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Authors: Nevaeh Winters

BOOK: Rekindled
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Nevaeh Winters


Veronica is a highly successful lawyer who sadly learns that her boyfriend of five years has been living a double life. For months she tries to recover from his deception.

After months of depression, she calls her eccentric cousin in hopes of regaining herself; Lexi invites her down immediately, allowing her free access to her condo on the beach.

As soon as she arrives, Veronica allows all her inhibitions to wane. She begins to experience sexual pleasures like never before. In the course of discovering her inner tigress, she meets a mysterious Spanish man.

The man rekindles old memories: good and bad. Will Veronica ever love again? Will she ever let her heart trust again? Find out in this exciting short story: REKINDLED


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Nevaeh Winters


Acclaim for Nevaeh Winters:


Great job
Nevaeh on your first story!”

—Charlize Bennett, Savor’s Pleasure: The Complete Erotic Novel


“It was a roller coaster ride. Loved it. Keep up the good work.”

—Mary Richards, soccer mom extraordinaire


“Keep them coming.”

—Brad Lalkner, Helpless Romantic Reader.



Copyright © 2012 by Nevaeh Winters

All rights reserved.


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I sprinted down the shoreline, feeling the cool surf gliding over my feet and the grainy texture beneath them. The extreme contrast represented my emotions: happy one minute and sad the next. I suddenly came to a screeching halt, “Damn him!” I screamed as loud as I could. The sound of the fierce oceanic waves drowned out my cries.


It had been one year and eleven days since the course of my life had changed. The ring that was heard around the world; the phone call that ended my fairy tale romance will not escape my memory any time soon.


I still remember the conversation as th
ough I just hung up the phone.


“Hi is this Veronica?”


“Yes it is—Who’s calling?”


“I need to tell you something important about Roman.” The sultry voice shared.


“Who is this?” I repeated.


“My name is Karin. Please I have to tell you about Roman

er breath was wary.


“Veronica, Roman is not hurt but things are not good.”


“What is going on? Is he in trouble—did he do something wrong?” I begged.


“I don’t know how to say this—I mean I am not sure—what I am trying to say,” her voice vibrated.


“Just tell me. Please! If he is not dead or hurt, then I can handle anything you have to say to me.”  I regretted my next words. “I promise, I can take it, just tell me.”


“I am not sure you can handle this because it’s tearing me apart.” her voice cracked.


“Please I can take it.” The silence that followed was painstaking.


A ripple in my stomach rose and sank in my heart. I knew what she was trying to say.


“Are you saying he cheated with you?” I swallowed hard.


“What? No he cheated with you?” Her voice squealed. A tone of anger leaked out. “I have been in a relationship with him for four years.”


“What the hell! I have been in a relationship with Roman for five years. What kind of a sick joke are you playing on me? I’m hanging up! ” I shrilled.


“Hold on a second—Roman there is someone on the phone for you.”


I could hear a familiar voice in the background. “Who is it, angel face?” It was Roman I could recognize his voice even through the static of the phone. I felt my soul shutting down.


He always called me angel face. My stomach began to twist into knots. I wanted to hang up, but I held the line, gripped with a sensation to hurl.


“Hello, this is Roman, how can I help you?” I heard his smile through the phone. I felt like I was stuck in a bad dream.


“How could you do this to me? Why? What kind of a man are you?” I sobbed.


“Veronica? Holy shit! Wait babe, I can explain,” He stammered.


   In the background, I heard Karin explode: “You two timing son of a bitch. Get out!”


“Damn you?” She screamed. I heard the wrestling of the phone.


“Karin, calm down. Give me a minute with Veronica, let’s stop the screaming and solve this as civil adults.” He spoke to her while speaking into the phone. I tried to speak but they were not listening.


“There is nothing civil about what you have done!” She ranted loudly.


“No, Roman you can’t explain your way out of this one. Good-bye…” I softly whispered.


“No, Veronica. I can—“he spoke loudly into the phone.


