Raw Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Raw Desire
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After a while, she remembered the cell phone and held it to her ear. “Are you still there, Rob?”
“I'm . . . here.”
“Did you come this time?”
His laughter was edged with desperation. “Yeah. You two certainly give great phone sex.”
“It will be even better when you get back.”
“Ally, don't say stuff like that. My cock is already getting hard again.”
“You'll be back in two more days.”
“I will and you'd better be ready for me.”
Jackson took the phone from her and held it to his ear. “Yeah . . . Sure . . . Later.”
He flipped the cell shut and put the phone on the bedside table. Ally rolled over to study his face. “That was awesome.”
His smile flickered. “It sure was.”
“Were you inspired by the thought of Rob sucking your cock?”
“Ally . . .”
She kissed his chin. “It's okay, Jackson. I think I've always known what you want from him.”
“And he's never wanted that from me, so can we drop the subject?”
“Have you ever asked him?”
“I'm not a girl. We don't talk like that.”
“Maybe you should.” Ally hesitated as she sensed the tension return to his body. “I don't think he'd be that surprised either.”
Jackson lifted her off him and sat up, his burnished skin glowing in the lamplight. “Why do you think I left when you did, Ally?”
“Because of what Susan did?”
“That was bad enough, but there was more.” Jackson swung his feet over the side of the bed and sat facing away from her. “I knew that if I stayed, I'd be offering Rob less of an ‘I'm sorry for fucking your girlfriend' and more of a ‘Can I fuck you instead? ' vibe.”
“But you didn't stay.”
He sighed. “I couldn't do that to you, Ally.”
“Because you felt guilty?” Ally crawled over and touched his shoulder. “Did you arrange for Susan and Rob to catch us in bed together?”
He turned to look at her. “Is that what you thought?

“It's a possibility that had occurred to me.”
“Here's the truth, Ally. I sure as hell thought about it, and, yeah, I have a lot to feel guilty about.” He got to his feet. “I'm going to check on the laundry.”
She watched him leave and worried at her lower lip. Was he suggesting he had betrayed her, or what? But how? After her confrontation with her mother, she hadn't exactly planned on heading over to his house, and she certainly hadn't meant to jump into bed with him. After she'd collapsed in his arms crying, he hadn't been out of her sight for a moment until Rob and Susan caught them fucking.
She washed up, drank a glass of water, and waited quietly for Jackson to return to her. He'd pulled on a pair of black boxers and halted in the doorway.
“I was wondering if you'd still be in bed.”
“You have all my clothes.”
“I just put them in the dryer. They'll be ready to go soon.”
“Thanks.” She patted the rumpled covers. “Aren't you coming back to bed?”
“Do you really want me to?”
She raised her eyebrows. “You didn't betray me to Rob. I'd bet my life on it. You might have wanted to, but you didn't, did you?”
He sighed and came to sit down next to her. “I did enough. You know that.”
“You offered me comfort when I needed it.”
“I offered you sex.”
She squeezed his hand. “I thought that was me.”
“I should've taken you back home.”
“Because you were older than me?”
“Because you were my best friend's girl. I wasn't upset like you were. I knew what I was doing, Ally.”
She let out a long, slow breath. “I knew what I was doing, too, Jackson. Originally I tried to blame you, but lately I've realized that I was trying to break free of Rob and I figured the most awful way to do that was by sleeping with you.”
“I don't believe you were thinking that clearly. It's easy to look back and find reasons for stuff we did. You were scared out of your wits that night, and not by Rob.”
She met his kind gaze and stared into his dark brown eyes. “You are such a nice person, Jackson.”
He grimaced. “Nice.”
She slid a finger inside the waist of his boxers. “How long does the dryer take?”
He hissed as her finger brushed over the tip of his cock. “About half an hour.”
“Then we've got plenty of time for me to suck your cock, haven't we?”
He placed his hand over hers. “And to fuck.”
Her body was already sore, but she still wanted him. “If that is what you want.”
“Yeah, I want.”
She pulled down his boxers to expose his half-erect cock and licked her lips. Sex wasn't the answer to everything, but sometimes it made showing how you felt for someone so much easier.
lly checked the time on her cell phone and glanced back at the arrivals gate. Rob was due back any minute. When Jackson had been called in for an extra shift, she'd borrowed his truck and volunteered to pick Rob up from the Sacramento airport. It was another hot and steamy day, so she'd worn a simple patterned halter-neck dress and sandals, her hair loose on her shoulders. It was nice not to be cleaning something and having to wear her oldest clothes for work.
A crowd of travelers surged through the gate, and Ally had no trouble spotting Rob, who towered over most people. He wasn't in uniform and had settled for an olive green T-shirt and khaki shorts. Ally waved at him. He instantly turned toward her, his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Jackson was delayed at the last minute. I hope you don't mind me coming instead.”
Something flickered in the depths of his light blue eyes as his mouth curved into a smile. “I'd much rather see you coming any day.”
