Rise of the Red Harbinger (7 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Red Harbinger
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He poked his head over the trunk of the tree, noticing two giant heaps that had been houses earlier this morning. A figure crawled between them. It slowly grew closer and closer and Marshall could see it was one of his people, covered in Taurani markings, but also covered in blood, ash, hay, house debris, and bodily remains. The person wore leather armor. He must have come from the stable and armory that had once stood at the northern side of their village. As the figure lifted his head Marshall identified him. His cleanly shaved head bore the two customary stripes of Taurani, except his extended all the way to the back of his neck. Aric, one of the Tower Guards whose post was at the northeastern tower. He was also the youngest-ever Tower Guard, because of his keen eyesight and fighting ability. He was only a year younger than Marshall, but Tower Guards normally ranged between the ages of twenty-two to twenty-seven, because it was generally agreed that they needed considerable fighting and hunting experience to train their eyes.

Marshall hated him. Aric had taken a fancy to one of his sisters, Esha, and Marshall did not find Aric fit for her. Besides, Esha never shut up about the greatness of Aric and his accomplishments. Marshall was so tired of hearing about the boy being great at this and the best at that.

Marshall cast his thoughts aside. Now was not the time for petty squabbles, yet he found it difficult to let that hatred go. But he needed help and if Aric was uninjured, he could be a great asset. Marshall glimpsed Aric looking toward the tree, but hesitated to signal him. Images of Aric and Esha flooded his mind and disdain coursed through him.
Of all the Taurani to have survived, it had to be him.
Finally, Marshall allowed reason to guide him, and raised a hand over the tree trunk to catch Aric’s attention. Being civil would be just as difficult, if not more so, than staying alive. The road had been empty of soldiers for several minutes, although they could be faintly heard at the other end of the village. Aric rose to his feet and, hunching over, ran to the tree. Marshall begrudgingly made room for him and attempted to mask his disappointment. “Aric, what happened?” Marshall grunted as Aric sat beside him, resting against the trunk of the fallen tree.

“I don’t know, Marshall. Rufus was on duty atop the tower during the night. I was to relieve him at sunrise. I went to the stable to feed the horses, when I heard him scream like death. I ran out to see what happened and I saw him falling from the top. I wanted to help him but the arrows were never-ending and the tower was on fire. I saw them coming and ran back to the stable. Hundreds of them came from the forest, weapons in hand, destroying everything in sight. It would have been futile to stand and fight.”

Aric had always spoken to him as if he assumed they were friends, as if he presumed he was accepted by the whole family. In truth he was, except by Marshall.

Marshall nodded.
But then again, I did the same thing outside my own house. Perhaps I can put aside our differences for now; then go back to hating you after we get through this.
“I understand, and I would have done the same. In fact, I essentially did the same thing, which is why I am alive.” Aric’s explanation did not manage to make anything clear though. “Is that all you know?”

Aric paused, confused. “I don’t understand what they are doing. It’s organized chaos. First they were walking up to our people. Aggressive. Talking in some strange tongue. But for some reason, they grew angry with everyone and ended up killing any Taurani they encountered”

Marshall considered this for a moment and began to understand.
How dimwitted could you be to not see this?
“They want us for something; otherwise they’d just be killing us on sight. My guess is they wanted to reach us first. And if we won’t surrender, we have to die. With what you’re saying, this is beginning to make some sense. Aric, it is not our custom to surrender, and you’re saying that they are not killing us on sight.”
Esha would be able to piece this together just as easily as I, how could she love you when she is so much smarter than you?
“Did you hear what they were actually saying?”

“Hardly. The stable was coming down and I was hiding in the hay. And even when I could hear, I could not understand them. They do not naturally speak our tongue, and when they do, it is broken and marred by their accents.” Aric dusted his body off, inspecting for sources of the blood that was now caked on his leather armor and on his body.

