Reckless Magic (37 page)

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Authors: Rachel Higginson

Tags: #fantasy, #magic, #young adult, #romance young adult

BOOK: Reckless Magic
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Despite our slow pace we eventually
made it down to the gates leading into the stadium. Kiran tried the
gate but it was locked. Once again I expected him to use magic, but
instead he looked frustrated and I heard him curse again. I reached
out my hand as if to just get on with it, but before I could use
any magic, he reached out his own hand stopping me.

They’ll know where we are,”
Kiran said softly.

If we use magic?” I asked,
shocked. I hadn’t expected that.

Yep,” he folded his arms
and cocked his head to the side with a frustrated look on his face.
I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

What did you do, run away
to be with me?” I smiled widely; pleased with the lengths he took
to get us alone.

Something like that,” he
looked around, clearly frustrated with our lack of

Well, I guess we’ll just
have to do things the old fashioned way,” feeling brave, I tossed
my book bag over the fence and began the long, awkward climb to the
top. “No peeking,” I looked down at the amused face of Kiran, and
held my uniform skirt close to my body, suddenly

I’ll be the perfect
gentleman,” he bowed his head a little and looked at the ground as
if proving his point.

I did my best to climb the fence
gracefully, but it was no use. The links were small, making the
climb awkward and difficult. After finally making it to the top, I
had to swing my leg over in a most un-lady-like fashion, flashing
the entire world I was sure. My descent down was easier, but I
cringed at the thought of having to make the climb again to

Once I was safely on the ground and
had fully entertained Kiran, he made the climb. Of course, he made
it quickly and easily. Without even using magic he was to the other
side in seconds. Once on the ground, he picked up my backpack and
shouldered it.

This thing is disgusting,”
he grimaced.

What?” I reached for it
defensively, but he moved out of the way quickly. “I love that
bag,” I pouted my bottom lip.

Of course you do,” Wwe
began to walk aimlessly around the track, shoulders and fingers in
constant contact.

What does that mean?” I
asked, afraid of the answer.

It means that you’re
different,” when I looked at him horrified, he explained further,
“I mean you’re different than any girl I have ever met….

Thanks?” I didn’t know
whether to be offended or flattered.

I don’t expect they thought
we would ever meet,” he said cryptically.

What do you mean?” Who was

I mean, I don’t think it
was in the plans. Neither one of us was ever supposed to come here,
and I can guarantee that we were never supposed to find each
other,” his explanation didn’t clarify anything, I was more

And why is that?” I hoped
for a clearer answer.

Star-crossed Eden, we’re
star-crossed,” he gave me a very sweet smile; unfortunately I
returned it with bewilderment.

Romeo and Juliet?” I asked,
giving it one more go.

Unfortunately,” he took his
eyes off of me to look down at the ground.

Things didn’t end well for

Nope,” he shook his head
and kicked at a rock, sending it flying across the red, running

I wondered at his reference to one of
the greatest love stories of all times. Despite the unfortunate
ending he alluded to, I couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that
the story was all about unfailing love. I glanced over at him
again, but he stared intently at the ground as if working something
out in his head.

Are you going to the
Festival?” I asked carefully, although I already knew the

How do you know about the
Festival?” He countered my question, amused once again.

Everybody’s talking about
it,” I tried to cover, realizing I shouldn’t know about the
Festival. “I’m just curious, since everything is so new to

Yes, I’m going. I don’t
have much of a choice. I’ll only be gone a week or so though,” he
finished his thought as if to assure me.

Where is it? What is it?” I
pried further, truly curious.

The Festival? Basically the
middle of Romania. In Transylvania; it’s near a city called Sibiu.
It’s a three day long feast where we celebrate the dead,” Kiran
talked about it with small tones of disgust and my hopes were

Wait. It’s a celebration?”
I asked, confused again.

Yea, for like all of the
Immortals who have died. Everyone comes from all over the world and
we have this huge feast and remember the dead, or I guess during
that weekend we call them the saints,” he stopped walking near the
bleachers and took a seat on the stairs leading towards the metal

Oh. But what about the
trial?” A look of confusion passed over his face and I was suddenly

How do you know about
that?” Suspicion clear in his voice.

Lilly was my closest friend
before she disappeared,” I spat out with more venom than I had
meant to.

Lilly Mason is a liar, a
manipulator and a Shape-shifter,” Kiran said with disbelief at my

She fought to save your
life,” I accused.

She lied to everyone,
including you,” he accused right back.

She never lied to me! And
she sacrificed everything when she decided to fight for you,” I
threw the facts at him again.

Fine. But when she did that
she also chose to face the consequences. There’s nothing I can do
about it now, she’s at the mercy of the law,” he calmed down a
little. The initial shock of my outburst dulled.

I’m sorry, the law? Who’s
law? It’s not right, and I demand that she receive a fair trial,” I
folded my arms stubbornly.

Who’s law? Only the law
that you and her and every other Immortal are bound to,” suddenly
he was very angry. “I’m sorry you’re new to this Eden, but you of
all people need to obey the law to the very letter. Do you even
understand the consequences for an offense like Lilly’s?” I could
tell that he was as livid as me, but I refused to give

Of course I understand.
Obey the law or face the death squad,” I replied

That’s exactly what it
would be like for you. But don’t be ridiculous, they are not going
to execute Lilly. They just want to make an example of her,” his
voice was still laced with anger.

