Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance (32 page)

BOOK: Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance
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“Stop,” He pulled Jasmine tightly against himself, pressing her head into his chest, “your suffering is just as valid as anyone else’s.”

His chest felt good, his arms made her feel like maybe she would be okay; Jasmine cried long and hard until she felt too tired to go on.

“You did your best,” his voice was soft and serene; it made her think of the lake where she had grown up as just a girl, where the water was still and the sylvan thickets danced in the wind. “You’ll forgive yourself one day, and I’ll be there when you do.”

Long moments passed, the sound of her sniffling and the rustling of the trees and the chorus of bugs made strangely beautiful music of the night. “Promise?” She gave something between a laugh and a sob, gaining back her composure slowly.

Luke smiled, “Promise made, promise kept.”



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The scent of sweet cinnamon and bold roasted coffee tickled Gabriel’s nose, his eyes falling onto the maple covered long johns waiting just behind the glass shelves – he could feel his mouth salivating for just one delicious bite. The small line of customers shifted and Gabriel glanced ever so briefly one of the barista’s. She was giving him a wry smile, her red hair was done in a bun – and her bangs perfectly framed the heart of her pale face. The beauty spot just next to her lip gave her a, decidedly, unique beauty.

His heart stirred and he turned away as the line moved once more. The smell of cinnamon thrilled him once more and his mind shot back to a time long, long ago.

It was like he was thirteen all over again. She looks like her, he tried to convince himself. But it can’t be, she would have recognized me.

Wouldn’t she?

His heart tapped against his breastbone, faster and faster still – a nervous, glorious warmth wrapping itself tightly around Gabriel’s body. He looked over for the barista once more, but she was not there. Unease became him, and a shadow danced across the counter – the world becoming still and strangely serene.

Something from his left punched the air, a shrill, feminine cry. Gabriel turned his head and caught a glimpse of them – a pit forming in his chest. They had mac-10’s and wore red and white bandannas. There was a violent series, an uncountable amount, of deathly loud bangs. It sounded like the devil itself cracked the sky in two.

Gabriel jerked back a step, the lines of his face screwing up. W-why, did I do that?

He felt warm. Sickly. The room darkened a bit and things became all fuzzy as chaos consumed the shop. It was excruciating to try and move, everything felt stiff and hard and slow; when he finally managed to look downward and fell to his knees, he saw only one thing.


Authors Note

I just wanted to thank you the reader for taking the time to read Revved Up Soul. It means a lot to me that you gave both me, this book, and Jasmine and Luke’s story a chance. I’ve left some things open, as you’re aware, for the sequel – though I feel the story could be considered as ‘complete’ where we are, with Jasmine and Luke promising to forge a life together and being HFN.

Of course . . . there’s the matter of Kayla, Gabriel’s demise (?) and Jasmine’s review by the board of directors; and Luke’s need to break away from what his people, and his club, are becoming.

Again, thank you so much and I truly hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did writing it. If you have questions, comments or anything else, please email me at [email protected]

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-Sincerely, Elizabeth Kathryn Lorde.


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