Rancher Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Bear Haven Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Rancher Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Bear Haven Book 2)
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So what was wrong?

“I’m sorry,” he said, kissing the back of her head and making her shudder slightly with echoes of all the pleasure he’d given her.

“Don’t say that,” she said. “Don’t ever say that. We’re adults, and that was amazing.”

“I meant what I said,” he said. “I do love you.”

“Maybe it’s just something people say when having sex, but I felt it too,” she said. “Though I’m still figuring things out.”

He nodded and pulled her in tight against him. “Whatever happens, I want you. Just know that.”

“Okay,” she said hesitantly, wondering what he was talking about.

“And I just… I would never push you into something you didn’t want. Intentionally I mean.”

She nodded. “I know that.”

“Okay,” he said. “Just remember that in the future.”

“I don’t like it when you talk like this,” she said uneasily. “But I’m going to forgive you because you just gave me the best sex of my life, and right now, I feel like I could fly I’m so happy.”

He nodded and was quiet. Then he pulled the covers over them and turned down the lights.

The rain had started again, and Bonnie turned on her back to look up at him. He stayed on his side, gazing down at her. Moonlight and rain reflected on his body, and she caught her breath at the beauty of him.

Could this man really be hers? It felt like he was.

But maybe people always just got caught up during really good sex. She’d have to look into it more. Maybe do a little more "exploration." She grinned.

For the first time in her life, she'd done just what she wanted, without regard to rules or how her family would feel. She’d been true to herself, and nothing terrible had happened.

She stared up and saw Jesse reaching down to put a hand in her hair. He stroked softly through it, watching her with a tender expression that made her breath catch.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, feeling slightly worried.

“Nothing,” he said. “It’s just… I’ve never felt anything like that either. It’s kind of sacred, you know?”

She nodded. “It is.”

“But for now, just sleep. I’ll watch over you, sweetheart.”

“Okay,” she said, turning back again and pulling the blankets over her. “And Jesse?”


“Try not to tell anyone about this. I don’t want anyone to know while I’m still experimenting. Still figuring things out.”

He was quiet and then sighed. “Of course. I won’t tell anyone.”

“Good,” she said. “Now snuggle me to sleep.”

He laughed. “You’re getting all bossy now that you’re taking what you want.”

“Yup,” she said.

“I like it,” he murmured, nipping her ear. “Next time, I’ll be the one surprising

“Promises, promises,” she said playfully. Then she stifled a yawn. Man, sex could leave a girl tired. “Good night, Jesse.”

“Good night, wildcat,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Sleep well.”

Chapter 5

arly the next morning
, Jesse woke Bonnie gently to tell her he was leaving for a bit, had some business to take care of, and would be back soon.

She mumbled something about cake and turned back over with a grumble, so he assumed it was safe to go.

He dressed slowly, carefully, trying not to wake her any more than was necessary.

But he had things to take care of. Namely, he had to go to his brother and tell him he’d just mated Bonnie on accident and ask for his advice.

Jesse hated asking for advice.

He was the calm one. The one who took things slow. The one who never got in trouble. Now he needed to talk to his brothers, because the last thing he needed was either of them scenting Bonnie was mated and blowing his cover.

He was sure Shane wouldn’t dare, but he still wanted to break the news to him himself.

And maybe together they could think of a way to keep Maverick from putting his foot in it. Not that Mav would care if he put his foot in it. He’d probably just be overjoyed that the ranch was saved for another three months and that would be the end of it. Regardless of how it affected Jesse and Bonnie’s relationship.

Jesse couldn’t have that.

I didn't do this for the land,
he thought as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and strode out into the bright morning light streaming through the trees surrounding his cabin. It was a good little walk to Shane’s place, as they both lived in the woods a good deal from the main lodge but on opposite sides.

Despite growing up close, the brothers liked their privacy.

He took a deep breath of cool morning air as he approached the cabin, which had a much warmer feel to it now that Shane had taken a mate.

Jesse sometimes found himself jealous. Everything had seemed to fall into place so easily for Shane, barring the kidnapping and the fighting that had ensued with Wyatt and his ranch.

But at least Shane’s mate hadn’t been promised to another man or conflicted in her feelings. Shane was able to charge forward headlong into his relationship with his mate, and Jesse didn’t know just how bitterly jealous he was of that until this moment.

He raised his fist and knocked hard on the door in front of him. Then he shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed.

