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“Vanessa, it was a lovely meeting you. I hope you can keep this guy in line.” He gestured to Drake, and his wife took his arm.

“I’ll try, James. But you know Drake…” I let my voice trail off, hoping it was the right thing to say.


“Come on, darling. We have to get home. Nice to meet you, Vanessa.” Eileen said, as they walked off.

Drake turned to me and peered into my eyes.

“They seemed very nice,” I said.

“Yes, and you were perfect, thank you.” His voice was deep and low. He reached down and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled up at him.

“Well, I’m glad I could be of service.”

His eyes narrowed as he seemed to mull over his next question.

“Is Vanessa your real name?”


“Good. I like it. Would you like to get another drink with me? There’s a bar down the street I like to go to sometimes.”

I weighed my options. I could end the date, go home alone and sculpt. Or, I could enjoy the company of a handsome, rich man. Either way, I was getting a fat envelope full of cash at the end of the night.

“I would love that.”

He offered me his arm, and we strolled down the dark street. The streets were crowded with people, and we trailed past them quickly. After a few blocks, we were alone on the dark sidewalk.

“It’s not far from here.”

We turned the corner after another block, and Drake led me into a dimly-lit basement bar. We sat in a booth in the back, and I looked around as he went to the bar to get our drinks.

He was handsome, no doubt. He was debonair, rich, healthy. From what I could tell so far, he would have been the perfect boyfriend for someone. If only it weren’t for that pesky job of his. When he sat down across from me, I almost felt guilty taking his money.


God, he was charming! He talked and talked, and all I saw was his perfect lips dancing across his perfect teeth and his sparkling eyes lighting up with passion, about whatever it was he was talking about.

My eyes raked across his body. He had removed his suit jacket when we walked in and his biceps strained against his starched, white shirt. After one drink, he removed his blue tie, and I spied the tip of a tattoo peeking out beneath his shirt. My gaze traveled down his body, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was beneath the expensive clothes that adorned his sculpted body.


“Yes?” he replied. I had interrupted him, and his eyebrows arched curiously.

“Do you think you got the money? The money you wanted from the Morgans?”

“Yes, I do. I’m fairly certain, that is.” His eyes shined into mine as he gazed at me.

“Good. So, it’s been a successful night, would you say?” I asked, peering deeply into his eyes.

“Absolutely, Vanessa.”

“That’s excellent. That makes me very happy. So, listen,” I said, “I don’t like to beat around the bush. Would you like to finish this evening at your hotel?”

His eyes darkened with arousal as he stared at me seriously, obviously contemplating his words carefully.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he replied softly.

“Excellent,” I said. “I hope you will forgive my forwardness.”

I batted my eyes at him slowly, sincerely hoping I hadn’t stepped over the line, but at this point, my pussy was throbbing in anticipation and all I could think about was seeing him naked.

His deep laughter echoed through the bar, and he stood up, grabbed his jacket and tie, took a step towards me, then leaned down again to whisper in my ear.

“Forwardness is actually one of my favorite traits in a woman.”

I smirked, turning and smiling at him. I offered him my hand, stood up and we walked out of the bar, arm in arm, our hips swinging with each simultaneous step we took toward his hotel.

Luckily for my feet, his hotel wasn’t far away. After a few blocks, we entered the plush lobby and headed straight for the elevators. His hand was hot and heavy in mine, and his fingers teased me as they played against my palm as we walked in silence to his room.

I loved this. There was anticipation, without the possibility of rejection. There was passion and desire and newness, all with the promise of decadent satisfaction. I stole a quick glance at Drake, and my pussy quivered with yearning. I knew what he wanted. He knew what I wanted. No games, no posturing, no wondering.

After locking the door behind us, he dropped his jacket and tie, and pushed me against the wall. Our bodies undulated together in a lustful dance of overwhelming desire as his mouth descended on mine, claiming me with the force of his lips, his hot tongue devouring mine.

At this point, I didn’t care about the money. The needs of my body were overtaking all other thoughts and the only thing on my mind was getting Drake’s cock deeply imbedded inside me as quickly as possible.

Moaning, he pushed me onto the bed, and slid the bottom of my dress up and over my hips, exposing my naked pussy. He moaned again as he dove down, inhaling the scent of my desire mixed with a hint of Chanel No. 5 I had placed between my thighs earlier. His hot tongue slid between my lips, finding the hard center of my pleasure and capturing it between his teeth as he began to suck on it gently. Reaching down, I slid my fingers into his hair, pressing him into me. My body quivered with each stroke of his tongue, wanting even more. His moans vibrated against my skin, and as I felt his fingers enter my slick entrance, I pushed even harder against him. The combination of his fingers fucking into me and his suckling mouth sent me quickly over the edge and I cried out as I clenched onto his fingers, my entire body shaking lustfully.

