Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance (22 page)

BOOK: Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance
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Swerving to the shoulder of the lane, his black beast of steel and engine roared as he overtook the truck. That doesn’t sound like Jasmine at all, is Kayla seriously lying to me again? Pinpricks of anger danced across the crown of Luke’s skull. He couldn’t believe that he had pushed Jasmine away so easily when his heart swayed like the unstable sea at the thought of her being hurt. I can protect her, he thought; keep her safe – if she still wants me. No, she must, I know what I felt, what I feel: I’ll earn you back . . . just be okay.

He knew that Kayla would be pissed as all hell with the fact that he wasn’t going to go and see her first, but he had to check on Jasmine, inside he knew something more had to have gone down. He had already called and checked to see if she was at the hospital, but the receptionist said she’d already left and that they knew nothing about what had happened.

The last wink of sunlight streamed down the highway, twilight fast approaching.

He could not shake the dull ache of worry. As the trees at his side blurred passed, he realized finally how badly he needed to cut the girl he once loved from his life. Kayla has to go.

You know it’s still dangerous for her, Luke thought. You’ll ruin Jasmine’s life for love if you let yourself be honest to her.

After a while of driving, he finally reached Jasmine’s home and parked on the side of the street, making his way to the door and pounding. “It’s Luke,” he yelled, “what happened?” Silence hung for several seconds, he took in a breath and leaned against the pearl white door, waiting and waiting. Nothing. Where was she?

Luke cursed beneath his breath and in a violent motion removed himself from the door, huffing and cracking his gloved knuckles. Jasmine . . . please be okay. When his phone went off in his jeans, Luke quickly produced it, checking the caller ID and noting it was Gabriel. He answered.

“Luke,” Gabriel said, distress dripping from his tone. “Get here. Now. She’s breaking my shit.”

“Damnit,” Luke breathed, “alright, I’m coming back, j-just calm her down okay?” There was a crash on the other end.

“No!” Gabe shouted, causing Luke to pull away from the phone, it sounded as though he let go of the phone, “do you even know how expensive that is?!”

Clicking off the phone, Luke hurried back to his FX-50.











Wondrous, his lips were like heaven made real – they were almost as good as Luke’s.


It felt like the air was punched from her then, and Jasmine pulled away, looking down at the addled Augustus, his grey-green eyes glinting up at her. Jasmine blinked, why did I just think that? Heat rippled through her body like fire made flesh, anger blooming against the crown of her head.

He doesn’t taste as good as Luke . . . I-I’m a horrible person, how can I even think—

“You okay?” Augustus husked. No, no I’m not.

“Yeah,” Jasmine breathed, “fine.” She leaned back into the man’s lips, kissing them harder and fuller than before – it wasn’t that she felt
for the man; her heart felt that familiar finger of happiness press up against it. She still wasn’t sure if she should call the police on that crazy B from earlier, as much as she hated it, she knew that she would have to talk to Luke again. If she did involve the police, it might make things complicated for herself and Luke’s MC – Jasmine decided it probably best to consult the man first.

It was then that she felt Augustus’ hand crawl around her back, his hands were strong and rough and wonderfully masculine. She let her tongue slip inside of the man’s mouth, just a little bit – feeling his own, which was soft and playful. Dark adrenaline shot through her and she whined against Augustus’ mouth when she felt his hand squeeze tight her ass.

Oh god that feels so good. She knew that he was sick and hurting; even despite conflicting feelings, she really wanted to jump his bones again and feel his hardness deep inside of her. Her clit throbbed, demanding attention – the lines of her sex started to wet the lining of her cotton panties.

Jesus, she thought as his hand moved to the other cheek.

Jasmine moved from the doctor’s lips down his neck, giving him gentle sucks and nibbles as she worked her way to the lobe of his ear – letting her breath seductively tickle it before bringing her mouth to it, sucking it carefully, her teeth grazing against just a bit.

Augustus let out a rough moan of appreciation, his hand continuing to knead at her ass.

Giving a little laugh, she worked her lips down from the man’s neck to his chest, kissing against the fabric of his dark brown v-neck shirt. She thought about how it hugged tightly the man’s exquisite body; he had a barrel chest and broad shoulders, and though he wasn’t completely jacked – Jasmine knew that he kept in shape.

Augustus squirmed against the couch, his muscles seeming to tighten up.

“Sorry,” Jasmine offered sweetly, she hated seeing him suffer. She peeled off his sweat soaked shirt, revealing his hairy chest – she kissed up it, loving the way he moved with every bite of her teeth against his warm skin. “You don’t have any more . . . do you?”

“No,” Augustus breathed, “that was the last of it. I was desperate.”

Eyebrows rising, “Are you lying to me?”

“No,” he said, “no, I swear.” She believed him.

“Good,” Jasmine murmured, a heat pooling at the base of her sex as she slowly licked her way down to the man’s waist; noting the hard mast pushing up against his sweats before peeling them off. “Just relax,” she purred, taking his sword deep within her mouth.











Slamming the door behind him, Luke let out a frustrated breath at the sight of Gabriel’s place being a total mess. One of his plants was knocked over and several plates were broken and strewn all about the carpet. Gabriel and Kayla were sitting on the long green couch, though the man was holding her. They both looked over at Luke.

Oh shit, Luke’s heart dropped in his chest and he instinctually strode over to Kayla, carefully cupping her bloodied face.

Gabriel let go of the woman, “You know if you had just waited like I told you to . . .”

“Sorry,” Luke replied without actually looking or caring, petting back the strands of her firetruck red hair. “I didn’t think you were serious about her messing up your face,” Luke whispered.

