Relentless Pursuit (12 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #General, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Relentless Pursuit
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“Well, it’s been a long day. I’m going to get back to my place. Good night, everyone.” Tammy slipped out the back door as fast as she could. She heard Pierce calling after her but was too embarrassed to stop until she reached her apartment.


“That was uncalled for. Geez, Paige, I had a nice night planned and you ruined it.” Pierce glared as his sister.

“Karma’s a beautiful thing, isn’t she?” Paige laughed.

“Karma? I never did anything like this to you.” Pierce stopped and remembered him and his brothers doing the exact same thing to Cole here when he and Paige first got together. “Okay, maybe I did. Now that you have my undivided attention, what did you need?”

“Nothing. We were just dropping off the groceries before putting Ryan to bed. But, now that you’re here and we’re in private, there is something I wouldn’t mind telling you,” Paige said as Ryan decided to try to chew on his shoulder instead.


“I like Tammy. A lot. In fact, as much as I love you, I think she may be too good for you after the way you treated her. So, whatever you do, don’t screw this up.”

Pierce handed Cole the baby who was instantly engrossed with trying to reach his daddy’s hat to chew on. “Why does everyone think I'll screw this up?”

“Maybe because you managed to screw it up for the last two years,” Cole said sarcastically.

“Way to be on my side!” Cole shrugged at Pierce as Paige simply looked at him. He knew his brother-in-law was right. “Well, maybe I wasn’t ready then.”

“And you are now? Are you really ready for what Tammy needs now? Serious, long-term relationship that might include,” Paige gasped, “the

Pierce stood quietly as he processed his sister’s words. Marriage. To Tammy? To anyone? Was he ready for that?

“That’s what I thought. Good night, Pierce.” Paige gave him a kiss on the cheek and Cole gave him a nod as they both headed out the kitchen door and back to their house across the street.

Pierce turned off the lights and made his way back to the bedroom. He tossed the towel into the bathroom and climbed into bed. There was only one thing he knew deep down. He was ready for everything his sister had said—for a relationship and for marriage with Tammy. God!  Just don’t let his mother find out. He wanted to do it his own way. Satisfaction and a calm of knowing it was right settled on him as he drifted off to sleep.




Tammy rolled out of bed and groaned. She had had a couple of glasses of wine after returning from Pierce's apartment last night. She looked at the nightstand, okay, most of the bottle. What she needed now was a hot shower and a clear head. Unfortunately, the thought of a hot shower only reminded her of last night.

She turned on her shower, brushed her teeth, and undressed. How big of a fool had she made of herself last night? Ah, the shower felt so good. She rested her head against the wall and let the water wash away all her fears. She was a strong, independent woman and she hadn’t needed a man to take care of her before, so why sweat the small stuff like what his family thinks of her?

Feeling better, Tammy turned off the water and pushed aside the shower curtain. Tammy screamed and hid behind the curtain as she saw a figure in black leaning against the doorframe.

“What are you doing here?” she screamed as she tried to calm down.

Ahmed tossed her a towel but didn’t move. “I found something.”

“How did you get in here?”

Ahmed just looked at her.

“Okay, but did anyone see you?” Tammy rolled her eyes when Ahmed simply raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be so confident. I know you’re a sexy, badass something or other, but Miss Violet and Miss Daisy have more than thirty years of experience on you and I’d hate to be in your shoes if they caught you here. Ever been hit with a skillet?” Tammy asked as she wrapped the towel around her.

“I’ll try to be elusive,” Ahmed said dryly.

“Did you make a joke?” Tammy teased. When Ahmed didn’t smile back, she just rolled her eyes at him again and got out of the shower. “You know, there was a time when I dreamed about being naked with you.”

“But then Pierce walked into your life and I never play second to anyone.”

“Humph. I can believe that. So, what did you find?”

“The reason Pierce’s memory is gone.”


Tammy sat snuggled into the luxurious seats of Ahmed’s new black McLaren. Being head of security for a prince sure paid off. They turned onto the dirt road leading to the back of the Davies’s farm and Tammy watched as they drove past the white farmhouse and past the fields of crops until they reached the back barn. There was a small, rectangular fenced-in area attached to the barn and a small circular patch of grass. That’s where Tammy saw Pierce. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth as Pierce climbed the fence in the small holding stall. A massive bull stood restlessly shifting from foot to foot on the other side of the fence from Pierce.

