Regenesis (Book 1): Impact (60 page)

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Authors: Harrison Pierce

Tags: #Science Fiction | Superheroes

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why waste our–”

it was a test Nick, and you failed.”

were you testing me for?”

see whether you would question me or if you would simply fall in line blindly.”

glared at him and muttered that he had voiced his opinion. “I told you I wanted
to go out with Amy and you said no.”

swore and told him to forget about her. “She has absolutely nothing to do with
this. She’s a distraction and a waste of your time. You’ve known her for less
than two months and you act as if you’re soul mates Nick. She’s nothing but a
damn hindrance and you can’t see it because you’re so strung out between being
here, with her, and mourning over your dead brother to realize that she is
going to leave you. Eventually she will leave you.” Mizuno looked him in the
eye and told him he needed to move on. “All she’s doing is holding you back and

Nick stopped him. “Your grand mission?”

Mizuno yelled. “I’m trying to help you Nick and all you’re doing is moping
around, complaining, and making me do everything for you. You want to catch
your brother’s killer so badly, yet you’re completely unwilling to listen to
the one person who can and will help you find him.”

haven’t done anything for me,” Nick murmured.

haven’t?” Mizuno stopped and reminded him of the physical change he built up in
Nick, of how he helped remove Nick’s stutter, how he stood up to his stepfather
and gave Nick the courage to do so as well, and introduced him to his own
unique ability. “Do you want me to continue?”

shut his mouth and looked away.

eyes flashed. He retrieved his own set of car keys, unlocked the driver’s door,
and told Nick he’d talk to him again once the mission was over. He left Nick
there in the parking lot to think about what they’d talked about while he
headed toward Seattle to have a final meeting with the rest of the group.

remained where he was in the parking lot, bitter about what Mizuno said.





sat on Drake’s sofa while he played an advanced copy of
Creeping Darkness 2
Three pizzas were on their way and Jordan was halfway through a bag of barbecue
potato chips when he commented on Nick’s tardiness, though Drake only ignored
him. Drake’s phone went off and Jordan asked if it was Nick.

checked and said it wasn’t, “No, it’s Hiromi.” He answered and spoke in
Japanese, “

are you busy right now?>”

looked at Jordan as he was entranced with the game and said he was free.

just was wondering if you could help me with my chemistry homework. I can’t
understand it at all.>”

let me just run upstairs and grab my book.>” Drake didn’t hang up, but
turned to Jordan and told him he would be upstairs taking a call.

chuckled, “Dude, she’s your girlfriend. Don’t make it sound so official.”

left him there as the door opened and Nick finally joined them. Jordan paused
his game, looked over the back of the couch, and said he wasn’t sure he was
going to show up. Nick just took a seat and didn’t respond. Jordan noticed his
attitude and asked if everything between him and Amy was alright.

rubbed his eyes and admitted that he was unsure. “I hope so…Work’s just
constricting my time.”

you had tonight off, why didn’t you just bail on us and hang out with her?”

in Oregon this weekend.”


it’s fine, considering I’m working all day tomorrow.”

laughed, “That sucks.”

asked about his new job, but Jordan told him he just quit. Drake rejoined them
a short while later and asked how Nick was. Nick said he was fine. Jordan
turned his game off and the three of them quickly decided on playing one of
their favorite games that Drake introduced to them,
Phantasy Star Online
Episode I &II

evening felt rather alien to the boys though, as they usually played the game
as a quartet. The silence was foreign too, seeing as they usually laughed,
joked, and acted as if there wasn’t a care in the world. Instead Drake and Nick
were off in other worlds that Jordan wasn’t blind enough to ignore.

not the same, is it?”

do you mean?”

Ian gone, with Nick working, our senior year, the death of your brother and
Drake’s dad…” Jordan regretted mentioning the last bit, but continued
nevertheless, “It isn’t the same anymore, especially with the drastic changes
in our lives.”

was bound to happen though,” Drake admitted.  “Life’s always in constant
motion…you cannot avoid change.”

frowned and said he wished it wasn’t so abrupt though.

that way though,” Jordan told him. “You don’t realize what’s happening until
it’s over.”

doorbell rang and Drake told them it was their pizza. He paid the deliverer,
tipped him quite well too, and brought their meal into his kitchen and told
them to serve themselves. Nick had a pepperoni and mushroom pizza, Drake
ordered a supreme, and Jordan had a cheese pizza.

retrieved three bottled root beers from his fridge and a few napkins out of one
of the drawers next to the refrigerator and handed a set to each of his
friends. They ate at the counter for a moment before Jordan asked to see
Drake’s ability.

okay? We’re eating.”

know, but it’ll only take a second, right?”

rolled his eyes and told him he’d show him later.

finished his first slice, wiped his mouth off, and asked Nick what sort of
power he’d want to have if he could have any ability at all.

only told them he didn’t have any idea.

want something cool like that guy from London.” He stopped to recall his name
but failed to do so.

