Rise of the Red Harbinger (61 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Red Harbinger
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I would like to thank my parents and brother for their patience with me. It took a while for me to “find” myself, and they suffered through the process without disowning me. The one constant was that I was always creative, and that can be attributed to the first time I saw the comic book rack in Pathmark, when I was in sixth grade. Without my mother agreeing to buy that issue of
The Amazing Spider-Man
, this book wouldn’t exist.

While so much of myself has been put into writing this book, so much time has been put into it because of my wife, Jen. Through too many late nights and countless hours spent writing and hanging out in my fictional world instead of with her, I was able to complete this book without a single complaint from her. It is a writer’s dream to be married to her.

I would also like to thank my close friends, from whom a number of the main characters are inspired. They have been there for me every step of the way and have always recognized the potential in me. Most importantly, they have always been honest with me, which has helped me to grow as a writer throughout the years.

If not for Dr. Susanna Rich, who knows how much longer it would have taken me to put that first scene into writing. After being her creative writing student, I asked to audit her class so I could model my own class after hers. She insisted that I actively take part instead. Because of her request, my story was first put to paper. I am forever grateful.

When I began writing, I thought this was a process I’d go through alone. I had the pleasure of knowing and working with fellow author, K.W. Penndorf, who gave me the confidence to see this endeavor through, who introduced me to an editor, and who still makes it a point to check on me and my progress.

I need to especially thank Karen Miller and Open Door Publications, for having so much patience with me, for honing my storytelling skills, and for giving me a chance. You rock!

And lastly, this book and my sanity are not possible without Hannah, who showed me how strong a person I really am. Because of you, Hannah, I know that I can overcome any hardship or obstacle, and I know that I have it in me to achieve anything. I love you so much.


About the Author


Khalid Uddin credits his creative beginnings to comic books, specifically
The Amazing Spider-Man
. Throughout middle school and high school, his predominant hobby was drawing his favorite characters, original characters, and just about everything that was put in front of him. Once his college roommate introduced Khalid to Robert Jordan’s
The Wheel of Time
book series, his imagination evolved and he saw the beginnings of his own fantasy world coming to life.

When his head is not stuck in his fantasy world, Khalid spends his free time with his wife, Jen, and adorable toddler, Emme, who have both been incredibly generous with giving him time to write and finish his novel. He makes a living with literature, as a high school English teacher in New Jersey. Khalid regularly posts updates and news about his novel and the writing process on his website,



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