Resist (London) (2 page)

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Authors: Danielle Breeze

BOOK: Resist (London)
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“I’m meeting Jase at Beans in an hour. Think you’ll be able to make yourself look good enough to be seen in public by then?”

I ignored her sarcasm.

Beans was the coffee shop on campus, we all went to University in London and I loved it there.

“Yeah, I’ll meet you
there, I’ll probably just come with Jase if he’s in. See ya later.”


She drove away, and I went about making myself ‘look good enough to be seen in public’.

I lived with Jase in a tiny apartment not far from campus, Taylor had her own place that was a thousand times better than ours, but then, she had money...and I didn’t!

Half an hour later, I made sure I was somewhat put together before me and Jase left the apartment.

He looked gorgeous, a
s usual. He looked like a model, all high cheekbones, pouty lips, and shockingly white teeth. If he was straight, I’d have fucked him by now. So it’s probably a good thing he’s gay!

People often told us we’d make a gorgeous couple, and I couldn’t disagree with them. I’m honest, and we really did turn heads wherever we walked. I told you, I’m hot.

I love my hair, if anything; it’s probably my favourite feature. I don’t dye it, but it’s naturally a rich dark brown, with little highlights running through it that look gold. Honestly? Yeah, I really love it. It’s naturally curly, like ringlets. I have to keep it long, I mean, I would anyway, but once I cut it short and had to walk around looking like a complete mess for months. That’s never happening again!

Thick, curly
hair, should
be cut short.

So anyway, lesson learnt.

I know most people will say that they love their eyes, but really, mine are nothing to write home about! They’re pretty and I do like them, but I like them because they’re different. One of my eyes is blue, and the other one is brown.

Weird right?

People always ask if I’m wearing contact lenses. I actually have no idea why someone would want to do that, but lots of people do weird things I guess. I like to think it makes me fairly unique anyway.

My lips
though, they’ve have always been cause for attention. They’re perfect pink and plump. I guess they’re a bit like Angelina Jolie’s, but I definitely don’t think I look as amazing as her. Men always made comments about my mouth, and it was usually quickly followed by remarks about things I ‘could do with it’.

Ahh, no! I didn’t give head.
Ever. The thought of putting some man-whore’s skanky dick anywhere near my mouth, frankly, made me want to gag.

So why would I fuck them you ask? That’s simple.

Attention. A temporary connection.

Meeting Taylor in Beans, we didn’t exactly hang around for long, once it was decided that we were going to the opening of a new club in town, I needed to get home and get ready.

As soon as we were home, I searched through all the clothes on my floor to find my best dress. I was pretty sure I’d washed it, it smelt clean anyway! It was a sexy little red number that was as low at the top, as it was short at the bottom. It showed off plenty of skin. Just the way I liked it.

I like vintage clothes. One-of-a-kind things that make me stand out. Think Marilyn Monroe meets Betty

I always wore
fuck-me heels on a night out. I just think they’re sexy. I wore paintent black stilettos that made my legs look a mile long. I loved them.

My face was the most important thing though. I didn’t wear
make-up really. I didn’t need foundation, my skin was perfect anyway. Big-headed I know, but it’s true. Even in my awkward teenage years, I didn’t get spots like everyone else. I’m lucky like that.

I didn’t have time to mess about with fake lashes, so I just swiped a few coats of mascara, drew thick black lines around my eyes with liner
and added a line of liquid glitter eye-shadow on the lids. Just something to make them stand out a bit more. Grabbing my lip-gloss to put on later, I walked out of my room with a swing in my step and a smile on my face.

It was going to be a good night.




I always knew I wanted to work for my brother, and as soon as I turned eighteen and was legally able to, I was all over that. Actually, if I’m honest, I used to do odd jobs even before I was eighteen but that can be our secret.

I had never regretted my decision to work for him, not once, until he asked me to go and find a girl for him. I mean, what the fuck? He’d never had a problem finding girls to fuck before. But then he said it was a specific girl and I was even more confused.

When did I become some sort of glorified pimp?

He described three people and told me to go and find them. I couldn’t believe that he’d asked me to do such a menial task, but I did it anyway. I was told I could only be certain it was them if they were all together, which in itself, is fairly stalker-ish!

I couldn’t have been more confused, I mean fuck,
I knew it was a busy night, but why not just wait until she came in?

I didn’t have to wait long for an answer.

In a queue of three hundred or more people, easily, it was like they had a fucking spotlight shining on them. By that point, I couldn’t remember which one of the girls (at least, I hoped it was one of the girls!) that he was looking for. But I was praying with everything I had that it wasn’t the one whom, at that moment, was looking at me like she wanted to take a bite and I swear I would have let her, I’d have given anything to have that mouth on me.

I couldn’t stop staring at her, which was weird for me. I don’t pick up random girls, I don’t very often take anyone home with me, and I’ve never been so drawn to someone within the first couple of seconds.


I approached them quickly because it was fucking freezing and I just wanted to get it over with. It took a lot bloody longer than it should have!

“Hey ladies, gentleman...we’re really sorry that you’re having to wait so long for entry, so I’ve been sent to give you these VIP passes. Free entry, free access to the VIP section, free first drink...and most importantly, free queue jump.”

It was bullshit. I knew it, and they obviously knew it to. Why would I offer
them free VIP passes and not every other poor bastard who was still waiting in the queue? But that was what I was told to say, so that’s what I said. Girl number one stepped up, and right off the bat, I knew she was trouble. That girl had a mouth on her.

