Romance: First Time and Pregnant With The Navy Seal (Stepbrother, Military, Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Romance: First Time and Pregnant With The Navy Seal (Stepbrother, Military, Romance)
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              Rob was stunned at her reaction as he thought she was still upset with him, a puzzled look came across his face as he stared in to the sparkling light blue pools she had for eyes. Sensing his confusion she decided to explain, "I'm sorry about the other night. It wasn't your faulty or anything you did, it was just me. It was all in my head." Rob felt a little better after her brief explanation but some things were still not adding up. "I do love you, and I do want to be with you. I don't care if we're step siblings, I don't care if we're related. The only thing I care about, the only thing I want is you." she passionately explained as Rob listened on intently. They both embraced and hugged one another tightly before kissing each other deeply once more. After several moments of heated kissing Rob broke their embrace as he was still puzzled as to what had upset her so much just a few days ago.




              He grabbed her firmly by her petite shoulders and looked in to her eyes once more, she seemed a little frightened as his dark eyes appeared to pierce through her soul. He loosened his grip on her before asking, "So what had you so troubled and upset the other night? Was it something I did? Was it something I said?" she frantically shook her head no as her precious eyes began to well up with water once more. "Whatever it is you know you can tell me. I'm here for you Andrea." Rob said with assurance in his voice to his step sister.


              She looked up in to his face with tears running down her cheeks before finally speaking, "No Rob it wasn't you or anything you did, it was all me." she sobbed as Rob looked on still confused at what had caused all of his heartache in her. "I wanted so badly to give myself to you the other night, but I was afraid." Andrea looked down as she sobbed even harder upon finishing her sentence. "Afraid? Of what? Of me?" Rob asked with frustrated confusion in his voice. "No!" Andrea yelled as she cried into her hands. "No Rob, I was afraid because it would have been my first time. I'm a virgin." she looked down once more and attempted to hold back her tears and embarrassment.


              Rob laughed and smiled to himself as he was relieved that it wasn't more of a serious or life and death situation. He cradled her face delicately with his strong firm hands and lifted her head up to meet his, "It's okay Andrea, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be here whenever you're ready. Don't be embarrassed of worried about it, everything will be fine." with that being said the two embraced and kissed once more before deciding to head inside for some breakfast.




              The next few weeks went by and they spent almost every minute together it was clear that they were in love, and even though they did receive some dirty looks from their neighbors and get belittled by their family for their taboo romance neither seemed to care or mind. They enjoyed each other's company and they enjoyed being together. They would go out to the park in the afternoons and walk around the lake or go bike riding and in the evening they would got out to eat or catch a movie.


              Other nights they were perfectly content to stay inside and just lounging around the house all day. Both of them had never been happier, the most special and romantic thing about their whole time together was that they never became intimate. There was never any intercourse and although Rob craved it dearly he never once pushed of forced the issue, instead the two resorted to passionate kissing and the occasional heavy petting. They even elected to continue sleeping in two different rooms in two different beds just to eliminate any chance of them doing something that Andrea wasn't quite ready for.




              After one exceptional day together though, everything changed. It was a beautiful day together and they had a great time as usual. When it was time to turn in for the night they gave each other a kiss and then retreated to their rooms. As Rob laid there he heard his door creak open followed by the light dainty foot steps of Andrea tip toeing toward his bed side. Soon she was right next to him and he heard her whisper, "Are you awake?" Rob turned to his side and looked her in her beautiful eyes as the moon light pierced in through his curtains. Andrea smiled warmly and confidently at him before declaring, "I want to give myself to you, and I want to give myself to you tonight." Rob grabbed her petite frame and flung her onto the bed with him as he began kissing her frantically and wildly. He licked and sucked on her neck as she laid beneath him and his masculine body. She could feel his cock begin to rise under his clothes as he started to dig in to her leg, she moaned at the feeling and wondered what he would feel like in side of her.



              Rob frantically began removing his clothing as his erection began throbbing beneath the wicked confinements of his pants. He ripped off his clothes before turning his attention to his woman who herself had already entered his room completely naked and she laid there waiting for her rugged, scarred, handsome, ex Marine to devour her body.


              He slowly slithered up her body and their mouths met once more, this time Andrea playfully bit his bottom lip as he pulled away. She wanted more, she always loved the passionate way he would kiss her. It was unlike any kiss she had ever experienced, the passion, the pain, the love that he put into his kisses was real and it sent shivers down her spine. He came down on to her mouth with his once more, the two kissed more and more sloppily the longer the kiss lasted. Both were content in the amount of saliva that was being exchanged between the two. Rob felt Andrea's cool, soft touch land on his rock hard shaft as she grabbed it firmly before rubbing it on her dripping wet slit. He grunted with pleasure as she used him as her toy for several minutes.



              With her hands on his cock she rubbed it up and down on herself but never allowing penetration. Rob was up on his hands as she used his erection as a dildo, he was holding himself up in the military push up pose and Andrea looked up at him as if to tell him he better not let go. Rob did as she insisted, he was sure that she was scared about having sex for the first time and wanted to make sure that she was fully comfortable and at ease before any penetration would take place. She seemed to enjoy playing this game with her step brother, toying with and teasing his shaft. It amused her and also allowed her to work up even more passion and courage for her first experience.


