Rock Hard (30 page)

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Authors: LJ Vickery

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard
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“You fucking whore,” he howled. “He better have taught you some new tricks, or I’ll be carving you up later. Get back over here,” he yelled, grabbing her by the hair.

She followed in a daze, blood dripping from her head, as Gage dragged her from the room.

Marduk watched through the open door. Horrified. He had failed her! Failed his Tess just as he had failed the only other female he had ever cared for. His body grew to epic proportions as he roared, agonized, but all it succeeded in doing was making the collar tighter around his neck.

He watched as Gage punched Tess again, this time with the butt of his knife on the side of her head. Her legs buckled and she went down.

“I’m going to kill you,” Marduk roared and thunder crashed. His elemental self was in full power. “I will eviscerate you and feed you your own entrails!” He heard the man laugh at his threats.

“There won’t be anything left of you by the time boss man, Dagon, gets back. I understand that he’s found something that will do away with you for good,” Gage taunted from the other room.

“Don’t worry though.” His words were meant to torment. “When I’m through with our woman this time, I’ll kill her, and maybe the two of you can reunite in some god-damned heaven.” He laughed, threw Tess up over his shoulder, palmed the six-pack he’d put on the table, and left Marduk alone to writhe in the worst pain he’d ever felt.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Tess was just coming around. She heard Marduk’s bellows of rage following them out to the vehicle. Gage threw her onto the front seat of his truck, zip-tied her hands then her ankles, and climbed in after her. When Gage reached over and gave her a slap on the thigh, Tess recoiled as if burned.

“We’re going to have some fun tonight, baby!”

Although Tess’s head was clearing, she maintained her groggy appearance so she could frantically communicate with a raging Marduk.

Marduk, calm down! You have to listen.

If he hurts you, Tess, I promise he won’t live! Forget that. He’s already a dead man!

Tess let the god rant for another minute.

Okay, he’s toast. I get it. Now, do you want to know which way we’re headed?
How was it that he was thousands of years older than her, and she had to be the mature and responsible one?

We’re taking some back routes to Carmel Road, which means we’re headed north.
Tess took a peek at the speedometer.
We’re not going much over thirty five…Road conditions after all the rain you made are pretty terrible. I’ll probably be in range for another fifteen minutes.
She glanced up surreptitiously at Gage from under her lashes.
I’ll see if I can find out where he’s taking me.

Tess, don’t block me out!
Marduk reacted frantically.
I need to hear your voice to know you’re safe.

I can’t talk to you and him at the same time,
Tess answered him in frustration. She felt better when she had Marduk in her head but knew it wouldn’t help in the long run if he made her panic.
I’ll reach out to you as soon as I know where we’re going.

She ruthlessly cut him off. This was about survival and she had to be strong.

Back at the cabin and crazed out of his mind, Marduk paced the room that he was unable to leave…and he’d certainly tried. Burn marks scored his flesh after multiple attempts to escape had proved futile. He pounded his fists into the walls, blood running freely from his wound and down his back. Feeling helpless was not his strong point. He dropped to the floor, head cradled in his shaking hands.

His ears perked up. What was that vibration? A motorcycle?

Tess’s voice came back.

Marduk! I’ve just heard from Anshar. Enlil and Hux are within five miles of the cabin. They’ll be there soon.

I’ll come for you Tess.
Marduk’s voice was agonized.
Don’t doubt me…I’ll find you.

I know you will, Marduk. I trust you.
She was gone again.

Tess trusted him. It made him want to weep. She had such faith in him when she’d only known him such a short time and, up to this point, he’d failed to protect her. Marduk was humbled by her surety. He vowed that after he rescued her and destroyed Gage, he’d show her just how much she could trust him…in every way.

In the truck, Tess brought her head up slowly as if just waking.

“Well, look who’s joining the party!” Tess was glad Gage couldn’t offer her too much attention. The road conditions and visibility were not the greatest. He seemed to be close to I-95 and biding his time.

“I’m not in a position to take care of you right now, but would you like to know what I have planned?” Tess hated that smarmy cast to his mouth and eyes and longed to rake his hateful face with her nails.

