Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions (2003) (42 page)

BOOK: Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions (2003)
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Global Economic Prospects 2002: Making Trade Work for the World’s Poor
. World Bank, November 2001

35.  Calculated from statistics gathered from the United Nations Statistics Division and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

36.  Millman, Joel. ‘A Good Job Spoiled: The Golf Exodus.’
The Wall Street Journal
. July 24, 2002, p. A12.


1.  Bamberger, Robert. ‘Automobile and Light Truck Fuel Economy: Is CAFE Up to Standards?’ CRS Report for Congress. Updated August 3, 2001

2.  Ibid

3.  Ibid

4.  Lancaster, John. ‘Debate on Fuel Economy Turns Emotional.’
Washington Post
. March 10, 2002, p. A12; and ‘Hooray, down goes CAFE.’
The Washington Times
. March 15, 2002, p. A20

5.  Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. ‘Gasoline Prices in Japan Increase Slightly.’
Japan Auto Trends
. June 2000, Vol.4, No.2

6.  International Energy Agency. ‘Energy Prices and Taxes Quarterly Statistics 2002.’

7.  Ibid

8.  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation

9.  International Energy Agency (IEA). ‘Electricity Information 2002.’

10.  Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (Japan) ‘Energy in Japan 2002.’ June 2001

11.  The Energy Conservation Center Japan. ‘World Primary Energy Consumption per GDP.’ Energy Conservation Databook 1999⁄2000

12.  Hu, Patricia S. ‘Estimates of 1996 U.S. Military Expenditures on Defending Oil Supplies from the Middle East: Literature Review.’ Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Revised August 1997

13.  Steckel, Richard H. ‘A History of the Standard of Living in the United States.’ EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. July 22, 2002;⁄encyclo-pedia⁄

14.  Adams, Sean Patrick. ‘The U.S. Coal Industry in the Nineteenth Century.’ EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. January 24, 2003.

15- U.S Environmental Protection Agency. ‘Imprint of the Past: The Ecological History of New Bedford Harbor.’ April 22, 2002.⁄nbh⁄html⁄whaling.html

16.  Steckel

17.  Much of this account of the history of the oil industry is from David Yergin’s Pulitzer prize-winning book,
The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991). It is highly recommended for those who wish to read a thoroughly detailed account of the oil industry

18.  Yergin, p. 30

19.  Steckel

20.  Yergin, p. 208

21.  Ibid., 178, 183

22.  Ibid., pp. 379

23.  Ibid., pp. 208-209

24.  Ibid., p. 551

25.  Ibid., p. 553

Historical Statistics of the United States: From Colonial Times to 1970
. Series M 138-142, in Part 1, p. 593; Series M 178-187, in Part 1, p. 596. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC. 1975

27.  Yergin, p. 567

28.  Ibid., p. 567

29.  Ibid., p. 567

30.  Ibid., p. 568

31.  Ibid., p. 157-164

32.  Ibid., p. 425

33.  Ibid., p. 555

34.  Ibid., p. 601

35.  Ibid., pp. 616

36.  Ibid., p. 635

37.  Ibid., p. 428

38.  Ibid., p. 553

39.  Acheson, Dean.
Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department
. New York: W.W. Norton, 1987. p. 568

40.  Yergin, p. 718

41.  Nauman, Matt. ‘Sales, Demand Pick Up for Hybrid Cars.’
San Jose Mercury News
. January 4, 2003

42.  Energy in Japan, MITI. June 2001

43.  Yergin, p. 655

44.  Energy Information Agency (EIA) Country Analysis Brief, France; www.eia.⁄emeu⁄cabs⁄france.html

45.  IEA. ‘Saving Oil and Reducing C02 Emissions in Transport: Options and Strategies.’ OECD⁄IEA 2001, p. 23

46.  Energy Information Administration. ‘World per Capita Primary Energy Consumption (BTU), 1980-2000’;⁄pub⁄international⁄iealf⁄tableelc.xls

47.  Yergin, p. 617

48.  Ibid., p. 660

49.  Ibid., p. 660

50.  Ibid., p. 660-661

51.  Ibid., p. 663

52.  Ibid., p. 695-696

53.  EIA. ‘World Primary Energy Consumption per Dollar of Gross Domestic Product, 1980-2000.’

54.  EIA. ‘Country Analysis Brief, Canada.’ December 2002

55.  Environmental Law Reporter. ‘The National Energy Plan: Hitless After the First Inning.’ 1977; Romm, Joseph, ‘Needed: A No-Regrets Energy Policy.’
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
. July⁄August 1991, Vol.47, No.6

56.  EIA. ‘World per Capita Primary Energy Consumption (BTU), 1980-2000.’

57.  EIA. ‘Annual Energy Review 1997.’ DOE⁄EIA-0384. July 1998. Table 5.22

58.  EIA. ‘Petroleum Overview 1949-2000.’ Annual Energy Review 2000, p. 123

59.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ‘U.S. Average Horsepower of a New Vehicle.’ Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends through 1996. EPA⁄AA⁄TDSG⁄96-01

