Riding the River (24 page)

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Authors: Jeanne Harrell

Tags: #horses, #nevada, #horseshoe, #western adventure romance, #jeanne harrell

BOOK: Riding the River
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“While I’m blowing your mind, I also have a
new job.”

“Doing what?”

“Working as a cook’s assistant at the guest

Robert almost choked on his langostino. She
was calmly throwing her life away…

“Sarah, are you nuts? To recap here, you’re
moving to a remote part of Nevada, working as a cook and marrying a

She laughed. “You got some of it right. I’ll
be a cook’s assistant, but Matt just bought a good ranch next to
his grandfather’s place. He’ll be a rancher and take over his
grandfather’s spread after he passes. Matt will do fine, Dad.
Probably much better than fine…”

“Okay, the part about the boyfriend sounds
better, but a cook’s assistant, Sarah? What about your computer
business plans?”

“I’d like to do that too, but right now, that
part of Nevada doesn’t have good satellite coverage for cell phone
service, much less Internet coverage.”

Robert knit his brows over that. “Hmmm… Maybe
I can do something to help you out there. Your grandfather and I
are not without connections with the FCC.”

“You know people at the Federal Communication

“Yes, sweetie. As governor of this fair
state, your grandfather had fingers in many pies.” He grinned at
her expression. “Maybe we can work a deal for you to get coverage.
Then you can start your online business.”

Sarah got up and walked over to hug him.
“Thank you, Dad. I do love you.”

“More than Matt?”

“… Different kind of love…”

After dinner, they went into the living room
with glasses of champagne to celebrate.


“It’s not often that my only, beloved
daughter gets married. Have you told him about us and our life


“What does he think?”

“He’ll need to experience the East before he
really gets it. And he needs to meet you and Grandfather.”

“So when is he coming? I noticed you came

“He’s got to work up his courage, I

“To meet me?”

“No, he won’t have any problem with that. I
think he’s just afraid that you and our way of life here will lure
me back.”

Robert smiled. “Then I’ll have to inform him
that you were a Westerner before you became one. I never thought
you fit in here.”

“Please tell him that.”

“I will when I get to meet him. And this guy
I’ve got to meet.”

They smiled and raised their glasses.

“Here’s to love, Sarah…”

“Thanks, Dad, for not going crazy and telling
me I can’t do this.”

“What’s the point? You’re of age and would do
it anyway.”

They laughed and drank their champagne.

Robert gave her a sly look. “Sure you won’t
miss these niceties? Limo, driver, lobster, champagne… These are
daily occurrences in our lives, Sarah. We’re wealthy people.”

“You’ll need to come out when I’m settled,
Dad. Matt’s bought a wonderful ranch with a beautiful house, land,
property, horses…I think you’d approve.”

“… And these niceties?”

“There’s champagne and lobster in Nevada. I
don’t need a driver, and a limo would get stuck on the dirt

It was Robert’s turn to roll his eyes. “Would
Matt be upset if I give you money from time to time? Maybe I can
buy you a horse or a cow occasionally.”

Sarah laughed. “Well, I’ll take the
contributions, even if he won’t. You can ask him yourself, when you
meet him.”

He took another sip. “You’ve said that
before. So he
coming out?”

“I sure hope so. I miss him already…”

“All right, sweetie. You’re probably tired
and I need to get you over to the hospital tomorrow.”


“And I still want to hear about this horse
drive Abby commented about. Did you do that?”

A big smile spread across Sarah’s face. “That
was one of the highlights of the trip, besides meeting Matt. I
promise to tell you about it and how I fell in a river trying to
rescue a friend.”

Robert choked on his drink. “What?”

“Night, Dad…” Sarah walked over to kiss her
dad on the cheek and went back to a guest bedroom. She smiled
thinking that Robert was taking it all very well. She’d have much
to tell Matt when he called tomorrow night. Speaking of Matt, she
pulled his toothbrush out of her cosmetic bag and laughed.

“I have to get him a new toothbrush. I’ll
never give up his…”






“How are those new horses you brought in,
Matt? They look like a pretty fair bunch.”

