Rock Hard (29 page)

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Authors: LJ Vickery

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard
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Do you want me?
His raspy voice demanded her answer. Marduk’s shoulder was glowing with such intensity that she could see it through his clothes.

“Yes,” she cried, curving up to him, wanting to tell him where to use his thumb, where to plunge his fingers, but unable to form the words. “Yes, touch me, please!” She’d never been on fire like this for another person. She let her inhibitions go and gave herself over to him unconditionally.

Marduk tore the bikini panties from her body, shredding the material with his greed. A small, soft patch of hair beckoned, along with her nether lips, dripping with need. She wanted him now. He could feel it. It was all he could do to keep the pleasure virtual when his cock threatened to burst from his jeans, but Tess needed to feel safe. He had to win her trust. It was just so damned difficult to hold back when everything about her fed his hunger.

Marduk regained some control over his raging passion. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her, now that her responses were so unconstrained. He dialed things back and imperceptibly brushed across her clit with one finger. She screamed and thrashed her head from side to side. There was no mistaking that she craved what he could provide and, when he finally trailed two fingers down her slick crevice, she arched in need.

“Please, Marduk! Please,” she begged.

Marduk roared his pleasure. Tess had finally come alive beneath his hands. He would make this so good for her. He’d make her orgasm so intense that she’d never fear his closeness again. She was ready to come apart right now. He sensed that with one thrust of his fingers, she would shatter into a million pieces, and so most likely would he. Marduk moved away again.

He could hear the gasping, frenzied question in her head.
Where are you going? Why did you stop?
He growled in response and widened her legs, palming her knees and pushing them up toward her chest. Her head rocked back and forth, willing him to continue, and his eyes closed in ecstasy as he caught the rich scent of her arousal. Marduk moved his broad shoulders between Tess’s smooth thighs and, before she could protest, he lowered his head toward the swollen bud poised just above her core.

Tess twitched and tried to move away. My God! What was Marduk doing? Gage had never looked at her…down there, had never been close enough to…taste? She’d heard that men used their mouths on women, and she’d certainly been forced enough times to perform on Gage, but for Marduk to do this willingly? It was beyond her comprehension. Tess tried to overcome the panic rising in her chest.
You can’t possibly want this,
she sent through their mind connection frantically.

Love this,
was the intense response she got back and, before she could protest, he ducked his head down and kissed her long and hard on her slick sex. Oh! Sensations she’d never felt before assailed her trembling body.

His kiss turned to a tantalizing lick, before he moved his mouth to tease and suckle her clit.

Soon, Tess was threading her fingers through Marduk’s long dark hair, holding him to her needful pussy, writhing and wild beneath him. He nibbled and teased. He made moaning sounds of satisfaction as he tasted her again and again. Her core clenched with each pass of his tongue, creating an ever-tightening spiral of pleasure that threatened to burst with the next caress. Just when she thought she could take no more, he moved his mouth away and thrust two thick fingers deep inside her straining channel, and Tess’s world shattered around her.

“Marduk,” she cried out, gasping in delirious shock. Never in her life had she felt anything like this. She’d had no idea that any man could affect her so profoundly. She trembled with after-quakes as her sensitive muscles spasmed around his digits, and she caught the staccato sound of thunder claps, indicative of Marduk’s equal joy. She shivered in delight and awe, thanking Marduk silently for not giving up on her.

I never knew,
she whispered to him, happiness sending tears down her face.
I didn’t know it could be like that.
She came back to herself, feeling the real Marduk wiping moisture from her face.

It will always be like that between us,
he assured her.

Tess couldn’t believe what they’d just done. She glanced down at her intact clothing…or what they just hadn’t done! Her breathing was still ragged, and she was aware that Marduk’s was too. It was the most intense experience of her life, and it had only happened in her head! She knew, at that moment, she couldn’t wait for the real thing. She would never hold back with him again…starting now. She felt bold. She wanted Marduk to feel the same pleasure she’d experienced. For the first time, Tess was suffused with the desire to perform an act that she’d never before done voluntarily. Her mouth watered. She craved the thought of taking care of Marduk.

