Red Dawn (7 page)

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Authors: J.J. Bonds

BOOK: Red Dawn
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We stay like that, locked together, for more ear shattering songs than I care to count and eventually it occurs to me that Shaye’s MIA. Some friend I am. I scan the crowded room and on the second pass decide that she must’ve slipped out with Keegan. That’s the logical conclusion since they’re both notably absent. It would also explain why she was so anxious to attend the dance despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling so hot.

I wonder if her insistence had to do with getting some alone time with her boyfriend or if she’s trying to hide her latest health problems from him. Keegan’s a worrier and I wouldn’t put it past Shaye to keep him in the dark for as long as possible if she felt a relapse coming on. The more I think about it, the more certain I am that it’s the latter. In fact, I should probably ask her about it and make a mental note to do so when I get back to the room. For now though, I’m content to focus my attention on Nik.

Nik slides his hand up my back and I forget about Shaye, my too tight shoes, the music, everything; everything except the feel of his soft curls sliding between my fingers as I run my hands through his dark hair. I can’t get enough of Nik and I think the feeling is mutual until I notice his gaze fixed on something across the room.

I twist around, craning my neck to see what’s so alluring that it’s captured Nik’s attention. I wish I hadn’t looked. Jade. And Trey. No big surprise, Jade’s grinding all over Mr. Hornypants. Actually, they’re so close it looks like she’s imprinted on him like a crackerjack box tattoo. I could care less what Jade and Trey are doing, but evidently Nik feels differently. His continued interest in Jade feels like a slap in the face and I can’t let it slide.

“See something you like?” I ask glaring at him.

“What?” It takes him a minute to tear his eyes away from the scene with Jade and Trey. When he finally manages, he just looks confused.

“I asked if you see something you like.” I turn and point at Jade. He’s not getting off the hook that easily. “Over there.”

“What? No. I’m just…”

“Just what?” I ask. He’d better choose his words carefully. I feel my internal bitch-o-meter ratcheting up a notch. Like it or not, it’s no secret that I can go from zero to stark-raving-bitch in about a tenth of second when provoked.

“Nothing.” Nik throws his arms up in frustration. Did he really think I wouldn’t notice his little stare-fest? “I just don’t trust the guy!”

“You don’t know anything about him,” I return, giving him my best hand-on-the-hip angry look.

“I know enough.”

“Oh, really?” I reply, laughing in his face for good measure. “All you know is that he’s a troublemaker who’s good at mazes and likes hooking up with Jade. Hardly enough to make a judgment call.”

Okay. So he may have a point on the whole troublemaker thing, seeing as how Trey’s been kicked out of three schools, but I’m not going to tell him that. Besides, the kid has managed to stay out of trouble at Crossroads so far. Maybe Trey’s turning over a new leaf. Who am I to begrudge him a second chance?

“What’s it matter to you anyway? Jade’s a big girl. She’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself.”

“It matters because she’s my
Friends look out for each other. Perhaps you’ve forgotten?” He gives me a sort of disgusted look, like he expected more from me. “I know bad news when I see it and this guy is it.”

Nik stares at me stonily. Maybe he’s considering his next words or maybe he thinks he can intimidate me into backing down. Not likely. I’m just getting started.

“Come on, Nik. What bothers you more?” I ask, laying on the sarcasm. “The fact that he crushed your record in the maze or the fact that he’s tagging Jade?”

I know I’m upset and probably being a little nasty, but I can’t seem to channel any sort of calm. Nik’s constant concern with Jade is driving me crazy. Why can’t he just mind his own business? He stares at me in disbelief, but I’m not finished yet.

“What’s the big deal?” I huff, throwing my arms up in the air. People are starting to stare now, but I don’t care. Let them talk. “That chick is like a merry-go-round! Everyone gets a freaking turn!”

Nik’s jaw actually drops this time and I hate myself as soon as the words come out, but there’s no taking them back. There’s no taking any of it back now. In fact, it’s possible I’ve stooped to a new low. I should probably clear out before this gets any worse, before I say something else I’m going to regret.


“I’ll tell you what,” I whisper, unsure if he can actually hear my words over the raging party. “I’ll make this really simple for both of us.”