“They are, Grandpa, but I’ll need a trainer
to come help me for awhile. I was thinking of hiring Richie.”

“Your friend at the guest ranch? Sure, good
choice. Seth thinks he’s a good cowboy and horse trainer.”

Matt and John were standing in the John’s
kitchen having a cup of coffee.

Matt took a last slurp, put down his cup and
started out the door.

“It’s been over a week, son…”

Matt looked over at him, his hand on the
doorknob. “Yeah, I know.”


“So, what?”

“Have you bought a ticket yet?”

Matt blew out a breath. “Nope…”

“What’s keeping you here, son?”

“She’s visiting with her family…I…I…don’t
want to interrupt.”

“…Yes, you do. Aren’t you two talking?”

He nodded. “I call her every night.”


“She wants me to fly out.”

“Why aren’t you on the next plane?”

He blew out another breath, bigger this time.
“…It’s Baltimore.”

“Afraid of a big city or her father?”

“… Both and neither…”

John laughed. “Go get a ticket.”


Matt drove over to the guest ranch to speak
with Richie. Dale saw him first and steered him into the dining

“Have you heard from Sarah?”

“Yes, Dale. She’s fine.”

“When’s she coming back?”

Matt spoke to some spot on the floor. “I’m
not sure. Her grandfather is just out of the hospital.”

Dale’s mouth dropped. “Haven’t you bought a
ticket yet?”


“What are you waiting for?”

“Have you been speaking to John?”

“No, but maybe I should…”

Matt looked uneasy. “I have to find Richie.
I’ll see you later.”

He left the room with Dale shaking his

“… Youth…”


Matt found Richie in the barn grooming some
of the horses. He looked at Matt and shook his head. He put his
brushes down in the hay.


“You look like shit, man…”

That stopped him. “Thanks a ton…”

“I don’t mean to sound like Dr. Phil, but are
you sleeping at all?”

“… Not much.”

“When’s she coming back?”

Matt ran a hand through his hair

“You’re the third person to ask me that



“Have you bought a ticket? If she isn’t here
yet, you need to get back there. She probably needs you.”

He brightened. “Do you think so?”

Richie stood there in the barn, arms folded
across his chest, tapping a foot on the ground. “Damn, Matt. Aren’t
you talking to her at all?”

“… Every night.”

“What does she say?
Stay in Nevada because
I don’t want to see you
? Get a grip, man, and go buy a ticket.”
Matt swallowed hard. “Scared of her dad?”

“Hell, no.”

“Then what?”

“Tell you the truth, I’m a little nervous
about flying.”

Richie started laughing. “Is that all?”

“…Is that

“Take a pill,” he said between bouts of
laughter. “And get on that damn plane.” Matt nodded.

“Can we please discuss what I came here to
talk with you about now?”

“Go for it.”

Matt arranged to have Richie come stay with
John and take care of his new horses while he was gone. Then he
drove to Wells and bought a ticket leaving the next day for




Meanwhile, in Baltimore, Sarah was over at
her grandfather’s luxurious home visiting and cooking for him. He
had a nurse for most things he needed and a staff there at the

“You don’t have to do that, dear, I have a
cook, you know.” He smiled indulgently at her.

“… I realize that, Grandfather, but I love to

“So tell me about Matt.”

“You’ve been speaking with Dad, haven’t

“… Yes. He’s filled me in with most of the
picture, but…”


“Look at me, Sarah.”

They were in his large, sunny kitchen – She
was at the stove and he was sitting at the breakfast table. She
turned around to look at him.


“So this is what you really want? To move to
Nevada and become a rancher’s wife?”

“Yes, Grandfather. It truly is.”

“Your father’s concerned that you’ve known
him for such a short time, but he proposed to your mother pretty
quickly, as I recall.”

“I’ve heard that,” she smiled at him.

“… And she was a small town girl… You’re the
spitting image of her, Sarah. You know that, don’t you?”

She walked over to sit down by him at the
breakfast table.

