Rane's Mate (19 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #General

BOOK: Rane's Mate
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The little girl nodded hesitantly, and Della continued, “I
think you look like a Miss Molly, so how about Molly?”

The little girl smiled, and Della said, “Hi, Molly. My name
is Della, and Kirby here has introduced herself, but that man over there is
Logan, and lastly, as you heard her say, that wolf is Rane. Come on, there are
lots out there that are just like Rane to meet.”

Della held her hands out, and Renee and Molly hesitantly
took them. They walked out of the room trailing Della. The little boy that
Kirby had been talking to turned to her.

“Hi, Kirby. My name is Mick, and this here is Useless, well
that’s what they called him, but I called him Blue, ’cause his eyes remind me
of the sky, I remember that.”

Kirby smiled at Mick. “I like that, how about we stick with
Blue? I like it a lot better than the other name.”

The boys nodded. “Are we really going outside?”

“Yes. There will be a lot of people, and more wolves. They’re
all friendly, and they’re here to help. Are you ready to come out now?”

He nodded and they followed Della out of the tunnel slowly. As
they reached the top, the boys gripped her hands tighter, and she could see
tears rolling down Mick’s face. She turned to face him. “It’s okay to be scared.
If you want I could lift you and Blue and carry you out.” She was exhausted but
she knew she could muster the strength, especially if he needed the comfort.
Mick looked her up and down, and Kirby straightened the best she could. “I’m a
lot stronger than I look.”

He didn’t say anything just moved closer and stood in front
of her and nodded. She picked Mick up, placing him on one hip, and then she
picked up Blue, placing him on the other. “When we go outside the sun will be
bright, so if you don’t want to hurt your eyes bury your face in my shoulder.”

They both nodded, burying their faces when the door opened
and she walked out into the mid-day sun.

Chapter 14


They had set up six extra-large tents, and people were
running everywhere. It looked like controlled chaos. Three of the large tents were
medical stations. The other tents were military central.

The boys clung to Kirby, but every now and then they would
peek out from being buried in her shoulder. Kirby continued to follow Della who
went to a large, open, airy tent where several other werewolves and lost scared
people stood, taking everything in. Della moved to a corner with four chairs
and sat with the youngest girl on her lap. Kirby followed, sitting slowly with
her precious cargo. Looking up, she noticed Rane nod to his mother then take

“Are doctors going to come and check the children out, or
are we going to wait until they are comfortable and at home?”

Della smiled at her and nodded to the boys who were now
sitting up and looking around with smiles on their faces. “I think it’s best if
we get them home first and have the doctors check them there. Let them enjoy
their freedom for now.”

“We really are saved,” Mick said. A few tears were rolling
down his face.

Blue was jumping up and down on her, and an involuntary
wince escaped her. Blue hesitantly got down, still gripping her arm as he tried
to spin in circles. Mick joined him. The sun shone bright, and the boys and
girls went just outside the tent opening. Tears were rolling down Kirby’s face,
and she sighed in relief as familiar muscular arms came around her. Rane leaned
down and kissed her forehead.

“Little red, you did good. Look at them enjoying their
freedom. You helped give them that. I’m so proud of you. I’m sorry I tried to
hold you back, not wanting you to fight. I should have had more faith in you.
You were amazing, and I don’t know how we would have done it without you.”

She stood up and turned in his arms, nodding to Della who
walked over to stand by the children who were now dancing in the sunlight. She
smiled up at him.

“You’re forgiven. This whole experience has opened my eyes
in so many ways. It has made me relook and think about the goals that I have.
You were right, I wasn’t prepared but…” She reached up and touched his lips to
stop him from talking. “If it wasn’t for me jumping into this situation, I
don’t know if I would know my potential for my gift. I definitely know my confidence
wouldn’t have had this huge increase. I love the fact that I helped save all of
these people, and, Rane, you were fantastic in action.”

He kissed her gently on the lips as he whispered, “You did
good, little red, you can let go now. Let it all go.”

