Reckless Nights in Rome (14 page)

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Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Reckless Nights in Rome
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“I’m not
stupid. Why else would you hit on me? Why else would you want to
have sex with me unless I have something you want? I’m hardly your
type am I?”

He whirled
around to face her, those eyes now the colour of a stormy sea.

“How do you
know my type? You know nothing about me. You have judged and found
me wanting from the first moment we met. You appear to believe I am
a man who seduces women for his own material benefit.”

“Can you deny
that you still want my home?”

“No, I cannot
deny it. But I would never whore myself to get it. You have just
treated me like a damned stud,” he roared at her.

Shaking with
reaction, she realised she’d hurt him as well as made him very

Oh God Bronte,
what have you done?

She was
trembling now, her voice a mere whisper, “I didn’t mean for you to
take what I said in that way.”

“What did you
mean? Do you know? Because one man treats you badly we are all
damned? How fair is that?”

She had to
close her eyes to his absolute rage.

“It’s just that
you’ve had hundreds of women. You have a certain reputation.”

She opened her
eyes and saw dark brows wing into his hairline.

“Where did you
hear this nonsense?”

Bronte knew
instinctively the worst thing to say would be that he’d been

She was losing
the argument and rightly so.

What on earth
had she been thinking having sex with this man?

She couldn’t
think straight.

“Look, let’s
draw a line under this. You like a certain type of woman and I’m
not it.”

Her eyes slid
to his and she saw with relief that Nico looked totally confused
now and less angry. He dragged his hands through his hair in an
expression of bewildered male frustration.

“I have never
slept with a woman if I was in a relationship with another. I have
never paid for sex. My needs are crystal clear and I never make
promises I do not keep.”

Her mind kept
coming back to the main issue.

“Why do you
want me?”

Stunned dark
eyes stared into hers.

He shook his
head as if trying to clear it.

“My God, you
have absolutely no idea. Have you?”

When she said
nothing, he moved closer until his finger tilted her chin.

“What did your
fiancé do to you?”

uncomfortable with the direction the conversation had taken, Bronte
jerked her chin away.

“Why on earth
bring Jonathan into this?”

Those eyes
filled again with impatient annoyance and glared into hers.

“You brought
him into this, straight after we made love.”

She opened her
mouth and then closed it.

He was right.
She had permitted Jonathan’s words to affect her. His vicious
comments, filled with malice, poured out of her mouth before she
could stop them.

“He said I was
too frigid for him, because I wouldn’t ... er ... do certain things
to him. That I couldn’t satisfy him and that’s why he needed
another woman.”

Nico gripped
her shoulders, gave her a shake.

Madre de
If you believed that then you are stupid.”

“I was going to
marry him, why wouldn’t I believe him.” She tried to push him away
but he didn’t budge. “You’ve just told me I’m not experienced
enough for you.” And told herself she sounded absolutely

He gave her
another little shake and this time his forehead touched hers, his
shoulders relaxing.

“I did not say
any such thing. You are inexperienced but I love your responses to
my touch, my kisses. Your breathy sighs and cries of pleasure
increase my own.”

Nico pulled her
close and nuzzled the soft spot under her ear.

Feeling like a
complete moron, Bronte wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned
into him.

Her heart did a
crazy little flip.

“I wasn’t
really thinking of him. I was thinking of me.”

He framed her
face with large hands and forced her to meet his dark eyes.

“You were
thinking of him if you remembered his words and how he made you
feel. Do you want me to tell you what it was like for me? It was
and amazing.” He brushed his lips, softly,
gently, over hers and muttered into her mouth, “Trust me. You cried
my name when you came.”

Mortified that
he said such things to her and with her lips tingling, Bronte
didn’t believe a word of it. Men like Nico Ferranti didn’t find
women like her magical and amazing. But God, she wished with all
her heart that he did.

“It was
probably a one off,” she told him in a disbelieving voice. “I can’t
imagine that happening every single time.”

She bent to
retrieve her yoga pants.

“I would not
I will just take them off again.”

Nico’s voice
was low and throaty, almost a growl.

Her head
whipped up in time to see him move fast as he bent and hauled her
over his shoulder.

She yelped in

“Nico! Put me

A flat hand
smacked her bottom hard enough to make her gasp.

“That is for
doubting yourself and me. A one-off? I have never been so

He strode
through the house, heading for the stairs.

“Where are
you...? Put me down...” she sputtered, split between laughter and
dread as he marched up the stairs.

“I’m continuing
your education
, cara
, and from what happened earlier, you
appear to be a fast learner. Believe me, you will not be thinking
of another man the next time I make love to you.”

Torn between
heady delight and sheer terror, she found her legs caught close to
his body.

Nico ignored
the fists drumming on his back. Which only added fuel to the fire
of her temper.

Her insults
deteriorated into expletives.

He found her
bedroom and tossed her into the middle of her enormous bed.

In an attempt
to escape, Bronte flipped over onto her stomach.

But Nico simply
grabbed her ankles, pulling her back down the bed and straddled her

His voice went
soft and low.

“Your language
is a disgrace. I would not have thought a well bred young woman
would know such words.”

Panting, she
lifted her head to see him remove two foil packages from the back
of his jeans and place them on her bedside table.

“Get off


He whipped off
his sweater and tossed it.

His eyes were
dark and hot with mixture of arousal and irritation.

Those toned
chest muscles flexed as he bent over her and she took a moment to
enjoy the view of the plains and dips of his six-pack and that hard
flat stomach. Fine silky hair ran from his chest to below his jeans
in an inverted V. And she decided she loved the feeling of being
weak and feminine. Her sweater followed his as a big hand squeezed
her buttock cheek and a finger pinged the top of her panties. No
matter how hard she tried to remain unaffected, an illicit thrill
raced through her system to pool, hot and wet, between her

Bronte groaned.
“Nico.” Her voice was almost a plea as he slipped a finger between
her buttocks.

