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Authors: Dixie Lee Brown

Rescued by the Ranger (16 page)

BOOK: Rescued by the Ranger
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Garrett lowered his mouth to hers and pulled her on top of him as he flipped to his back. He stretched for another condom, opened the package, and rolled it onto his rock-hard member with shaking fingers. Man, she did a number on him.

She clamped her lower lip between her teeth as her eyes followed his movements. Clearly lost in concentration, she jumped when he touched her sides. She dragged her heated gaze from his engorged shaft to his eyes. Her pink tongue appeared and flitted across her lip a fraction of a second before a speculative grin settled there. He answered her with one of his own. Whatever she was planning, he was pretty sure he could get on board.

She reached for him, fastening her hand around his dick. Her eyes never left his. “Take it off,” she whispered low and sultry.

“The condom? Why would I do that?” He tugged her down for a hard kiss.

Pushing herself up, she raised her index finger in front of her mouth, sucked the tip between her lips, pulled it out with a slight pop, and drew a wet line over the end of the condom. “Why do you think?” Her voice was a teasing purr, and he’d apparently only
he was hard before.

Aw hell!
He groaned with the effort to concentrate on anything other than the promise in her eyes. “As tempting as that sounds . . . this is my last condom . . . and I kinda need to be inside you. But next time, if you’ll do me the honor again, I’m all yours.” He started to sweat a little at the anticipation alone.

It hadn’t even occurred to him to replenish his supply before he left the base. It’d been a while since he’d needed any at all. That ambush in Fallujah had changed his perspective on many things. Not the least of which was how trivial it was, in the scheme of things, to bury himself deep in some woman he didn’t even know merely for the sake of a fuck. His lack of interest had worried him at first, but the shrink his commanding officer made him see had assured him the problem would take care of itself when he was ready. Apparently the good doctor had been right. Garrett felt as if he’d been sporting a partial erection ever since he came face-to-face with Rachel.

What was so different about her? She was pretty—beautiful even—but it was more than that. She touched something deep down inside him. Maybe it was as simple as the fact she needed him, although he doubted if
see it that way. As he studied the tenderness in her eyes, he couldn’t help wondering what emotions she saw on his face. He used to be a master at hiding his feelings, especially from the women who decorated his arm . . . and occupied his bed. Rachel, however, was chinking away at his armor. Where panic at getting too close might have bombarded him in previous years, now his need for the green-eyed redhead made him ache all the way to his toes.

Straddling him, she leaned forward until her hands were braced on the bed beside his shoulders. “Let’s not waste it then.” Her clear eyes held his gaze as she lowered her mouth to his.

He let her control the kiss for a few seconds before he cupped the back of her head and ground his lips over hers. Tucking her to his chest, he rolled until she was beneath him, her legs on each side of his hips, allowing him free access to exactly where he wanted to be. Leaving her mouth and ignoring her hands that tried to pull him back where he’d been, he scooted down her gorgeous body until her center was within reach of his tongue.

With the first lick, she screamed and then slapped her hand over her mouth. Muffled giggles came from beneath as she shook her head back and forth. Garrett’s shaft jerked in readiness.

His tongue covered her center, circled, then nudged and teased her swollen nub. Arching off the bed, she allowed him more leverage to get deeper in her folds. She alternated between pushing against his mouth and trying to pull away from him. He locked his arms around her thighs and held her in place while his blood boiled with the need to be inside her.

Garrett guided her legs over his shoulders as he crawled upward on the bed again. When her hips aligned with his, he lowered himself into position and shoved home.
Sweet mother of all things fucking hot!
She was it for him. He opened his eyes and gazed into her exquisite face. A slight smile curved her lips as she beckoned him closer, then circled his neck with warm hands and kissed him when he complied.

She sighed, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “It was my turn to be on top.”

He eased out and rocked back into her. His breath came faster. “Were we taking turns? Sorry. Next time. I promise.”

She sniffed. “You do remember that’s your last condom, right?” She slid her legs off his shoulders, down his sides to tangle around his hips.

Garrett covered both of her breasts with the palms of his hands, flicking her pebbled nipples with his thumbs. She trembled beneath his touch, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He started a slow rhythm, stroking in and out of her velvet softness. “I know you want me bad, sweetheart, but if you could be a little bit patient, I’m sure it’s not the last condom in town.”

Rachel laughed and reached toward his side, clearly searching for a ticklish spot. “Ohhhh . . . I’m pretty sure between the two of us, I possess the greater patience.”

