Relentless Pursuit (16 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #General, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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“I’m glad someone has the decency to do the right thing,” Henry gave a slight nod to Basher. “Do you have any other leads?”

“None. But we do have the killer's DNA and are running it through every database we can to try to find a match. Sheriff Davies also handed over the notes on his investigation, which I'll go through right after our press conference. I’m not giving up, Mr. Davies. I will find out who did this,” Basher promised.

“Thank you,” Pierce said. “And, Detective Basher, I know you were just doing your job.”

Basher gave him a quick nod before ending the conference. “Let’s meet the others in the conference room and go down to the press conference. The sooner we get it over with, the sooner I can get back to investigating the case.” Basher stood up and opened the door to the interview room. Pierce clasped Tammy’s hand in his. Now he felt he could give himself fully to her with the cloud of the trial no longer handing over him.


“Now, do you remember what I told you to say?” Miles asked Morgan for the fifth time as the family walked down the stairs and out the front door of the police station.

“Yes, husband,” Morgan whispered as Detective Cowell started the press conference. He spoke of the DNA evidence proving Pierce’s innocence and apologized for any hardships to him and his family. He further told the crowd that he'd find the guilty party and bring them to justice. Morgan fought the urge to roll her eyes and then finally stepped forward to speak after being introduced by Cowell.

“Hello. My name is Morgan Davies and I have a prepared statement to make on behalf of Pierce Davies and his family. After, there will be no questions. We've all known Pierce was innocent and the trials he and his family have gone through have been great. We appreciate the love and support from all of our friends and neighbors.

“Mr. Davies was framed, but justice will prevail now that his innocence has been proven and Ms. Fields has come forward as an eye witness who is able to identify the perpetrators.”

Tammy felt Pierce’s hand tighten on hers as he looked down at her with narrowed eyes. She smiled serenely and tried not to worry about the angry looks she was receiving from every man there.

“Ms. Fields will be meeting with police in the near future to assist with identifying the criminals and to help originate new leads, but for now the Davies family and Ms. Fields ask for privacy as they put this nightmare behind them. Thank you,” Morgan concluded.

The group turned around quietly, ignoring the questions being hurled at them by the media, and retreated to the conference room at the police station. The women instinctively moved together to stand their ground.

“What?” Kenna asked the glaring men innocently.

Steel Magnolias
, huh?” Marshall asked with his hands on his hips.

“I swear, if you weren’t the mother of my child and the love of my life…” Cole snapped at Paige. “What in the hell were you thinking?”

“Very well put,” Will said crossing his arms and staring at Kenna.

The ladies simply held their ground, refusing to be intimidated. Pierce paced back and forth quietly for a moment and then erupted. “Do you know what you’ve done?” His face had turned red and Tammy suddenly felt a little sick to her stomach. “You just put Tammy’s life in danger! These men will find her and kill her to keep her quiet!”

“I know,” Tammy whispered.

“You know? I can’t believe you let them talk you into this!”

“They didn’t. It was my idea.” Tammy found her voice and raised it to defend the others who supported her in her plan.

“Your idea? Why would you do this?” Pierce asked confused.

“Because I love you, why do you think? I'd do anything to prevent seeing you hurt again. Even ruining your grand plan for glory by sacrificing yourself to catch these guys,” Tammy shot back.

“So, that’s why you think I’m upset? Because you stole my thunder?”

“We all know you Davies men hate not getting your way, so yeah, I do.”

“Then you know that I take great pleasure in saying this: You’re wrong, Tammy. The reason I’m so upset is because I love you more than my own life. You are my world now. How could you not know that after last night?”

Tammy felt her heart constrict and tears start to flow down her cheeks. She laughed when she heard a nose being blown.

“Sorry, but that was just so sweet!” Dani cried into Mo’s silk handkerchief.

“Come on!” Marcy clapped as her eyes shimmered, “let’s head out to the farm and figure out how to deal with this together.” Marcy shooed everyone out of the room to leave Tammy and Pierce alone.

Pierce wrapped her up in her arms and looked into her eyes. “We’ll handle this together because we’re an unbeatable team. Deal?” Tammy nodded when she couldn’t find the words. “Good. Now are you going to be this quiet every time I tell you how much I love you?”

