Reclaiming Angelica (8 page)

Read Reclaiming Angelica Online

Authors: Zena Wynn

Tags: #erotic romance, #Shape-shifter, #Multicultural, #vampire, #paranormal

BOOK: Reclaiming Angelica
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The male donor in her arms stilled; then his hips began to
buck and shake. A ragged groan escaped his mouth as a small, liquid stain
became visible on the crotch of his jeans. The bastard had climaxed.

Rage surged through Raul. His claws extended, and his eyes
went wolf. At that moment, he didn’t care what Angel was. The one thing he was
absolutely certain of was from now on, he’d be the only man she fed from. She
wouldn’t be dishing out any more orgasms unless it was to him.

Her eyes opened, and their gazes locked. Angel’s face
drained of color. She released her hold on the male, absently licking a stray
drop of blood from her bottom lip. Taking a step back, she glanced around
wildly, prepared to run.

Raul smiled grimly.
baby! You’re mine, and you have some explaining to do.


seen her feed.
What is he doing here? How
did he find me?

The only thought in Angelica’s mind was escape. She’d wanted
to tell him what she was, but not like this.
Dear God, never like this.

She glanced around, her gaze bouncing wildly from corner to
corner, looking for an avenue of flight. Her gaze flicked past an EMERGENCY
EXIT sign and ricocheted back, focusing in on it like a laser. Angelica turned
to run and just that quick, Raul was in front of her.

“Going somewhere, sweetheart?”

She blinked in astonishment. She knew wolves were fast,
almost as fast as vamps, but how the hell had he gotten behind her that

“Uh,” she stuttered in response, her mind blank.

“Good idea. It’s a little too crowded in here for what I
have in mind,” he said smoothly. His voice was calm, but his eyes glowed an
eerie gold, telling her the true state of his emotions. Not that she needed it.
She could feel his rage hammering at her.

Angelica had never been afraid of Raul or his beast,
confident he’d never hurt her under any circumstance. However, fear, the
unpredictable bastard, had a stranglehold on her throat. Her heart pounded in
her chest, and her breath came in pants. This was her worst nightmare come to

“Raul, I—” She gasped as he bent down and tossed her over
his shoulder. As Raul turned to head down the stairs, Angelica caught sight of
her cousin, Sophie, who grinned at her and waggled her fingers in a good-bye
wave. Obviously there’d be no help from that quarter, and none of the other
vampires seemed to notice, being too intent on feeding.

Mercer—where the hell had he come from?—was by his side in
an instant, clearing the way out of the club. Between the two massive bruisers,
no one dared stop them. When they reached the front entrance, one of the
bouncers shouted, “Hey, she ain’t no bitch,” and tried to block the path.

There was the sound of flesh hitting flesh as Mercer—she
assumed it was him—moved the vamp out the way. Angelica smelled that Stephen
was nearby, glanced up, and noticed him approaching from behind. Alarmed at
being the possible cause of an interspecies war, she quickly called out, “It’s
okay! He’s my mate! Ask Sophie. She’ll explain,” she told Stephen, not liking
the look in his eye.

Stephen paused, his expression uncertain.

“Move!” Raul growled, and it sounded so vicious the hairs on
Angelica’s nape came to attention.

He never paused or slowed his pace. People scrambled out of
the way, including the vamps. Angelica heard murmurs and twitters of quickly
muffled laughter from the crowd waiting to get inside and grasped hold of
Raul’s belt, burying her flushed face in the small of his back. She would never
live this down.

The local vamp community was a small one. Once Sophie
explained to Stephen who Angelica was and that she really was mated to a wolf
shifter, it would be all over town in a matter of hours and wouldn’t stop
there. She could expect a call from her father, who sat on the vampire council,
in the next few days. Angelica could hear the conversation now.
By the way, Dad, did I tell you I mated a
wolf? No? Well, I meant to. So…how’s Mom?
Oh yeah, that would go over well.

In seconds they’d crossed the huge parking lot and were by
Raul’s SUV. He flipped her down into his arms and tossed her into the truck.
The door closed with a quiet, ominous
Before she could get her seat belt fastened, he was in the vehicle starting the

“I was going to tell—” she began.

