my face.  He laughed as I said the word.  He knew that I was far from a good listener.  I didn´t understand the term, ´Obey´ as it was highlighted throughout the contract.

“We know that is not true.  You will learn. In time, you will learn.”

I didn´t understand what he meant by that. I am not sure I wanted to know. I dismissed it then, but as I headed to his room on the other side of the house. I had a feeling that I would start to pay attention.  Or rather Damon would make me pay attention.



I wanted to know why he wanted to be in control all the time. What made him want to dominant another human being? I waited patiently as I knocked on his door. Waiting for him to answer.  Waiting for him to open the door.  He didn´t so I knocked again.  Hoping that he had changed his mind.  My nerves settled in and out of my body as I made my way through his room. I had never been in here before.  It was my first time.  I looked out of the window to see his view.

Typical, he could see the grounds from his windows.

I could only see the back from mine.  He had his eye in every corner of the house as I saw the monitors on the opposite side of the wall.  I crept slowly as I realized that one of them was facing my room.

What he had a camera in my room?

I started to shiver at the idea that Damon had been watching me all along.  I never heard him enter. I didn´t know what part of the room he came from, his was four times the size of mine and mine wasn´t even that small.

“Shut the door!” he commanded as I turned to face him.  I couldn´t see him and asked, “Damon, where are you?”

There was silence as I made my way to the direction I thought I heard his voice, “Why do you have cameras in my room?”

“You signed the contract. Now, go shut the door.”

I slouched as I always did when I felt that I had been defeated and closed the door. Wondering if I was on the right side of the room or not.  The room was dim and light only shone when I walked it was hard to figure out what was going on in the room. I tried to figure out the switch, but the whole house was like that.  There were no switches.  Some rooms were brighter than others.  His was definitely a lot darker than mine. 

As soon as I entered my room, the whole room lit up.

“To your left there is a side table.  There is a ribbon on it.  Take the ribbon and cover your eyes.”


I would be blinded.  Controlled only by him. Sure, that is what I signed up for, but he was taking it to another level.

“You signed the contract, Sophia.”

He was starting to sound like a broken record.  I smiled and did a sexy walk, trying to hide the fear that was making my heart beat overtime.

I took the ribbon and held it in my hand for a brief second, hesitating and remembering as he had reminded me twice.  That I had signed the contract.  I tied it loosely and I was nervous that maybe it wasn’t Damon.  Maybe I was going to be gang raped, but that was silly. I was at home and this place was built like a fortress.  There was no way in and at times, I wondered if he wanted if there was a way out.

Mom and Charles were at a function.  Even then their room was the other side of the house.  Quite close to mine.  They couldn´t hear me scream if they tried and Friday night was Caine´s night off work.  He normally spent it with his family.  He was close to retirement so he spent more time with them and less time in the house as he used to when Damon was younger.

I felt like we were practically alone in the house. Damon was in control.  Damon had it all. I just hoped he didn´t abuse my trust.

I stood still like a statue waiting for his next move. I felt like a prey and he was the hunter.  Ready to pounce at any time.  I started taking deep breathes to calm down my nerves.

“Damon,” I whispered a faint voice that I used to recognize escaped my mouth.  The usual confident, Sophia had been turned into a quiet little mouse.  He was changing me right before my eyes.  Taking my spirit and I knew very soon he would be taking my body again. I just didn´t know how.

“Shhh,” he paused for a minute as he whispered in my ear.  I relaxed a bit knowing that I was with him, wanting to trust him and hoping that I would have a surprise.  Something that I could treasure forever.

His hands caressed my body.  Feeling each part of it lightly until he lifted my arms up and took off my top.  I wanted to speak.  His rule, not to talk unless asked a direct question settled into my mind. 
Trust, Sophia. For once in your life, trust.

I had only had that feeling about myself from the day I was born.  No one else, it was always mom and I.  The problem was she worked long hours and I knew that she never had the time.  I felt that I was a burden on her if I spoke to her about the issues in school. I just got on with it. Difficulties with the kids in my class. I ignored them.  Problems with my homework. I asked the teachers for help. I was a loner. Always had been and apart from when I went to college and had a couple of friends at the call center. I never knew the meaning of friendship until I joined there.

I could hardly hear anything. It felt as if were in the middle of a cave, the air turned cold.  That was the only noise I heard the rush of the air into the room.  I felt the warmth of his skin next to mine as I stood half-naked in a different room.

I knew we were no longer in his room, because I felt him holding the door a few times as we passed.  I started to wonder in my mind where we were and what was going to happen next.  Instead I found myself in a compromising position.  He was pushing my shoulders down and I said nothing.

I bet he wants me to suck his cock?

I thought until I felt him at the back of me unclasping my bra.  My tits sagged as they were exposed and then I held my breath in anticipation of his next month.


I could hear light footsteps around the room.  Things being picked up and put down.  Him walking at times to the left to me and other times to the right. 


Then, there was silence once again.  Fear settled in me as I wondered if he was inviting some of his friends to join us.  There was nothing in the contract about others being with us.  Or did it say something about I am not allowed to have sex with anyone unless it was with his permission. I tried to think hard about it, but then I felt his hand. Lightly stroking my breasts.