Ilion,” Drake filled in.

asked Nick.

London’s newest hero,” Jordan reported. “He can fly, manipulate fire, and lots


don’t watch the news that much, do you?” Jordan asked.

frowned, “Not really, I’m too busy with work,” he said as he resumed their

is it that you do again?” Jordan asked.

told him he worked at a department store in Mukilteo.

returned to their game for a short while before they grew tired of it and
decided to simply watch a movie and talk. Drake elected that they watch the
, which was one of his favorites. Jordan whined at first, but once
Drake told him it was a samurai film he kept his mouth shut; Nick didn’t utter
a word of disagreement.

couldn’t withstand the uncomfortable silence, got up from his seat, and
wandered around and examined Drake’s living room. “Do you still collect those
sweet plastic robot models?” he asked Drake.

nodded, (though Jordan couldn’t see him), “I do, why?”

reason.” He looked around the room and noted that nothing changed since Drake’s
father died. “Why don’t you display them out here or something?”

I hate having to explain the differences between all of them and what their
respective anime series are,” Drake told him. “Besides, it’d make this house
look like my bedroom and I like the décor how it is now.”

shrugged and muttered, “I’d redecorate if I was you.”

not though.”


watched his friend wander around and told him to take a seat. “You’re
distracting me.”

you seen this a dozen times already?”

but it’s a classic nonetheless.”

reclaimed his spot on the couch and only kept quiet for a moment before he
started up another conversation with Nick about his work. As much as Nick
wanted to sit quietly and simply watch the movie, he knew Jordan wouldn’t let


do you spend all of that money on anyway?”

and gas mostly,” he told him.

apologized and said he wasn’t thinking.


watched a short scene before Jordan asked when the last time either of them
spoke to Ian was. Drake and Nick exchanged exasperated looks and told him to
relax and watch the movie. It took Jordan two more sodas, half of his pizza,
and a few pills he popped without the others’ knowledge before he managed to do
so. Drake felt the movie was a poor idea, as Nick and Jordan were not overly
interested in it. Drake wanted things to remain as they were before Ian left,
but he knew that time in their lives was over.

sighed and asked his friends how school was for each of them.





, 2029




Castell stood in the background of a nearly vacant stage with a well-worn copy
of a loose adaption of
Franny and Zooey
. There were only a few actual
parts in the entire play and she was somehow fortunate enough to portray
Franny, though she imagined it was simply because out of all the ladies who
auditioned, she was not only the right size for the part, but she knew how to
smoke about as much as Franny did in the novel. Suzy was also a closet Salinger
fan and read the novel her instructor formed his play around four times prior
to signing up for the production. However, she felt out of place and
unnecessary onstage, as the rehearsal for the evening focused around Zooey and
his mother’s discussion during his bath; Franny wasn’t a part of the act.

since we’ve just finished the second act I’d say we can call it a night,” the
director called out. “We’ll pick things up tomorrow and really focus on how
we’re going to set the stage. So actors, please keep practicing your lines, and
as for all of my engineers, we’ll talk tomorrow afternoon. Good night everyone,
and keep up the good work.”

only rolled her eyes and stowed away her script in favor of her carton of
cigarettes. She lit it and took a drag before heading for the door. She stopped
however, when she came across a familiar face. “Jason? What are you doing

smiled and admitted he wasn’t there for the performance. “I have a few
questions and I wasn’t sure I would have been able to ask them at dinner the
other night.”

kept her cigarette between her lips for a moment and tried to read his
expression before she relented and asked him to follow her. She took her bag
from one of the nearby seats and led him out into the chilly night.

scanned the area and cleared his throat. “What play was that?”

not really a play at all,” she started. “My professor just thinks he’s
brilliant and wanted to disgrace something he loves.”


shook her head and told him to forget about it. “Is Audrey here with you?”

she’s back home putting the finishing touches on one of her projects.”

are you trying to hide this from her?” she questioned him. Suzy took a step in
front of him, turned on heel, and looked him straight in the eye. “You’re not
keeping something from my sister are you Jason?”

