Roll With It

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Authors: Nick Place

BOOK: Roll With It
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To my awesome boys, Will and Macklin.

To Chloé.

And to all of those who have been with me for the journey.
Chips, Shonko, Annie, Ronnie P and Patricia Rivers.
Amanda, Rich G, Rich H, Katey and everybody else.

Your support and love got me here. Thank you.


Title Page

A perfect shot

Reality bites

Ghosts and dreams

Life in the saddle

Friends of the planet

Riding with Rocket

Car shopping with the Wild Man

Lance Armstrong

Laver’s day off

The Devil’s Mockery

Showdown at the Soul Food Café

Spider senses

A nasty accident

Questions without answers

The Vegie Bar

The Mutant Children of Ossie Ostrich

Lost in Siberia

The Grevillea wing

Doing the Kew conga

Sewer life

The naked koala

The Vegie Bar, take two

Code 33

Stig cops a bullet

Nightmare Scenario

In the dark

It was probably nothing

A social call

The wallet

One minute to midnight

Taking care of business

77 Sunset Strip

Incident on Rathdowne

Punching your weight

The perfect shot (reprise)


Copyright Page

Under different conditions, it might have been considered
the perfect shot. People win gold medals in the Olympics for worse shooting.

The bullet had entered the body under the arm on the right-hand side and passed through both lungs, as well as the heart, before hitting a rib and deflecting almost exactly 90 degrees south, taking out several vital organs in the stomach region. But here’s where the shot became close to magical. It ricocheted precisely off the top of the hip and pinballed straight up, actually leaving the body on its upward trajectory just long enough for the victim, in the process of looking down to see if he’d been shot, to receive the bullet right between the eyes. It then passed through his skull and nestled contentedly in the brain.

Needless to say, the victim, a known armed robber called Wesley Coleman, twenty-nine, of Thomastown (or the late ‘Wasted Wes’ as his motley crew of criminal friends would briefly mourn him) was dead long before his body made it to the tarmac of the airport car park.

His soul? Who can say? Maybe rising above his corpse to find his dead mother there, arms crossed and scowling at him, saying, ‘So, that’d be right. Shot dead in a fucking car park.’

Back on earth, Detective Tony ‘Rocket’ Laver had a different set of problems, the first of which was that he was unlikely to be awarded any medals, gold or otherwise, for dusting a lowlife career criminal like Coleman.

In fact, Laver was trying to come to terms with the fact that less than three minutes ago he’d been asleep – and now he’d killed somebody for the first time in a fourteen-year police career.

It wasn’t unreasonable that he’d been dozing on the job, despite the fact that he was kneeling in all-blue Special Operations Group overalls, feet spread to balance the load of equipment and Kevlar protective padding strapped to his body, his arms holding a high-calibre, fast-action semi-automatic rifle. Laver was Major Crime these days, right now part of a joint operation, but had spent enough time in the SOG to know what it was to wait, and how to switch on and off as required. Laver could sleep literally anywhere.

As it was, he’d been either squatting or kneeling in the unmarked delivery van for the best part of two days, with no sign of the armed robbery the surveillance dogs kept assuring them the gang was doing nothing but talk about. In the long-term car park of Tullamarine Airport, cars roamed aimlessly, looking for parks less than three suburbs from the terminals. There was the semi-regular rush of a plane in take-off. The distant hum of the freeway. Laver had closed his eyes to rest, confident that when the call came he’d be sharp.

So it was a shock to hear the barked ‘Ready?’ from his partner that day, SOG member Nathan Funnal; Laver’s eyes flew open, his heart rate ramming from asleep to close to capacity in less than a second. Which, of course, it had done plenty of times before.

‘They’re here?’ Laver blinking and trying to get a look at Funnal, jammed between him and the door in the cramped space of the van.

‘Yeah, Rocket. Haven’t you been listening to the dogs tracking them here for the last five minutes? What were you, asleep?’

‘Don’t be stupid.’ Laver creaked off his knees to his feet, took a step back for a little more room, crouched, did some squats to get his legs moving and flexed his grip on the gun. ‘Vision?’

‘Nope. They’re just pulling in off the freeway now.’

‘And the van?’

‘Just pulled in to the armoury, twenty metres to our right.’ Funnal looked hard at Laver. ‘You fucking were asleep. You’re unbelievable.’

Laver grinned. ‘It’s all good, Spider. I’m wide awake now.’

Funnal, lanky and rail thin, all arms and legs under his Kevlar, shook his head in grudging admiration, peering out the tiny crack strategically placed in the apparently empty delivery van. ‘Well, you better be awake enough to hit them hard and fast. If we can get them on the ground before they get their guns raised, we’re a chance of getting out of this with no shots.’