Garrett grinned. “I don’t doubt that a bit.” He pulled both of her hands up over her head and held them with one of his. His mouth covered her sweet lips even as his hips ground against hers. Internal pressure built as he plunged in and out, Rachel meeting each thrust with a force of her own. In no time at all, she tensed and shuddered beneath him, and he was pretty sure it was his name she cried out, though he muffled it with his tongue. Man, he loved making her come. If only he had one more lousy condom.

His thrusts became wildly urgent just before what felt like a volcano blew in his head, and red-hot lava flowed through his veins as he gathered Rachel tightly in his arms.

When his breathing had slowed, he showered gentle kisses on her face, then rolled to his back, tugging her with him until her head and upper torso rested on his chest. “You’re going to kill me if we keep this up.” The alarm in her eyes alerted him immediately to his stupid choice of words. “Shit! I’m sorry, sweetheart. I was trying to be funny.”

The saddest smile he’d ever seen worked across her face, and she brushed his lips with hers. “You should probably leave the funny stuff to someone else.”

Garrett dropped his forehead to hers. “Count on it.”

Rachel reached for the sheet, pulled it over them, and snuggled close to him. Garrett held her tightly because to do anything else would put too much space between them. Finally, he sensed that she’d dozed off, and still he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go. He was just dropping off himself when his cell phone vibrated against the wooden top of the bedside table.

Chapter Fourteen

the sudden noise even though it wasn’t very loud. Strong arms wrapped around her and kept her from bolting.
Still naked beside her. Memories of him making love to her, so fresh in her mind, raised her body temperature enough that she kicked her legs out from under the sheet that covered them.

“It’s just my phone, sweetheart.” Garrett spoke close to her ear, then stretched over her to reach the offending device. “It’s Luke. I better take it.”

Rachel nodded and rolled to the side of the bed. She searched for something to cover herself with, then briefly wondered why she would bother after everything that had transpired between her and Garrett. Spotting her bag on the floor, she made a beeline for it, grabbed it, and kept on going right into the bathroom. Okay, so she’d never be the kind of woman who was comfortable flaunting herself in the nude. So what?

Holding her breath, she waited for regret, shame, and self-condemnation, the harbingers of humiliation, to punch her in the gut. Surely, now that she’d satisfied her traitorous body’s needs, sanity would return with a vengeance and make her sorry she was alive. She waited . . . and let her breath out little by little . . . and waited some more. The only thing she was having trouble controlling was the persistent twitch at the corners of her mouth that felt suspiciously like a smile—one that went nicely with the carefree thundering of her heart. She had no regrets. The realization made her breath catch in her throat and sent her spiraling into self-doubt. She’d just had wild and crazy sex with a virtual stranger. What did that say about her?

She sorted through her belongings for something clean to wear while keeping an eye on Garrett through the half-open door. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to her and his phone to his ear. What was going on at home? Was everyone all right? Was Peg upset with the decision Rachel had made to leave? She wanted to know what Luke was calling about, but Luke was Garrett’s brother. They probably had more to talk about than just her. Amanda . . . for example. So she’d give Garrett his privacy. Surely he would fill her in if there was something that concerned her.

She pulled the door closed all the way, turned on the shower, and stepped beneath the water, the hot drops pelting her with soothing power. Even as good as it felt, she hurried through soaping and rinsing. After all, it hadn’t been two hours since she’d stood in the same spot, going through the same motions.

Finished and towel-dried, she dressed in her favorite tan skirt and a sleeveless lemon-yellow cotton top that she’d taken from her bag. She finished with a pair of comfortable sandals and a spritz of the jasmine scent that Garrett had liked. Then she brushed her long, wavy hair and used a barrette to pull the top layer behind her head and keep it off her face.

Leaving her satchel on the counter in the bathroom, she pushed the door open. Garrett had gotten up, slipped jeans on that were zipped but not buttoned, and stood on the balcony, leaning against the railing, his concentration on the phone. He must have heard the door open because he glanced up, smiled when he saw her, and beckoned.

One look at this sexy guy with nothing on but a pair of jeans sent her heart racing. What was this effect he had on her? What would happen if Jeremy found out? Rachel went weak all over as the blood apparently drained from her head to pool in her feet.
Breathe, damn it! Breathe.

Concern instantly flooded Garrett’s face. He ended the call and strode through the open balcony doorway. “Hey. Are you all right?” He reached her just as she stumbled to the closest chair and dropped down. He knelt in front of her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Rachel forced her version of a brave smile. “Nothing serious. I think I’m just hungry.”