              The teasing continued as she was really enjoying how turned on it was making and the both of them. With Rob still up in his push up pose she slowly rubbed his leaking cock head up against her yearning clit. She threw her head back and dug it in to the pillow as the sensation was almost too much for her to bare. Rob was desperate now, all he wanted was to be inside her beautiful pink pussy, finally Andrea allowed him access as she spread her legs and thighs wide for him. He came down from his push up ready position and shoved his manhood deep inside of her waiting virginal mound. It was a tremendous relief for the both of them, they both sighed and moaned in ecstasy as his thick memeber penetrated her moist labia for the first time.




              He thrust himself deep in to her womanhood and she grabbed for the pillows and sheets behind her head, anything to brace herself as she was experiencing the joy and intimacy of intercourse for the first time, and with the man she loved more than anything in the world. He pumped himself again and again into her moistness, both lovers making pleasurable sounds and moans in response to what their bodies were feeling. Rob started off slow until he knew his step sister beneath him could handle the full force of his raging erection. She screamed and moaned initially when he first penetrated her moistness but soon he cries of pain turned to moans of passion and un describable pleasure. The beaming full moon began to peek through their shades as their two bodies collided in sexual pleasure. His thick, masculine frame towered over and engulfed her petite, feminine body.


              Their two bodies intertwining and becoming tangled created a beautiful visual as the moon continued to glow and its radiant glow began to fill the room and cast shadows upon their nude bodies. Rob continued to thrust himself in to his lover below as she arched her back and thrusted her hips towards his thick erection, allowing for greater penetration as they both were nearing climax. She gripped the pillows and sheets even tighter now as her orgasm was mere moments away, even grabbing one pillow form behind her and throwing it across the room as her beautiful, curvaceous body experienced an explosion of orgasmic bliss deep within her. Rob wasn't far behind and as Andrea screamed and yelled her body curled and his did the same as he shot a passionate load of his hot seed deep inside of her.




              He collapsed on top of her luscious body and remained inside of her for several minutes, she held his body tightly and brought it in close to her. The warm embrace she gave him brought a sense of calm and peace to the troubled ex Marine. As he laid there on top of her he thought to himself how incredibly lucky he is to have such an amazing woman by his side.


              He slowly pushed himself off of her before giving her a loving kiss on her plump lips followed by a soft romantic peck on her forehead. He gently pulled out of her and rolled to the side. They stayed laying there for some time, just wrapped up in each other's arms staring up at the ceiling. Rob loved that Andrea never tried to push him or prod him about what his nightmares entailed, she was content just being there for him and knew that if and when he wanted to talk that he eventually would.


              That meant more to Rob than anything she could ever do or say and as the lovely Andrea laid there with her hand on his chest he leaned in close and gave her another peck on the cheek, it was his way of saying thank you. Thank you for being there, and thank you for loving me.



              That was the only time the two taboo lovers engaged in sexual intercourse and a couple of months had passed without any more of that deep intimacy that they had experienced on that one romantic and special night. Rob decided not to push the issue or bring it up as he was sure she would eventually address it, he just figured she was still uneasy about the whole thing and left at that. Besides, he was content on just being with her.


              He had to give her credit to as after that night she decided that they would sleep in the same room and bed from now on so all in all everything was going pretty well for Rob and his step sister lover. He laid down that night alone as Andrea was staying up to finish another one of her paintings and as he laid his head down on the pillow an overwhelming sense of contentment and happiness washed over him. He slowly closed his eyes before peacefully drifting off to sleep.



              His head was plunged deep in to the icy water then pulled back out and plunged once more in to the frigid water. The rebels pulled his head back once again before punching him violently in the lips, his head whipped to the side and blood went flying out of his mouth landing on the cold barren floor beneath him.


              It's every Marine's worst nightmare, getting caught behind enemy lines with no support, no help coming. He made an awful mistake, allowing himself to be taken alive. He swore to himself that he would never let this happen, but yet here he was. Doomed to endure hours of punishment and torture now with no hopes of a peaceful end.


              The rebels yelled in his face incoherently before plunging his bleeding head in to the freezing water again. He kept his eyes open under the water and hoped for salvation, hoped for a way out, hoped for the impossible. Suddenly he heard the comforting sound of military choppers hovering over head, was he imagining this? Was this a dream, was he simply hallucinating now after hours of torture?




              Gun fire rang out through the deep, lush jungle. Screaming and panic filled the room as he heard the rebels yelling and issuing commands to one another. Rob tried the best he could to open his swollen eyes to try and make out what was happening around him but to no avail. He had been so badly beaten that seeing anything wasn't an option right now. Instead he would have to rely on his hearing, gunfire continued to hail down from what he only had hoped was his Marine brothers coming to extract him. Rob sat there kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back and his eyes beaten shut and began to pray.


              He wasn't a religious man but he needed all the help he could get. If there was a God hopefully he would hear him and this would be his salvation. He heard soldiers hit the ground and start storming the compound where he was being held, closer and closer they came as the sound of assault rifle fire became louder and more clearer.


              His captives were scurrying around trying to prepare for the inevitable breach that was about to happen. Suddenly there was a loud thud and the door came flying open, gunfire and yelling could be heard but nothing coherent enough for him to know who was at the door. Then a couple loud bangs and smoke filled the air as an intense ringing vibrated through his ears and the smoke filled his lungs. They had to of used flash bangs and that was what he was experiencing, and as quickly as it all started it had ended. Silence filled the room and all he could hear was the familiar hum of a helicopter waiting outside. "Rob?! Rob!? Rob!? Can you hear me??!"

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