Marshall had the beginnings of a plan. “We need to capture one of them. If they know enough of our language to question our people, then that is enough to get answers. And if you and I are both alive, there have to be others who have survived.”

“And what do we do if we get our answers?” Aric retorted. “Even if others have survived, it will not be enough to mount an attack on these people. They outnumbered and overwhelmed us, despite our watchtowers and scouts. Surely you do not believe a handful of us can atone for this attack.”

“If we can get answers, then we can find an opportunity. Look at our village, Aric. They destroyed almost everything we know in an hour. They knew we were not ready for this. They knew when to strike. They have been scouting us, studying us. Whether we are the only two left or there are one hundred of us, I cannot simply sit idly and live with this.”

Marshall could see acceptance in Aric’s expression. Aric looked at him directly in the eye. “What of Esha? I have been trying to be honest with myself, considering she is not with you, but my heart holds out for even the slightest ray of hope. Marshall is she…”

Somehow, Marshall hadn’t prepared himself to answer this question. He paused for a long moment. “I am the only one of my family who survived, Aric. I heard each of their voices screaming, one by one, as the soldiers killed them. I lay on the ground behind my home, an arrow through my shoulder, a coward for not helping them.”

“Are you positive, Marshall? Maybe if we go back there and search, maybe there is a chance. Maybe…”

A figure stood before them. Marshall hadn’t even seen the man walk toward them.
How did I not see him coming?

The man glared at them, smirking. Marshall and Aric sat for moments, agape, stunned at his appearance. The man’s eyes pierced into them, enveloped by blackness, making it uncomfortable to stare into them for any length of time. His complexion resembled mahogany, with a tinge of grey mixed in. He was lean, but his jaw was square. Strong. His facial features alone evoked discomfort, as his nose resembled a hawk’s and his hair, black as pitch, fell in strings and waves just past his ears.

Marshall and Aric hadn’t known where the man came from, as he’d made no noise, but Marshall knew the man could have killed them. He was not like the foot soldiers that had stomped past Marshall. This man had an arrogant countenance. He expected others to fear him. He was toying with Marshall and Aric, measuring, calculating. Neither Marshall nor Aric moved an inch. The man had three swords fastened to his back, two diagonal and one vertical, the hilts all gleaming in the sun.

“I will allow you both this one opportunity to surrender yourselves to me and to the services of The Red Harbinger,” the stranger said. “If you obey, I will be fair and I will treat you like my own people: a reward for acquiescing without any complication.” His smile grew wider. “If you refuse, I will not kill you right away. I will bind you and cut a piece from each of you each day as we travel. You will be healed just enough, so that you can feel and watch yourselves throughout the tedious process of death. You will be broken so far that you will beg for respite and wish you had surrendered. In the end, I shall bring you to Jahmash. He will peel the flesh from your body, one piece every day.”

Marshall glanced at Aric, who was unable to gather any words as he sat staring and agape.
At least hide your fear, coward
. “It is not our custom to surrender,” Marshall said. “We Taurani do not fear death. Fight us with honor, with swords, man to man. We have not wronged you in any way. What do you want with us? Who are you?” Marshall already knew he might die at some point during this invasion, so this man’s ultimatum had not generated any panic within. It was worth taking the chance to challenge him.

The man’s expression remained the same. A smirk on his face, his eyes piercing. “I shall give you the satisfaction of knowing who I am. After all, if your intention is to defy me, I am the man who shall usher you to your death. My name is Maqdhuum. Adl Maqdhuum. Though I have many names. I am a general of Jahmash’s armies.”

Adl Maqdhuum. Imanol for ‘master of justice’

The man called Maqdhuum continued. “Jahmash has not informed me of his intentions for you and your people that we capture. My advice though, would be to surrender. Look at what good it has done for the rest of your people to follow this foolish custom. I am quite familiar with your prowess and skill in fighting, but I will not agree to your lame challenge even though I am the better swordsman. Understand that even in a fair fight, I would strike you down as easily as I would a Blind Man. But I need you alive, not dead.”