I turn and leave without a backward glance. I don’t know what just happened, but I’m pretty sure it was my fault. Maybe I overreacted a little. Or a lot. I just don’t understand why he’s always worrying about where Jade’s at and what she’s doing. I wonder if he spends half as much time thinking about our relationship or lack thereof.

Does he have feelings for Jade beyond friendship? I’ve never gotten a straight answer on whether or not they’ve ever actually dated. I wonder if they’ve ever hooked up? Could that be what this is about? It’s a disturbing thought. The very idea of it makes my head hurt. It makes some other things hurt too, but I refuse to acknowledge the painful ache in my chest. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. No strings, no heartache. And
no jealousy.



Chapter Nine


“Alright, dish,” Shaye says, grabbing my shoulder bag from my hands and holding it just out of reach. “You’ve been slamming around this place for weeks. What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing.” I hold out my hand expectantly. I haven’t told her about the fight with Nik. I’m a little ashamed. Plus, it’s just downright embarrassing. “Can I have my bag back please?”

“Not until you tell me what’s eating you,” she says firmly. “It’s Nikolai, isn’t it? What happened?”

Nik and I haven’t spoken since Halloween. I can’t seem to choke out an apology any more than I can stop thinking about him with Jade. The thought of them together is nauseating. I can’t stand the idea of him kissing her the way he kisses me. It’s affecting my school work and evidently it’s also getting between me and Shaye. I really don’t feel like talking about it, but maybe it will help.

“What gave it away?” I ask, resigned to indulging Shaye’s curiosity.

“Are you serious?” she asks, snickering. “Let’s see. What gave it away? Was it Nikolai’s total lack of presence at dinner? Or maybe the fact that you’ve been skipping your training sessions with him? Or maybe it was your grumpy, man-hating attitude lately? Yeah, I think that was it,” she says, feigning a thoughtful look as she taps her finger on her chin.

“I guess I did kind of lose it during Infidelity last night,” I concede. “But that’s what you get for making me watch that garbage with you.”

“What was the fight about?” Shaye asks, looking sympathetic. Maybe she’s been through this before?

“I don’t know,” I lie. Shaye gives me the evil eye. “Okay. Yes, we had a fight. Yes, it was entirely my fault. I totally freaked out on him and I said some really nasty things. I was just so tired of him worrying about Jade all of the time!” I finish, cringing at the defensiveness of my own words.

“Because?” she prompts.

“Because what?” I ask, playing dumb. I’m pretty sure I know what she’s getting at and I’m not going there.

“Because you’re jealous?”

“No!” I snap without thinking. “I am
jealous. I have no reason to be. We aren’t together.”

“That’s the problem,” she tells me, shaking her head knowingly. Shaye Walker, relationship therapist. “Babe, you need to DTR.”

“I’m sure this won’t come as any great shock, but I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I tell her. “English, please?”

“Define. The. Relationship.” She enunciates each word carefully so that even a remedial dater like me can understand. “You and Nikolai have this open, undefined thing going on. That’s great for a while, but it can never last.”

“Why not?” I ask. “Seems to be working okay so far.”

“If it’s working so well,” she asks, checking her watch pointedly, “what are you doing sitting here with me when you should be training with Nikolai?”

It’s kind of hard to argue with her logic. Shaye’s great company, but I sort of miss training.

“I’m telling you it won’t work because one of you will always end up wanting more. I’m just surprised it’s you,” she says, knitting her brows together thoughtfully. “Who’d have thought?”

“You’re wrong,” I tell her vehemently. “I am not one of
girls who needs to label everything.”

She rolls her eyes dismissively. Apparently I’m not very convincing.

“It’s inevitable. At some point you’ve got to talk about boundaries, feelings, and… positions,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows in an oh-so-skeezy way.

“Ha, ha. Very funny.”

“Okay, so my jokes suck, but I’m right about the relationship stuff. You’ve got to withhold the sexy time until you define the relationship, otherwise it’ll never work.”

“What are you? The Love Doctor?”

“Yeah. And you’re the smart ass,” she replies lightly. “You know that thing getting in your way? It’s your ego.”

Maybe Shaye does know what she’s talking about. She and Keegan have been together forever and they seem happy enough, despite the fact that they can’t even go out in public. Then again, I really don’t think I’m a DTR kind of girl. Just because it works for Shaye, doesn’t mean it would work for me. Actually, it sounds an awful lot like something she saw on one of her ridiculous shows. Really, there are days when I think reality TV is rotting her brain.