As I softened under him, his mouth met mine, his lips and tongue covered in my sweet juices. I smiled in our kiss as I caught the faint whiff of my perfume on him.

He pulled away from me and clasped the end of the ribbon that was tying my dress together on my left side. Slowly, he untied my dress, and then pushed it apart, exposing the delicate black lace of my bra. I pulled the dress off completely, and threw it on the floor beside the bed, my pussy quivering with anticipation. My breasts rose and fell in the aftermath of such a delicious orgasm, and I smiled up at him, laying there exposed, wearing nothing but my bra and heels and a smile.

I watched as he stood up and while smiling down at me, he removed his shirt, shoes and pants. Like a magnificent god he stood at the end of the bed, a naked specimen of perfection. I wanted to sculpt a complete replica of him. I imagined the feel of his skin in my hands as I caressed his angles and curves as my eyes traveled over every inch of him. The tattoo I spied earlier was a dragon that began on his chest and trailed over his shoulder. My gaze trailed down to his throbbing cock and I gasped at it’s thickness. Heavy and long, it stood between his muscular thighs, ready and hard.

“You’re magnificent, Drake,” I whispered. “Hand me my bag. Condom.”

He nodded, silently retrieving my bag from the floor by the front door. I pulled out the silver package, handing it to him. Quickly, he pulled the condom on his massive erection and then looked at me again.

When I met Drake’s eyes, they flashed with lust as he stared down at me. He slowly moved over me, and I screamed in delight when he drove his throbbing cock into me in one swift movement. I was open, wet, ready. I needed him as much as he needed me and as he rode with me complete abandon, I wrapped my legs around him and held on for the ride.

Pounding into me, his hip bones dug into my thighs, slamming into me over and over as I cried out into the darkness of his hotel room. Faster and faster, his thrusting quickened as I felt my own desire build to a swollen crescendo deep inside my quivering center.

“Drake! Yes! Yes! Yes!” I moaned in his ear. His throbbing manhood thickened, stretching me even further as he sought his own release. Faster and faster he rode me, reaching the edge of pain and pleasure, his seed spilling from him at exactly the same moment that the door of the hotel room burst open, the light from the hallway spilling over our bodies and abruptly pulling us out of the daze of our release.

We screamed simultaneously three huge men hovered over us. Drake withered inside me, falling from my wetness. He jumped away, finding shelter in a pathetic shaking mess of fear on the floor beside the bed. I glanced at him quickly, my attractiveness for him fading instantly.

Turning back to the intruders, I attempted to cover myself with the blankets. I was answered with laughter, their voices deep and gruff. Leather vests, covered in patches, stretched across their broad shoulders and I began shaking in fear.

“What the hell?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the largest one said softly, walking towards my naked body laying on the bed.

“Sorry?” I murmured.

“Yes, I’m sorry, ma’am. It’s all business,” he replied.

It was then that I noticed a bright red cloth in his hand. He quickly pressed one hand behind my head, and used his other hand to press the cloth to my face, covering my nose and mouth with it.

I panicked and squirmed, trying desperately to escape his grip, but the weakness hit me instantly and I fell to the bed in an unconscious, helpless heap.






I woke with a start. Trying to sit up, I quickly realized that my left wrist was tied up, in fact I was chained up. The links of the chain jingled together as I pulled them as hard as I could. It was no use.

My eyes darted around the room, and I jumped when I spotted him.

Sitting in a chair in the corner, he was hardly more than a silhouette. It was his energy that filled the room. We watched each other silently for what seemed like eternity.

Finally, he spoke, and I recognized his voice from earlier.

“Hello, ma’am.”

Ma’am? Why was he calling me that?

“Who are you? Where am I?”

I pulled on the chains again, the loud, clanking noise ringing in my ears.

He stood up and walked over to me slowly. Towering above the bed, his immense presence was intimidating, but I jutted my chin out, searching for any way I could to show him I wasn’t afraid of him. My heart pounded in my chest. I was still only wearing my black lace bra and my heels.

Dread and fear settled in the bottom of my stomach, and I began shaking uncontrollably. The huge man noticed and reached out his hand to me. He was holding my red dress.


“My dress…”

He gingerly placed it over my stomach, covering my nakedness. I blushed bright red when I realized I had been laying there - for how long? - with my pussy exposed to this stranger.