Click. I stabbed the
End call
button and fell to the ground. The betrayal, the lies, and his double life came to an end; at least from where I was standing. A five-minute conversation shattered my five-year relationship. My eyes became instant water faucets, my lips quivered and my body trembled.


For weeks he tried to call, to text and to email me. He sent flowers, hand-written cards and presents, but I knew he was a liar, a cheat and a lowlife.


Time seemed to drag on; it had been about six months since my break-up. I felt bad for Karin, as well. I decided to contact her and thank her for calling me and letting me know the truth. I could tell she was probably a good woman; we were both victims.


When I called her, we actually spoke for about two hours, sharing the good, the bad and the ugly in regards to Roman. I learned he had tried the same exact strategy on her; some men never learn. Unfortunately, for her, she took him back. Ironically, I had heard through the grapevine that our most recent conversation ended their second go around.


Learning about his duplicity had re-opened many old wounds. I knew it was a mistake to call her, but the urge was so strong. I am glad for her sake that I did. I, however, had not expected to feel the surge of pain and misery that followed that second call.


I had really thought I was over him. Another six months and ten days had passed. I was still crying over this two timing piece of shit. Why? What was wrong with me? I didn’t want him back. I never wanted to see him again, and I knew that for a fact.


He actually had the nerve to try and rekindle our relationship the same day that I had spoken with Karin. What kind of a monster had I loved so deeply? How would I ever love again after being betrayed so cruelly?


On day three hundred seventy six, a year, I decided it was time to free myself. I had to re-find my inner woman and a piece of mind to move on. I needed the ocean, and I knew right where to go. My cousin, Lexi, owned a condo in Naples, Florida. Her home was three long hours from my house, but three miles from the beach. It would be the perfect get away.


“Hey cuz,” I said with a fake smile. “How have you been?”


“Veronica, I am doing wonderful. I am actually leaving for Paris this evening. I finally made it—I’m an internationally acclaimed author. Have you seen my work?


“Yes of course; who hasn’t,” I lied.


“I have a book signing at the Louvre. Can you believe it? I have always known this day would happen. And today is that day. Hooray for me!” Her voice pierced my ears.


Lexi was my favorite cousin. After my failed relationship, I purposefully avoided talking with her. She was always so cheerful, and I was dismally depressed. I found myself being jealo
us and angry at her happiness.


“That is awesome. I am so happy for you.” I managed to smile. I was happy for her—my heart ached for myself. We talked at length. I caught her up on Roman and the break-up; it was inevitable and a matter of time before she would hear it in my voice. I had to unload. She listened patiently and of course said she never liked him for me in the first place. I told her I needed to get away, and, of course, she came to my rescue as best cousins do.


“Veronica, I think you should stay at my condo while I am   off chasing my fame. I will leave the key under the mat for you. I know that is why you called me.”


“No. Lexi, I called to check in on you,” I half lied.


“My dear cousin, you know I can feel your energy. Who are you kidding? You haven’t called me in over six months; and the news you just delivered explains it all. Come down immediately to the condo. Stay here for two weeks. Besides, I dreamt you would call me today. I already filled the fridge with your favorite organic food. I love you.”


“I don’t know what to say.” I whined.


“Don’t say anything. Come down here and free yourself from that son-of a-bitch—I mean no disrespect to his mother, but really he’s a toad.” She giggled and it made me crack a smile. She had a way with words...which explains her success.


“Thank you so much, Lexi.” Tears filled my eyes.


“You are my favorite cousin Veroni
ca. I want you back in my every
day life. I love you so much. Oh, I have one rule while you are down here.”


“Sure, what is it?” I hesitantly asked.


“You have to have fun. Promise me!” Lexi giggled into the phone.


“Yes, I will make sure I have fun.” I laughed, a smile beginning to form.


“Well, I have to run. I am going to Paris the city of lights! I can’t believe I am going to Paris my love.” The phone clicked and she was gone. Boy, she was something else.


As I hung up the phone, I began laughing out loud. My cousin was so full of life. I felt inspired to reclaim mine. She didn’t even let me say good bye. Lexi had always been funny about good-byes. She didn’t like them and always hung up suddenly.

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