Rekindled (3 page)

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Authors: Nevaeh Winters

BOOK: Rekindled
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I slowly rolled onto all fours resting my weight on the palms of my hands. I pushed off and got onto to my feet. My legs were still shaky from my orgasm. The alcohol and contact buzz added to my unsteadiness.


Tiptoeing away from the couple, I could hear the sounds of their body’s slapping against each other. I smiled knowing they soon would be reaching a very happy ending.


I stumbled my way down the beach toward the bright fire. I enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath my feet and the cool summer breeze against my skin. As I closed my eyes taking a deep breath of air,  I stepped on something round and slippery. My head crashed down on something hard and then everything went grey.


“Oh my sweet beauty, are you okay? Breathe my rose! Breathe!” I heard a man’s voice.


Suddenly I felt warm lips around mine, and sweet breath pushed into my lungs.


Again, I heard the ominous voice: “You are too precious a creature to die. You have too many dreams to live out?” a deep male voice with a slight Spanish accent whispered.


I began coughing and spitting up water.


Yes, that is it my beauty. Breathe and live.”


My eyes began to flutter. Deep blue sensitive eyes gazed into mine. Large hands cradled my head. I felt as though I was in my father’s grasp.


“Senorita, are you okay?”


“I think—think so,” I managed to slur.


“Where am I?”


“You are on the beach in Florida. I noticed you floating in the water.”


“I am Veronica,” I moaned as I slowly sat up. “Oh my head hurts so much.”


“Thank God, you are okay.”


Hearing those words made me feel so special. I guess it had been long time since I had believed anyone cared about me.


“Hear drink this?” he gestured to a bottle of spring water.


Normally, I would be defensive, but I yielded to his demands. I took the container from his strong grip, gently brushing my languid weight against his skin. The touch sent quivers down the entire length of my body.


He smiled broadly and gently pulled me to him, placing my head on his wash-broad abs. “Rest your head, my doll.”


I melted when I felt the back off his leg against my shoulders. His skin felt so warm, so masculine and so inviting. I felt his strong arms wrapped around me.


He whispered, “You will be okay, Boo Boo.”


“Ok Daddy,” I murmured, my eyes becoming heavy, my breath slowing down and my body warming in his embrace. The sound of the ocean tide drifted me to sleep. My memories of youth and family began to play like a Hollywood movie in my mind.


The heat of a bond fire warmed my face and the scent of crackling wood filled senses, awaking me from my slumber. As I became more lucid, my ears rejoiced to the sounds of mellifluous music. I slowly opened my eyes, and the beautiful Spanish man passionately strummed his flamenco guitar with all his being.


As I took notice of my surroundings, I realized that he had secured all my personal belongs, that he had laid out a large blue sleeping bag, that he had put a bag of ice under my head and that he had laid a pink rose (thorns removed) by my side. Who was this amazingly rugged and sensitive man?


I watched him in amazement, starring at his sensual rich lips. I felt goose bumps as I watched his rhythmic motions and how he handled his instrument. I wanted to be the subject of his desire; I wanted to be caressed and played.


My sudden desires exhilarated and scared me. I didn’t even know this man’s name and yet I felt as if I had known him. I had never felt such a powerful draw to another human being, not even Roman. Wow, I gave that man five years of my life, and, yet, I never had yearned for him as I did this stranger.


I sat motionless. This beautiful charcoal haired caballero had cast a marvelous and exciting spell on me. I continued to drink in his presence with my gaze. I discreetly watched his muscles pop in his thighs when he wrestled around the blanket. I could see he had a large phallus bulging in the crotch of his pants. Oh my, I felt my womanhood begin to stir. Much to my pleasant embarrassment, my panties began to leak moisture from my feminine dam. I could feel the walls of my sex swelling and clenching. My mouth began to water and my thoughts turned extremely salacious. Who is this gorgeous creature stimulating my senses? Is he a pirate that will have his way with me? I will fight him but then surrender oh so slowly, allowing him to proliferate kisses on my carnal flesh as he burgeons my fervent wanton.


“Veronica, you have awoken?” he gently smiled.


I had not noticed that he had stopped playing and was looking directly at me, “Yes,” I weakly smiled.


“I wasn’t sure if I should take you to the hospital, you called me Daddy right before you drifted to sleep. I thought you might have a concussion. As I went to lift you up, you re-awoke and begged me to stay on the beach. You said the beach heals you.”


“I did what?” I squeaked.


“You were so convincing that I had to obey”


“Seriously, I called you Daddy.”




“Wait a minute! Did you call me Boo Boo.”


“Yes, I supposed I did. Funny…I haven’t called anyone that, except for my wife.”


“Of course, I find the perfect man, and he is married.”




“No, really it’s okay. I am sure that she is lovely,” I blurted out. My tone was much uglier than I had meant.


“She was lovely. Unfortunately, she died seven years ago and I still mourn her loss.”


“I am so—I mean—” I stuttered.