“Hmm,” I hummed as he started to play with my nipple. I couldn´t  help myself as much as I wanted to remain silent. The delicacy of his touch made it escape.  I felt something being put on them.  Maybe sensual oils, there was a subtle smell in the neutral space that I was in and his hands and breathing picked up the room he played with my breasts.


The tables were turned as he said, “Open your mouth.”

I knew what that meant. He was going to put something in it.  The question was,

One cube of ice was put in there.  He told me to suck.  Sensually placing it around my tongue.  I was getting wet and he was slowly touching and caressing my breasts with his other hand.

Part of me, wanted him to take me there and then.

“Stand-up!” he commanded as I was purring at the sensuality of his touch.

“Yes, sir.”

That was my response to everything.  If I disobeyed one more time I knew the deal was over.  It had only just began and so far I was enjoying myself.

Damon liked games.  Course, he did all men, especially business men liked to be in control.  That was what made them successful and he was successful and excellent at what he did. Charles would praise him all the time for his work efforts.  At times begging him to have a life outside of work.

“There is more to life than money.” Charles would say a couple of times at the dinner table.

“Is there dad, what?”

Charles laughed the first time he said that and the second time, he replied, “Love.”

Damon was testing me and I wanted to pass. I wanted to satisfy him in every way.  Not only for him to pay my way through college, but because the more I spent time with him. I knew that there was more between us then just a sexual attraction.

I was attracted to him from day one.  I remembered the first thing I thought when I saw him, was what a shame we are related.  If he came into a bar and asked me out, I would never have hesitated.  He is every girl´s dream.

Not only because of his good looks and charm, when he wants to be.  He speaks five languages, he is a man of the world and a business man.  He is every girls dream man.  He makes Cristian Grey just seem like a fantasy.  When he is my reality.


He tugged off my jeans with my panties and I stood naked.  Fully exposed for him to do what he wanted and it got me excited. I imagined him taking me and slowly putting me on a bed.  A bed full of roses and we would make love and he would continue to caress me as he did before, he would love me and this contract would just be a formality.

He didn´t need to make the contract. I would play along to his schedule. Making out that the only reason I come, is because of the contract. In time, he will see. In time, I would make him see.

He lifted me up and I felt like I was in a swing or something. It was weird.  All the time, delicately putting me in the right position so that my legs were tied up.

I wondered who had built the house. Did his dad know? Did mum know? Who else used the room or was it just his room? His to have pleasure with whoever he pleased, whenever he pleased.  All these questions were going round in my mind until I felt it.  As he continued to strap my legs and my arms reached up high and were tied together.  I didn´t even know where I was sitting or how I was suspended up in the air. I couldn´t even try and feel my surroundings. I was blinded and only he knew what was going on.  He knew exactly what he wanted from me.

I felt his cock in between my legs.  Thick and long, just like I remembered it was the first time.  I smiled at the idea of it being inside of me.

Then, he pushed me back and my pussy welcomed being filled by his dick. My tits bounced of his chest and within a flash a second where back in the air. Swinging back out.


I cried out, it was so thick and my pussy was still tight from only losing my virginity a few days ago.

“Did it hurt?”

He called out as he thrust back inside of me.  Pushing me as far back as possible and then springing right back into me.

I didn´t know how to respond.  Did he want to hurt me? Was he doing it for pleasure or pain?

The harder he thrust the more I cried out.

“When I ask you a question you respond!”

He screamed as he held on to my wrists and then again pulsed inside of me.

“Yes sir, it hurts!!”

I responded without hesitation.  It hurt so badly and then he slowed down and then instead of swinging me out, he kept me in position with his arms tucked around my butt and then pumped me. 

I felt like a ball on a tennis court.  He was coming hard and fast.  Deeper and deeper until he cried out as he reached his climax.  The room was no longer cold. It was the complete opposite. I was no longer hearing the sound of the air conditioner, but the noises of his heavy breathing.

He put me on a stop or something. I could no longer swing and was held in position and then the tables were turned.


I heard the first time. Then, I heard it again.


Was that what I thought it was?

I shook at the sound of the noise.  It was as if he a whip was being used, “You need to be punished….” He quivered from a small distance.

“The contract was clear, you speak when spoken to.”

“Sorry, Sir,” I cried out hoping that he would forgive me. I hadn´t done anything like this, I didn´t know the rules of the game. He was supposed to teach me.

“I will never do that again, Sir.” I said hoping to find some compassion in his heart. So he wouldn’t use that one me. Nothing felt right.  The cold air returned as the only sounds I could hear was the noises from the whip.

“Sir, please forgive me.” I cried out louder. Hoping that someone would hear, if Damon didn´t want to listen to what I had to say.  He had to think twice about it.

I thought we connected just then, but then it all hit home. He never kissed me. He never promised love. He made me sign a contract and then blind folded me and put me in a room. I was just a body for him to use. I was confused, course I was because up until last week I was a virgin.

Saving it for someone who loved and cared for me. I thought that was what I meant to him. No, I was just a toy and he was proving that to me. Right here and now.


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