Ride to Restoration (Ride Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Ride to Restoration (Ride Series Book 2)
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second vibration of my iPhone alarm roused me awake. Vic and I were pretzeled
as usual. Her right leg tossed over and between my legs, her left arm under my
back holding me securely in place. “Hey girlfriend, I gotta turn off my phone.”

No, D, sleep. Sleep,

I murmured, perfectly content to lay here for a few minutes
more. At least I was until the chirp, chirp, chirp of his phone followed the

Never mind, I

m awake now,

I grumbled.

Please silence that awful alarm.

Will do, if you

ll kindly get off me.

was the phone? That was the question of the day. It wasn

t in arms reach of the
nightstand so it had to be on my belt wherever I left my pants.

I still hear it on my side of the bed.

Of course it’s
somewhere far enough away that would make me have to get up to silence it.

You lay right there, D. I

ll get it.


s in my pants.

sure is.


t move a muscle,

I said sternly, rolling onto the floor in search of his


Swiping the
screen, the alarm stopped.


m going to brush my teeth. Want to join me?

You told me to lay still and not move. Make up your mind.


t have a clue sometimes

I want to kiss a fresh mouth
this morning, among other things. Humor me.


What brought this on, you amorous?

I am now. You started it, big boy.

How so?

You said it was in your pants. Now I want in your pants. I
see what you

re thinking. You should know by now it doesn

t take much to get me
started. It

s up to you to carry me across the finish line.

Message received and understood.

Joining Vic in the bathroom, we furiously brushed our
teeth, hoping the other would finish first because we both surely needed to

finished? I have to go. Bad!

I have to go. But, I can

t go with you standing in
here, D.

Hmmm ... But you can go on the side of the road. What

s up with that?

This is different. Besides, remember what got me wet? Out!

relented. Vic had a point. Knees locked, I waited and waited and waited.


Sorry, I had to freshen up, you know. Never mind. Men!

Finally! Men are so much
more efficient. Raise the lid, pee; shake it off when done. Women take forever.
And when two or more go together, forget about it. Time stands still when that
Emerging from the bathroom to the sounds of a low hum, I realized when I tossed
back the comforter that I had been replaced.

What? This morning is a joint effort.

Extending my free hand, I pulled D next to me.

You drive.

With pleasure.

Taking the BOA in my right hand, I eagerly returned it to
its rightful spot. Kissing and caressing each other with wanton abandon
completely caught up in the moment, I whispered,

Would you mind if my tongue
fought it out with your battery operated boy?


t heard that before.

Not at all, D. In fact, I

d love it. Don

t forget, I want to play

around on the bed, I rolled onto my back and pulled her on top of me. Her moist
sweetness permeated my nostrils and glistened across my tongue like honey. The
vibration of the BOA against my lips created a sensation that seemed all too
familiar. Candi strikes again.

my! ... Oh! ... I don

t know what he

s doing down there, but it

s absolutely wonderful. I am
so ready to return the favor
. Stroking him slowly up and down with my left hand, I took
him in my mouth, pushing him past my gag reflexes into the back of my throat.
girl, you can do this. Relax, relax. Breathe through your nose. That

s it.

is she doing, deep-throating me
? Trying to concentrate on Vic while she was so aptly
concentrating on me became an all too daunting task. Feeling her hot breaths
against my stomach on her down strokes created the same glorious sensation that
Candi experienced with me.
Damn you, D. Stop thinking about her and enjoy
the one you are with, now! Attempting to follow through on that directive, I
concentrated all my energies on the task at hand,
taking Victoria to the
finish line. Thrusting the talented toy from above, my lips pulling and pushing
from below, my thumb pressed firmly against her sphincter muscle, carried her
down the home stretch. Inhaling one long deep breath, I was determined to take
her across the goal before I would breathe again. Vic

s sudden downward push
against my face subliminally told me, along with her screams,


m coming!

we had arrived. Thrashing, turning, twisting, bucking,
waves of thunderous pleasure rolled through her body, signaling to me a job
well done.

I have to scream.


m coming!


t stop, don

t stop, you
can do it girl. Bring him off with you.
Wrapping my hand around his saliva covered shaft, I pumped
furiously while my mouth refused to let go.
there. I can taste the saltiness, the precursor to his impeding eruption. I

m coming!
Yes! I have to breathe. I have to stop.
Drawing on all the strength
I had left, I spun around and guided D inside me.


m close, girlfriend. Real close.

You feel wonderful, D.

both her protruding nipples through my lips, I tugged firmly as her fingernails
clawed deeply into my back.

My turn,

whispered, exploding multiple times into her sweetness, my hands pushing and
pulling her rounded cheeks rhythmically to my eruptions.

Wow, girlfriend,

I breathed, before kissing her tenderly on the lips.

Wow is right, D.

Yuk! This kissing has to stop
. Patting him on the
shoulder was my way of signaling "it

s time to get off me.

Hey, not to change the mood,
but you...

should I say this delicately?

You remind me of me.

off her and onto my back, I stared at the ceiling.


s a good thing, right? It
proudly conveys where I

ve been. Wait a minute. You not like tasting you?

Judging by the non-response, I must have answered my own

Guess you

re telling me I

m in dire need of a shower.
And while you

re at it spend a little extra time scrubbing me out of your
beard and mustache.

Quick study, this fella.


You want to wash my back, girlfriend?

I do

just not now. I

d like to quietly lie here
alone after you bring me a warm, not cold, washcloth. Oh, and a clean towel. I

m still a little unsettled
about today, especially the part about me peeing in a bag. You guys whip it out
anywhere, anytime, any place. With women, it

s not that simple.

Seriously, that

s what you

re thinking about, Victoria?
We just made mad passionate love every which way, including sideways. Shouldn

t you be glowing ... at
least a little?

shut up!

I was glowing, now I

m dripping. Hurry up with
that washcloth, please. You

re a guy; you wouldn

t understand. Once I

m done, you

re done. I glow, just not
too much. Then, it

s reality check time. What am I going to wear, will it make
me look fat, will I drip you for the next hour or two? You should so be a girl.

It was in that instant, I
realized the pseudo honeymoon I had magically created between us to mask my
pain during the long ride home was over.

No thank you. Manly men don

t dwell on clothes and I

m relatively sure they don

t leak for hours. If it

s all the same to you, I

ll pass. I like being a guy,

tossing her the towels before stepping into the shower,

My mind, now in overdrive,
tossed one thought then another before colliding with an equal and opposing
argument. Candi would never pass up the opportunity to shower with me. Usually
she was first. Not Vic. In that instant, I realized, times change, scenes
change, people change. Yet the yearning to be comforted by those who bring us
comfort, not chaos, remains.

What could I have done
differently that would have Candi here with me this morning instead of
Victoria? Don

get me wrong; I appreciate the friendship, the company and the sex. It

s been great,
but as of this morning, the flame has diminished greatly. I told Vic sex ruins
relationships. It takes two, asshole. You gave in, not because you had to, but
because you wanted to. What did Vic say?

After the glow, then it

s reality
check time,

Wonder if that also pertains
to my mental numbness finally wearing off after Candi

well-orchestrated ruse? You

such an idiot. She

screwing her ex. Yep, and you

screwing your lawyer. What does that tell you? It tells me we

ve both
managed to screw our way out of each other. Who

s to say we can

t screw our
way back in? D, you are out of your friggin

mind? Sigh ...
I miss Candi, I miss Major, and I so miss us!

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