Laver feeling his heart pumping now. Not sharing his partner’s optimism. This gang had carried off five armed robberies on armoured vans and had killed three guards in the process. The police had finally made some inroads and started surveillance a month ago. The gang was a collection of hardened criminals with some dubious views on sexual equality, racial harmony and paying tax, if you went by their daily banter. It had also become clear that they were actually looking forward to the day a cop tried to foil one of their robberies; facing off against rent-a-security-guards was getting old.

Now a light-blue 80s-model Ford cruised through the lanes of parked cars, heading towards the cash armoury at the back of the car wash. Tullamarine Airport management had hoped this location would make it less obvious as a target for robbers, when in fact they’d made it pleasantly accessible and away from crowds.

A radio squawking on Laver’s hip: ‘Spider? Rocket? You good to go?’

‘Affirmative, Doc. Say the word.’

Funnal motionless by the door. Laver, squatting beside him, moving his hand back off the radio to his gun. Locking eyes, not needing to see the crooks now. Doc doing that for them.

‘Go! Go! Go!’

Funnal crashed open the van’s door and they exited, low, crouched but running fast, aware of the similar blue-clad figures coming from the south and north, at tangents so no officers could be in the background of potential shots. The five bandits, barely out of their car, guns still dangling at knee height, taking the crucial half-second to register and react that they always did. By which time police guns were all over them.

One robber taking half a step to run but two SOG officers flanking him before he completed the thought, screaming at him to stay where he was, to drop the gun, to freeze.

Laver looking down the barrel of his gun as he slowed to a walk, still registering the four remaining, frozen bandits. Suddenly aware of one of them, the one with the bad afro hairstyle, raising his gun towards him. Laver yelling what he should yell, but the next few moments were strangely without sound. Not hearing his own voice, telling Coleman to drop it. Not hearing anything that Coleman yelled back, registering spittle flying from the man’s mouth. Seeing the oddly silent flash of Coleman’s gun and feeling the searing rush of something impossibly fast passing his right ear.

Wondering why he had let himself wait so dangerously long, surprised that he had such an aversion to killing now it came to it, after fourteen years of wondering what the moment would be like. Laver still in his cocoon of silence as he squeezed the trigger and watched Coleman jerk, spasm and fall right in front of him. Laver with no doubt he’d killed the man.

Fourteen years of carrying a gun, even doing his time in the Special Operations Group where wearing Kevlar and kicking in doors, guns drawn, was a standard work day. Being there as people died. Like the time Laver had entered a room only to find the serial rapist he was pursuing was hiding behind the door, shotgun ready. Laver swinging around to watch in mild surprise as his SOG partner, from outside a window and with a better view, unloaded eight rounds into the crim. The man had barely twitched – in fact, he’d been so still as the bullets hit that Laver had wondered if his partner had somehow missed. But he hadn’t, not once. It wasn’t like in the movies, where bodies get blown dramatically backwards. The rapist just froze, then toppled over.

Coleman got thrown around a little more by the magically perfect ricocheting bullet, but he was still very dead – and Laver didn’t think for a moment that he would get any medals for it.

Instead, his ear still humming from Coleman’s bullet, Laver saw his future in a flash, as though a TV news headline had been beamed into his head: ‘Public and political outcry as sixth Victorian police officer in four months shoots to kill.’

Looking at Coleman’s body, listening to the final barking orders of his SOG teammates telling the captured crooks to lie flat, to put their arms behind them, to not move a muscle while they were cuffed, Laver realised he was hearing again. Even so, he felt more than heard the approach of his best mate in the Force, Detective Senior Sergeant Mitchell Dolfin, usually Major Crime, currently with the Noble Taskforce into organised crime, gun dangling in his right hand by his hip.

Dolfin walked past Laver towards Coleman and gently nudged the lifeless form with a steel-capped boot.

‘You let him get a shot off.’

‘I know,’ Laver said. ‘I don’t know why.’

‘One thing’s for sure, Rocket old boy.’ Dolfin put a hand on Laver’s shoulder. ‘You picked a bad time to lose your virginity. Will I call the press conference or do you want to?’


The Wild Man had an aversion to flying, and so they drove. The Wild Man fundamentally refused to believe that something as big and heavy and metal as an airplane could fly. So it stood to reason that any plane with him on board, honestly believing it physically impossible for the plane to be airborne, would probably crash. Eighteen hours and four cars later, they were almost through New South Wales, approaching the Victorian border. Stig had taken the coast road to avoid cops on the Hume Highway, sitting on 140 ks as they left Eden. He might grab another car around Cann River, or see if they could make it as far as Gippsland before they switched. Let the Wild Man terrify some holidaymaker in Lakes Entrance, just for the sport.

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