“Shit! Of course you are. It’s almost dinnertime.” He stood and gripped her shoulders. “You stay right here and rest. I’m going to take the fastest shower in history, throw on some clothes, and we’ll go downstairs to the restaurant. Five minutes. I promise.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead, grabbed the paper bags that held his new clothes, and disappeared into the bathroom.

Silence, broken only by the sounds of water spraying the tiles in the shower, settled around Rachel, along with a deep-seated dread that Jeremy would somehow find out she was falling in love with Garrett. Terror, the likes of which she’d never known before, nearly blinded her, and then suddenly the weight of Cowboy’s head lay in her lap.

She hugged him and scratched his neck as he whined and licked her face. The seriousness in his intelligent brown eyes seemed to say:
What are you worried about? I’ve got this.

Garrett was lucky to have Cowboy. He’d already saved Garrett’s life more than once, and Rachel felt her apprehension lessen as the dog returned to his vigil, stretching out on the carpeted floor a few feet away.

True to his word, Garrett was finished and ready to walk out of the room in just under the promised time. He wouldn’t leave before he promised Cowboy that there’d be a walk in it for him after dinner. The dog’s tail thumped on the carpet, but that was his only indication he cared they were leaving at all.

Before Garrett opened the door, he wrapped Rachel in a hug and pulled her close. “You look good enough to kiss all over.” His lips came down on hers with tenderness and a hint of his earlier passion. “Do you feel like taking a short walk before dinner?”

She studied his face for the reason behind his amusement. “Sure. I guess. Where are we going?”

“The department store a couple blocks down. I need to lay in a megasupply of condoms so I don’t disappoint you the next time you can’t keep your hands off of me.”

Rachel huffed, but then her smile broke free. “I doubt if it’s possible for you to disappoint me.” She leaned into him, reveling in the hunger in his eyes.

With a very pleased smirk, he dipped his head and kissed her thoroughly, but when he pulled away, his expression seemed a little too serious. “There’s news from Cougar Ridge. I’ll tell you over dinner.”

Rachel’s breath stuttered. “Is everyone okay?”

“Other than Aunt Peg being ready to skin me alive, everybody is just fine. But don’t worry . . . Luke will apply a little of that charm he’s so good with, and she’ll be back to normal in no time.” He opened the door and ushered her through.

They walked the two blocks to the store hand in hand, and Garrett dragged her with him to the condom aisle. She should have been embarrassed, picking out the latest in male contraception with him, but his sense of humor and natural confidence rubbed off on her. The only one who’d blushed was the clerk behind the counter who would have apparently been happier if Garrett had stopped asking questions about sizing and just bought the damn things already. They laughed all the way back to the hotel.

The restaurant on the ground floor was busy, but Garrett employed some of the Harding brothers charm himself and the pretty blonde hostess was only too happy to show them to a secluded table. Garrett pulled out the chair against the wall and waited for Rachel to seat herself, then took the chair to her left.

By the time the waiter arrived to take their orders, Rachel had a headache from wading through the overinflated prices on the menu. No way was she paying forty bucks for something called Country Natural Beef. There wasn’t a slab of meat alive worth that much.

She dropped her menu on the table and smiled at the waiter. “I’ll have a house salad with ranch, please.”

Garrett frowned, and she saw his argument coming. He turned to the waiter. “Let’s wait on the main course if you don’t mind. I think we’ll start with some wine and an appetizer.” He smiled at Rachel, all innocent like. “Bring us a bottle of Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon, please. And . . . some calamari . . . and an order of the seared ahi. Does that sound all right, sweetheart?”

Rachel stared, bemused, until he nodded at the waiter and the poor man walked away. When she opened her mouth, intending to tell him how it all sounded, Garrett held up his hand.

“Do you want to know what Luke and Jase had to say? Because if you do, you’re going to let me buy you a nice dinner, and you’re going to order some real food with your salad.” He leaned toward her. “Besides, the hotel is picking up part of it. Remember?”

“You talked to your friend Jase, too? What’s going on, Garrett?” Suddenly, her observation that he was getting a little too free with his coercion didn’t seem important.

He reached for her hand. “Our friend outside the lodge yesterday morning? He came back. Luke and Jonathan caught him planting listening devices in your room.”

Rachel’s other hand flew to her mouth. “What happened? Did they call the sheriff?”

“Apparently, Jonathan has the same opinion of Sheriff Connors as you do, so the two of them thought they could get the truth from the man themselves.” Garrett went silent as the waiter returned with their wine, opened the bottle, and poured a small amount in one of the glasses that Garrett tasted and pronounced satisfactory. The waiter than poured a glass for both of them and left the bottle.

“They didn’t torture him, did they?” Rachel could barely hold in her question until they were alone again. Was it possible it was Jeremy they’d caught red-handed?