Kayla moved away from the man’s touch and sniffled. “Asshole,” she spat with venom, “I tell you that
cut my face up and you’re already hanging up and checking up on her before me?” Her blue eyes were alight with fire, lips pursed tightly together. “She isn’t just some random skank,” Kayla paused, “is she?”

It was time for the truth.

Gabriel went to his feet and walked over to his room, “I’ll give you guys some space,” he said quietly, “just . . . leave my TV alone, that’s all I ask,” he threw up a hand, closing the door.

“No,” Luke admitted. “She’s not – Kayla I want the truth,” he shook his head, sitting down beside her. Her lips came out in an almost imperceptible pout, eyes welling up with liquid – she downturned her head and looked away from Luke. “What you told me on the phone, doesn’t add up . . . it doesn’t make sense.”

Kayla scoffed, “figures you won’t believe me. She’s crazy, Luke. I told her to just stay away from you and she went nuts.” Her icy blues gazed back into Luke’s eyes. You’re such a liar.

Something inside of him snapped and a burst of adrenaline coursed through his body in that moment; his eyes narrowed and tightness formed in his throat as he leaned forward. “Don’t you
lie to me.”

“I’m not!” She yelled back, getting up in his face.

“Bullshit,” he called, screwing up his face. His heart was hammering in his chest now; he saw the flash of his brother’s face in his mind’s eye. “You’re always spinning something,” he emphasized with his hands, springing up from the couch and walking a couple of steps away.

“Name one,” she challenged, rising to her feet. “You’re the one who can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

“Please,” Luke turned back to face her, staring her down. “Like you don’t know how this shit goes? You’re not my old lady, never have been – you think anyone else isn’t getting something on the side?” The winds of wrath filled his sails as he stepped right up to her face, posturing himself aggressively. “Don’t think I didn’t know how badly you wanted to sleep with Able,” Luke kept pushing her away with his chest.

Kayla retreated step after step, the look of terror on her face. “I didn’t
to,” Kayla fired back. She pressed her hands against Luke’s hard chest and shoved him a half-step back. “I

Luke put a hand to his mouth and turned away, shaking his head and looking back at Kayla. The two stood what felt worlds apart, his spine tingling and the soles of his feet dancing with fire. In a white-hot rage, Luke struck his arm against the cluttered mess of magazines, cans and other junk resting on the coffee table; sending them flying across the living room. He exhaled a deep breath and stalked around the couch, distancing himself from her. “You’re an addict,” he said, jabbing a finger in Kayla’s direction, “you’re a liar and daddy’s spoiled you too much you narcissistic bitch.”

“Fuck you, Luke,” Kayla flipped up her middle finger, water rolling down one cheek. She then slid over to the other end of the couch, the path between the two becoming clear. “All I’ve ever done I’ve done it for you,” she sobbed, wiping at her eyes and composing herself.

“You’ve never done a thing for me,” Luke attacked, standing his ground and pushing out his chest. “Everything you’ve
done has been for
,” he jabbed his finger in Kayla’s direction. She was really starting to piss him off, it was becoming harder and harder to stay in the realm of composure.

“I’ve done more for you than you’ll ever know,” Kayla hissed.

“Yeah,” Luke said, “frankly, I’m done giving a shit – I’m done putting up with you. Go find someone else to dig your claws into.” The anger shaking in his hands, Luke spun on his heel and swung open Gabriel’s front door.

He pressed on into the night, uncaring how she called for him to come back.












She had promised Augustus that she would stay the night, the two had talked and cuddled for some time and the night had long since covered the city. Jasmine had made sure that he was as comfortable as could be, before leaving. She wanted to shower, brush her teeth and get a few changes of clothes. When she pulled into her driveway and she saw the ember of the man’s cigarette alit, her heart lurched into her throat. Oh no, I’m not ready for this right now; he was just sitting there on the stoop of Jasmine’s apartment.


Jasmine’s Rav4 rolled to a stop and she threw it into park, hesitating a moment in the seat of her car. If he knew what she was doing . . . she bit down on her lip, a sickly warm tightness forming in her core.

Luke turned his head to face her, taking a drag of his cigarette.

You’re done with him, she reminded, sucking in a long and deep breath. Just talk to him, get it over with and send him on his way. When she reached for the handle on her door, another wave of heat rolled through her and a niggling sense of doubt skirted across the edge of her mind – it was an eclectic mix of dread and hurt; love and lust. Jasmine shut her car door, pressed the lock on her keypad, and sauntered over to the biker, a fire roaring in her chest.

Luke got up to his feet.

Jasmine’s nails dug deep into the palm of her hand. Her voice was shaky, “You sure know how to make a girl feel special,” she shouted while closing the distance between them. “I can’t even believe you,” she shook her head. “Move.”

The air was thick with electricity, “Jasmine,” he said, a sadness written on the lines of his face and a sorrow behind his eyes. He flicked the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, “Just give me two minutes,” he begged, moving to block her from entering.

,” she repeated, she wanted to slap him right then and there. “Don’t make this any more than it is.” She tried to push through him, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Please,” he pleaded, shifting for every attempt that Jasmine made. Luke’s jaw dropped and he cursed beneath his breath, “what did she do to you?” He asked, reaching out a hand to touch her face.

It felt good to hit him, even if it was just the man’s hand. “Don’t,” she warned, stepping back.

But he did not relent. Luke moved forward and placed his fingers beneath Jasmine’s delicate chin.

She wanted to swat him away again, a heavy weight cloaking itself around her. But at the same time, she wanted him to see just what the crazy B had done; she hoped that it hurt him. “Yeah,” Jasmine said haughty, “that’s what the woman you
on did to me. That’s on you, Luke.” Why did it feel so good to guilt him? Jasmine’s heart tapped quicker and quicker still against her breastbone.

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