Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2)
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The doctor goes through my father's care instructions going forward. My dad isn't a smoker, and his heart attack is most likely due to his age, diet, and heredity. I've been trying to get him to take better care of himself for years, and now he has no choice. He will stay in the hospital and can be discharged in a few days.

After the doctor leaves I sit back in the chair I was camped out in overnight and give my dad a curt smile. There are a few moments of silence before my dad speaks up.

"Do you feel better? The doctor says I should be fine."

I let out a breath. "I do feel better, but you need to listen to him. Grandpa died of a heart attack. You need to take better care of yourself. No more fried foods, and you need to exercise to bring down your weight."

He nods in agreement and I'm glad he understands what I'm saying.

"Are you here by yourself?" he asks.

I'm not going to get into what happened with Keegan. I don't want to upset him, because he will work himself up. Keegan's fear of my dad is no joke. I have no doubt he would pummel him for hurting me.

I look him directly in the eyes and hold back more tears. "Yes, just me. I left for the airport as soon as the hospital called me."

He doesn't pry and I smile at him, and change the subject.

"I'll be staying here, Dad, as long as you need me."

He gives me a sad look. "I don't want you to put your life on hold for me. I can get a nurse. As much as I like having you here, you don't need to stay."

"Don't be ridiculous. I want to stay. I'm not putting anything on hold, so stop worrying. It's not good for you," I say, irritated.

I'm exhausted, physically and emotionally. I haven't slept in more than twenty-four hours. I instantly feel bad for my tone. I'm just really tired.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I'm just exhausted."

He looks at me with concern. "Are you sure that's all it is?"

"Yes. I'll be good as new once I get some rest."

Also, I still have a headache from last night and I'm sure my lack of sleep isn't helping.

"I'm fine here for now. Why don't you go home and get some sleep? You can rest up and come back later."

I am hesitant to leave. What if I leave and something happens?

"I'm not asking you, Aimee, I'm telling you. Go home and get some rest. If something happens—which it won't—the hospital will call. I'm not going to be able to rest with you sitting here and looking at me, worrying."

I know there is no use arguing. He used his I'm-not-asking-you-I'm-telling-you line. That means he's serious.

I nod in agreement and stand up and stretch. My muscles ache. "Do you need anything before I leave?"

"No, I'm fine," he answers.

I give him a hug and kiss, and remind him I'll be back later. I make sure to let the nurse know to call me if there are any changes with my dad. I leave the hospital realizing I don't even have a car with me. I took a taxi directly from the airport. Lucky for me I have the Uber app on my phone and before I know it, a Lincoln Town Car pulls up to the curb in front of the hospital and takes me to my dad's.

Chapter Two

Once I open the door to my childhood home, the scent of the past invades my nose, the faint smell of furniture polish mixed with the floral sachets that my grandmother hid around the house. I'm suddenly feeling the warmth of the years I was safe and loved by my father and grandmother. A tiny tear escapes from my eye. I close the door behind me and climb the stairs to my old bedroom.

Once inside my room, I throw my purse on my bed and kick off my shoes that have been killing my feet. I immediately strip out of my dress and throw it in the wastebasket that is placed conveniently next to my dresser. I open a drawer, searching for something to sleep in, and pull out an old pair of sleep shorts. Out flies a multicolored bracelet I remember so well.

Keegan, what's behind your back?"

He has a goofy smile plastered on his face and puts out both of his fists in front of me.

"Pick one," he tells me.

I think on it for a minute. Not able to choose, I recite eenie meenie minie moe out loud, and point to his left hand.

"Are you positive, no take backs?"

I nod with a smile of anticipation; he pauses for a second before opening his hand. When he opens it there is a multicolored bracelet in my favorite colors of pink and purple.

"Did you make this for me?" I ask.

"Yep. Well, my mom showed me how and helped me with it a little. Do you like it?"

"Um yeah, I do," I say, and jump up, tackling him with a hug.

