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“So where am I?”

“You are at the clubhouse. My clubhouse. Well, the clubhouse for my motorcycle club.”

“Motorcycle club?!” I had obviously noticed his vest, but I hadn’t really given it much thought. I was about to laugh at the absurdity of this, but he looked so serious.

“Yes, ma’am. The Devil’s Horsemen. I’m the president.”

“The president, huh? And if all that you need to do is keep me safe, why do I get the honor of being watched by the president? Don’t you have some minions to do that for you?”

“This is a special job.”

“I see. Hawk, does this have something to do with my father? Do you even know who my father is?” I hated saying that. I hated who my father was, but he was running for the mayor of Los Angeles, and I had two thoughts beginning to form in my head. Either I was here because of my father, or somehow my father would be able to get me out of this.

“I do know who your father is, yes, ma’am.”

“Please stop calling me ma’am. My name is Vanessa.”

“Okay, Vanessa. You got it.”

“Okay, so you know who my father is. So, maybe there’s something my father can do for you and then you can let me go? He has a lot of money, so maybe he can pay you even more than this client of yours?”

At this point, I was assuming I was being held for ransom or something. I kept hoping Hawk would give me some clue, but he didn’t at all.

“Vanessa, I’m sorry, I can’t tell you anything. But don’t worry, you won’t get hurt and I will personally see to your safety at all times while you are in my custody.”

“Custody? You make it sound like I’m in jail.” I jangled my chains to sarcastically prove my point.

“Can’t you at least unchain me?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, that’s not possible at this time. Maybe later.”

“Later. Great. That’s just fucking great.” I plopped down on the bed, kicked off my uncomfortable high heels and folded my legs under me. Obviously, I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so I might as well get comfortable.

Suddenly, I thought of Pearl.

“But what about Pearl? Oh, my god! You have to let me go.” I stood up again, panicked again about the fact that she was alone. “How long have I been here, anyway?”

“Just about twelve hours, that’s all. Who is Pearl?”

“Pearl is my dog, dammit! She can’t be left alone for too long. Please? You have to let me go, I can’t leave her alone. Please, I’ll do anything, I will get money from my father for you, but I can’t let anything happen to my dog. Please?” I was begging now, my voice shaking as I was afraid that he would say no.

“No way. I can’t let you go.”

“You have to!”

“Dammit,” he replied, scratching his chin. “They didn’t tell me you had a dog. Don’t you have a roommate or someone that will watch her?”

“No, I live alone! You should know these things! I have to get to my dog.”

“Look, just relax. I will figure something out. Like I said, I think you might be here for a few days at least.”

“My dog will die if I leave her alone that long.”

“Die? Really? How old is she?”

“Twelve. And she needs her kidney medicine!”


He sat down in his chair, and I sat down on the bed, trying to calm down, and hoping that he had some ounce of decency in him that he wouldn’t let my sweet Pearl starve to death.

“Alright, look. I’ll go get her. I’ll bring her to you.”

“You will?” I asked, astonished. I guess that was better than nothing, but that meant he would be in my apartment.

“Can I go with you?” I asked.

“No way. You have to stay here. I’ll have someone watch you for a short while, and I’ll bring your…Pearl, is it?…back to you. Is she dangerous? Will she attack me?”

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Screw this guy. I was shaking in fear, he could have a little fear himself.

“She’s selective about who she bites and who she doesn’t. Good luck.”

“Fucking great. Are your keys in your purse?”


He grabbed my purse and rummaged through it, pulling out my wallet and my keys. Opening my wallet, he pulled out my ID and whistled.

“Wow. Fancy address.”

“Yeah, whatever. Don’t forget Pearl’s medicine. It’s in a blue bottle in the kitchen. And her food. And her water bowl, she won’t drink out of any other bowls. And her treats, and her pink bed. And look for a chewed up stuffed lamb. It’s her favorite.”

“Oh, fucking christ.”

I smirked as he left the room, and I hated myself for noticing how tightly his jeans fit his perfectly muscular ass as he walked away.








“Genevieve, have you heard from Vanessa today?”

“No, why?”

“Fuck!” Dakota cursed into the phone. “We were supposed to meet for lunch and she isn’t here. She’s not answering her phone.”

“Oh. Well, maybe she’s still on her date from last night?”

“Maybe, but she would never just stand me up like this. I’m going to have Bobbie drop by her apartment.”

“Okay, but don’t worry. It hasn’t been that long. I just talked to her yesterday, and Charles said she made it to her date just fine last night. Maybe her phone is turned off or something.”

“Well, something is up. She isn’t the type to flake on me like this.”