“What? No answer for me?” He stole a glance over at her, and she didn’t bother to disguise the raw enmity in her eyes. “I don’t think I like your new attitude,” he snarled. Without warning, he backhanded her hard. Tess tasted blood in her mouth, but instead of cowering as she would have in the past, she stared at him, hard.

“Does that make you feel strong?” she hissed. “You like thinking you’re so much more powerful than me? Well, enjoy it while you can.” She smiled evilly, blood staining her teeth. Let Gage wonder at the change in her. She hoped it put him on edge.

“That new boyfriend of yours got you thinking that you’re better than you are? Huh? Well, think again, sweetheart. You’re just my whore, and all he got were my seconds. After I’m through with you tonight, there won’t even be any of those left.”

Tess turned her gaze straight forward, sitting as erect as she could possibly get.

“You’re a piece of shit, Gage, and you don’t know anything.” She looked at him slyly out of the corner of her eye. “You just keep it up and let’s see who’s alive at the end of the night, shall we?” She was spooking him; she could see it, speaking so conversationally, almost daring him to hit her again.

“So where are we headed for the fun you’ve promised?” Yup, calm and cool. If her ankles hadn’t been bound, she would have crossed her legs and dangled her shoe off one foot.

Gage turned onto the main highway. Tess could see him trying to regain lost ground, with the road and with his captive.

“You should be fucking begging me to let you go.” He’d always hated her lack of reaction the most. “I’m taking you up to Gulf Hagas to the chasm,” he sneered. “And once we’re there, nobody will hear you scream. I’ll do all the things to your body that I’ve been missing, and then a few more for good measure.” She could feel him willing her to meet his eyes. “You remember our last time, don’t you?” Tess couldn’t suppress a shiver.

“I see you do. Good, because instead of throwing you on the lawn for your family to see, I’ll throw you into the gorge, and nobody will ever know what happened. Maybe they’ll blame your new boyfriend for your disappearance. I’m sure a few words in the right ears would have the authorities interested. If he’s not dead before you,” Gage taunted.

Tess let him go on, knowing she was running out of time to communicate with Marduk.

she called desperately.
Damn! They’d already gone too far. She refused to let panic show on her face. She concentrated harder.

Enlil? Hux?
She was forcing back tears, figuring she was all alone, when it suddenly felt like the world had invaded her brain. Every one of her gods popped into her head.

Keep talking! We’re coming!
She heard words of encouragement and assurance.
Huxley is releasing Marduk as we fly, and the two of them will follow with Enlil on their bikes.
Tess thought that must be Lahar’s voice.

We’re right above you now.
Tess looked up toward the dark sky through the rain drenched windshield and saw nothing, but Marduk wasn’t around to give her vision.

We’ll stay with the truck until physical help arrives and, at the speed they’re going, it won’t be long before you can communicate with them, too. Don’t worry, Tess. We’ve got this.
Anshar’s voice sounded like music to her ears.

I’m worried for them on their bikes in this horrible rain.
Tess was about to insist that Anshar order the three to take it easy.

Was that a chuckle? Anshar again.
It’s only raining where you are.
Tess could picture his smile.

You think I’d let anything happen to my bikes?
Another amused voice, this time Ishkur. Tess was diverted and snorted at the response despite her critical circumstances.

Gage looked toward Tess incredulously. “Are you shitting me? You find something funny?” He reached over and punched her in the ribcage, knocking the breath from her lungs. “Lie down now,” he ordered, pulling her head toward his lap. “We’re coming into a town, and I don’t want anybody getting a look at you.”

Tess gasped back tears and, before her head hit his crotch, she recognized that they were off the interstate. Favoring her ribs, she relished the thought of what was ahead for Gage.

I just saw that bastard punch you!
Enten was enraged.
If Marduk hadn’t called dibs on this guy, rest assured, I would be killing him gladly.

Tess heard a round of agreement from the other immortals and felt her spirits rally.

The front of Gage’s jeans was hardening under her injured cheek. He put his hand down as if to lower his zipper.

“If you so much as let that filthy thing out, I’ll bite you so hard you’ll be peeing out of a dozen holes.”

Gage pushed her head roughly off him, placing his hand back on the wheel.

