Risky Negotiations (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Risky Negotiations
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She had to remind herself that she was putting him out of her life now and had to find other male companions that weren’t so dangerous and didn’t have an ulterior motive. She needed to move on and find someone for herself. But she kept thinking of the men she had dated in the past. They all paled in comparison to Sal. None were as vital, or refined. None were nearly as intelligent as he was either. How could any man compare to him? He was gorgeous, sexy, intelligent…a hard act to follow.


Her phone rang right before she was about to walk out the door for the evening, her sexy new dress swaying around her ankles. It was her sister. “I’m on my way Vic.”


Are you sure you don’t want us to pick you up?” she asked. Victoria couldn’t break the habit of looking after her younger sister, no matter how much Laci grew up.


No. I’ll see you there,” she said, declining the offer of a ride. She wanted to be able to leave whenever she wanted to and not when her sister and brother in law were ready. It was nice that they offered. But since they didn’t know she was going to this party with an important mission, a mission to find someone other than Sal, she wanted to be unencumbered.


She had dressed with care, loving the way the silk moved against her body, shimmering in all the right places. The ball was for a charity to raise money for orphaned children. She knew the person organizing the fundraiser, Alana Mason. They had gone through undergraduate classes together. Laci had kept in contact with Alana through the years and knew she was working hard to get the kids in DC a good home. Apparently, Alana had taken over two orphanages and was making it her responsibility that all the kids got a college education if they wanted one and the best start they could possibly have. She was fighting a hard battle against the orphan stereotype.


When they had been in school together, Alana had been one of the rich girls. Laci had never wanted for anything, but Alana had been a pampered child from the moment she was born. Apparently, Alana was fighting against her father’s wishes by doing this kind of charity work, but Laci was proud of her. Alana had always been a little embarrassed by her family’s wealth. Laci was glad her friend had found a calling.


The ball was being held at the Building Museum in downtown DC. Whenever someone mentioned that there was a building museum, Laci explained that this was Washington, D.C. There was a museum for everything, apparently.


This particular museum wasn’t in the best neighborhood at night, but it was safe enough, being in the middle of several judicial buildings and a police station was headquartered only a few blocks away.


The building was huge. From the outside, it was several stories high and not very impressive. But inside, there were only three floors. Each floor was the equivalent of two normal stories. The floors were held up by dramatic columns and elegant arches, stone steps leading from one to the next with a large fountain right in the middle. The charity ball was being held on the bottom floor and the lights were dim but surrounded by shimmering lights from the chandeliers hanging overhead.


Laci handed her coat to an attendant and went in search of her sister. She ran into her friend Alana first. Alana was dressed beautifully in an elegant, strapless, black silk gown that hugged her figure perfectly. “Laci!” Alana cried as soon as she saw her. “I’m so glad you came. I didn’t think you would!” Alana wrapped Laci in a huge hug, eager to catch up with her college friend.


Laci returned the hug, just as eager to see Alana, wishing they could spend a few hours catching up with what was happening in each other’s lives. Laci knew it would only be a short chat though since Alana was in charge of the whole operation for the night. “Of course I came. And I got my firm to buy several tickets. My boss is probably already here.”


Yes, he arrived about ten minutes ago along with his wife and several other partners. They immediately headed for the bar on the far side of the room,” she said, waiving absently to the opposite end of the building which seemed to be about four football fields long. “And your sister is here as well. Where did she get such a gorgeous husband? I didn’t get a chance to meet him but he seems somewhat familiar,” she said, almost whispering.


Laci laughed. “That’s one of five and they are all gorgeous, especially the oldest.”


Are they all married?” she said, her voice conspiratorial.


Only Thomas, Victoria’s husband.”


Alana laughed. “You’ll have to introduce me to some of them when they arrive.”


I don’t think any of them are coming. I know Sal, the oldest, isn’t coming. His company buys tickets each year but when I spoke to him earlier in the week, he didn’t indicate that he would be able to make it. Probably a date with a model,” Laci joked. But her laugh didn’t hold much humor, even to her ears. Alana smiled but Laci noticed the curiosity in her friend’s eyes.


Alana pulled her along, linking her arm with Laci’s. “Do I detect a bit of jealousy?” she asked.


Laci was shocked that she’d revealed that much, even to her friend. “No. Not at all.” She said hurriedly.


Alana stopped walking and turned to face Laci. After looking at her friend’s face, she nodded as if coming to some conclusion. “I see.”


Laci wasn’t sure what Alana grasped, but she suspected that it was the wrong conclusion. Before she could answer, Victoria flagged her down from across the room. Laci sighed and waived back. “There’s my overly protective sister. I guess I’d better meet her halfway. Otherwise, you’ll have to hear an expert interrogator at work.”


Give me a call soon and we’ll catch up, okay?” Alana said.


Absolutely. I’d like that. I’m dying to hear how you organize things like this,” Laci replied.


After giving Alana one last hug, Laci plastered a smile on her face and moved to greet her sister. She saw Thomas’ look as he noticed her dress and his frown. But she refused to care what her brother in law thought of her dress. It was completely appropriate and even demure next to some of the other women’s dresses she’d seen tonight. “Where’s Sal?” Thomas said as soon as the duo reached her.