“Yeah, I have your purse, too. I would have dressed you, but I didn’t want to touch you without your permission.”

My brain spun with questions. Where was I? Why was I here? And who was this man? He kidnapped me but didn’t want to touch me ‘without my permission’? It seemed more than a little ironic.

“Can you put it on please?”

“What?” I was bewildered and confused.

“Your dress, ma’am. Would you please put it on?”

“My dress? What - um, yes. It’s not going to be easy to do with my arm chained.”

“Yes, I know. Put it on one arm, then I will switch your arms and you can put it on all the way.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” What the fuck was going on here? “Let me go!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, that isn’t going to happen. Please put on your dress. You’re very…naked.” He almost growled the last word, and I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Something told me to listen to him now and ask questions later.

“Fine. Turn around!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The chain length was long enough that I could stand up, and I did so, quickly pulling the right arm of the dress on. I covered as much of my body as I could before sighing loudly.


He turned around slowly, and I stood there, barely covering myself. He swallowed hard as he approached me, and pulled a key out of his pocket.


He was wearing tight, dark jeans and the patched black leather vest fit across his massive chest and shoulders like a glove. His long blonde hair curled around the top of it, flowing softly down his back, laying across the leather like feathers. I couldn’t help but inhale once he was right next to me and unlocking the silver lock. The musky smell of leather with a faint hint of whiskey drifted in the air.

The chain was tied around the metal of the bed frame and it came loose briefly. He clasped my right arm, his warm hand wrinkling the red silk of the sleeve of my dress, and wrapped the chain around it, clicking the lock back in place.

“There you go. Now you can put on the rest of your dress.” He looked physically uncomfortable as he took a step back from me.

“Right.” Quickly, I put it on and tied it together as a flash of a memory shot through my head.

“Where’s Drake?”

“Drake? That guy you were with?”


The man chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he did so.

“That guy? Fuck, what a wimp. He ran down the hallway, naked as a jaybird and crying like a baby. My brother Two Dog Dave caught him, but when he pissed himself, Two Dog let him go after he promised to keep his mouth shut.”

Great. Thanks a lot, Drake.

“Why am I here?”

“Well, ma’am. I’m not sure. I’m just doing my job and my job is to keep you safe and watch over you, and make sure you don’t go anywhere.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Listen, here’s the deal. My job is to provide protection. Sometimes, that looks a little different than you might imagine. In your situation, I have a client who - for reasons known entirely by them - needs you out of the way temporarily. My job is to keep you out of the way and safe.”


“Yes, absolutely.”

“Who is your client?”

“I can’t tell you that, ma’am. Again, I’m sorry. It’s just business.”

“How long are you supposed to keep me?” My mind raced with trying to figure out why someone would want me out of their way. I thought of my father, but I was already far out of his way, and I had been for months. None of this made any sense at all.

“Unfortunately, that has yet to be determined.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I pulled on the chains again, my anger beginning to rise and overwhelm whatever fear I had.

“No, ma’am. I’m not kidding. And, honestly, ma’am, the sooner you accept the fact that we are going to be spending a lot of time together, the easier it will be…on both of us.”

“I don’t give a shit what’s easy for you - let me fucking go, right now!”


“Then let me talk to whoever your fucking client is!” My voice rose to a screech and I began to panic.

“That’s not possible, ma’am. Again, I apologize.”

Once again, I pulled on the chains angrily. It was no use, and it was hurting my wrist, so I stopped. I would have to solve this with words, because there was no chance my upper body strength would get me out of this.

I looked at my captor, drinking him in slowly. He was massive. His size was intimidating, sure, but when I gazed into his golden-green eyes, I saw nothing but gentleness there. His square jaw was set firmly, though, as if to tell me he was the boss. I had seen that look in men before, the kind of man that doesn’t like something he has to do, but he must do it for the good of the situation. I had seen that look on my father’s face.

His long blonde hair framed his gorgeous square jaw, and combined with the stubble on his face, it gave him a sense of a grungy, untamed man. His black vest and the t-shirt underneath stretched across his defined chest. His massive arms were covered in tattoos. My eyes trailed down his body, the slender waist of his taught body forming the perfect v. His jeans were tight and the fabric pulled across a large bulge. If I wasn’t so angry, I would have licked my lips in appreciation, but I wasn’t about to be distracted by this man, no matter how much he looked like a fucking Adonis standing in front of me.

“What’s your name?” I asked him angrily.

“Hawk, ma’am. My name’s Hawk.”


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