“Dakota, I’m here with Veronica. We’re about to go to the spa. Call us when you hear from her.” Genevieve replied, hanging up the phone.

“What’s up?” Veronica asked when she turned to her.

“Vanessa didn’t show up for her lunch date with Dakota. She’s not answering her phone.”

“Oh,” Veronica said, “that’s not like her at all.”

“Hmm,” Genevieve looked contemplative, looking out the window as she spoke, “I guess not. I’m sure she’s fine, probably just sleeping off a late night or something. Listen, mon mimi, I’m going to make a quick phone call and then we’ll go, okay? Why don’t you pour yourself a glass of wine or something while you wait.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

Genevieve wrinkled her nose, shaking her head at Veronica.

“You know I hate it when you call me that, darling.”

“I know,” Veronica replied with a dash of sass in her voice, “that’s why I call you that!”

Genevieve laughed quietly as she walked down the hall to her bedroom.

Veronica walked into the kitchen, chose a bottle of wine from Genevieve’s extensive supply, and rummaged through the kitchen drawers looking for a corkscrew. It wasn’t in its usual spot, but since Genevieve had a new cleaning lady, Veronica figured it was put in a different place.

Veronica walked down the hallway to ask Genevieve where it was. When she reached her bedroom, the door was slightly ajar and she could hear Genevieve talking quietly.

“The dog? Merde! I forgot about it, too. Listen, just go get it as fast as you can and get the hell out, okay? I’ve got people sniffing around a lot sooner than I expected them to.”

Veronica stopped and listened at the door. She strained to hear more of the conversation, but Genevieve moved into her bathroom and closed the door.

What was Genevieve talking about? A dog? Deciding it was none of her business, she turned and walked back to the kitchen.

Five minutes later, Genevieve walked back in.

“Did you get some wine?”

“Oh…um, no I couldn’t find the corkscrew. It’s fine, though. It’s a little early for wine anyway.” There was no use in questioning Genevieve. She didn’t want her to know she had been eavesdropping and it probably wasn’t important, and certainly wasn’t any of her business.

“Dammit! I told the cleaning lady to put it back where she found it. She thinks I have my stuff in all the wrong places, but I haven’t been able to find a thing since she started.”

“No big deal. Shall we go now?”

“Yes, I am so ready for my massage!” Genevieve replied.

Veronica pushed the conversation to the back of her mind, and led Genevieve to her car, ready for a relaxing day with one of her favorite people.





I was alone in the room with two of the biggest men I had ever seen, with two black pit bulls laying at their feet. The men were huge, hairy, but apparently not very smart, and I had given up on trying to talk to them five minutes after Hawk left me alone with them.

“What are your names?” I had asked them.

“Two Dog Dave. And this is Crazy Mike.”

I opened my mouth to ask them how they got their names, but thankfully my brain figured that out pretty quickly. With one glance of their menacing frames, I clamped my mouth shut and sat on the bed and waited silently.

I was hoping I would somehow be able to escape while he was out and be able to get back to my apartment to get to Pearl before Hawk did. Of course, I didn’t know where in the hell I was, so there was that obstacle. It was increasingly difficult to think straight, considering I was chained to a bed in a dark room with two huge men standing as a barricade in front of the only exit.

At this point, I could only hope they didn’t hurt me, and that Hawk didn’t hurt Pearl.

An hour after he left, Hawk knocked on the door and Two Dog Dave and Crazy Mike parted like the red sea to let their president in the room. The dogs jumped to their feet as a rush of white fluffy fur passed by them.

When Pearl saw me, she yapped, jumped from Hawk’s hands and ran into my arms immediately. Relief swept over me as I snuggled her close. I looked up at Hawk and saw annoyance in his eyes.

“You said she was vicious. All she did was lick my face when I went to pick her up,” he said.

“Well, then maybe you aren’t such a bad person after all. She’s a very good judge of character. Did you bring her meds?”

“Yes, I brought everything. Here.” He dumped a bag out on the bed, and all of Pearl’s favorite things fell out. “Where’s her bed?”

“Her bed? Oh fuck, I forgot that.”

“You forgot? How could you forget?”

“Look lady, taking care of you is part of my job. Making sure your princess dog is comfortable is not. You’re lucky I went to get her at all. That’s not part of the deal, but I have a soft spot in my heart for dogs, so you lucked out.”

Realizing I was indeed lucky, I conceded.

“Thank you.” I said sincerely, looking into his eyes while Pearl wiggled in my arms.

“You’re welcome.”

Her warm snuggles calmed me instantly, and my thinking began to slow down, letting me focus on exactly how I was going to get us out of this situation. I was happy to see everyone leave the room except Hawk. He closed the door and sat in the chair across from me once again.