The second Ahmed had stopped the car, Tammy raced to where Cade stood with one booted foot on the lower fence board watching his brother. Cade seemed so calm with his baseball hat pulled low to shield his eyes from the sun.

“What is he doing?” Tammy asked fearfully as she slid to a stop next to Cade.

“He’s practicing. The county fair is coming up and he’s entered in the bull riding championship. Don’t worry. Pierce knows what he’s doing. He’s got the touch.” Cade paused and looked from Tammy to Ahmed and to the car parked next to his truck. “What are you two doing here?”

“Ahmed found something” was all Tammy could say before she saw Pierce hop over the fence and onto one angry bull.

Pierce pushed down his cowboy hat to make sure it didn’t fly off and grabbed the bull rope as he leapt onto the bull. Dr. Francis had given him the okay and it wasn’t a moment too soon. He needed to clear his head and this was the best way to do it. Cade pulled a rope from where he stood off to the side and the gate crashed open. The bull leapt forward into the homemade arena.

With one arm up in the air, Pierce gripped the bull with his thighs as the bull tried to buck him off. The amazing thing about bull riding was that 8 seconds seemed a lifetime. Everything moved in slow motion and Pierce let his body take over as his mind tried to calm itself. Tammy wasn’t the only thing that kept him awake last night. He also started to remember things, snippets of events. Being in a car, two voices talking to each other, and he remembered saying “I don’t know! Stop asking me."

As the hooves pounded the dirt, bits of his memories hung in the air like floating puzzle pieces as he tried to push them together to no avail. A sharp whistle from Cade drew his attention. Tammy was practically crawling over the fence and Ahmed stood behind her. Pierce shifted his hips as he pushed off and leaped from the bull. With the rider off his back, the bull rope slid off and the bull sauntered back to his barn where some fresh treats waited him.

Pierce used his hat to smack the dirt off his jeans as he sauntered over to the fence. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, thank God you’re okay!” Tammy threw her arms around him, as she stood halfway up the fence.

“Of course I’m okay. Are you okay? Did something happen?” Pierce asked as he was engulfed in a hug.

“I found something. We need to go to your farm. Tammy’s already called Henry. He’s meeting us out there,” Ahmed said before turning away and walking to his car.

Pierce hopped the fence and reached his truck in seconds. He knew better than to ask Ahmed what he had found. He just wanted to hurry to find out what it was.


Pierce pulled into his driveway and felt as if he were leading the Fourth of July parade. Cade must've called the whole family. His parents had hurried down the front steps of their house when he drove by. Behind Cade and his parents were a couple of sheriff’s cars, two Mercedes, a family sedan, and a huge Ford truck. Ahead of him, Henry stood with the sunlight reflecting off his suit like a beacon.

Pierce parked his truck and headed straight for where Tammy was standing with Henry and Ahmed. “What did you find?”

Ahmed shot him a glance. It looked like Pierce would have to wait until the whole town got there. Cade and his parents hurried to his side. The whole group formed a circle around them.  

“What did you find?” Marcy asked. Pierce looked over at his mother and saw that she had a death grip on his father.

“The fire was started in the kitchen. It looks as if they lit the table where his liquor was sitting. It spread across the kitchen and hallway.” Ahmed walked through the remains of the house. The back was completely exposed, but the walls surrounding the living room were still intact.

“Dr. Oldham was found here.” Ahmed pointed to a place in the middle of the living room.  “Pierce remembers waking up here,” he said pointing to a spot closer to the burned hallway. Knowing Pierce was the only suspect, I guessed the police didn’t do a detailed search for blood anywhere else in the room.”

“They wouldn’t have. Cause of death was obvious and blood was plainly visible,” Marshall explained.

“Except there was more blood.” Pulling out a little ultraviolet light, he made his way over to the brick fireplace. “Pierce, if you don’t mind.” Ahmed gestured for Pierce to stand by the fireplace. He used the light to scan the wall at Pierce’s height.

