Resist (London) (24 page)

Read Resist (London) Online

Authors: Danielle Breeze

BOOK: Resist (London)
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“When you say things like that, it always makes me remember just how much I love you.”

“You forget?” I asked.

She looked me straight in the eye.

Her lips hit mine but as soon as our tongues met, it was like fireworks were going off above us and heat surged straight through me. Didn’t matter how long we’d been together, every kiss, every touch, still sent my pulse racing. She pulled back,
then pecked my lips once more, lay her head back on my shoulder and we settled in for the night.

Before I slept, I remembered what she’d said and added, “I love you too baby.”

I thought she was sleeping, but she answered.

“I know you do, honey. We’re all each other has now, just me and you.”

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly went dry, as it did every time she said something like that. I hated lying to her. I hated lying to everyone, but I didn’t have a choice.

“Yeah babe, just me and you now.”








I never know exactly how to put into words how grateful I am to every single one of you who supports me and helps me with each book, but I’m going to try my best!

Mum:- I know you’ll always be my biggest fan and my biggest support, but I don’t think you know how much it means to me. Staying up until the early hours of the morning just to get the final edits done and always wanting to know how I’m getting on with things. I can never repay you for everything you’ve done for me, but I hope this helps a bit!

Starr:- You will probably never really understand how helpful it is for me to have someone I can talk to who actually knows exactly how difficult writing can be sometimes! You’re so honest and trustworthy and I don’t know that I’d ever have even finished Resist without you! Thank you for everything you’ve done/continue to do. You mean the world to me!

:- You were my first friend in the ‘book world’ and you’ve done so much for me since the start. If it wasn’t for you, I doubt anyone would even know I existed! Thanks for always having the best ideas and knowing exactly what needs to be done, I’d be lost without you most of the time!

:- You’ll always get a mention from me, mainly because you’re my number one girl and love the bones of you! You’re the one person that I can always rely on, no matter what. My world wouldn’t be the same without you in it...and my house would definitely be a lot messier! Thanks for being who you’ve always been!


I want to thank all of the blogs who have been so friendly and helpful, answering questions and always willing to help out. You make life so much easier and I’ll always be grateful for that!

Most importantly, I want to thank all you guys, the readers. I didn’t really know what to expect when I realised my first book, Surreptitious, and I still don’t with Resist! But all of your wonderful
messages and support, makes every second of it worthwhile. Thank you for all of your kind words xxx

I always love to hear from readers so please do get in contact! You can find me on
Facebook and Twitter.















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