he paused for a moment and glanced away from her. “It’s nothing like that Suzy.
Listen,” he shook his head and forced himself to focus on their discussion.
“This is about those girls you said were missing, kidnapped. I hoped I might
get some more information from you.”

dragged on her cigarette once more before she dropped the remainder on the
tarmac walkway beneath her feet. She didn’t bother to stamp it out. “Why are
you so interested in this Jason? What compelled you to drive out here on your
own to ask me rather than just read the papers or the story online?”

took a shallow breath and tried to compose his response, though Suzy
immediately recognized his façade and told him to be truthful. He let out a
breath and told her to walk with him. Jason continued to glance around for a
quick minute until he seemed certain they were alone, and then he began, “What
you said about the two girls missing seemed to resonate with other kidnappings
and killings in Richmond. I have looked into things, at least as far back as I
can trace the murders, though all I’ve managed to find is that there have been
four abductions which eventually led to someone locating a mutilated corpse.
The first was an accountant named Edward Park who turned up in Ham missing a
liter of blood with only a few minor wounds to his skin. There are a few
theories that the blood was surgically removed. This was on the eighteenth of
August. Emma Thompson went missing on the seventeenth and was discovered on the
twenty-first, missing a kilogram of skin, mainly taken from her back, which was
also surgically removed. Emma Thompson was located near the Municipal Offices
in Twickenham. And then there was a lull,” he continued. “The next abduction
wasn’t until the thirty-first of August. Her name was Jeanette Smith and she
wasn’t found until September third.”

she was missing her lips and tongue,” Suzy finished. “I heard about that one
from a friend. What are you getting at Jason?”

hesitated momentarily and told her he believed he’d found a trail that could
lead to the killer. “He’s been working his way through Richmond and I believe
he’s here somewhere in Roehampton.”

cussed and thanked him flatly for enlightening her. “I don’t know if you can’t
tell but I’m scared as hell Jason. In fact, the only relief I have right now is
that you’re going to be kind enough to walk me back to my dorm.”

nodded and told her it wasn’t any trouble. “And I’m not trying to frighten you
Suzy. I need your help.” He took a breath while some students passed by and
continued his report. “Jeannette Smith turned up in Saint Margret’s on the
third, which was the day Sean Williams went missing. His remains were found on
the seventh on Richmond Hill by some runners. He was missing two liters of
blood, similar to Edward Park. And this is where I need your help. You
mentioned two girls are missing, could you, would you mind telling me about
them and when they vanished?”

stopped walking and told him the first girl, Nicole Weaving, turned up early
that morning. “Some guys in my writing class found her in Richmond Park near
the campus. She was missing her left ear and left hand.” Suzy frowned and told
him she suspected the villain was somewhere on their campus too. “I’m not the only
one either. The police and the school aren’t sure what to do as of now. All I
know is that it isn’t safe at all.” She looked away from him and admitted she
would ask to stay with Audrey and him if things worsened. “I’m scared shitless
Jason and I hate to impose, but you live close and I don’t clash with you and
Audrey the way I do with mum and Alan, or with Jack. And I can’t bear to ask
him, I wouldn’t ever hear the end of that,” she remarked.

told her they would be more than happy to have her stay with them. “I would
want to check with Audrey, but as long as you don’t mind taking the couch, I
think she’d oblige.”

thanked him while she retrieved another cigarette. She held it in her hands,
which quivered as she continued, “The other girl, Sasha Collins, went missing
on the sixteenth, three days after Nicole went missing, but Sasha hasn’t turned
up.” Suzy took a moment to light the cigarette before she asked if Jason had
any questions left.

that about sums it up.”

I ask something then? What’s your interest in this? Why are you digging for
more information?”

wiped off the edges of his lips and hurried her along until he felt they were
far enough from anyone who might overhear their conversation. “Can I trust you
to keep something to yourself Suzy? I mean, you can’t tell this to anyone,
especially not Jack or his wife or Alan or your mum.”

Audrey know?”