“We’ll see if you’re so brave later when I reacquaint you with my knife.” He grabbed the side of her breast where he’d left his marks and squeezed the tender flesh painfully. “Or have you forgotten how much fun that can be.”

“Keep talking, Gage.” Tess gritted her teeth. “You’re just asking for additional scoops on your nightmare sundae.”

Every god above hurled outraged threats as they watched Tess’s abuse at Gage’s hands. She felt their anger. Marduk couldn’t come soon enough!

Marduk, Hux, and Enlil rode three abreast through the dark, two visible and one not. They had been in constant contact with the band hovering above the truck since coming within a ten-mile proximity, but when the unstoppable comic prattle of Anshar ceased, Marduk’s fears grew. He knew things with Tess couldn’t be good.

What’s he doing to her, Anshar?
Silence met his plea.
You know I’ll only imagine the worst if you don’t tell me!

He’s beating her,
Anshar admitted, sounding grim.
She has a split lip, probably some busted ribs, and a few bruises in places you won’t like.

Enlil accelerated exponentially. “If I get to him first, I’m not leaving anything for you.” Marduk and Huxley followed suit. The thunder god wished they could take wing, but right now he was grounded. He needed a bike under him when they got near Tess, or he’d be a big splat on the highway. They pushed their rides past 100 mph.

Gage had started up the mountain road when Tess finally heard Marduk’s voice in her head.

We’re closing in, my little mouse,
he stated, voice full of concern.
I estimate eight minutes before we overtake you. Can you brace yourself in any way? I’m afraid your stop might be a little abrupt.

Tess knew he was downplaying the severity of the “stop” he had planned and attempted to get up.

“What do you think you’re doing,” Gage barked, eyes glued to the storm-wracked mountain road.

“Sitting up, if you don’t mind,” Tess muttered. “The bumpy road is a little tough on the rib that you broke.” She reached for the seatbelt with her bound hands.

“It’s a little too late for safety,” he derided, as she clicked it in place.

“You think?” she replied snarkily, keeping her eyes glued to the images flashing past in the side mirror. At the next big break in the trees, she saw two single headlights come up behind the truck. As she watched, they turned into three. She relished her next words.

“Look behind you, Gage.”

Her tormentor glanced in his rear-view mirror and saw the three headlights approaching fast.

“Fuck! How the hell can they be going so fast in this rain?” And just as he said it, the precipitation stopped. Not in that half-assed, piss-for-a-while way that rain usually has. No. It just stopped.

Who’s the best with vegetation?
Tess heard Marduk ask. There was a chorus of voices as several gods called dominion.

Stop bickering!
Marduk was not about to waste time stroking egos.
Dumuzi, throw down a thicket of vines in the road up ahead. Make them dense enough to stop and trap the truck.

Your wish is my very agreeable command.
A half mile up, just as the road turned to dirt, Dumuzi set up a complex net of vegetation that the truck could not possibly escape or avoid.

Gage turned a corner, concentrating on the bikes that were pulling in behind, then yelped as he looked forward at the living wall that rose up before him. He slammed on the brakes, fishtailing the truck and ramming the passenger side hard into the obstruction. His face hit the steering wheel with a distinct crunch. He looked over at Tess, door crushed up against her side, and thought maybe he’d come out the better for it, even not wearing a seatbelt. He dazedly opened his door.

Giant hands surrounded his throat, lifting him off his feet.

“What! What!” he gagged.

“I’m just holding you for a while.” Enlil’s teeth shone evil and sinister in the now moonlit sky. “So someone else can deal with you.” He looked over the top of the truck and met Marduk’s eyes where the thunder god was frantically pulling away vines and tearing at the demolished door to get to Tess. Marduk’s movements slowed when he opened the truck and gentled as he lifted Tess ever so carefully from the wreck. Her eyes were closed, but she spoke, splitting her lip again as she grinned.

“Nice brake-stop guys.”

Dumuzi looked sheepish, but Marduk knew if she was able to sass, she was okay. It was safe to put her into Huxley’s arms while he took care of business.

“I’ll get back to you shortly, my mouse,” he dropped a soft kiss on her head, then assured her, “Don’t think I’m ever letting you go again.”

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