“We can make her a bed with some blankets.”

“It’s okay. She sleeps with me most of the time anyway. She rarely leaves my side.”

“I can see that you two are very close.” Pearl had placed her paws on my shoulders and was licking my face. I pulled her away and placed her on my lap, looking over at Hawk.

“What can you tell me? You wouldn’t answer any of my questions, and I have no idea what is going on or why I’m here. You are obviously a very kind man who takes his job seriously, and I can respect that, but if you can’t answer my questions, what can you say?”

“Vanessa, I’ve told you everything I can. My client needs you out of the way, but safe. I don’t know why. I do know it’s temporary, and actions are underway as we speak to bring this situation to a quick conclusion. If all goes as planned, you and Pearl will be safe and sound back home before you know it.” He raised an eyebrow as he continued. “And what a home it is, by the way.”

I groaned. He was in my house. My sanctuary. A perfect stranger. Looking through my things, my art. He did bring me Pearl, though, so I tried to push my feelings of being invaded aside. Now that I was thinking a little more clearly, I was sure one of the girls or Genevieve would have taken perfect care of Pearl once they realized I was missing.

I was sure they were looking for me by now. Surely, Drake had contacted them right away. But if that was the case, why weren’t they at my apartment already?

“Was anyone at my apartment?”

“No. Of course not. I wouldn’t have gone inside if someone was there.”

“Oh. Well…did it look like anyone had been there?”

“It looked like a tornado had barreled through a shopping mall to me.”

I wrinkled my nose at his sarcasm.

“Yeah, well…I was going on a date. Sometimes the place gets messy when you’re trying to decide what to wear.”

“Or not to wear, you mean?” He winked at me, and I groaned.

I crossed my legs and remembered my lack of underwear. A bright pink blush crept across my cheeks.

“The call girl blushes,” he said quietly.

We sat in awkward silence as I tried to think of anything I could ask him to get more information from him.

“I liked your art,” he said finally.

I wasn’t sure if he really liked it or if he was trying to end the awkwardness between us.

“Um…thanks. Hey, listen I have to pee.”

“About that. So, I’m going to let you go, let you roam about the clubhouse, you can go to the restroom, eat, read a book, whatever you want, but only on one condition.”

“You’ll unchain me?” I asked.

“Yes, but only if you absolutely promise one thing. And that’s that you don’t try to escape. Because it would be absolutely useless. There’s over a dozen people in this clubhouse at any given time, and every single one of them knows about you and that you are not to walk out of the door under any circumstances. And they won’t let you. So, again, you see, even if you tried, it would be pointless. So don’t even try, okay? I don’t want to have to chain you up again. Can I trust you?”

His eyes were piercing, and the somber expression on his face told me he wasn’t kidding. At this point, I was ready to do anything to get this chain off of me.

“Okay, I promise.”

“Good.” He stood up, and walked over to the bed. Heat radiated from his body as he towered over me. Pearl began licking his hand as he put the key in the lock and opened it. The chain fell to the ground and I sighed with relief. In all my sexual adventures, I had never been tied up, and now I knew that I didn’t like it one bit.

“Thank you,” I said to him softly, pulling Pearl away.

“No problem. Just remember what I said.”

“Sure. Can you show me where the restroom is?”

“You can use this room as your own while you’re here. There’s a bathroom right outside the door there. You might want to keep an eye on Pearl. Dave’s dogs can be a little frisky.”

“Great,” I said sarcastically.

Keeping Pearl in my arms, I followed him out the door. He continued down the dark hallway as I went into the restroom.

Looking around the tiny windowless room, I resisted the sudden urge to cry. How in the hell did I end up here? Was anyone looking for me? What did Hawk mean when he said actions were being taken to get me out of here quickly? Just how quickly did he mean?

I watched Pearl sniff around the corners as I peed. The bathroom was old and musty, with peeling pant and dirt in the corners but at least the toilet was clean. I was regretting the fact that I had not put my shoes back on. They were killing my feet, but enduring the pain was surely better than my bare feet touching the dirty floor of this strange bathroom.

I quickly washed my hands, scooped up Pearl, and headed back into my assigned room to retrieve my shoes. I put Pearl on the floor and walked over to the bed, sat down and put on my shoes. When I sat up, I took another good look around the room, hoping for a hidden door or a window I hadn’t noticed. This was the first time I had been alone in here, and I quickly walked around the entire room, looking for another entrance, a weapon, anything at all I could use to get me and Pearl out of here.