“Well, as you know, my brother is a SEAL, and Lord knows what Jonathan did with his time before he moved to Idaho. But I’m going to assume the answer to your question is no since they didn’t get much information. The guy wouldn’t even give his name. They were just about to change their minds and call the sheriff when he insisted on talking to Jase.”

The waiter returned again with their appetizers. As soon as he left, Rachel cast a disbelieving look at Garrett. “Jase? Why Jase? Jeremy doesn’t know him.” She had to stop to catch her breath.

“The man we saw outside the lodge is a professional. I’d bet on that. I doubt if he’s your stalker, and I’d be surprised if he worked for Jeremy, either. Stalkers get off on
. Doesn’t seem feasible that he’d hire someone else to do what he enjoyed most. But we can’t rule it out completely.” He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, sending a tingle up her arm. “Why he asked to speak to my PI—that’s something I’ll have to ask Jase tomorrow. He wants to talk to me . . . face-to-face . . . before we meet with the mystery man. He refused to say why, and that’s not like Jase at all. He’ll be here about noon.”

Garrett lifted the appetizer dishes one at a time and passed them to Rachel. She was in such turmoil over the possibility that Luke and Jonathan were holding Jeremy at the resort she forgot to turn up her nose at the tentacles on the deep-fried calamari. She had a bite anyway and washed it down with a swallow of wine.

An exasperated sigh escaped her lips, and Garrett frowned. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get Jase to answer my questions, sweetheart. We’ll know what’s going on tomorrow, and then we’ll decide if we’re going back.”

A question nagged at the fringes of her mind. “What happens if you decide to go back . . . and I decide not to?”

His expression went suddenly blank, giving her the answer she suspected. He looked away from her before he answered. “Let’s not worry about it tonight. We’ll have some dinner, some wine, and take Cowboy for a walk. Do you like classic cars?”

“Sure. You?” Rachel wasn’t really surprised by the sudden change of topic.

“I’m obsessed—old Model Ts, muscle cars, you name it. Anyway, the clerk at the desk when I registered said there’s a car show in town all week. We could check it out, if you’d like.” And there it was—the little boy’s grin that Rachel found so endearing.

Was it possible for her to forget about Jase and Jeremy for tonight? One look at Garrett’s eager face made her hope she could. “I’d love to. As long as Cowboy can go, too. He’s been stuck in that hotel room too long.” She flushed with heat as she suddenly remembered why.

By the amusement in Garrett’s eyes, he’d had no trouble following her train of thought. “Cowboy better damn well get used to it.” He leaned across the corner of the table that separated them and kissed her ear, his breath feathering her hair and causing a shudder along her spine.

Just then the waiter returned for their order. Rachel opened her menu, then closed it and turned to Garrett. Under the table, she dropped her hand on his knee and slid it slowly upward. “You know what I like, honey. Would you mind ordering for me?”

Garrett coughed and cleared his throat. His eyes turned almost charcoal as his gaze pierced her. “Of course, sweetheart. We’ll both have prime rib, medium rare, baked potatoes with the works on the side, and salads, ranch for the lady and bleu cheese for me. Can we get some water too, please? I’m suddenly really thirsty.”

“Very good, sir . . . miss.” The waiter gathered the menus and strode toward the kitchen.

Garrett’s brow shot up. “Well, well. Aren’t
full of surprises? Can’t wait to see what’s next.”

Rachel laughed softly, absurdly embarrassed by her brash advance. She jerked her hand away, but she wasn’t quite quick enough. Garrett snagged her wrist and guided her hand effortlessly to where the hard ridge lay just beneath the worn denim of his jeans. His eyes never left hers, the knowing grin he wore taunting her.

“I usually have more control, but I have to admit I like the way you get me all hot and bothered.” His deep voice sent tremors clear to her toes.

The hostess led a middle-aged couple to a nearby table and still Garrett’s gaze never wavered. “What now? Should we take this to our room? Or maybe we could enjoy an elevator ride. Do the nasty on the way to the top floor and back?”

Whether it was his melodramatic words or his solemn delivery, Rachel burst out laughing. And she couldn’t stop.

Garrett huffed, released her hand, and threw his own in the air in a gesture of defeat. Then he started to chuckle and shake his head.

Soon, Rachel was laughing so hard tears ran down her face. Finally, ignoring the couple within earshot of them, she stood and slid onto Garrett’s lap. She raked her fingers through his short hair, pulling his head down for a kiss. “You are the sexiest man I’ve ever met.”

BOOK: Rescued by the Ranger
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