Ally found herself unable to look away as his mouth descended on hers and he kissed her as if they were alone and naked in his bedroom. His bag thumped down onto the floor and he caged her in his embrace. She forgot where they were as his hand edged down over her ass and flirted with the hem of her short skirt.
An announcement crackled over the public-address system, and Rob wrenched his mouth away from hers. His expression was grim. “We'd better get going.”
“Okay,” Ally said breathlessly.
He picked up his bag, took her hand, and started purposefully toward the parking lot.
She tugged at his hand. “I parked inside because of the heat. We need to use the stairs or take the elevator to level four.”
Rob changed direction and soon they were climbing the echoing staircase to the parking garage's fourth level. Ally let him lead her, her fingers held firmly in his grasp, her heart pounding. He pushed open the door, and they were in the quiet of the far left corner of the parking garage.
“My truck or yours?”
“Jackson's, actually.” Ally pointed it out. “It's over there.”
Ally handed them over, and Rob stowed his bag in the back and then turned back to Ally. She was in his arms before she even realized his intention, his mouth voracious and demanding over hers. “I've been thinking about you all week, thinking about fucking you.” His hand slid under her skirt and tugged at the thin lace of her panties. “Are you wet for me?”
Ally tried to see past him to the rest of the garage, but she couldn't, and she didn't really want to. Having Rob touching her in such a public place turned her on, and he probably knew it. “Yes.” Two of his fingers plunged inside her, and she gasped and grabbed hold of his arm.
He ripped the seam of her panties and they slid down her legs. “I can't wait, Ally. I need to be inside you right now.”
He backed her against the low wall at the edge of the structure and bent her over it. She felt warm air on her ass cheeks as he flipped up her skirt, the sound of his zipper, and then . . . God, he was inside her, shoving himself deep, making her breathe hard through the sudden impalement.
She opened her eyes and looked down, and was amazed to see that there was no one staring up at them. Rob slid a hand inside the top of her dress and palmed her breast, pinching her nipple hard. She came for him and tried to scream, but his other hand came up to cover her mouth and she writhed in silence.
He kept up the fast pace, slamming his length from tip to balls into her wetter and wetter sex. Even through her desire, she heard the sound of the elevator doors open and voices echoing, coming closer and closer.
Rob took his hand away from her breast and fingered her clit. He nipped her ear and murmured, “You're going to come for me now, while these people walk right by us.”
She wanted to argue with him, but he had her pinned to the wall, his big body covering hers, his hands and cock dictating all her emotions. The voices drew closer, and he kept fucking her until she couldn't think of anything else, would have turned on him if he'd dared to stop.
She climaxed so hard she started to shake and writhe under him, her teeth biting into his restraining hand, which made him curse.
“You okay there, sir?”
She closed her eyes as Rob stroked her hair. “Yeah, sure. My wife's suffering from morning sickness. You know what that's like—when you gotta puke, you gotta puke. Sorry to disturb you.”
“No problem. We just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” A woman's voice this time, the tone warmer and more concerned.
Rob kissed the back of Ally's neck. “You okay, honey?”
She managed a weak nod and a wave and Rob chuckled. “She's a bit embarrassed. You know how it is.”
“I sure do.” The woman laughed. “Well, I hope everything goes okay.”
“Thanks, ma'am. I'll take care of her.”
Their voices faded and Rob continued to stand over her, his cock still throbbing deep inside her. A car started up and moved past them. Ally guessed Rob was giving their unwanted friends a cheery wave. Silence fell back over the space, and Ally started to breathe again. Rob pinched her clit and circled his hips.
“I'm not done yet and neither are you.”
Ally groaned as he drew back, until just the crown of his cock was inside her, and then he slammed himself all the way back in. He did it again, his fingers squeezing her clit, and she came. With a curse, he started hammering into her, each stroke lifting her hips, exposing more of her sex to his powerful thrusts.
He climaxed, uttering a low, guttural roar as he bit down on the side of her neck. “Ally . . .” He collapsed over her for a moment and then moved away, scooped her up in his arms, and dumped her into the truck. She sat there quivering while he went around and got into the driver's seat.
Ally blinked as they emerged into the bright sunlight and waited while Rob paid the parking fee. She wondered if she looked as disheveled as she felt, her panties gone and her sex swollen and wet from Rob's ministrations. She glanced across at him as he chatted with the ticket guy. Despite the faint sheen of sweat on his skin, he looked as if he'd been doing nothing more strenuous than walking up a few flights of stairs.
They pulled away and Rob headed for the exit. “Do you have to work today?”
“Then let's take the long way home.” Rob disregarded the entrance to the freeway and headed back under the bridge toward the much smaller and slower back road. Ally sat back in the seat and tried to relax. Rob put his hand on her thigh.
“Open your legs for me.”
“I'm going to get Jackson's seat all damp.”
Rob squeezed her thigh. “Just do it. I can guarantee he won't give a damn.”
Ally relaxed her thighs, and Rob's hand slipped between them. He groaned as he encountered the slick wetness. “I like this, like you being all wet from my come.” His fingertip grazed her clit and she shuddered. “I wish you could feel like this all the time.”