60.  EIA. ‘U.S. Retail Price of Electricity.’ Annual Energy Review 1997. DOE⁄EIA-0384. July 1998. Table 8.13

61.  Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. ‘Efficiency of an Average New Refrigerator in the U.S.’
Refrigerators Energy and Consumption Trends
. July 14, 1997

62.  ‘Strategic Petroleum Reserve.’ U.S. Department of Energy,⁄spr

63.  Romm, 47:6

64.  Yergin, p. 769

65.  Ibid., p. 769

66.  Ibid., p. 769

67.  Sullivan, Allanna. ‘Energy Options: It Wouldn’t Be Easy, but U.S. Could Ease Reliance on Arab Oil-Natural Gas, Domestic Wells, Soviet Output Could Help if Price Gets High Enough – Don’t Count on Windmills.’
Wall Street Journal
. August 17, 1990, p. Al

68.  Yergin, p. 772

69.  Yergin, p. 773; and Romm

70.  Clark, Mark T. ‘The Trouble with Collective Security.’
. March 22, 1995, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p. 237

71.  Romm

72.  Ibid

73.  Brown, Lester R, Gary Gardner, and Brian Halweil. ‘16 Impacts of Population Growth.’
The Futurist
. February 1, 1999

74.  Moriz, Ernest J. ‘Energy Security.’ Congressional testimony by Federal Document Clearing House. June 15, 2000

75.  Schulman, Bruce J. ‘The Energy Crisis: America Has Mothballed Its Cardigan Sweater.’
Los Angeles Times
. May 13, 2001

76.  Schneider, William. ‘America Keeps on Trucking.’
National Journal
. March 23, 2002

77.  Ibid

78.  United Nations. ‘World Population Prospects, The 2000 Revision.’ Volume 1: Comprehensive Tables. New York, 2001

79.  Morse, Edward L. and James Richard. ‘The Battle for Energy Dominance.’
Foreign Affairs
. March⁄April 2002

80.  Ibid

81.  Ibid

82.  Woolsey, R. James. ‘Spiking the Oil Weapon.’
Wall Street Journal
. September 19, 2002, p. A16; and Morse, p. 16

83.  Dickey, Christopher. ‘The Once and Future Petro Kings.’
. April 8 – 15, 2002, p. 40

84.  Schneider

85.  Hebert, H. Josef. ‘Senate Rejects Tough New Automobile Fuel Economy Standards.’ Associated Press. March 13, 2002

86.  Lovins, A. ‘Old Problems, New Solutions.’
World Link
. July⁄August 2002

87.  Ibid

88.  Woolsey, p. A16

89.  Lacayo, Richard. ‘Buildings that Breathe: The Best of the New Architecture Uses Nature Instead of Fighting It.’
. August 26, 2002, Vol.160, No.9, p. A36

90.  ‘Fuel Cell Industry Is on the Verge of Commercial Ignition.’
Manufacturing News
. July 16, 2002, p. 9

91.  ‘War Proponents, Opponents Lobby to Influence FY-04 Budget.’
Inside the Pentagon
. January 30, 2003, Vol.19, No.5.


1.  Dickey, Christopher and Adam Rogers, et al. ‘Smoke and Mirrors: The World Reacted in Outrage when President Bush Last Summer Spurned the Kyoto Treaty to Cut Emissions. His New Plan Won’t Make Him Any Friends Either.’
Newsweek International Atlantic Edition
. February 25, 2002

2.  Pianin, Eric. ‘U.S. Aims to Pull Out of Warming Treaty; ‘No Interest’ in Implementing Kyoto Pact, Whitman Says.’
Washington Post
. March 28, 2001

3.  ‘President Bush Discusses Global Climate Change.’ June 11, 2001,⁄news⁄releases⁄2001 ⁄06⁄20010611 -2.html

4.  Christie, Michael. ‘Outrage as U.S. Dumps Kyoto.’
Daily Telegraph
. March 31, 2001

5.  ‘A Dirty Business.’
The Guardian
. March 30, 2001

6.  Pianin, Eric. ‘EPA Chief lobbied on warming before Bush’s emission shift; memo details Whitman’s plea for presidential commitment.’
Washington Post
. March 27, 2001, p. A7

7- Christianson, p. 168-169; and Molina, Mario J. and F.S. Rowland. ‘Stratospheric Sink for Chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine Atom – Catalysed Destruction of Ozone.’
, 249. June 28, 1974, p. 810-812

8.  Christianson, Gale.
Greenhouse: The 200-Year Story of Global Warming
. New York: Penguin Books, 2000. p. 169

9.  Farman, J. C, B.G. Gardiner, and J.D. Shanklin. ‘Large Losses of Total Ozone in Antarctica Reveal Seasonal C0
. 1985, Vol.315, p. 207-210