“You seem to be…umm…in need of a little release yourself,” she teased breathlessly, trailing her eyes over the front of his jeans where his prick remained rigid under now-tight pants; his red glow shone like a night-light between them.

Marduk didn’t want to push his luck. “Don’t worry about me,” he said, gritting his teeth. “I’ve been in worse states.” Just none that he could remember!

“I think turn-about is only fair,” she tantalized, exhibiting a whole new, sexy playfulness that had Marduk enthralled. “This is something I can do,” she assured him. He’d let her experiment a little, then stop her. No need to push things too far.

Marduk lay back, clearing his mind, anticipating how Tess’s thoughts would unwrap his rampant cock, and how her brain might orchestrate his orgasm. Marduk wondered just how long he could last before calling it quits.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when Tess’s free hand released the actual closure on his jeans. He wasn’t imagining this! She wasn’t using her mind. She was really unzipping his pants. He held his breath as she peeled down the elastic waistband of his briefs and cried out when her fingers gently stroked the tip of his moist erection where it swelled insistently above his abdomen.

Gods, how much of this could he take! She ran a finger around the head of his cock, using his own moisture to lubricate the slow path she drew down his length.

When her warm hand curled around his girth, he drew a hiss in between his teeth. He was going to explode any second. He was so close. He thrust up in anticipation, then gasped. Tess had let go! Her fingers were gone. Marduk stilled. Had he scared her? He sucked in a breath. Was she done? Marduk nearly groaned. He was so hard that he hurt.

He clamped down on his frustration and moved to cover himself, but Tess batted his hands away. Every part of him quivered when he realized she wasn’t through. Marduk wondered what she planned next.

Rising above him as far as her tether would allow, she licked her lips. Marduk suddenly understood her intention. “Tess,” he groaned. “I don’t really need this!”

The glow from his shoulder and the violent storm that raged outside indicated to Tess that he did, and nothing in the world was going to stop her. Not even his, gulp, enormous size! His prick was far larger than the only one she could compare it to, but unlike the one in her memory, Marduk’s cock was beautiful. The head was fat, the skin smooth and, as she ran her eyes down the long pulsing vein that led to his balls, she purred with pleasure. This was going to be delicious.

She held his throbbing staff in her hand, hearing his startled grunt as she stroked him with a subtle up and down motion. She couldn’t close her fingers all the way around the rock hard shaft but, by his noises, she was doing just fine.

A nervous tingle ran down her spine at the thought of trying to sheathe him inside her. He was so enormous! Would he even fit? She pushed that thought away. Penetration wasn’t on today’s agenda. Instead, she wondered how much of him she could fit in her mouth. That was definitely on the docket and, for the first time in her life, she couldn’t wait to taste a man, to feel the sleek hardness of his dick against her tongue. She knew sucking him to completion would be pure pleasure. She lowered her mouth.

His ragged moan reached her ears. He was clenching his fists in the blankets, and Tess knew he was forcing himself to lie still.

Was she really willing to do this? Damned right she was! Tess parted her lips and surrounded his engorged flesh. Marduk was being very careful not to lose control, Tess could tell. He wasn’t thrusting upward or holding her head, triggering awful memories. She was completely in charge, and Tess felt suddenly free. Her hand joined her mouth, stroking while she sucked. He was velvet and steal under her lips.

Tess was enthralled by the act. The taste of him, the slickness as she moved up and down his length pure ambrosia. She felt liberated. Tess swirled her tongue around the engorged tip and then sucked him deep toward her throat.

“Move away,” Marduk cried, obviously on the edge. But Tess would not be denied. She felt the imminent pulsing under her lips and refused to let go. As a powerful surge shot from his balls, up through his cock, Marduk’s release exploded into the back of her throat. She greedily sucked, until every bit of him belonged to her. Thunder and lightning rent the sky.

He tasted better than she could have imagined, salty and sweet at the same time, and when his full-body tremors finally subsided, she moved her mouth away and licked her lips. His obvious joy brought her near to tears again, and the ache between her legs begged for the fullness of him deep inside. She wondered how long it would take for him to be up and ready again.