We both fall down, and I notice the other hand is still closed in a tight fist. I grab his hand and try to pry it open. We are now practically wrestling. I finally give up and stand; his hand is seriously superglued shut or something.

"Show me," I ask, with my arms crossed and a pout on my lips.

He slowly opens his hand and sitting there is a candy bracelet.

My eyes grow wide and I grab it, slipping it on my wrist. I place it up to my mouth and bite a piece off, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Happy?" he asks.


He grabs the bracelet that is still in my hand. Surprisingly, I kept hold of it while we were wrestling.

"Give me your hand," he instructs.

I give it to him, and he ties the bracelet on.

"I'm never taking this off, like ever."

He smiles at me. We sit down and I remove my candy bracelet, offering him some. He takes it and bites off a piece. I can hear the crunching while he chews. I stare at my very first friendship bracelet and smile. One of many surprises from Keegan.

How could I forget I still had this bracelet? I kept it on till it fell off and I cried a river of tears. That may sound ridiculous, but I was so attached to Keegan that everything and anything he did for me meant the world. That's why all of this hurts so much. It's time to get over him, and all of this. I see the whole picture now, and the secrets and omissions are far too much. The promises he made were nothing to him. I just can't help but wonder what he was doing with me, but I tell myself it's best I don't know.

I shake my head to get out of my thoughts, the ones I become easily stuck in. I put on my shorts and find an old t-shirt too. I walk over to my closet and pull down the quilt that my grandmother made me when I was little. I hold it close, knowing I always feel comfort wrapped up in it. I get into my bed, and the last thing I remember is my head hitting the pillow.




I wake to my phone ringing in my purse. I'm out of sorts and for a minute confused at my surroundings. Suddenly it clicks: my dad. The hospital was supposed to call if something else happened. I jump right up, looking for my phone. I search the foot of the bed and don't see where I left my purse. It must have fallen off the bed while I was sleeping, because when I look down it's lying halfway under my bed. I crouch down to pick it up. The ringing has since stopped and I could kick myself for not putting my phone on the nightstand. I locate it in the side pocket, and am relieved to see the caller wasn't the hospital, but Reese. I collapse on the bed, hugging the phone and waiting for my heartbeat to slow down. I look over at the clock and the time is three o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't think I was going to sleep so long. I need to get back to the hospital to see how my dad is. I decide to grab a quick shower and brush my teeth first.




I felt 100 percent better after my shower. Well, almost. I put on a pair of old jeans and an NYU t-shirt. Luckily, my former Chuck collection was in my closet so I slipped on my favorite pair of gray ones.

My dad's car was parked in the garage with a spare set of keys hanging next to our side door. Once inside the car, I'm startled by the sound of my phone ringing. It's Reese calling again. I decide to answer so she doesn't worry; it can't be good for her or the baby. My heart drops, thinking that she and Kaleb are going to be parents. It's the silver lining in this big dark cloud hanging over me.

"Hello," I answer.

"Aimee, thank God you answered." She sounds relieved.

"Sorry. I came home to sleep, and just woke up when you called. I was going to call you back once I was back at the hospital and checked on my dad."

"Oh, that's fine. First, how's your dad?"

"He's out of the woods, I think, just needs a few more days in the hospital and some at-home recovery."

"That's terrific, I'm so happy to hear that. Really, great news," she says nervously.

There's a long pause, and I swear I can hear Reese's heartbeat through the phone.

"I have to tell you something. I know you're worried about your dad, but I don't want you to be surprised."

"Okay, the suspense is killing me. What is it?"

"We tried to stop him, but there was no reasoning with him."

My heart drops, and I'm not sure why I didn't expect this.

"It's Keegan, right?"

"I'm sorry. I threatened him with bodily harm, and taking away godfather rights to our little alien. He just wouldn't listen. He's a mess, like a real mess."

Seriously, he's a mess? How dare he fall apart? I'm the one who had her heart broken, I'm the one who stood by while he lied to me, and I'm the stupid one in all this. I'm seething mad right now. How dare Keegan James attempt to come to me? I know him: He's impulsive and can't be reasoned with.