It only took a second and the group gasped as a small round spot appeared under the light right where Pierce’s head would go. “I believe you were knocked unconscious. If you don’t think it’s too much, I want to reenact what we do know. Please, Cade, lie down where Dr. Oldham was found. Thank you. Marshall, please stand by the fireplace and make sure Pierce doesn’t injure himself.”

“Why would I injure myself?” Pierce said from where he was standing near Cade who was now lying on the floor moaning theatrically.

“Because of this.” Ahmed shoved him hard, driving Pierce across the room toward the fireplace.

Pierce automatically fought back as Ahmed shoved and pushed at him. Suddenly the floating puzzle pieces slammed to earth and crashed down upon him.

“Stop! I remember!” Pierce called out as Ahmed caught his shirt moments before he would have crashed into the fireplace.

“Tell me,” Ahmed said quietly.

Pierce was so lost in the memories flying around he didn’t hear or see anyone. He was looking down at himself standing in the living room with Dr. Oldham. “There were two of them standing in front of us. We were standing here. Dr. Oldham was on my left. Dr. Oldham pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. The small one reached for the bat I kept next to the sofa. In one swing, Dr. Oldham went down hard. I jumped the little guy, trying to save Dr. Oldham, but the bigger one got to me first. He nailed me with a punch to the face. I stumbled back…” Pierce felt his still slightly swollen eye before continuing.

“I landed a kick to his face, but he landed a harder jab to my ribs. I stumbled backward and with a swift kick to the gut, I practically flew back into the fireplace. The last thing I remember is seeing the bigger man rip the bat from the smaller one and smash the bat down on Dr. Oldham’s head. That’s when everything went dark.”

He felt Tammy’s hand slide into his. The feeling brought him out of his trance. His mother was quietly crying into her apron. Mo was holding Dani who was not-so-quietly sobbing into his shoulder. Everyone else stood in shocked silence as if having relived the night with him.

“Pierce,” Marshall asked quietly stepping forward. “The blood splatter on Dr. Oldham’s shirt that they think is yours. Who’s is it? Is there any way it’s yours?”

“It’s not mine. I never got near Dr. Oldham until after I woke up,” Pierce answered.

“Is it Oldham’s own blood then?”

“No. It was the man who killed him. It was blood from the broken nose I gave him. It was flowing down his face as he raised the bat…”

“I’m calling the special prosecutor,” Henry said as he hurried off with his cell phone in hand.

“I’ve already dialed Detective Basher,” Annie said as she ducked out to return to her cruiser.

Marcy enveloped Pierce in a hug.

“This is great news. What Henry didn’t tell you before walking away is that all of this DNA evidence will make it close to impossible to prove you killed Dr. Oldham. The detectives will be forced to clear you as soon as those tests come back in and go after the real killers,” Kenna told the crowd as she gave Pierce’s shoulder a squeeze.

Pierce smiled in relief as his brothers surrounded him. He hugged them all and felt like crying for a moment before his sisters-in-law got to him.

“Would you like me to release these details to the media? If I do and the perps hear it, then they may come after you.” Morgan said.

“Do it. This time I’ll be ready for them,” Pierce said with clarity he hadn’t felt in days.

“Hasn’t my apartment been shot up enough?” Paige teased as she hugged her little brother.

“Wait. Before we do anything, we need a plan,” Cole said. “We want to decide if we release the statement or if Morgan leaks it. We also need a plan to capture these guys if they come after Pierce again.”

“Good idea. Cole, Ahmed, Miles, Cade, why don’t you all come over to my house tonight and we’ll develop a plan,” Marshall said as the men started to step aside to discuss getting together.

The women came to stand next to Tammy with their arms crossed over their chests. Annie narrowed her eyes, “I say we women meet and come up with a better plan.”

“You may meet at our house if you’d like,” Mo said as the lone male in their group.

“Yes! Please do. We’re smart and it’s not like most of us don’t have experience in this kind of thing. Unfortunately,” Dani pointed out.

“Great. Let’s see if Marcy can babysit.” Annie said as she and Paige walked over to see if her mother would watch the grandbabies for a couple hours.

“Tammy, we’ll send a car for you. The others live so much closer and I will feel better having someone drive you home at night if this goes late.” Mo gave her a smile and Tammy thanked him. She already had a plan formulating in her mind and she knew without a doubt the men would hate it.

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