10.  ‘Causes and Effects of Changes in Stratospheric Ozone: Update 1983.’
National Academy Press
. Washington, DC. 1984

11.  Christianson, p. 194

12.  Ibid., p. 195

13.  Houlder, Vanessa, and Clive Cookson. ‘Goodbye Hole in the Sky.’
Financial Times
. September 21-22, 2002

14.  For an account of the life and work of Fourier, See Chapter 1, ‘The Guillotine and the Bell Jar,’ in Christianson, op. cit., p. 3-12

15.  Christianson, p. 113

16.  Callendar, G.S. ‘The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and Its Influence on Temperature.’ Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1938

17.  Ibid., p. 155-

18.  Ibid., p. 167

19.  Gelbspan, Ross.
The Heat Is On: The Climate Crisis, the Cover-up, the Prescription
. Boston: Perseus Publishing, 1998, p. 136-139

20.  Sarewitz, Daniel, and Roger Pielke Jr. ‘Breaking the Global-Warming Gridlock.’
Atlantic Monthly
. July 2000

21.  Schneider, Stephen. ‘Earth Systems Engineering and Management.’
. January 18,2001

22.  Christianson, p. 171

23.  Kellogg, William, and Margaret Mead.
The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering
. Castle House Publications, 1977

24.  Gelbspan, p. 139

25.  Christianson, p. 216

26.  Ibid., p. 218

27.  ‘International Environmental Conference Urges Tax on Fuels.’
Reuters News
. July 1, 1988

28.  Christianson, p. 197

29.  Christianson, p. 196

30.  Commentary by Richard Lindzen.
Wall Street Journal
. June 11, 2001

31.  Houghton, J. T, G.J. Jenkins, and J.J. Ephraums, eds.
Scientific Assessment of Climate Change: Report of Working Group I
. London: Cambridge University Press, UK. 1990

32.  Christianson, p. 176-177

33.  Ibid., p. 180

34.  Ibid., p. 178

35.  Charvolin, Florian. ‘1970: L’annee cle pour la definition de l’environnement en France.’
Revue d’Histoire du CNRS
. May 2001, No.4

36.  Seib, Gerald F. ‘He’s Against Acid Rain; He’s Also the Enemy, Say Many Environmentalists; He’s John Sununu.’
Wall Street Journal
. March 2, 1990

37.  Nelson, Daniel. ‘The Behind-the-Scenes Battles in the Lead-Up to 1992’s Massive Environment Conference in Rio.’
. March 29, 1991

38.  Mathews, Jessica. ‘Gorilla in the Greenhouse.’
Washington Post
. July 25, 1991

39.  Gutfeld, Rose. ‘Earth Summit Has Put Bush on the Spot: Issue Is Whether to Attend Meeting in Brazil.’
Wall Street Journal
. April 7, 1992

40.  Weisskopt, Michael. ‘Germans Play Lead on Rio’s Stage; With U.S. Sidelined, Europeans Take Initiative on Environment.’
Washington Post
. June 13, 1992; and De-vroy, Ann. ‘Bush Lashes Out at Critics; President Praises Results of Troubled Trip. ‘
Washington Post
. June 14, 1992

41.  ‘A Greener Bush.’
The Economist
. February 15, 2003

42.  Gore, Albert.
Earth in the Balance
. New York: Plume Books, 1993

43.  Combined News Services. ‘Gingrich Flashes His ‘Green’ Card, But Is Color Faded?’
Salt Lake Tribune
. February 17, 1995, p. Al

44.  Rep. Jim Hansen’s letter to his Utah constituents. December 8, 1994

45.  Don Young’s comment to the
Anchorage Daily News, The Spokesman Review
. December 18, 1996

46.  Don Young’s comment to Alaska Public Radio in August 1996.
Salt Lake Tribune
. December 1, 1996

47.  Congressional Record, Government Press Releases by Federal Document Clearing House. January 31, 1996

48.  Gelbspan, pp. 1-3

49.  ‘Scientist Reports Cracking of Antarctic Ice Shelf.’
Global Warming Network Online Today
. March 28, 1995

50.  Gelbspan, p. 15

51.  ‘IPCC Second Assesment Report: Climate Change 1995.’

52.  Szamosszegi, Andrew Z, Lawrence Chimerine, and Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr.
The Global Climate Debate: Keeping the Economy Warm and the Planet Cool
. Study by the Economic Strategy Institute and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. September 1997. p. 14

53.  Gelbspan, p. 4

54.  Christianson, p. 256

55.  Watson, Traci. ‘Global Warming Treaty Hanging in Thin Air.’ USA Today. December 1, 1997, p. 6A

56.  Hall, Mimi. ‘Kyoto-bound Gore Accepts Political Risks in Making Trip. ‘ USA Today. December 2, 1997, p. 8A

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