“I am going to
take off my jeans. If you move one inch, I will spank you. How dare
you bring another man between us and then doubt what we share.
Trust me
, cara mia,
it will not happen again.”

Bronte could
not believe she was doing this. She was lying virtually naked on
her tummy, too scared to move in case he did indeed spank her.

Her breath
caught in her throat as he straddled her again.

However this
time he knelt over her, a hand either side of her head as his
erection pressed into the small of her back.

He couldn’t be
ready again, could he?

She turned to
look at him, feeling horribly vulnerable and wonderfully

His mouth
tasted hers as his hips rubbed against her buttocks.

His cock hard
and searching as it nudged the soft skin between her thighs.

Bronte arched
her back.

His tongue, hot
and silky slipped into her mouth and explored with a devastating
thoroughness that left her gasping for air. He sucked her tongue
into his mouth and she shuddered in wicked delight. He couldn’t
seem to get enough of her mouth.

Then he flipped
her on her back and dragged her up to her knees in front of him.
His cock jerking into her soft belly.

Nico moved onto
his back, resting on her many pillows. She knelt beside him unsure
of what to do. His eyes, dark and brooding with arousal, met

A gasp escaped
from her throat as he unashamedly gripped his cock and stroked from
root to tip, pleasuring himself in front of her startled gaze.

Bronte couldn’t
drag her eyes from the blunt head of his swollen cock. Her tongue
ran over her bottom lip and Nico moaned. She clenched her

“Please, Nico.
Let me touch you.”

He simply lay
there, relaxed, stroking his cock which appeared to grow harder and

Those eyes
mesmerised her, she couldn’t look away.

“Open a condom
for me and come closer.”

Mortified that
she fumbled such a simple task, Bronte’s heart beat a rapid tattoo
in her throat, until she held the tip of the condom between
trembling fingers. Without words and never taking his eyes from
hers, Nico took her hands placing his fingers over hers to slide
the protection home.

His pupils
dilated as he slid two fingers between her legs. Her womb clenched
and Bronte moaned deep in her throat.

“My God,
, you are so aroused. You have no idea how beautiful you
are, how swollen and heavy with need for me.” His voice, deep and
low, hypnotised her.

She gasped as
he moved fast.

Flipping her on
her back, he caught her wrists in one hand holding them above her
head. His eyes, jet black with arousal took a long, lingering look
at her body openly displayed for his pleasure. She trembled in
reaction as he gently nudged her legs wider apart with a strong

Then he dipped
his head and stared into her eyes with an intensity that made her
shudder with something like fear and a brutal arousal.

“I am going to
take my time and taste every part of you until you scream with
ecstasy. I am going to bury myself deep within you until you come
again. Are you ready,

Her reply was a
whimper and that appeared not to be enough for him.

“Do you want me
to taste you?”

His lips
nibbled a lazy path across her jaw, under her ear to the spot that
made her purr her answer.

Bronte lifted
her hips, wantonly wriggling under him, rubbing her too sensitive
breasts across his strong chest. His lips smiled against her neck
and he released her wrists, using both hands to pleasure, plunder
and explore.

She took the
opportunity to run her hands over his broad, strong shoulders as
her heart thundered in her ears. He savoured a pebbled nipple,
teased the sensitive flesh with the tip of his tongue, then suckled
hard in way that made her gasp and grip his head, pulling him
closer. He paid its twin the same attentions making her cry out as
the liquid pull deep in her belly responded to his touch. With care
he skimmed his fingertips over her ribcage, closely followed by his
hot mouth. His tongue lingered over her flat tummy, paying
particular attention to her belly button and she almost shot off
the bed.

Nico had never, ever
had a woman so responsive to him, she shuddered and trembled under
him and it aroused him unbearably.

For the first
time in his life, he wanted to take great care, to give a woman
mindless pleasure. Again he caressed her soft breasts. They fit
perfectly into the palm of his hands. God, her skin smelt fabulous
and each part of her, the underside of her breast, her belly, her
hip had its own unique taste.

She groaned and
her eyes closed as his fingertips smoothed the too sensitive skin
along her hip bone and travelled lower to the tender spot between
her thigh and her mound. Her hands travelled across his shoulders
and then her nails dug into his flesh as he cupped her. She jerked
as he changed tempo and crushed his mouth to hers in a passionate,
bruising, breathless kiss.

She gasped and
cried out as he plundered down her flesh devouring her with his
hungry mouth, his teeth nipping with gentle little bites, desperate
now to taste and take.

Gripping her
hips, he growled, pulling her hot, slick core to his mouth and

“Oh, God!”

His mouth suckled, his
tongue licked and speared into her.

Ruthlessly he
used his tongue as a weapon of pleasure bringing her to a fast,
raging orgasm that had her bucking under him. He held her legs wide
and open. She wanted to drown in him, sink into him as he forced
her up again until she gripped the sheets in sweaty, trembling
hands. She screamed her lungs out with another orgasm so deep, so
prolonged that the world went dark shattering her reality.

Nico devoured, lapped
and drank the evidence of her release.

And he wasn’t
finished. With one sharp inhale, he entered her. The ache in his
cock, the burning of his bones eased as he slid in and out. She was
so tight, so wet, so hot he couldn’t speak, didn’t need to. He
shoved up her thigh and thrust into her faster, harder. And
discovered with a feeling of pure joy that she was with him all the
way, her throaty cries synchronised with her hips as they rose to
meet his, thrust for thrust. Then he felt her gather again as her
breath hitched, every muscle from her toes to her fingertips went

“Let go, let
go,” he commanded breathlessly. Her body jerked and she rocked his
world as she came apart in his arms.

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