“I do, Grandfather. Please give us your
blessing… Dad’s waiting to meet him first.”

“Don’t worry about your father. I just don’t
want you disappearing from our lives. Will you fly out a few times
a year and stay with one of us?”

“Of course, we will. You need to meet Matt’s
grandfather, John Garth.”

“Why’s that?”

“… Because he could double for John Wayne,
one of your favorite movie stars.”

“… Damn, really?”

“He’s a big, imposing figure – much like you,
I might add.” Sarah smiled broadly at him and he winked at her.

“Would Matt be upset if I made an investment
or two in his ranching business?”

“You’d have to ask him…”

His eyes started twinkling at her. “So when’s
he coming? You’re here, I can’t believe he’d hold out for very

She smiled. “He’s flying out tomorrow. Abby
can’t wait to meet him either.” She stopped and took his hand.
“He’s a cowboy, Grandfather, and a wonderful man.”

“… Then I’ll love him too – Even though he’s
taking away one of my best campaign workers. I’ll miss your help,
you know.”

“I know…”

“And how about that crummy boss of yours. You
did quit, right?”

“Yes. He’s been all right. Initially, he
threatened to sue me for a two-weeks notice, but he’s gotten so
many grievances to fight off from the rest of his employees, that
he just let me go without a hassle.”

“Good riddance…”

She finished what she was cooking and they
shared a quiet lunch together. He was obviously on the mend and
feeling much better.

“Tomorrow night is the victory party at the
convention center, Sarah. Will you come down for it? You worked to
help defeat the governor’s opponent too. Please come…”

She just shook her head and smiled. “Matt’s
going to meet you and Dad at a campaign party? With all the noise
and hoopla, balloons and people everywhere?”

“It’s as good a place as any, sweetie.”

“Okay… Bring on the Hughes’ political

“He’ll get a good taste of what we’re about,
at least, before he heads back to his peace and quiet.”

She laughed. “I hear that…”




Wow… The flight over had been a little
hair-raising. Especially trying to take off from the airport in
Reno – All those surrounding mountains caused some turbulence and
Matt was concerned he’d lose his lunch. But the anxiety passed… He
was interested in all the states he was flying over, many he’d
never been in. The pilot would come on to say a word or two about
each one. He’d gotten provocative looks from a few of the flight
attendants, as well as some female passengers. Matt wasn’t immune
to being scrutinized by women – They just had no interest for him…
He was flying to the only woman he was interested in or would be.
Sarah had captured his heart and he was reined in…

When he arrived in Baltimore, Matt walked
outside the airport to catch a cab. Sarah had told him where to
meet her – And he knew he was walking into the thick of things with
her family, but so be it. He knew too that he’d be on stage and
would be meeting her father and grandfather. That was okay too. It
was time…

Arriving at the convention center, the noise
was all the way out into the street. Apparently, their candidate
had won and a big party was going on. Good… He could use a beer.
Matt walked in and looked around. Everywhere he looked, there were
people, people and more people. He didn’t think there were this
many people in all of northeastern Nevada… No sign of Sarah… He
noticed a coat check area and walked over to check his small

He was receiving some more interesting looks
– Probably because of his Western-cut jacket, jeans, shirt and bolo
tie. His big cowboy hat and boots set him off too. He stood out in
a sea of business suits and ties – Didn’t bother him.

After walking around a bit, Matt finally
asked someone if they knew Robert Hughes. Of course, everyone did
and Robert was pointed out sitting with some people at one of the
tables. A band had started and a dance floor was now covered with
people dancing and laughing. It looked like a good party…

Out of the corner of his eye, Robert saw Matt
walking towards him. He knew him immediately… Who else could it be?
Matt made quite a first impression, a powerful one – A solid built
man in jeans, Western jacket and cowboy hat striding his way. His
face was open, friendly, even though Robert figured he was probably
nervous. He looked like a man to be reckoned with… And he was
Way to go, Sarah…
Robert asked the people at his
table if they wouldn’t mind leaving. He made no excuses – They left
and he stood as Matt reached him.

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