From what he told me, he’s not coming,” Laci said firmly, hugging her sister before moving on to hug a still frowning Thomas. “But he doesn’t tell me his schedule so I’m not completely sure,” she finished, feigning a casual attitude. If she couldn’t actually feel indifference over Sal, she could at least present that image to the rest of the world. At least until she found someone else to occupy her mind, she told herself as she mentally squared her shoulders in resolution.


Victoria was watching the two of them and not understanding the silent communications gong on between her sister and her husband. “What’s going on?” she asked suspiciously.


Thomas shook his head. “I was under the impression he would be here,” was all he said.


Those words, simply and softly spoken, were enough to throw Laci completely off balance. “Why do you say that?” she asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. “He told me a few days ago that he only buys tickets to this event. He doesn’t actually attend,” she said, her breath catching in her throat.


Thomas raised an eyebrow before nodding, a small smile playing on the corners of his mouth. “I think he’s planning on coming.”


Laci frantically looked around the room but, since it was so large, there was no way she could see everyone in the crowd. After shaking her head in denial, she pulled herself together. ‘Well, I’m only staying for a short time. I’m sure I’ll probably miss him,” she said, wishing she had a shawl or something to cover a little more skin than the dress was currently doing.


Thomas’ grin got bigger. “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll find you,” was all he said. “Care to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand.


Laci thought about it for a moment. But the look in her brother in law’s face told her he was up to no good. “No thanks. Alana told me I have some co-workers here. I think I should search them out.”


Suit yourself,” he said, openly grinning now. “I’ll let Sal know you’re here.”


Don’t bother. I can’t imagine why he would need to know,” Laci said and turned around immediately, hoping to lose herself in the crowd. She ignored Thomas’ laughter and her sister’s questions as she moved away from them quickly, wondering if she should just leave now in order to avoid Sal.


She really did need to say hello to her boss. Unfortunately, her plan on finding someone to take Sal’s place would have to be put on hold. She didn’t have the courage to see him right now. She was dressed to find a replacement for him. If he showed up, she doubted she’d accomplish her task.


She threaded her way through the crowd, speaking to a few people that she knew. She had searched for about fifteen minutes when she finally found Jim and his wife. He immediately smiled in greeting and introduced her to the group of people he was standing with. One man in particular was openly admiring her during the introductions and Laci gained some confidence.


After a few minutes of conversation, he offered to get her a drink. She took him up on the offer and he guided her along, putting a hand on the small of her back as he led her over to the bar nearest their group.


His name was Gerry Berman and he was a lawyer with another well known Washington, D.C. firm. She had heard of him before and was impressed with his reputation as well as that of his firm. They were very high powered and handled mostly commercial law for several high profile companies within the region.


Even though she didn’t like his area of law, she admitted he was a very handsome man. He was tall, just under six feet with brown hair and warm blue eyes. And, thankfully for her confidence, he was very interested in her. With no ulterior motive.


He handed her a glass of champagne then guided her over to a large column which offered the two of them some relative privacy to talk. Laci laughed at the stories he told about the silly cases some of his clients were either up against or were pursuing in the courts. After a few minutes, she relaxed and started enjoying herself.


Gerry didn’t generate the intensity of feeling Sal did, but he was nice and safe. He was exactly what she needed right now. Laci lost track of the conversation and had to re-focus on him. She ignored the fact that her heart rate was the same as it was before. She didn’t need sparks in her life. She needed someone interesting. And Gerry was interesting, she told herself.


Would you like to dance?” he asked suddenly.


Laci smiled. “I’d love to,” she said and set her glass down on the nearest table. Laci moved easily into his arms and liked the way he guided her through the steps. She felt comfortable with him and not at all threatened by his closeness. As soon as they left the dance floor, they were greeted by several of his colleagues. She was asked to dance by a number of other men, and after about an hour, she finally relaxed, feeling sure that if Sal were going to come, he would already be here and she would have seen him.


It was almost nine o’clock when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. And her pulse started beating faster. She looked at her current partner, a tall blond fellow who was a plastic surgeon at Georgetown Hospital. He was handsome in a perfect sort of way, but she knew deep down that his smile wasn’t the reason she was feeling light headed.


Sal was here.


Laci panicked. She needed to leave immediately. She couldn’t run into him. She wanted to be free of him and meeting him here wouldn’t allow her to break the spell he seemed to have over her.


Before she could even voice the words to her partner, she saw Sal out of the corner of her eye. He was making his way towards her through the dance floor. And he didn’t look happy.


I really need to go,” she said to her current partner, not the least bit concerned that she couldn’t remember his name.


Give me your number,” the man pleaded, holding her closer when she started to pull away.


It’s unlisted,” Sal said angrily and took her hand off his shoulder, spun her around and Laci found herself dancing against the rock hard strength of Sal, her breath trapped in her throat as she gazed up at his dark, furious eyes and chiseled, set jaw.


Laci knew she should offer some sort of apology to her previous dance partner. But she was too overwhelmed to see Sal, her body held firmly against his, his legs parting hers slightly as he moved them both to the music.


You look lovely,” he said, his voice deep, his eyes moving to the silk covering her breasts.


Sal, I…”


I know. You missed me.”


Laci’s eyes widened.


And you knew I’d love the dress but wished I’d gotten here earlier so other men wouldn’t leer at you.”


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