“No, and I promise to always tell you that I love you, too.” Tammy rose up on her tiptoes and sealed the promise with a kiss. “Now, let’s get to work so that we can move on with our lives together.”




Pierce rubbed his head as he listened to the debate flying around the room. Everyone had an idea on how to protect Tammy. She sat quietly by his side and he found it so hard to focus on the task at hand when all he wanted to do was make love to her again. She had cast a fairy spell over him and being forced to sit there with her body pressed against his side was torturing him.

“Okay, enough!” Pierce paused when he realized he said it so loudly. “Ahmed, Marshall, what is the game plan?”

Ahmed began, “At all times, there will be at least one, but most likely two of my men watching Tammy. Now my dear, do not worry if they are out of sight. That is the point. Just feel confident knowing that they are there.”

“And one of my deputies will be in plainclothes as well,” Marshall told them.

“Also, I want you to take Marko. Tammy, do you remember the commands I showed you the other day?” Bridget smiled as Tammy nodded. “Marko won’t let anything happen to you. And neither will I.”

“Thank you, Bridget,” Tammy stood and hugged her new friend. She was heartbroken that Bridget was leaving next week for the Middle East.

“I’ll also be with her the whole time,” Pierce said as he laced his fingers through hers.

“Well, that settles that!” Marcy beamed. “Thank you all for all your help. I have lunch ready. Ahmed, please call your men in to eat. I know they’re out there somewhere in the fields nearby. I can’t have you all going on a stakeout hungry.”


Tammy tried to focus on her work, but it was hard with Pierce sitting across the room from her. She was at the end of her rope. Ever since this morning when he declared his love for her, Confident Tammy wanted to leap on him, literally. But they were never given the chance. After Marcy’s lunch, Henry asked her to come back to the office to help with the cases that were piling up.

The phone had been ringing off the hook with mysterious sightings of strangers in town. Somehow John Wolfe had found out every word of the plan and soon after the whole town was calling nonstop. They were either warning of people they didn’t know or offering to help with personal protection. Old man Tabernacle even offered up a guard pig to lie against the door. He swore no human force would be able to get past his pig.

“Okay, that’s it!” Tammy cried as she hung up the phone. “I can’t take it anymore. It’s time for dinner and I have a frozen pizza calling my name at home.”

“I need to stop by Paige’s apartment and pick up my clothes and Gus. I’ll run and do that while Henry’s here and you can give Bridget a call. She wanted to drop Marko off at night. Henry, I’m going out for a bit!” Pierce yelled into the back of the office.

“Gotcha covered for the next thirty minutes. Then I have myself a hot date.” Henry strutted out and posed as he flexed his biceps. “Some lucky lady has two tickets to the gun show tonight.”

“I’ll be back in ten and I don’t even know what to say about that.” Pierce shook his head and walked out as Henry holstered his guns.

“Bless your heart, Henry, but you can be the biggest goober,” Tammy said flatly. “I’ve had about all I can take.” Tammy rose from her seat and went over to Henry. “First, the shiny suits have to go.”

“What? These are awesome,” Henry defended.

“No, they’re 1990s mob wanna-be outfits. Take off your coat and tie, and then unbutton the top button to your dress shirt.” Tammy tapped her foot as Henry pouted and slowly did what he was told. “Great. Now roll up your sleeves.”

“There. Is this better?” Henry did a slow turn and Tammy nodded in satisfaction. Gone was the sleazy attorney act and in his place was a downright attractive man.

“Yes. Now, I listened to you about Pierce and it worked, right? So now you need to listen to me. I take it this date is with Neely Grace?”

“That’s right. I got a Grade A Premium date.”

Tammy sighed a long-suffering groan and shook her head. “Nooo! For all the years I have been with you, I’ve been telling you that women don’t want to be treated as cows or any other kind of animal. We don’t like pick-up lines. We don’t like being hit on. We like being talked to like normal human beings.”

“Fine. I’ll give it a shot, but I don’t think it’ll work.”

The door opened as Bridget and Marko walked in. Bridget looked amused as she came into the office. “It’s not every day you see a man walking down the street pushing a bird cage.”

Tammy picked up her purse and gave Marko a pat. “Try it, Henry. I like the new Neely Grace. So be chivalrous, kind, and listen to what she has to say.”

“And no pick-up lines!” Bridget and Tammy shouted before the door closed.