As soon as he said that Kirby took a deep breath and
collapsed into his arms, her adrenaline finally running out. Rane picked her up
and sat on the edge of a chair, turning her so she could see Della and the

“How come your mum is still going? She barely has a bruise.”

Rane hugged her tighter. “Werewolf genes. She’ll be
completely healed by tonight.”

Kirby groaned and snuggled closer, wincing as her own
bruises and cuts made themself known. She fought to stay awake as she watched
the children. Looking around again, she stood up, yelping in pain, and said,
“Where are my brothers? They were behind me I’m sure.”

She tried to get further out of Rane’s arms, but he pulled
her back down and held her tighter. He kissed both of her cheeks, and then her
lips again gently before he said, “They are both in medical being seen by a
doctor. I checked on them quickly before I came back to you, they’ll be fine.
They’ll be sore though, although Hayden will feel better a lot sooner than
Logan, thanks to Sandra.” He kissed her lips again. “We will have an extra
person this weekend, Sandra mated Hayden.”

Kirby chuckled. “I thought it was strange when that woman
went crazy to protect Hayden. Poor Sandra.”

Kane chuckled. “More like poor Hayden, because Sandra has
been dying for a mate. She won’t take any bullshit. Sorry, sweetheart, you do
realize that he will now have all the advantages that you have.”

Kirby groaned. “I was so looking forward to getting a chance
at finally beating them in something.”

He chuckled again and hugged her tighter. They sat for
another fifteen minutes in silence, just enjoying watching as another four
children joined the others in dancing.

“What’s going to happen now, Rane?”

He sighed. “I should be talking to the military leader and
working, not sitting here with you. It’s just when I’m with you, you make me
take a breather and enjoy life, take it all in. For once in my life I’m not career

Kirby couldn’t help herself, she reached up and pulled his
face down to hers, kissing him slowly, tracing his lips until they opened and
his tongue met hers. They pulled away as eight different ‘yucks’ and giggles
were heard.

* * * *

Rane smiled as a blushing Kirby turned to the crowd. He was
the luckiest man to have her for his mate, she was everything and more than
what he expected—she was his perfect match. He knew he had fallen madly in love
with her. He wondered if she knew the power she had over him.

Rane had never felt this good in his life, even with his
cracked ribs, broken arm, bruised and cut up. The children were asking Kirby
about her special powers as they were telling theirs. He chuckled as she called
to Duncan and Tristan who came over very reluctantly, not looking too happy, but
as soon as they saw the children they gave their full cooperation, and he felt
Kirby sigh in his arms. She got them to do all sorts of things to amuse the

His mother wandered off for a while, then came back to take
the kids to their new homes. Rane could see the children were exhausted from
all the excitement, and he knew Kirby wasn’t doing much better. She was now
leaning right back on him, and he could tell she wasn’t using her powers on Duncan
and Tristan; they were now doing things to amuse the kids seeing the state she
was in.

His mother whispered, “We’re going to move out, there will
still be clean up and we’re going to do something about closing and destroying
all the tunnels. Arden, Devlin, Jamie, and Griffen are going to sort out the
military so you can stay with Kirby. We’re going to settle the eight children
at my house, Ava is there and I have your younger sisters to help. I also think
Grace and Sophie will love to help too. I’ve spoken to some elders who are eager
to help, they’ve even asked to adopt some of the children, which is positive
news. Let’s get home, as everyone is exhausted. Kane hasn’t left Faith’s side,
carrying her everywhere, and Tray is no better. You should be so proud of Kirby.
She was amazing.”

He smiled and stood with Kirby in his arms. “Thanks, Mum. Let’s
get into the van.”

Chapter 15


They arrived home to the sun setting over the water. Kirby had
insisted on staying at his parents’ house to help out with the children. When
they had finally got in bed, she had snuggled into him and he’d tried to kiss
her and feel her up. Kirby had swatted him, turning bright red as she stated,
“We’re at your parents’ house, so no funny business.”

He lay there and watched her sleep, thinking of the miracle
she was to him. He finally drifted to sleep with his hand over her stomach where
their child grew.

Early the next morning he woke to loud children’s laughter,
music, singing, and yelling. He smiled as Kirby snuggled into him. “No, just
give me ten more minutes. I will be good, I promise.”