“Ok...this is a joke right? There must be more than three hundred people in this queue before us, and you’ve just been randomly told to give these passes to us specifically? Yeah nice one dude, just try it on someone whose actually foolish enough to believe ya yeah?”

“Sorry darlin’, I really don’t mean to annoy you, but yeah, that’s um...exactly what I was told. Boss described what you looked like, what the people you would be with looked like. He told me to find all of you and give you these.”

I handed over the passes and had to fight the urge to shake her because she was studying them like they’d tell
her the answers to all her questions. I was so damn cold and she was giving me the run around.

Instead of doing anything though, I looked over at the friend and yeah, she was so damn beautiful it actually hurt to look at her.

She was wearing shoes that made her legs look a mile long, but she was nearly as tall as me with them on so I figured she must have been about five foot seven anyway. I liked that.

But it was her face that drew me in.
Just everything about it. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She had full, what I would call ‘blow job lips’ that had images rushing through my brain that were really fucking sexy. Hey! I’m a guy and she was so fucking hot.

Although I couldn’t shake the feeling that it wouldn’t be the
first time she’d heard that. I knew for sure that I’d never seen eyes like hers. Didn’t even know eyes like that existed. They were different colours. But still, so damn beautiful. I didn’t realise how long I’d been staring for until she tilted her head to the side and smirked at me as if she could hear the direction my thoughts were heading.

I loved a girl with confidence, and she exuded it. 

My whole body ached with need almost immediately and I could feel how tense my muscles were from trying to reign myself in. Never, had any girl affected me like that.

Someone touched my arm so looked back at the girl –
the one whom I was still silently begging was the one Jax had his eye on - and leant down slightly so she could speak into my ear.

“Right here’s the deal, I don’t like
this...I don’t like this at all. I don’t know why someone would ‘send you to find me’ but I’ll admit, I’m intrigued and, more importantly, it’s fucking freezing out here and I don’t wanna spend half my night standing in this queue when I could be drinking and dancing. So lead the way, we’ll follow and personally, can give us a tour of the new place yeah?”

I honestly had no time for that shit, and more importantly who the fuck did she think she was?
I don’t take demands from anyone. But right then, I’d have done anything to get out of the cold so I agreed.

“Um, yeah sure, I mean I’m working but I’m sure my brother won’t mind if I take fifteen minutes out to show you all around”

I turned and started walking back towards the entrance, trying to ignore the incessant bitching from people still waiting to get in, not that I could blame them obviously. I’d be pissed off too, but hey, that’s life!

“Wait, what?
Your brother? I thought you said your boss sent you out here?”

Seriously, the girl just wouldn’t give me a break.

“One ‘n’ the same darlin’ brother owns this place, so yeah, technically he’s my boss.”

She had stopped walking so I stopped with her, but damn, I just wanted to leave. It was only the fact that I didn’t really want to be away from her friend that made me stop with them.

“Ok so you’re telling me, your brother, who owns this place, sent you out here to get us?”

I clenched my teeth and blew out a frustrated breath before answering her. Why did she have to keep asking questions? I tried to be as polite as I could, which was really difficult at the time!

“Yeah lady, that’s what I’m telling you, that’s what happened, that’s what I did. So now can we
keep walking and get inside, because you might have had a few to drink and therefore not feel it so much, but jeez its god damn cold out here and if it’s all the same to you, I’d much rather be inside where I won’t end up losing any digits to bloody frostbite”

I was about to carry on walking anyway when her friend jumped in, and fuck me if her voice didn’t make the whole package just that little bit sweeter. She sounded confident but innocent and there was definitely a little fire in there. That girl knew exactly what she wanted. But so did
I, and I wanted

“Yeah Ice, you know I’m always on your side babe, but seriously a girl who can’t stop her teeth chattering and has bloody goose-bumps all over her skin isn’t exactly attractive and I’m
on it
tonight. Let’s just go inside and if you wanna interrogate the poor guy some more, do it in there, yeah?”

Well thank fuck someone actually wanted to get out of the cold. She linked her arm through mine and marched forward, basically dragging me along with her. I let her though, it seemed straight away that she was a girl who was used to going after what she wanted and I wasn’t gonna argue with her.




I wanted him.


I think he knew it too from the knowing smirk on his face when I ran my eyes down his body. But it was the heat in his eyes that made my insides quiver. Oh yeah, he wanted me too.

I wasn’t going to make it easy for him though. Where’s the fun in finding the guy you’re going to take home before you’ve even stepped inside the club? I still had game!

As soon as we stepped through the doors, I ditched the lot of
them, Taylor was too busy talking about interior design.

Why would anyone want to talk about interior design on a night out?

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. That girl just didn’t have a clue.

So, it might seem pretty harsh to ditch my friends on a night out. And probably a little stupid to go wondering
off by myself too, but I didn’t want them judging me. Ever.

Not that they really would. Well they definitely wouldn’t say anything to me, but sometimes I could literally feel the disapproval radiating from them. I just didn’t need that.

I headed straight for the bar, ordered two shots and a vodka and lemonade. Getting a little bit drunk never hurt anyone!

I wondered around aimlessly for a while, checking out the layout of the club. It used to
be shit hole, a real dive. It wasn’t like that anymore, it was luxurious almost. I fought the urge to scoff out loud. Nightclubs shouldn’t be luxurious. What’s the point when people are only going to get drunk, do drugs, dance, get sick, and probably fuck in the bathrooms?

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