Unfortunately, there was nothing but the bed with all of Pearl’s belongings strewn on it, a dresser with a broken mirror and my purse sitting on top of it, a television and a worn brown rug on the bare hardwood floors. Hawk’s warnings echoed in my head and I couldn’t get the memory of his flashing golden-green eyes practically begging me not to even try to escape out of my head. I almost felt guilty trying to find a way out.

But screw that. I didn’t care how nice he was, he was holding me hostage. And I needed to get out - fast. Knowing it was a naive thought, I still rummaged through my purse looking for my phone. Of course it wasn’t there. But my envelope was in there. Ten thousand dollars cash, and Hawk hadn’t take it. Drake hadn’t even given it to me, it must have been in his hotel room. Hawk didn’t take the money, but he had taken my phone. Figures. He was smart. A professional, even. A crazy hot, smart, professional kidnapper who wasn’t a thief, but still. A kidnapper.

Ironically, once I started working for Genevieve, I became even more sexually open. I didn’t shy away from those feelings, even if I hadn’t had sex with most of the men I went out with. I had a hefty amount of ex-boyfriends, and while none of those relationships ended up going anywhere, I definitely had developed a healthy sexual appetite. And my appetite included the most masculine of men.

Hawk definitely fell in that category. So, the fact that I remembered my lack of panties every time he trained his intense gaze on me didn’t surprise me one bit. My body was playing tricks on me, while my mind was doing its best to override those urges.

The sound of raucous laughter and Pearl’s barking brought me out of my daze. Realizing she wasn’t in the room with me and I had stupidly left the door open, I ran down the hall as fast as I could in my heels.

Once I reached the end of the hallway, the scene in front of me stopped me dead in my tracks. Loud rock music played in the background, and the room held two pool tables in one corner and a long bar against a far wall. Dozens of men, wearing the same vests as Hawk, and several others were standing around in a circle. They all turned to look at me as I burst into the room.

Dave’s two pitbulls had my tiny little Pearl trapped, with one of them holding her down and biting her neck while the other one had mounted her and was humping away at her backside. The crowd was laughing and cheering them on.

Hawk was nowhere in sight.

“No!” I screamed, running towards them. “Stop them! Please! NOW!”

Finally Two Dog Dave pulled his dogs away and Pearl ran over to me, whimpering. I picked her shaking body up, glared at Two Dog and ran down the hallway and back into my room, holding my terrified pup and trying unsuccessfully to hold back the hot tears running down my face.

“Oh, Pearl, honey, I am so sorry….” I snuggled her close and stroked her soft, long fur. She had never been around any other dogs at all, let alone gotten humped by a big, black monster like that. I felt so bad that I had let her out of my sight. I slammed the door behind us, and sank down onto the bed.

When Hawk walked in the room half an hour later, my tears had turned to anger, and I had decided enough was enough.

“We can’t stay here.” I said before he could get a word out of his sexy mouth.

“Listen, I’m sorry for what happened to Pearl, but - ,”

“I don’t fucking care! Get us out of here right now, or I will scream!”

He laughed at me, which only made me even more furious.

“Scream? C’mon, that wouldn’t do a lick of good. Nobody would hear you but the other brothers in my club.”

“My dog was raped!”

“Raped? What? Don’t be so dramatic, they’re dogs. Isn’t she fixed, anyway?”

“No, she isn’t!”

“Well why the hell not?” He asked.

“Because I don’t let her around other dogs that would rape her, why the fuck do you think?”

“Oh, boy.” He looked me up and down, shaking his head. “What a broad you are.”

“Excuse me?”

“You. With your fancy home, your accessory dog, your…shoes. You really have been sheltered all your life, haven’t you?”

“Is that judgement I hear in your voice?”

“No, just making an observation.”

“Look. I know you’re just doing your so-called job. And if your job is to keep me safe, like you say, then that has to include Pearl. And she is obviously not safe here. And we can’t just stay bottled up in this room. Eventually, she’s going to have to go to the bathroom.”


“Yep. And there’s no way she is going anywhere near those dogs again. So, can’t you take us somewhere else, if you can’t let us go?”

“There’s no where else for me to take you.”

“A hotel?”

“No way. Not secure.”

“Well, what about my apartment?”

“Nope. Everyone will be looking for you there.”

“Well, we can’t stay here, Hawk! I won’t allow anything to happen to my Pearl, dammit! What about your place?”

He looked at me silently, obviously contemplating my idea.

“Unless you live in a filthy, horny-dog infested place worse than this?”

He looked me up and down and I realized at that moment what a sight I must be. My blonde curls were surely limp and stringy by now, my mascara smeared down my face from my tears earlier, and with my red dress and heels, I must have looked like a hot mess.

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