Redemption of Fate (Fate Series Book 2)

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Authors: S. Simone Chavous

Tags: #parnormal romance

BOOK: Redemption of Fate (Fate Series Book 2)
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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Losing Friends

Chapter 2 - The Witches' Home

Chapter 3 - Dreams & Death

Chapter 4 - Journey to Boston

Chapter 5 - Spells Renewed

Chapter 6 - Chloe's Surprise

Chapter 7 - Waking Up

Chapter 8 - Molly's Hunt

Chapter 9 - Training Time

Chapter 10 - A Glimmer of Hope

Chapter 11 - Deadly Discovery

Chapter 12 - Coming Home

Chapter 13 - Giving In

Chapter 14 - Blood Runners

Chapter 15 - Hope Renewed

Chapter 16 - A Mother Returned

Chapter 17 - Love Expressed

Chapter 18 - Comrades Lost

Chapter 19 - Finding Cami

Chapter 20 - Jared's Help

Chapter 21 - A Sudden Change

Chapter 22 - Sean Taylor's House

Chapter 23 - What the Mirror Reveals

Chapter 24 - A Bond Challenged

Chapter 25 - An Old Friend

Chapter 26 - Chloe's Sacrifice

The Fate Series - Amazon


About the Author

Redemption of Fate

S. Simone Chavous

Copyright © 2013 S. Simone Chavous

Cover design by S. Simone Chavous

Proofreading by Kimberly Huther of Wordsmith Proofreading

eISBN: 978-0-9895701-2-1

ISBN: 978-0-9895701-3-8

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and events are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

To Brian, for giving me the opportunity to pursue a dream.



Chapter 1 - Losing Friends

Chapter 2 - The Witches' Home

Chapter 3 - Dreams & Death

Chapter 4 - Journey to Boston

Chapter 5 - Spells Renewed

Chapter 6 - Chloe's Surprise

Chapter 7 - Waking Up

Chapter 8 - Molly's Hunt

Chapter 9 - Training Time

Chapter 10 - A Glimmer of Hope

Chapter 11 - Deadly Discovery

Chapter 12 - Coming Home

Chapter 13 - Giving In

Chapter 14 - Blood Runners

Chapter 15 - Hope Renewed

Chapter 16 - A Mother Returned

Chapter 17 - Love Expressed

Chapter 18 - Comrades Lost

Chapter 19 - Finding Cami

Chapter 20 - Jared's Help

Chapter 21 - A Sudden Change

Chapter 22 - Sean Taylor's House

Chapter 23 - What the Mirror Reveals

Chapter 24 - A Bond Challenged

Chapter 25 - An Old Friend

Chapter 26 - Chloe's Sacrifice


October 25, 1911

“I am to meet the High Commander tomorrow. Perhaps it is unwise for me to proceed. I am told he can read the thoughts of even the most powerful among us. How can I be expected to face him without exposing everything?” the anxious vampire asked; turning away from the one he’d sworn his loyalty to so many years before. “Even if I manage to control the direction of my thoughts in his presence this time, what of the future?”

“My dear Christopher, you do worry so. Have you no faith in me, in my plans?” Lucias asked; approaching the other vampire slowly.

Christopher swallowed hard and shifted nervously on his feet.

“Of course I have faith in you, my lord.”

“Christopher, how many times must I tell you? To you, only to you, I am simply Lucias,” he responded; gently placing his hands on the man’s shoulders as he stepped closer to his back.

“What would you have me do?” Christopher asked; turning towards Lucias.

“You will proceed as planned. Go to him tomorrow. He will be as impressed with you as I was when we first met,” Lucias replied with a mischievous smile; as he leaned closer and inhaled deeply. He closed his eyes, carefully savoring the rich scent; knowing their time together was limited.

“And what of his telepathy?”

“Ah, yes; that little inconvenience. I believe I can assist you with that,” Lucias said; running his fingertip slowly up the side of Christopher’s neck as his fangs elongated. Without another word, Lucias struck hard and fast, pulling roughly on the surprised vampire’s vein as he clutched Lucias’s body desperately, partly out of shock but mostly due to the overwhelming pleasure the harsh bite evoked.

Lucias slid his fangs from the fresh wounds and gazed into Christopher’s desire-filled eyes. He brought his wrist up to his mouth and sliced into the tender flesh, offering his blood.

“Lucias, no, we must not; we cannot, it is forbidden. No mate bond is allowed without approval from The Agency, and never like this, between two men.” While his words protested, his eyes and body told another story. His arousal was a tangible force filling the space around them and his eyes hungrily followed the flow of blood down the other vampire’s arm while his fangs punched eagerly through his gums.


Lucias tossed his head back with laughter before reaching up and taking Christopher’s head in his hands, his ancient blood trickling down the inside of his forearm. “You mistake me for someone else, dear Christopher. The Agency has no authority here; not in my house. Their rules mean nothing; they mean nothing. By their doing, our people hide in the shadows, bowing to an inferior species. It is utterly ridiculous; a shepherd does not fear his sheep, nor should we fear the humans.”