Writing off her advice, I grab my bag and head for the door. Before I can make my hasty getaway, there’s a knock.

“I’m not expecting anyone, are you?” I ask Shaye.

“Nope,” she says, not meeting my gaze. “Can’t imagine who it would be.”

I open the door to find Nik leaning against the wall outside. He must’ve come straight from the gym because he’s wearing his training gear. It’s very tight, very sexy, and… so
the point.

“What are you doing here, Nik?”

“I got tired of being stood up,” he tells me, smiling warmly. There’s no trace of his usual flirtiness. “Figured I’d come up here and drag you down to the gym myself if that’s what it takes.”

“I’d like to see you try,” I counter, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Can I come in?” he asks sheepishly. It occurs to me that Nik’s never been to my room before.

“Why?” I ask as I move to block the door.

“I thought maybe we could talk?”

“Come on in,” Shaye calls from across the room. “I was just leaving anyway,” she tells me as she slips past and disappears down the hall. I get the sneaking suspicion she actually invited him up here. I’ll have to ask her later. I certainly wouldn’t put it past her.

Nik doesn’t have to be asked twice. He strolls into the room and I close the door behind him.

“Make yourself at home then.”

Nik surveys the room. I can only imagine what he’s thinking as he takes in the monstrous pile of laundry littering Shaye’s side of the room. I make a point of sitting on my own bed so he doesn’t mistake the mess for mine.

“Don’t you ladies get housekeeping service?” he asks, not bothering to suppress a smile. I can’t say I blame him.

“Of course we do. Not that it helps much,” I return, eyeing the disaster zone. It’s code yellow today. It could be a lot worse. “But that’s not what you came here to talk about, is it?”

“Not really,” he answers, joining me on the bed. “I thought it was time we put this whole thing behind us.”

“Why’s that?” I ask. Not that I’m opposed to the idea, I just wonder what brought it on today. It’s been weeks after all, and so far neither of us has been willing to budge.

“I’m in a very forgiving mood,” he tells me seductively. He traces his finger along my jawline stopping short of my bottom lip. My body shudders involuntarily at his touch. “I hate fighting with you and I want to make up,” he murmurs. Nik grabs me by the waist and slides me onto his lap so that I’m straddling his legs. We’re so close I can smell the blood on his breath. It awakens a fierce hunger within me.

“Do I have to apologize?” I ask breathlessly. If he keeps looking at me like this, I’m not sure I could get the words out even if I wanted to.

“That depends,” he answers, stroking my hair gently.

“On what?”

“On whether or not you’ll go on a real date with me this Saturday.”

“I guess I could squeeze you in,” I tell him. “That is, assuming Pratt doesn’t yank our off campus privileges.” Pratt’s been limiting off campus trips all year as a result of the extra restrictive rules in the new handbook. But that’s not important right now. The only thing that matters right now is Nik. Banishing all thoughts of Pratt and broken rules from my mind, I press my lips to Nik’s.

Nik responds to my kiss, holding me tight as I shift my weight to be closer to him. My blouse comes loose and his hands slide up my back, exploring, massaging. Things are really starting to heat up. So much for Shaye’s theory on withholding sexy time. Nik leaves a trail of kisses down my neck and I can’t repress the sigh that escapes my lips. I can’t imagine anything more right. My hands slip under Nik’s shirt, discovering the hard muscles of his abdomen. He trembles at my touch, a guttural growl exploding from his lips. Why would I even try to define this? Nik’s kisses are powerful. Nik’s kisses speak for themselves.

I’m startled when he suddenly goes cold. “What is it?” I ask, disappointed that he’s stopped.

“This is too creepy.” He lifts me from his lap and drops me on the bed next to him. Hell’s bells! I’m going to need a cool shower. “I can’t do this.”

“What are you talking about?” I look down, inspecting myself, wondering if there’s something wrong with me.

“That,” he says, pointing at Shaye’s stuffed animal collection. “There’s just something wrong about making out with all those
staring at me.”

The guy has no qualms about staring down a psychotic vamp, but stuffed animals make him uncomfortable? Just. My. Luck.

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