"When did he leave?" I ask.

"I'm guessing late last night, we were with him at dinner with their parents. This morning he was gone and left Kaleb a note."

I feel like I've swallowed my heart and it's sitting in the pit of my stomach. "What did it say, Reese? What did his note say?" I ask distressed.

"'I'm getting her back.' It said, 'I'm getting her back.'"

How could four words affect me so much? This man is crazy, and I'm so pissed right now. I'm like one of those cartoon characters that have smoke coming out of their ears. I can't believe he would do this knowing how much I'm dealing with at the moment. Keegan James is one selfish prick. He's going to be the one surprised, when for once I don't fall at his feet. I'm not going to be that clueless girl anymore. Aimee Brennan is no longer anyone's doormat.



Chapter Three

By the time I arrived at the hospital, I had calmed down some. I was here for my dad. I would cross the Keegan bridge when I needed to, but for now I was looking forward to being with my dad.

Walking toward my dad's hospital room, I suddenly felt different, like I was having an out-of-body experience. I hate hospitals and I avoid them like the plague. Even passing a hospital incites all the bad memories and pain I associate with them.

When I hear deep laughter, I know exactly what I'm feeling. Walking into the room and sitting in the chair next to his bed is someone I'm not prepared to butt heads with. Keegan James, sitting there like he and my dad are the best of friends. All the anger and hurt suddenly reappears; it's happening all over again. Smiling at me, Keegan stands with a look of excitement. Whatever is left in my stomach is going to come up, which is strange since I can't remember the last time I ate. I just stand there in utter shock at the scene and let Keegan pull me into his arms. I stiffen immediately at his contact. He holds on to me for dear life, like he hasn't seen me for years.

Anger radiates off of me. How selfish can he be? Using my dad to see me, really? That's underhanded even for him. The boy I fell for all those years ago has changed into someone I don't even recognize anymore.

After the painstakingly long hug, Keegan breaks our contact. He's mere inches from my face, and he grabs it with both hands. Immediately, goose bumps appear all over my body. He looks into my eyes with his mesmerizing blue ones, searching for something. He must not have thought this through, because it's apparent he's looking for a reaction, anything for him to play off of. Would I get angry, break down in tears, or fall at his feet? I know what he wants, and I'm not going to let him play this game.

My dad's staring at him, and I know whatever story Keegan spun was not the truth. There is no way my dad would be laughing with the man who broke his little girl's heart.

The word heart reminds me why I'm here. There is no way I'm going to upset my dad a day after his heart attack. Keegan must know that. So I plaster on a big smile. The hands holding me and the body attached to them instantly relax. Too bad for him this is all a lie. What I really want to do is scream at him to get out, but I can't add any stress to my dad's condition. His recovery is the most important thing right now.

Keegan finally speaks out loud. "You look pale, Aimee," he announces.

"I'm fine," I respond in a sweet voice, gritting my teeth.

He must know I'm seething. He can't be this dense.

"When was the last time you ate?" He looks worried.

Why I suddenly feel bad for worrying him is beyond me. It's like my heart can't get with the program. I know it was there when my world was shattered. What a traitor this heart of mine is. I wish I could be heartless, and then what I have to do would be so much easier.

I remove my eyes from his and plaster on a huge smile, one that hurts my face. I walk over to my dad's hospital bed, ignoring Keegan's question. Giving my dad a big hug, I ask, "How are you feeling?"

"Just a little tired."

I'm instantly worried, even though the doctor had said he would feel tired for a while.

"Aimee?" He says my name in a question.

I tilt my head, holding back my true emotion. I'll be strong, because it's my only option.

"Yes, Daddy."

He looks at me with worry in his eyes. "I'll be fine. Just need to rest, but Keegan is right. You're pale, and I'm betting you haven't eaten. Why don't you two get something to eat?"

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