He stroked a stray piece of Christopher’s straw-colored hair from his forehead. “But it is of no consequence. No one can know of our union, not yet. One day, I will raise our people to their rightful place with you by my side. To accomplish that, you must do this,” he said shifting his eyes to the blood still flowing down over his skin. “It is the only way I can help you face him. You must take my blood; forge the bond.”

Christopher lifted his hand and ran his thumb over Lucias’s bottom lip, smearing his own blood as he did.

“Is this not what you desire most in your heart, Christopher? Why should you not have it?” Lucias asked; once again offering his wrist. With a sigh of acquiescence, Christopher gave in and licked at the trail of blood that flowed down Lucias’s arm before latching on to his wrist. The strength of the blood hit him immediately, sending an overwhelming flare of lust through his body. Lucias groaned his approval and resumed his position at Christopher’s neck as he moved them back towards the bed.

Losing Friends

Present day

Elijah and Barb sat silently in his BMW across the street from his former clinic, talking of the future and watching carefully as the day wore on.

“I will certainly miss this place,” Elijah said wistfully; as he looked to the building which had housed his pediatric medical practice for more than a decade.. “Especially the children. At the rate she’s going, Chloe will be a grown woman in a matter of weeks, and I do not see any more grandchildren in the foreseeable future. Perhaps when all of this is over, Ethan and Alexa will consider expanding the family. God knows, the chances of Cami ever settling down are dismal.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that one,” Barb responded with a laugh. “That Ryan boy seems to have had quite an effect on her though, Lord knows, she’ll fight it tooth and nail.”

“You noticed that as well? Nothing gets by you, does it my old friend?” Elijah asked with an amused smile. “Even if by some miracle she were to fall in love, I cannot see her giving up her place with The Elite. No mother has ever been a part of that group.”

“Don’t you go counting her out just yet. She’s a strong one, our Cami. She was the first woman to join them, so who’s to say she won’t be the first mother? I’ll leave the future-seeing to your wife, but I have a feeling that girl will surprise us all,” Barb responded, her voice full of hope.

“It would be a very difficult path to take, but you are right; if anyone could manage it, it’s Cami.”

“Well, there goes the last patient of the day,” Barb said, as they watched a young couple pass through the front door of the brick building. They continued observing as the mother loaded her infant son into the backseat of the car and the vehicle drove out of view.

Elijah closed his eyes and focused on their surroundings, listening for the unmistakably slow thump of any nearby vampire hearts. Satisfied that the area was clear, he nodded to Barb and they simultaneously pulled their door handles, stepping out of the car onto the dark asphalt of the parking lot.

As they approached the building, Elijah turned to her. “I did not realize how sad I would feel leaving this place behind.”

“Don’t you worry; Dr. Jameson is one of the best pediatricians in the country. You’re leaving your patients in good hands, and you’ve got all the time in the world. Nothing’s stopping you from coming back, or maybe even opening a new practice after things settle down.”

“I can only hope. It does give me something to look forward to, something to fight for; working side by side with you again,” he said with a smile.

“Ha, you’ve got a hell of a lot more to fight for than dealing with my pesky self, day in and day out!” she replied, smacking his arm. “Besides, you know that when this is over, it’ll be time for me to move on so don’t you go trying to charm me out of it.”

Elijah let out a heavy sigh, knowing she was serious. Two hundred and fifty years was an exhaustingly long time for any human, even a witch, to live. “You cannot fault me for trying.”

“I can’t say I’ve ever been able to fault you for much of anything, Elijah. You’re a good man, as good as they come and you just need to trust in that. All of this is going to work out just fine; I feel it in my bones,” she said; taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “The storm is coming, but there’ll be a beautiful spring waiting on the other side of the rain.”

Elijah swallowed hard, pushing down the knot that was forming in his throat as he fought back the tears which were dampening his lashes, and reached for the door.

The pair was met with an ear-piercing squeal when the receptionist, Wendy, jumped up from her chair behind the front desk and ran to greet them at the door. Wrapping her skinny arms around them both, she squeezed a little harder than was necessary.

“Oh, my God! I’m so happy to see you two!” she exclaimed, stepping back to look at them both. “We didn’t know if you were going to be coming back to see us before you left. Shoot, I wish you would’ve called; everyone’s already gone home except me, Dr. Jameson, and one of the nurses. Now, what’s with you just stealing off into the night?” she asked; putting her hands on her hips and glaring sternly at Elijah.

“You must forgive me, Wendy. It has been a rough few weeks and I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye. I’m afraid this may very well be my last visit, considering the long, hard fight ahead.”

Wendy’s eyes grew sad. “Oh, God; I’m so sorry, Doctor. I almost forgot. To see you I would say you’ve never looked healthier, but I guess that’s sometimes the way it is in the beginning. I’m sure they’re going to take excellent care of you over there in, where was it again, Sweden?”

Elijah nodded his affirmation as Wendy stepped closer and took his hand. “Just know that we’ll all be praying for you here, and when you beat that damn cancer, you come back to us, okay?” she said, pulling him into another hug as a tear slid down her freckled cheek. Elijah hugged her back, his heart squeezing tight with guilt from the lie, though he knew it was necessary to protect the people he’d grown so fond of over the years. He knew if Lucias got his way, life for the humans would never be the same, so he was willing to do whatever he could to keep them from the enduring that harsh reality.

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