“Wet with no panties?”
Rob flexed his fingers. “Yeah. Totally naked would be even better.”
“I don't think the airport authorities would like that somehow.”
He didn't answer, just pushed one long finger inside her and held it deep. “Touch your clit, honey. Make yourself come around my finger.” Ally couldn't ignore the dark command of his tone, and her hand slid to her lap. “Move your skirt out of the way. I want to see you.”
Ally pulled her already crumpled cotton skirt to one side and stared down, entranced, at his big strong hand, which disappeared between her legs and inside her body. She tucked her fingers under his palm and found her swollen clit.
“Before you start, undo my belt, unzip my shorts, and let my cock out.”
Ally hurried to comply, but he didn't even look at her, his gaze fixed firmly on the road in front of them. His cock was already half erect and wet at the tip, and she couldn't help but smooth a finger over it. He shuddered but still didn't look down.
“Stroke your clit, Ally.”
She slowly circled her own pulsing wet bud and felt Rob's finger push against the smooth walls of her sheath. She touched herself again, and her hips almost came off the seat. “I'm really sensitive . . . ,” she moaned.
“I told you what to do, Ally. Now do it.”
She stroked herself again, got into the slick motion, and started to moan with every fresh stab of sensation that seemed to radiate from her clit to his encased finger. He didn't help her, making her do all the work of rising to meet him, of pushing herself against the palm of his hand in desperate supplication.
“Harder, Ally.” He pressed his hand down, trapping hers over her clit, and ground his palm into her working knuckles. Her climax made her back arch, and Rob kept rubbing her until she came again. He took his hand away from her crotch and cupped the back of her head. “Now take my cock in your mouth and keep it there.”
She fought the constraints of the seat belt as she leaned across his lap and opened her mouth wide to take him inside. She started to suck him, and his grip tightened on her hair. “Just hold me. Don't make me come.”
Rob didn't dare look down. Ally had relaxed her mouth as he continued to grow, his thick length crowding down her throat forcing her to breathe through her nose. Every jolt of the truck pushed him farther in and made him want to curse. There was no way he wasn't going to explode soon, and he had an aversion to losing control when he was driving. He saw a sign for a motel and sped up a little.
He pulled off the highway and into the parking lot. The motel looked like it had faded away in the bright sunlight, its paintwork drab, the asphalt gray and the white lines that designated the parking spaces hopeful haphazard dots. He carefully disengaged his cock from Ally's mouth.
“Stay here.”
He managed to make himself presentable and strolled into the reception area of the motel, where a lone teenager chewed gum and stared up at a baseball game on the small TV.
“Hey, I need a room.”
“Sure.” The guy didn't take his eyes off the screen. “Thirty bucks a night.”
Rob peeled off three tens and laid them on the counter.
The boy pushed a book toward him. “Sign in here.” He pushed a large wooden keychain fashioned in the shape of a banana across the desk. “Here you go, room thirty-two. It's just around the back in the shade.”
“Thanks.” Rob grabbed the key and headed back to the truck, which he had left running in the heat. He pulled around the low block of buildings and found the room. “Come on, honey.”
He unlocked the door and stepped into the faded chintzy orange glory of the seventies. At least everything looked clean, and it wasn't as if they were staying long. He caught Ally by the shoulder and pulled her against him, and his cock immediately kicked up again. He bore her down onto the bed, spreading her legs with his as he fumbled with his zipper.
Yeah, this was what he wanted, being inside her, making her scream and whimper and beg him not to stop, to never stop, to fuck her until he ran out of come. She wrapped her legs around him and kept him close until he could no longer hold himself back and climaxed in long, shuddering spurts.
Eventually, he levered himself up on his elbows and looked down at her. “You okay?”
She nodded, her gaze fixed on his. He reached behind her neck and undid the ties of her halter neck. “Take the dress off.”
He did most of the work, pulling the now-crumpled cotton over her head, leaving her naked, her skin white against the orange bedcovers. Her long legs rested against his. He drew his T-shirt over his head and took off his shorts. They'd both already lost their sandals on the busily patterned carpet.
Before he tossed all their clothes onto a nearby chair, he slid his leather belt out of its loops. Ally licked her lips, and his cock twitched in anticipation. He knelt over her, the belt folded in his hand. “Hell, I can't decide whether to use it as a collar on you or to spank you a little.” She swallowed convulsively, her nipples hardening into tight buds. “When you called the other night, you left me so hard I think you deserve to pay, don't you?”
“What about Jackson? It was his idea to call you.”
“Don't worry. Jackson will get his.” He pictured his best friend fucking Ally. He of all people knew just how to make Jackson sweat and beg.
“I just did what I was told.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “I thought you'd like that.”
Rob smiled at Ally. “Sure.” He reached forward and swirled a finger over her swollen clit and she flinched away from him. He didn't retreat; instead, he did it again and watched as she caught her breath. “We need to work on that.”

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