Marduk heard that and saw the sly smile split her face. He would have to say she looked extremely self-satisfied. As for him, he had no words. This was no time or place to fuck, but the next time the opportunity arose…

After she lovingly tucked him back into his pants, he pulled Tess up and gazed down at her in wonder. He stroked her hair, her back, and delighted at how her soft body now trusted and molded perfectly with his. He finally found his voice.

“In the thousands of years that I’ve been alive…” He choked at the emotions zinging through him. “…I can truly say that was the most unbelievable experience of my life.” His glow wouldn’t quit, giving testament to his words. How had he gone his entire, long life without knowing such pleasure, such completeness? The legends had been correct. Sex with your Chosen couldn’t be compared with anything he’d ever experienced. Marduk caressed her head. He could tell she felt a bit embarrassed at his praise and just knew she was about to be cheeky.

“Does that mean I blew you away?” she questioned, that cute dimple making an appearance.

“Fresh,” he said, and claimed her mouth in a molten kiss that, despite his good intentions, threatened to lead to more.

A vehicle door slammed outside.

“Damned bad timing,” he swore, “for us, and for our escape plans. Why couldn’t the asshole have taken a little longer in town? Hux should be here within the hour.”

“Huxley can take care of himself with any human,” Tess soothed. “The only thing we don’t want is Dagon coming too soon.”

“Let’s hope not. As soon as your brother is within range, he’ll communicate on our frequency and we’ll lead him in.” He pulled Tess closer. “You’re right, things will be okay.” Marduk didn’t know whether he was speaking to assure himself or Tess that they would get out of this unscathed.

They heard the door to the cabin open and something heavy being put down. Marduk and Tess lay entwined, waiting to meet their new captor.

The door opened wide framing their visitor.

“No!” Tess gasped in horror.

Marduk wrapped himself more securely around Tess as her body convulsed with a visceral reaction. He held her tight and studied the male who entered. Marduk tensed. His body began to grow and he growled low in his throat.
The brute responsible for Tess’s suffering.

“Well, well.” Gage sauntered in. “Is that the kind of greeting I get from a long lost lover?” He leered at Tess with an oily smile.

“Touch her and die, bastard!” Marduk would not let him near her.

“An empty threat,” Gage jeered. “I understand you’re incapacitated with that collar around your neck.” He removed a knife from his belt and started cleaning his fingernails. Gazing more closely at how they were entwined, Marduk saw displeasure creep across the man’s face.

“The two of you are looking pretty cozy on that mattress,” he continued with a surly tone that made Tess’s body tense up even more under Marduk’s hands. “I’m going to have to take care of that.” He crossed the room, waving the key to her cuffs in his hand.

“And you be nice, sweetheart,” he cajoled in a nasty voice. “I might have to hurt your big man if you fight me.”

Tess had been prepared to kick him as he leaned down, but thought better of it.

Don’t listen to him, Tess. You know he can’t hurt me!
Tess got Marduk’s silent message. She was worried, however, that Marduk’s bleeding would worsen, or that Gage would carve him up more if she disobeyed.

“I’ll behave, Gage,” Tess bit out.

“There’s my good girl,” he sneered and bent, releasing her cuff. “Now stand up and come over here with me.”

Tess forced herself to comply, while her knees shook uncontrollably. Marduk beseeched in her head.
Drop him, Tess! Use the skills your brother taught you. Knock him down and run.

Tess couldn’t do it. She knew Gage well enough to know that he’d take his anger out on Marduk. No, she had to get Gage away from Marduk before she made any move.

I’ll be fine,
she projected back to him.

Tess continued to move across the room until Gage snaked an arm around her waist. He smelled like cigarettes and beer. Gage pulled her into his embrace, and she saw his nostrils flare.

“You smell like sex, you little bitch,” he growled. “Did you just fuck him?”

Tess tried to twist away, but Gage held her tight and thrust a hand down the front of her pants. Tess screamed at the rough abuse. Marduk rose with a roar, but was sent crashing back to his knees, collar sparking and shoulder ablaze.

Gage brought his hand back up wet with the evidence of her desire for Marduk. Spinning her around, he slapped her across the face so hard that she slipped and hit her head on the door frame.

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