ROMANCE: MC Romance: Owned by The Bad Boy (Stepbrother Bad Boy BBW Ménage Mafia Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Billionaire Romance Short Stories) (5 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MC Romance: Owned by The Bad Boy (Stepbrother Bad Boy BBW Ménage Mafia Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Billionaire Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter Four
“So, what made you think to apologize?”

I felt like I was being interviewed by Playboy.  They were both giving me hors d’oeuvres and flirting with me.  I couldn´t believe that they were flirting with me.  Me, of all people.   It felt like a big joke. Sure, I´m not the geek that I used to be, but these guys love beautiful women.  I´m more of an Emma Watson kind of girl, whereas most of the women they´ve dated are more, Jennifer Lawrence style women.  The type that men turn their heads at once they walk into a room.  Not someone as plain as me.

Sure, I changed from High school and I´m not saying I ´m ugly or anything. Just compared to the women that they usually date. Well, I have to admit I am kind of ordinary.  My hair is usually up in a bun or down.  Dark and always cut in the same layered style. 

Yet, right here and now. With them in their boxers and me sitting in my bra. I feel like the sexiest woman in the world.  The wine is really going to my head. I need to eat more and drink less.

“You have nice breast,” Trent blurted out, swaying his glass in my direction.  I couldn´t believe he just said that and before I could even respond.  Kevin was behind me whispering, “I would love to get a taste of them.”

What was going on?

I came here to apologize. Not get it on with them two.  Especially seeing as I had never done it with anyone before.  Sure, I had boyfriends if you could call them that. They were the type of guys that took you out on a date.  The first kiss comprised of a kiss on the cheek and after several dates they would grow some balls and indulged me in a real kiss.  This was usually when I broke it off. I knew what the next step would be and I never felt that way about them to give them anything more than a kiss.

Sure, a couple of them were cool.  Guys you would take home to your mom and she would love them.  The type you would introduce to your family and they would get on with them.  But, never ever the type of man that would rock your world.  Not like Trent and Kevin, by a long shot.


Shoot, they have dark eyes that seem to cast a spell over me if I look at them for too long.  Not that I do.  Especially, now it feels like they are two different guys.  Not the ones that normally insult me.  Or once in a blue moon, Kevin would pay me a compliment.


Quite the opposite.

They were flirting big time with lust in their eyes.  Whenever I bent down to pick up my glass which Trent insisted on constantly topping up every time it was near empty?  Kevin would lick his bottom lip.  At one stage he nearly bit it.  I imagined it sucking on my breasts.  I was hot, not only from the sun, but lust.

“Take your jeans off!” Kevin commanded as I was giggling too much and the conversation was turning from the reason for me coming today to, if I was still a virgin.

I ignored him.  I was well adverse on drinking too much. I knew the benefits of eating and sipping water in between, so I carried on doing that ignoring his command and getting back to the main topic.

“I came, because mom and Alex are in love.”  Their eyes shifted. Ignoring my declaration and focusing on my breasts, which I noticed where slowly releasing themselves from my bra.  As I bent forward.  Trent came behind me and unclasped it.  Without permission and he smiled, “That´s better isn´t it?”

“For who?” I cried, juggling a chicken wing, my breasts escaping from my bra and the Evans boys who were acting as if they were ready to pounce on top of me.  I didn´t want this situation at all. I came to apologize. I came to make peace. I came to do what would make mom happy.

“Look!” I stood up, dropped the glass on the table with the chicken wing and put my breasts back where they belong. In my bra.

“Oh, spoilt sport.” Trent pleaded for me not to put it back on. He pouted as he made a silly face. 
God, he really is such a kid!

I went one step further and took my shirt from the chair and put that on too. I struggled to do both. I was more than tipsy, I was slightly drunk. I had been kidding myself and the boys had sat and watched me change from being sensible to being silly and they loved it. I thought I was in control and all of the time I was far from it.  I was fumbling with my buttons. Standing up seemed so hard and it was like a bad comedy.   Like  Benny Hill, always falling down or knocking something of the table.   I wasn´t even trying to be funny.  The more I tried to do something, the more I failed.

“I thought you were fun,” Kevin sighed as he acted as if he was bored by exaggerating his sigh and putting his sun glasses on. 
Where did that come from? 
It was like they had staged the whole event.  I started to get paranoid and even more anxious as it was clear that they had a plan and I had fallen into it. Hook, line and sinker.