“Not one word until we get home,” he snarled.

“My house is closer.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Angelica
Way to go! Nice time to remind
the man that you left him
. “Shutting up now,” she quickly added.

She prayed as Raul zoomed through the sparse traffic on the
road that some poor unsuspecting cop wouldn’t pull him over and attempt to give
Raul a ticket. In less time than should have been possible, they were parking
in front of the pack’s apartment complex and until two weeks ago, her home.

Mercer wasted no time exiting his vehicle. He tossed a
casual, “Good night,” over his shoulder as he went inside.

Raul sat for a long, tense moment as the silence drew out
between them. Finally he reached for the door handle. As Angelica made to do
the same, he tersely commanded, “Don’t move.”

No fool, she sat still and waited for him.

He came around and opened her door. Before she could swing
her legs out and stand, he once more had her tossed over his shoulder like a
sack of grain. She grabbed for purchase as he bounded up the stairs and into
the apartment, down the hall to their bedroom where he flipped her onto the
bed. Angelica bounced twice before coming to a halt in a sprawl.

She rose warily to her elbows, waiting to see what he’d do
next. Raul’s wolf was in his eyes, and she had a feeling if she’d made even the
slightest attempt to get off the bed, he’d pounce. She didn’t mind playing tag
with this wolf when she was the one in control, but not when he was being so
utterly unpredictable.

Hands on his hips, his stance aggressive, he snarled,
“You’re a
.” He emphasized the
word vamp like it was a curse.

“Yeah, and you’re a wolf. You don’t see me getting all pissy
about it,” she retorted. Okay, so maybe she simply wasn’t the cautious sort.

Raul went still in the way she’d seen really old vampires
do. He didn’t even appear to be breathing. Then several emotions crossed his
face too fast for her to read. She’d lowered her shields but couldn’t get a
sense of them. They were strong but too fleeting for her to get a lock on.

He cocked his head to the side, and if he’d been in his
four-legged furry form, she knew his ears would be tilted forward. “You know
what I am.”

She swallowed, not sure where this was leading. “Yes.”

“For how long?”

Once again, the need to be cautious kicked her in the teeth.
She cleared her throat before saying, “Since the first day we met in person?”
Despite her intention to sound confident, her voice rose at the end, turning
her statement into a question.

Angelica really didn’t like the way Raul was looking at her.
She also didn’t like feeling like prey. The predator in him was out and in full

Still watching her with those narrowed, wolfish eyes, he
whipped his T-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor. Next he toed
off his shoes, shoved down his jeans, and stepped out of them. He wasn’t
wearing underwear.


Angelica jerked her gaze from his fully engorged cock to his
determined face, hers heating in embarrassment at being caught staring. “Um,
don’t you think we need to talk?”

“After.” Raul’s hands hung loose but ready by his sides.

“After what?” she absently parroted, her gaze once more
straying to his massive erection. Raul slowly stroked it from base to head. It
wasn’t that she’d never seen him nude before. She had. She’d simply never
noticed him being so…large. Raul wasn’t a small man, not one bit of him. But
this was different, as if his cock had partially shifted and was now the size
it would be in his half form.

“After I fuck you the way I’ve wanted to since the moment I
first saw you.”

Her gaze snapped back to his. As far as intentions went, it
didn’t get any clearer. Angelica felt her pussy cream, and she licked her lips
in anticipation.

Raul was a wonderful, considerate lover. The best any woman
could ask for. Any human woman, that is. But Angelica was also vampire, and
there was a level of…roughness, she craved that he hadn’t provided—until now.

Angelica’s fangs dropped into position. “It’s about damn
time, wolf. Do you know how long I’ve waited to get my…teeth”—she licked the
tip of one point—“into you?”

Raul’s stance became rigid, like he was holding himself back
with the thinnest of control. “You fed from that man tonight, and he came.”

Angelica gave a dainty little shrug. “My bite is orgasmic.”

“From now on, you feed only from me.”

She let her gaze trail slowly down his body, then lifted her
knees and planted her feet on the bedspread. Arching her hips, she brought his
attention to the minuscule bit of lace covering her sex by running the tip of
her finger along the crotch. “Are you sure about that? You know we like to fuck
while we feed,” she taunted. “I might get…carried away and”—she licked her
lips—“devour you whole.”