Rane chuckled. “Really, little red? How good?”

He pressed his rock hard erection between the cheeks of her
arse, and she moaned, wiggling her arse, nestling his cock were she wanted it.
He growled and nipped her ear and moved down her neck. Kirby arched into him, moaning.
“I love waking up in the morning now. There is always someone happy to see me.”

He laughed and turned her to face him so he could show her
just how happy he was. Fastening his mouth over hers, his hands slowly moved up
her taut stomach to his favorite play things. He gently pulled on one pointed
nipple, and she moaned and moved as close as she could get, rubbing herself on

They groaned together as they heard his mother call through
the door. “Rane! The general has been calling, I think you should call him back
before we’re invaded by the military. Oh, and Kirby, sweetheart, your brothers
called. You should call them, they sounded pretty desperate.”

Rane sighed and kissed Kirby again before he answered his
mother. “Okay, we’re up. We will be ten minutes.”

His mother chuckled. “Just remember you’re in a full house,
with children.”

Kirby buried her face in his shoulder. “I’m so embarrassed,
you’ve turned me into a sex maniac.”

He got out of bed, laughing, pulling her with him. An hour
later they were downstairs and Rane was calling Arden, Griffen, and Devlin. He
needed to meet and to talk to them. Rane knew now that he had a mate he
wouldn’t be able to keep up with his grueling work schedule. He had loved
working eighteen hour days, but now he loved something more, and he wanted to
have time with her. Rane was going to do something he had never done before—ask
for help, giving up work duties. He knew after last night with Cullen finding
his mate and the state she was in, Cullen would be cutting his hours back too.

Rane met Griffen, Devlin, and Arden—who looked like shit—in
Faith’s special place in the woods. Rane cleared his throat, hating the thought
that his brothers would have to get more involved. He shut his eyes, and Kirby’s
fire engine hair and her smiling face, along with her big brown eyes, flashed
before him. He smiled as he opened his eyes, knowing he was doing the right
thing. He needed to stop being a workaholic.

He was surprised to see that Cullen had joined them. Rane
didn’t know who looked worse, Arden or Cullen. Rane raised his eyebrow at
Cullen as he said, “I don’t care if he is the general, if he calls one more
time, I’m going to shove the phone up his arse.”

Rane smirked, because he knew from the smile on Cullen’s
face he was one hundred percent serious. He nodded to Cullen. “It’s good you’re
here, because I came to discuss work. We both have mates now, we can’t do the
eighteen hour days anymore. I’m not saying there isn’t anyone qualified enough
to take over our job, I know if Devlin and Arden and all of us share the work—”

“I’ll help too, and so will Jamie.”

Rane swore as he turned to see his brother Kane and Jamie
join them. Kane had a feral look on his face, like he had just done something.
“What the fuck have you done, Kane? You’re alpha, not military go-to. You
didn’t even join the field duty. You were in the military medical.”

Kane chuckled. “That’s what I let you all think. I mean it.
We will all help, and I just showed the general and a couple of other heads of
the human military who is really in charge.”

Rane and Cullen swore. “Kane, we need to be on good footing
with them.”

If at all possible Kane’s grin got bigger. “Oh, we are on
the best footing, and what I’m about to tell you is extremely classified. I
wouldn’t be telling you if Faith hadn’t told me that all of you need to know.
The top five people in power…three of the five are werewolves and two are
supernatural, and that’s just in Australia. Most of the people in power in
America are also werewolves or supernaturals. Every country on this continent
has at least two werewolves in head power.”

Wow. Rane knew they were infiltrated everywhere, but not
that far. Before he had a chance to wrap his mind around everything that Kane
had just told him, Devlin butted in.

“Then why the fuck have they been so pushy, giving us fifty
new recruits to train, if the power is werewolves and paranormal?”

Kane sighed. “Because we still have to listen to others, and
it is our job to protect humanity, but they need to at least be able to help
protect themselves. Faith told me this morning that we need to grow and branch
out if we’re going to win this war.”

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