God you´re so naïve!

I may have the brains of a scientist and able to calculate the most complicated equation.  But, there was one thing I had lacked and I knew it.  I just never admitted to it.  That was street cred.  I just didn´t have it. I knew it existed and the difference between having it or not.  I just never had to dabble in it. 

I had played it safe. I would never mix with people like the Evans not only because of their wealth.  I just knew how manipulative they could be, which was part of the reason that I didn´t want mom to date Alex at first.  Then, when I saw that he wasn´t that type of person I concluded that they were not all bad. I just remembered the guys at High school could be like that, then I thought that not everyone is the same.  Until, I got in this stupid situation.

The guys were playing me.  They knew that I would fall straight into their trap and they were loving it.  I decided right there and then. I was not going to let them win.  I had power. I was a strong, intelligent woman. How could they have one leg over me? All the women they dated were beautiful, but I knew that I beat them hands down when it came to intelligence.


Or maybe I was kidding myself.  Right now, I felt helpless and I hated it.  I shook my head at the thought. It was neither here or there.  I stumbled on the chair and landed flat on my face.  I was directly under the sun.  No longer protected under the shade.  Both boys said at the same time, “We can help you up.”

I was struggling to get off the floor and they were negotiating. 

“Under one condition.”

I scrambled to my feet. Each time, with the soaking marble ties and my sandals which skidding and stopping me from getting up.  Or maybe it was all in my head. I was stopping me from getting up.  With my head flat on the marble floor.  I blurted out in defeat, “Anything!”

Both Kevin and Trent clapped their hands. 

“This was easier than I thought it would be,” Trent said as he took one hand.

“You will bro,” Kevin said as he took my other hand. 

“Let the games begin…” they said as they helped me stand up.  I was caught in the middle of both of them.  It was as if they had spun a web and there was no turning back.





I sat down and I watched them pace in front of me.  The sun had died down and it was no longer piping hot, just humid.  I started to wonder how long we had been out.  I had left my mobile in the house.  When, they carefully guided me out to the patio and told me not to worry about it.  I never wore a watch and right now I wished I had one on me.


They took of their glasses as I sat exchanging looks between the pair of them. Wondering what devious plan was going through their mind and what they had in store for me.  The message was obvious when they stood with their hands on their hips.

“You´re a virgin right?” Trent said nodding his head.

I confessed, I had a headache and this line of questioning was making it even worse.

“Yes,” I blurted out and shook my head, wondering why I had told them. Questioning, why I felt the need to tell them.

“Good,” Kevin said as he took my hand and I stood up, practically standing on top of him. I felt weak and ready to do what they wanted, but I needed to know.

“What was the one thing that you wanted from me?”

Trent stood close by me on the other side and said, “Don´t worry my sweet. You´re about to find out.”

Kevin whispered, “Sit back and just enjoy the ride.”


Chapter Five


It was clear that the tables had turned. I had them at my feet.  I wished I could say the same for my heart.  It was slowly starting to fall for them.  They were making everything hard to resist.  Their looks.  Their soft New York accent.  Their chiseled faces and it dawned on me slowly but surely.  That I wanted them both in my life.  Not as a stepsister, but as something more.

“Brenda,” Trent purred as he stroked my face on the right side.  On the other side of me was Kevin.  I could feel his fat cock softly stroke my leg.  Ready for an action reply of the events that had happened today.  I came here to apologize.  Not be there sex slave.  Or maybe they were my slave?

“Kiss me, like you did before,” he turned my face to mine.  I knew that Kevin, wouldn´t lay still he wanted to be inside me once more.  He grabbed my butt as I rolled on top of Trent, carefully pinching my butt and it was turning me on.

I could hardly speak. I had never had sex with one man, let alone two at the same time.  Yet, here I was with brothers.  Being tossed between the two of them like a piece of meat.  Or was I something more to them?

He swirled his tongue inside my mouth.  I started to moan. I didn´t even think about, their dad or my mom finding us. I didn´t care. I couldn´t resist their hands, as they stroked me.  Either Trent or Kevin pinched my nipple and then I felt him behind me.  Kevin was going to give it to me up the ass as he did once before.

Holy crap!