There is no way out of this. He has three swords
. Aric had superficial cuts, bruises, and scrapes, but Marshall could only use one arm.
He could cut us to pieces
. Marshall grasped for thoughts, for something, anything.
Master your surroundings.

He and Aric had been raised to have no fear of death, with or without any guarantees in the afterlife. But if Maqdhuum was being truthful, they would not experience death for quite a long time. Nothing entered Marshall’s mind, except for emptiness and despair. He looked back up at Maqdhuum, who stood with his hand stretched back toward the pommel of one of his swords. Marshall steeled himself.
Orijin, please, there has to be something. Anything. If only they had attacked in the night. We would have been able to hide and buy time. Concentrate. That can’t help now. Focus. Focus.

Marshall closed his eyes tightly as if searching. A sensation came over his body as if his veins and blood were singing. He felt simultaneously invincible and rapturous. Marshall blinked. Then gasped. “What the…” The world went black. The sun had not set. But it was no longer visible. Nor were any clouds in the sky. Just darkness all around. As if the light of the world had been extinguished. Like day had instantly turned to night. Yet, no stars shone in the sky.

Marshall’s head swiveled from point to point, trying to pierce the darkness. Nothing. “Aric, are you there?” Marshall swung his left arm around, hoping to make contact. His hand smacked a tree trunk.
We’re in the same place. Where did Aric go?
An arm wrapped around Marshall’s neck from behind. Then pulled him straight back over the trunk of the tree. Marshall landed on his back, still completely blind to the world.

“What is this? What have you done, fools?” Maqdhuum barked, equally confused.

He didn’t do this.

“Marshall, what’s going on? Why does everything look so dim?” Aric’s voice remained right at his side.

Dim? “I can’t see anything!” All he knew was that the ground was still beneath him as his good hand waved around.

Aric whispered, “I can see, Marshall, I can see you! Everything has taken on a different color, like the whole world is in shades of grey.” He pulled on Marshall’s arm to rise. Aric’s whisper grew quieter, but Marshall felt Aric’s breath in his ear. “He can’t find us. Keep hold of my arm. I’ll lead us away to hide somewhere. Just keep pace with me.”

Marshall’s hatred was deflating.
Orijin, I see now why you have brought him to me. Forgive me for not understanding.
He grasped Aric’s arm and kept next to him. In their wake, Maqdhuum yelled and searched for them.

Marshall ran with Aric, his hand clinging to Aric’s upper arm. Marshall was lifting his knees and feet high with every stride. He had already tripped over a few bodies strewn throughout the street. The stench of blood and entrails filled the air, and only thickened as they ran on. The ground softened beneath him.
Dirt, not corpses. Now grass. We’re no longer on the road
. Maqdhuum’s voice could not be heard.
We’re safe!

Marshall heard in the blackness ahead. “Aric, are they still invading?”

“From what I can tell, they’re burning down every house and building,” Aric replied.

“Where are we now?”

“At the back end of the village. Everything is broken down.” Aric led him further into the darkness. “I see some of the soldiers. They’re falling over each other. Most are putting down their weapons and sitting now. The darkness has stopped their advances.”

Marshall trusted that Aric would stay a considerable distance away from them, even with the darkness. Aric was quite careful.

All the while that Aric led him; Marshall could feel Aric’s concern. Aric genuinely cared for him and his survival, and garnered no ill will or feelings of hatred toward Marshall.
Have I been too harsh? He has only tried to help me thus far. I need to put our people and survival before my own feelings.

Marshall found himself at ease in the dark. At first, he felt unsettled, but the darkness was the only reason they had gotten away from Maqdhuum.

“Wait here, Marshall, I’ll be right back. And don’t make a sound.” He heard Aric flit away before he could even begin to protest. Marshall knelt down, cautiously waved his left arm around, and sat. Marshall wondered what his companion could possibly be doing.

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