That’s not fair. She helped
save your life. She should be like rewarded or knighted or
something else as ridiculous! Not be punished because of what your
awful and outdated law says!”

Listen, I am very grateful
that she was there that night, but the law is the law, outdated or
not,” he quieted his voice, but hardened his tone.

Then testify for her!” I
said exasperatedly.

I can’t do that,” Kiran
replied stubbornly.

Then I will,” I stood up,

Absolutely not,” he also
stood up to face me, adamant. “There is absolutely no way you will
go to that trial. You will not set foot in that country, or outside
of this town. Do you understand?” his voice was raised and he
ordered me around in a way I had never seen him behave.

You have no say in the
matter. If you are not willing to do what is right, then I

I have every say in the
matter. As your prince I demand that you remain in your house the
entire time I am gone. In fact, I am placing you on house arrest
until I return,” he was so angry and so determined that his face
was red and I could see real emotion behind his eyes, but instead
of trying to understand him, he only made me angrier.

You can’t do that,” I
shouted, stamping my foot.

Yes I can, and if you push
me I will leave guards at every door and window,” his voice once
again softened, but the hardness to his tone was

I wouldn’t have to push you
if you would do what any decent person would do! You have the power
to save her, to give her another chance, but you’re wasting your
influence. Instead of placing me on house arrest, why don’t you
help someone who actually needs it!” I knew I had gone too far, the
look that crossed Kiran’s face was pure anger. I closed my mouth,
unwilling to step down, but too afraid to say anything

Do not question me,” he
seethed. When I opened my mouth to protest he held up one hand and
I was silenced. “Do exactly what I say or I will have you thrown
into prison. Do you understand?” when I didn’t respond, his voice
turned even colder. “Do you understand?” I nodded, but just

Kiran brushed past me with a chilling
coldness that made me regret everything that was just said. He blew
open the gates with one blast of magic, sending the ten foot, chain
link fence flying. I watched silently as he stormed back towards
the school without ever glancing again in my direction.






I was there again; wandering the same
beautiful and colorful forest, looking for the same person who was
meant to share this place with me. My fingers slid over the
wildflowers, their velvet petals bending to my touch. A warm breeze
swirled around me, sending petals dancing through the air and
invoking an intoxicatingly sweet aroma.

I heard the brook beyond the trees
whispering sweetly as it ran over rocks and white sand. The sun
shone brilliantly in the clear sky above, sending beams of light
through breaks in the trees and making a sort of polka dot path of
light for me to follow. Butterflies and fireflies buzzed around
delicately, their presence was comforting.

I saw him in the distance, his strong
build a stark contrast to the delicateness of the forest. The light
played off his skin, illuminating him through the flowering trees.
His blonde hair glistened and his blue eyes pierced my

Even in this dream like state I was
nervous and excited. My emotions flooded my senses, leaving me
overwhelmed and confused. As I walked slowly closer to him I saw
that he was only wearing a pair of baggy, gray sweatpants, his
chest bare. The muscles from his neck to abdomen were clearly
defined; I took in the sight of him and was left me

Kiran waited patiently for me to
approach. His face was a mixture of emotions, none of which I could
define. He stood alone, a grove of trees encircling him. The space
was too small to be called a meadow, but was hollowed out by a
perfect ring of forest surrounding it. He leaned against a tree
opposite me; and gave me a saddened version of his

I stopped short of entering the
circle, a little afraid of him but more afraid of what he wanted.
His eyes appraised my entire figure before he let them fall
intently on mine, beseeching me with words not spoken. The silence
was so beautiful that I was afraid to break it with even the
smallest sound.

After several moments of what began to
feel like a pained longing, Kiran approached slowly, gently. He
closed the empty space between us, pulling me into his arms and
holding me close. The fears I had just felt, the apprehension that
had made me careful before, melted away and I let his energy
consume me.

Our magic united together in an
excited aura of frenetic energy. His closeness made me dizzy, his
scent had me lightheaded and the warmth of his skin against mine
felt as though my soul was strangely complete. I could never have
left that moment and it wouldn’t have been enough.

Kiran tipped my chin up so that I
looked directly into his eyes. Leaving his fingers firmly on my
chin, and with his other hand on the small of my back pulling me
tighter to him, his lips found mine in glorious connection. Time
stopped moving forward and the world stopped spinning and for the
seconds my mouth was connected to his, I felt utter

Eden!” Avalon screamed
through the beautiful perfection of my dream, ripping me out of it
in a most unpleasant way. “Eden!” he shouted again fully shaking me
out of any sweet memories remaining.

What?” I shouted back,
groggy and disoriented.

Wake up!” he said again
loudly, too loudly.

Why?” my voice was horse
and scratchy and I could not get past confusion.

Ummm….” Avalon struggled
for a reason. “I need your help.”

What? With what? Can’t it
wait?” I turned over in bed, burying my face into my large feather

Yeah, I guess,” he started
to leave my room, but then burst through the door again. “No, it
can’t wait. Come on, get out of bed,” he ripped the comforter off
of me, leaving me freezing and pissed off.

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