Of course, of course,” he rubbed his eyes, “She’s known about as long as I
have. In fact she’s working on the damn outfit as we speak.”

brow furrowed while she dissected his words. “Jason, are you–”

Ilion,” he told her in a whisper. “I mean it, the whole production and all,
though your brother has misguided rumors built up in his head…but basically, I
am Ilion.”

didn’t move. All she did was examine his eyes for any sign of a lie or jest,
but quickly realized it was true. “Oh my…Jason, you-you’re really him?”


mean you are actually–”

am Ilion,” he repeated. “Please don’t make a scene I’d rather not–”

it,” she said with a smile. “Fly or lift a car over your head or something.”

scowled and though he didn’t want to perform for his sister-in-law, he plucked
the cigarette from her lips, put it out on the end of his shoe, set the rest of
the cylinder in the palm of his left hand and quickly produced a fire which
reduced it to a small amount of ash in only a few seconds.

eyes widened and Jason saw an immediate change in her overall countenance.
“Holy shit. You weren’t lying at all, that’s…this, this is astounding. I-I
didn’t even know you could do something like that.”

are other things the media hasn’t learned of, but I don’t plan on showcasing
myself,” he told her while he wiped the ash off of his hand.

apologized sheepishly, but asked, “Then you’re looking for this killer?”

one manner or another.”

you have any idea who he is?”

admitted he thought he had a name, but he was sure it was nothing more than a
dead end. “When I was in the hospital,” he paused, “And this is strictly
between the two of us, Audrey, and my doctor, alright? Well, I was recovering
rapidly.” He mentioned his regenerative power, something she would have
remarked excitedly to had he allowed her to interject. “Someone broke into my
room and tried to kill me. Actually, they did kill me, but I recovered, revived

the story about the hero who you and all the doctors assumed healed you, or
rather resurrected you, was a lie?”


did this person try and kill you?”

admitted he was uncertain. “But I have a few theories. They’re rather unseemly
so I won’t burden you with them, but I believe it might have been somewhere
along the lines of what has happened to the other victims.”

it didn’t work,” she said. “He must have tried, or at least that’s what you
must think. But why didn’t it work?”

because of my regeneration,” he told her. “My best guess is that he tried to
remove blood or an organ or something, but he couldn’t because of my
regeneration. I’m not altogether sure, considering my overall revival took
days, but in any case it didn’t work.”

why do you have any doubt that he’s the culprit?”

told me his name but I think it was a false one, seeing as he called himself
Doctor Joshua Todd, and the only Doctor Joshua Todd who fits the description I
could give would have lived over a century ago.”

reminded him that it was a common name. “It could have been someone named Todd
pretending or claiming to be a doctor to get close to you.”

then why use their real name? If they were going to lie, why not fabricate
something else?” Jason checked the time and continued their walk. “I do need to
get going Suzy, but let me ask you a few more things. Firstly, if you still
want to come and stay with Audrey and myself you are more than welcome, but if
it would be more convenient to remain here, I can assure you I’ll keep a close
watch on you.”


can hear a pin drop in Havering with the utmost clarity. I would be more than
willing to keep an ear out for you at all times, in the event that our mystery
killer attacks you.”

gawked at yet another one of his powers but quickly agreed it would be easier
for her to remain in Roehampton. “You’ll give me a moment of privacy at certain
times though, right?”

he said, somewhat embarrassed. Jason cleared his throat and added, “The other
thing, two things really, are that you update me if anyone else goes missing,
and if you could do just one last thing for me. I really need to know what
blood type those two girls have, er–rather had, sorry.”

said she would see what she could do, but couldn’t promise anything. “I gather
this has something to do with the motive behind all of these murders?”

nodded and said it all revolved around the organs, tissue, and blood the killer
stole from the victims. “He knows what he’s after and is extremely skilled at
what he’s doing. My guess is he might actually be or have been at one time, an
actual doctor.”

two arrived at Suzy’s dorm where they said a few parting words, and exchanged a
brief hug, before Suzy dashed inside and up to her room. She rushed past her
roommate and peered out her window and into the night sky for her
brother-in-law, the hero, but he was gone. Suzy sighed and muttered in a low
whisper her roommate couldn’t hear, “Your secrets are safe with me. And send my
love to Audrey.”





Facet sat alone at a small table in the only restaurant her hotel offered. Her
parents brought her with them from Paris because they feared she would throw
one giant party at their home from the second they left until the moment they
returned months later. They cloaked their paranoia in the ruse of the journey’s
benefit to someone of her age, but Lauren managed to see through the cover story.
The restaurant was nowhere near as fashionable as she hoped it would be, but
with a falsified passport which claimed she was two years older than she truly
was, Lauren drowned her misery with cheap chardonnay. Before her family
departed for America, she asked if she could stay with friends, but her parents
told her they weren’t comfortable with that plan. Lauren couldn’t help but
agree though, as a majority of her good friends were all people she was not
altogether sure she trusted either.

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