I had lost my virginity and my dignity flew out of the window when Trent sucked my pussy as if he was scooping ice-cream from a tube.  It felt hot.  His tongue placed delicately in and out of it as if his life depended on it.  Who would have thought that a man putting his tongue down there could give so much pleasure?

That was when Kevin stopped stroking my ass and stuck his finger into it.  I knew what he was going to do.  Trent was holding on to my head and lightly stroking me.  Holding me in position as Kevin took control of my ass.  I hated the effect that they were both having on me.  I wanted to resist. I wanted to fight back.  I wanted him to give it to me up the ass.

“Shit, you’re so fucking tight.”  Kevin blurted out as he put his dick in the opening.  Slowly thrusting it in and out. His tip was in there, but he hadn’t gone deep inside yet.  He was taking his time.  I didn’t know what was making me wet.  Trent delicately kissing me or Kevin putting his dick up my ass. 

I managed to have a little breather as Trent let go off my head and Kevin thrust in deeper.

“Give it to her good Kevin” Trent said as he looked into my eyes.  Our eyes froze as Kevin took his dick out and then thrust it hard inside of me. 

“Shit, she’s fucking shaking,” Trent screamed as I gripped tight on to the sheets.  The pain was too much.  I felt as if my butt was being ripped apart.

“Put it in again.” Trent shouted out as Kevin took his dick out.  I was relieved for a second.  Only one moment until Kevin thrust it in again.  This time, I didn’t bite my teeth or hold back.  My tits jumped on top of Trent’s chest as I rocked forward.

“Hold her bro,” Kevin shouted as he pumped me like a balloon.  He didn’t stop.  The louder I screamed out.  The more they were both turned on.  Kevin kept pumping my butt whilst Trent started to suck on my breasts.  I was no longer in pain.  It felt like a distant memory as the pleasure took over my mind, body and soul.

I couldn’t even speak, the only thing that escaped my mouth each time was, “Arrrrrhhhh!”

He stopped one time and then he shouted out, “Oh fuck!”  I assumed his reaction was because he came.  He flopped on the bed right next to my feet.  I dropped to the side of Trent, wanting my own space.  I had never wanted to be alone, so much in my life like I did right now.

Trent smacked my butt.  I was exhausted, it had been full blown for the last couple of hours.  Then, he declared with his arms up in the air.  I managed to move my head to the side to see what he was doing, “This is the start of a beautiful friendship!”

He got off the bed and then Kevin followed him, “No, this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”

They laughed as they left the room. I was tired and exhausted from the chain of events.  The last thing that I thought as sleep greeted me was,
beautiful relationship for who? Me? Kevin? Trent? Or both of them?






2.Stepbrother Irresistible

Damon Walton is a cocky, stuck-up asshole who kicked me out of the house like a piece of trash.

He is one of the sexy, senior directors of Walton Industries and I hate him, because he treats me like garbage all the time.  He looks at me as if the sight of me stings his eyes.  When, I speak to him, he makes me feel like I’m talking crap all the time.  Damon wants to be the only one speaking and everyone should agree, especially me.  So, I called him a stuck-up prick.  Sure, I crossed the line.  Someone had to put him in place. Just so happens that left me homeless on the street.

The first time he had a full conversation with me, it involved throwing me a bone and telling me to bury it.  I wanted to die; I had never been so humiliated.  So, why do I find myself attracted to the one man I couldn’t stand.

Charles Walton swept mom off her feet when he nearly knocked her over whilst leaving her shift at Walmart.  Charles is completely different from Damon and I thought that I would fit in nicely in my new life.  Damon made it clear that I couldn’t unless he let me stay in the house following his rules.



“Afternoon, Caine,” I said as I hugged the butler.  I had been thrown out the house like trash two days again.  Now, I was back again.  Summoned by his royal highness, Damian aka my stepbrother.  After mom and his dad came back from their cruise to discover I had been kicked out of the house.

I had nowhere and he knew it the moment he threw me out. 

“He doesn´t have to know,” I winked as Caine hugged me back. 
God knows that I need someone to back me up.  Today was going to be tough!

I looked down the hallway with the family photos of Charles, my stepdad and his deceased wife and Damon on the wall.  None of me or Mom.  It was as if we were one of the staff.  I knew that Damon would tell his dad some crap when they realized I wasn´t in the house.  Mom called and said that he claimed that I tried to seduce him.  She screamed down the phone, trying to figure out where I was and where I was staying.  I told her with a friend.  It was a lie.  I knew once she came back from the cruise that I would be allowed back in.  I couldn´t sleep in my car forever.