His irises turn a brilliant gold, and his nostrils flared as
his gaze narrowed on the damp lace. Angelica felt a cool breeze pebble her
nipples and then glanced down in astonishment at her shredded dress. When she
looked at Raul, he was idly flexing his claws.

“You’re moving too slow.”

His comment startled a laugh out of her. Angelica rose
fluidly to her knees and removed the scraps of material. Then she placed her
hands on her thigh and tilted her head, her gaze challenging.

“Now the panties,” he ordered.

“You want them off? Take ’em off yourself.”

He blinked, then languidly grinned. It was so wicked she
felt another wave of arousal sweep through her body.

“If you insist,” he agreed amiably.

He lifted his hand, and Angelica braced for the slash of
claws. Instead he sauntered forward until his knees bumped the mattress, his
bobbing cock leading the way. Raul trailed the claw of his right forefinger
down her sternum, between her breasts and beyond, circling her navel before
dipping his finger lightly inside. “You are so sexy. I could eat you up.”

Reflexively, Angelica’s vaginal muscles clenched, and she
thrust her hips forward, seeking his touch where she needed it most. “Touch
me,” she half pleaded, half demanded.

“I am.”


Back and forth, his finger faithfully followed the edge of
her panties, never dipping lower. “Here?”


There was a sharp sting as he ripped the panties right off
her body.

“Ooo!” she cried out in surprise, then purred. Damn, that
was hot! He’d never done anything like this before.

“I’m going to eat you alive,” he said, stroking his thumb
along her slit. “But first, there’s the matter of your feeding to attend to.”
Raul climbed up her body, pushing her down so he straddled her chest, knees
spread wide. He stroked his erection base to head, then moved closer so that
his penis was in sucking distance. “Feed.”

Angelica’s eyes bulged in shock. “From your cock?”

“Yes.” He brushed the moist tip against her slightly parted

“You’re sure?” Angelica wasn’t sure why she hesitated. Her
bite wasn’t painful, beyond the initial sting, but the thought of sinking her
fangs into such a sensitive area gave her pause.

“Bite me!” He pressed insistently until the head butted her

Angelica flicked out her tongue and pulled in a drop of his
spicy essence. He sucked in a sharp breath, and his thighs tensed beneath her
hands. She smiled and did it again, lingering over the hole with tantalizing

Raul cursed and his canines lengthened.

Loving his primal response, Angelica twirled her tongue
around the ridge that lined the head, paying particular attention to the
sensitive underside.

He snarled. “Angelica, quit pla—

She sucked deeply, drawing strongly on the small pinpricks
she’d made. When the coagulant in her saliva sealed the tiny holes, Angelica
bit him again, repeating the process over and over until Raul positively
vibrated over her.

He snarled out a litany of profanity as his clawed fingers
held a vice grip in her hair, holding her head to him. Angelica could tell he
was rigidly controlling himself even as his hips jerked. The strain on his face
showed he was ruthlessly suppressing the need to thrust.

She bit him harder, sinking her fangs deep this time.

With a roar, Raul’s control snapped. He jerked her off him
using her hair, had her up and over onto her belly in a blink. Before the world
stopped spinning, he had her ass high and had mounted her. The first thrust
sent her sliding forward. Raul clamped his hands on her hips and yanked her
back. His second thrust made her gasp with a combination of pleasure and pain.
The third one hit a spot that made her cry out and clench around him.

Raul slid one hand to her belly to hold her in position. The
other landed on the mattress beside her hand as he hunched over her. “Brace
yourself,” was all the warning Angelica received.

He locked his canines into the tender spot between her
shoulder and neck and let loose, taking her like the animal he was. It was
hard, fast, and brutal, and went on and on and on. Angelica screamed. She
cried, but mostly she came, over and over again.

Raul’s cock swelled to even larger proportions, stretching
her to the maximum, right before he stiffened in climax. His hips jerked with
each pulse of release. He’d penetrated her to the hilt and must have hit a
sweet spot because the reflexive movements of his cock against it set her off
in another orgasm. This one the longest yet.

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