Tammy, Bridget, and Marko made it to the front of the Blossom Café sooner than Tammy would have liked. She was really enjoying learning more about Bridget. They were about to turn down the street toward the back of the café when they heard the screaming.

“What’s that?” Bridget asked as she picked up speed.

“I think it’s Miss Daisy.” Tammy rounded the corner and froze in fright. Miss Daisy, Miss Violet, and Miss Lily stood blocking the bottom of the stairs. Pierce was holding a bag and Gus sat on his shoulder. Miss Violet was tapping her wooden spoon against the palm of her hand, taunting Pierce as if she were preparing for a fight.  Miss Lily was being subtler as she moved her broom out from behind her and placed it at her side.

“What is this, the Granny Gang?” Bridget asked sarcastically. 

“Worse, much worse!” Tammy hurried forward, but it was too late.

“What do you mean I can’t go upstairs? I’m staying here to protect her,” Pierce’s raised voice reached her.

“That’s not all your doing, young man, and there's no hanky-panky going on in my apartment!” Miss Daisy stepped forward and smacked his hand with her kitchen towel.

“That’s so archaic! It doesn’t matter what Tammy and I do. We’re grown-ups, for crying out loud.” Pierce’s posture changed as he tried to angle past the granny wall. 

“I don’t think so, young man!” Miss Lily brought the broom down on the shoulder not occupied by a bird. Gus jumped over Pierce’s head and landed on the broom, biting the straw bristles. Miss Lily screamed and waved the broom in the air, trying to dislodge Gus.

Miss Lily’s screams left off as Gus’s shrieks of delight at this new game picked up. He clung onto the broom with everything he had as Miss Lily ran in a circle shaking the broom as her sisters chased after her. Gus flew off the broom and snatched Miss Violet's spoon out of the air.

“Gus! Get back here! Drop it,” Pierce called as he tried to snatch the bird out of the air. Gus flew high into the air and then dive-bombed the group. The women screeched, Pierce cursed, and Gus laughed as he finally found a place to land… right on Miss Daisy’s head.

Everyone froze. Gus took the wooden spoon out of his mouth and held it in a claw. “Aw, that’s a good bird!”

Miss Daisy’s eyes were wide and wild as Miss Lily crept forward. “Don’t move, Daisy Mae.” Slowly, she raised the broom into the air…

“No!” Miss Daisy cried, but it was too late. Miss Lily brought the broom down on her sister’s head. Gus jumped back and dropped the spoon. Miss Daisy sputtered and pulled the straw from her hair as Miss Violet lunged for her precious wooden spoon.

“Miss Daisy! Are you okay?” Tammy called as she rushed to her side.

“Where is he? I’m going to kill him! Violet Fae, get your recipe for parrot stew. You’re mine, bird!” Miss Daisy’s eyes zeroed in on where Pierce had Gus in his hands.

“Miss Daisy?” Bridget said kindly, but with a hint of authority as she changed the subject in order to rescue the parrot from the pot. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but as you know, Tammy really is in a lot of danger. Mr. and Mrs. Davies were counting on Pierce to help guard her. And so was Ahmed. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them, would you?”

“Marcy agreed to this?” Miss Daisy asked hesitantly.

“Yes, in fact she insisted. Tammy is a good friend and I don’t want to think about her up there all alone.”

“I guess you’re right,” Miss Daisy finally said. “But you’re sleeping on the couch!” With a humph, the sisters walked back into the café and closed the back door.

“Well, now that we got that taken care of, let’s get Marko tucked in for the night.”


Tammy placed the empty wine glasses in the sink and lounged against the counter as she watched Pierce get ready for bed. He had emerged from the bathroom clean-shaven and smelling of soap. His jeans and t-shirt hung over the end of her couch as he walked across her bedroom in his tight black trunk boxer briefs.

“Are you coming to bed, sweetheart?” he called out to her.

“I thought you were supposed to sleep on the couch,” she teased.

“Only if you sleep with me. I promised to guard you and what better way than to have you wrapped in my arms all night?”

“Sounds heavenly. Pierce,” Tammy asked slowly, “are you worried at all?”

“I’m only scared about losing you. As long as you’re by my side, then all my dreams can come true. Are you afraid, sweetheart?” Pierce placed his hands on the counter on each side of her body.

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