“It’s okay. I guess I still refer to her as my wife. I do hope one day that I will be able to let go. The funny thing is that she made me promise to never stop singing and to never stop dreaming. I made the promise to her, but I broke it the day she died.”


“Oh, my gosh.” My mind raced. This man had made the same promises that I had made.


“I know this sounds crazy, but I came to the beach to purge. I wanted to scream, yell and get drunk. I wanted to drown the pain. I am ashamed to say that I had actually thought of taking my own life.” He bowed his head as a tear ran down his mocha cheek.


Tears filled my eyes. “Yes, I understand. Please continue.”


“I awake every morning reaching for her, but she is gone. My stomach churns and my body is numb. I want to scream. I want to break something. I want to run. I want to cry. But I don’t. I paint a fake smile and simply exist.”


“Oh God, I know how you feel.”


“Veronica, it has been seven years. I should let go, but I can’t. Maria, had even scolded me to love again. That was the third promise that I broke.”


   “I truly understand. I have broken promises to love ones. It wasn’t fair for her to make you promise such a thing. ” I added.


Looking up at the moonlight, he grinned, “You don’t know my Maria. She was the consummate optimist. She saw death as a doorway to another world. She would gently tell me that I was crying for myself not her. Maria always said that her death should be a celebration of a new beginning. You see, my Maria had battled lymphoma for years. Despite the pain and fatigue, she would always smile and try to do little things for me.”


I sat silently. My heartache paled in comparison to this Spanish stranger.


“She always said remember the high notes of life. When she could no longer stand, she would grab my hand and say remember the high notes of life, because you are my highest note.’”


I inched closer to him and grasp his hand in mine. I longed to be in his arms again.


“I would always kiss her hand and tell her that she was my life. I told her that she was the song and that I merely provided the notes which always made her laugh. She always

love to hear me play—her smile—I still see her smile.”


I suddenly felt angry. I was jealous. And I was ashamed. I hid my misplaced emotions by lying back down. “Please keep talking,” I encouraged.


“Well, that’s where you come in,” he smiled. “You saved my life.”


“I don’t understand,” I stammered.


“I was saying a prayer for God to forgive me. This beautiful wooden six-string instrument along with this buckskin leather song book was leaving this earth.”


I imagined I looked dumbfounded.


“Veronica, I came to the beach to die. I hadn’t just thought about taking my life; I had decided that I would do it.”


“Oh My,” I managed to sputter.


“I was finishing my good-byes. My eyes were closed. Suddenly Maria’s image filled my mind. She was beautiful. Her pain, her hurt and her struggle had subsided. She stood like a blonde angel, her eyes piercing into my soul. I could hear say, ‘You must not leave on a low note. You are too precious a creature to die now. Live and breathe. Snap out of it Antonio. Somebody needs your help. Somebody needs you now. Run! Hurry, before it’s too late.”


I sat wide-eyed, his story and the ocean breeze sent chills down the back of my neck.


“She saved us, Veronica. She stopped me from taking my life and she helped me to save your life. She is both of our angel.”


In a sentence, I went from secretly coveting this woman to owing my life to her spirit. I was overwhelmed. I began to shudder.


He quickly pulled a blanket off the sleeping bag and wrapped it around us both. “I will keep you warm.”


“So, Antonio is my knight in shining armor’s name,” I meekly smiled.


Looking deeply in my eyes, he whispered, “And you my dear, Veronica are my new and beautiful song.”


I threw my arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him into me. I needed, wanted and desired to taste his lips. To my surprise and delight his lips responded in kind. His massive arms wrapped around me, making me feel so small, so feminine and so delicate.


“Oh my God, I know you,” he gasped, and combed his fingers through his sex hair. .


“Yes Antonio, I know you too,” I sighed.


The fire’s blaze warmed my back as the heat of his breathe in my ear ignited my loins. I longed to feel his naked chest against mine. My breathing turned to panting and the tigress deep within me awoke. I began clawing off his shirt hungry for his flesh.


“My angel, we must wait. Be patient,” he caressed.


“No talk Antonio. Make love to me. Make love to me,” I roared.


Soon we were a tangled web of arms and legs. I could feel his hands pulling at my swim top. A quick release and he set
“my girls”
free. I could feel the cool breeze of the ocean upon my nipples, making them even more erect.


I loudly moaned, “Oh yes, I love them to be sucked.” I slowly felt his breath travel downward. His full lips glided from my ear to my check to my lips. I felt his manly hands around my breasts. I churned to taste him and drank his kiss with every ounce of my fiber.


He slowly descended to my breasts. He held my full perky breasts in his hand and gently danced his tongue around my nipple, being sure not to touch it. It was absolute torture. I needed to feel his tongue.


“Oh my god, please bite them. It felt so mmmm. Please suck them,” I commanded. For a moment I shocked myself. I had always been so timid and shy in the bedroom. Who was this man who brought out the sexual dynamo within me.”


“You like this,” he teased as he began gently nibbling around my areola.


“Oh God, yes baby, yes.” I hissed and moaned.

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