“I´ll announce your arrival,” Caine as he held my hand and we walked through the hallway.  “He´s in the study.” He said.  I already knew Damon would be in there that was all he ever did. Work.  At home in the study working or in the office or travelling for work.  He was obsessed; it was almost as if he wanted to take his dad´s place. He couldn´t, Charles was still CEO and he wasn´t ready to give up that position no matter how hard Damon tried to take it off him.

If he wasn´t my stepbrother then I would fancy him big time.  He was tall, dark and handsome.  The kind of guy that I would have on my bedroom wall as a kid. He could easily have been a model or an actor with his looks.  Beneath those dark eyes and hair, there was rage.

Something dark inside of him.  A family secret I´m sure.  One that I intended to find out what it was in time.  His dad, Charles was the complete opposite.  The life of the party.  Whenever he was at home, there was joy in the house.  Whenever Damon was around it was just cold.

Don´t get me wrong, he wasn´t rude to the staff.  He treated all of them with respect.  Including Caine,  who had practically raised him up as his own son.  His dad was always away on business.  When the bullies started picking on Damon, Caine was there to put them in line.  When, he graduated from High School.  Caine was there in the front row.  He respected him, probably even loved Caine.  I only found out from Dana, one of the house staff.  She loves to talk.  The only thing she never revealed is what really happened to Damon´s mom.

“Miss Sophia Lockwood, is here sir.” Caine announced as he walked into the room.

“Okay, Caine. Show her in.” I heard his voice and I got goose pimples.  I didn´t want to walk in.  Mom had said my instructions were clear. I was to apologize to him and then I would move back in.  I had done nothing wrong. 

So, that wasn´t exactly true.  I called him a ´Stuck up prick´.  Two nights ago, I went to class.  I´m studying to be an architect.  After, I managed to grab a sandwich before I went to work at the call center.  I finished up work and came home.  I went straight to the refrigerator.  Yep, I was that hungry.  I saw the last piece of chicken and risotto and it went straight from the plate to my mouth.  I didn´t even heat it up. 
I was that hungry!
  I didn´t even notice that Damon was in the kitchen.  Then, I heard him shout out, “Grab a bone.  You´re eating like a dog.”

The bone hit my face and then he walked up to me by the kitchen counter and said, “Eat it off the floor!”

I stood shocked by his words. I had been nothing but polite to him since we moved into the house a couple of months ago.  All he ever did was give me dirty looks or ignore me.  He treated the staff better than he did me.  Anyway, this is when I got mad. 

“I´m hungry. So what? Shut up, you stuck up prick!” I replied and continued to eat from the plate.  This is when he took another bone threw it at me and said that I should eat the bone.

I grabbed my purse and stormed out of the house.  I went to hang out at Marsha´s for a bit.  We work together at the call center.  She said that he obviously fancies me.  Damon was acting like a kid on the playground, pretending that he didn´t like me.  I told her straight about the way when he does talk to me, it is as if I am beneath him.  If he does look at me, it is as if it hurts his eyes. I´m not the most beautiful girl in the world. Sure, I could do with a few extra pounds.  I have a handful of breasts and that is about it.  Everything, is practically flat.  Even my ass.  Anyway, I went back home after cooling down and my things were outside the gate.

I buzzed, so they could let me in. Damon answered the telecom.  He said, “Did you get your bone?”

Sure enough on top of my things was the same chicken bone.  The lights were strong outside so I could see it clearly.  I thought it was some kind of sick joke.

I replied, “Sure….”

He screamed down the intercom, “Well go bury it!” Then the lights went out.  That was the last time I was in the house. Two days ago, right now it felt like a lifetime.  Sleeping in the car hadn´t been fun.  I could have called mom, but since they got married they hadn´t been on honeymoon.  Charles had been promising mom for months and finally they got to go on their cruise for two weeks.  I didn´t want to spoil the fun.  I knew once mom got back things would settle and I would move back in the house.  Mom was an only child.  We had no close relatives.  It was always just me and her.  I had nowhere to go.  It felt logical just to wait until she got back, studying takes up all my cash.  I knew once she came back things would be better, or at least I hoped it would be.

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