A moment later, he heard voices whispering, feet scuffling on the wood floor behind the door, and then a very flushed, ruffled-looking Shane appeared at the door, appearing as if he’d only recently thrown on clothes.

Jesse felt a little guilty at interrupting what was looking like it could have been a great morning for his brother.

“Sorry, can we talk?” he asked, putting a hand to the back of his neck to rub it.

Shane looked over his shoulder at presumably his mate, and then pinned his curious green eyes on Jesse. “Sure. One minute. Gotta get dressed. You want to come in?”

Jesse shook his head. “I’ll wait here.”


Jesse paced, kicking fallen leaves out of his way as he went back and forth in front of the cabin. How could he explain to his brother that the most responsible brother among them had just done one of the most irresponsible things ever?

Shane walked out a moment later, dressed in a warm, black fleece that matched his dark hair. His strong features were drawn in concern as he walked over to his brother with long, sure strides.

Jesse felt even more like a piece of shit.

“Let’s walk,” he said, nodding with his head to the trail that led out to one of the main pastures.

Shane nodded and walked with him, content to wait and listen until Jesse was ready to say what had to be said.

“I accidentally claimed Bonnie,” Jesse said and felt his brother come to a halt beside him.

“Wait, you what?” Shane asked, grabbing him by the arm and jerking him to face him.

For once, Shane actually felt like the older brother, and Jesse felt a little like Maverick. About to be disciplined.

But then Shane released him with a sigh.

“I should have known. I’ve seen the way you feel about her. She’s your mate, isn’t she?”

Jesse nodded, brushing his hair back behind his ears as the walked through the trees in the direction he’d ridden to save Bonnie the other day.

“Not much you can do, then,” he said. “You have to win her over.”


“But you haven’t shown her your bear, right? Since she’s human—”

“She’s not human,” Jesse said. “That’s all I can say since it’s her secret, not mine. But she’s not.”

“Oh,” Shane said. “What is she? If she was a wolf, I’d have scented it.”

“As I said, I can’t say. But I know she’s mated. For sure. Her scent changed. My bear stopped roaring. It’s definitely done.”

“Does she know?” Shane asked.

“Hell no,” Jesse said. “I was trying to take it slow with her, but she got impatient, and before I could put on a condom…”

“Shit,” Shane said, shaking his head.

“Yeah. And since once you’re in without protection, you’re mated, period, I just went with it. No point pulling out then.”

Shane bit his lip and turned his head side to side, as if stretching his neck could somehow help them think of a way out of this predicament.

“I don’t expect you to fix it,” Jesse said. “I just wanted to give you a heads-up so you don’t blurt something out in front of Bonnie.”

“That’s more Maverick’s style,” Shane said. “But I appreciate the heads-up.”

“Speaking of Maverick, I better go talk to him. Beg for mercy,” Jesse said, kicking the dirt as the walked farther into the trees.

“That’s where you’re lucky. He just left this morning for a two-day trail ride with some guests. You’re safe there,” Shane said, looking up ahead of them where the light was streaming over the field and the waving grass.

The feel of early fall was already in the air. The kids were back in school now. It was the end of summer, and things always slowed down around then.

“Can I tell my mate?” Shane asked. “I hate keeping secrets from her.”

“She’d tell Bonnie,” Jesse stated. “Look, I just need a couple days. To tell her myself.”

“I understand,” Shane conceded.

“I don’t want to mess with things between you and your mate.”

“I get it,” Shane said, running his hands through his hair. “Damn, of all the people to put us in this position, I never would have guessed it'd be you.”

A corner of Jesse’s mouth quirked up. “Well, at least we have more time to secure the ranch.”

Shane opened his mouth and tilted his head, looking like he wanted to say something about that, but then he shut it. “Look, you’ve always been the patient, supportive one. It’s kind of a shock, but we’re here for you. Yes, I’m sure Mav will be overjoyed for all the wrong reasons. But in the meantime, for the next couple days at least, you’re safe. So tell her soon.”

“I plan to,” Jesse said. “Not that I know how.”

“It’s good to just be open with women. That’s how I was with Ruby.”

“Ruby wasn’t engaged to another man,” Shane shot back.

“True. But Bonnie isn’t anymore either.”

“I don’t know. She made it sound like it was complicated. Like if he came, she’d feel obligated, but she wouldn’t run back to him.”

“No point if he comes now,” Shane said.

Jesse shrugged. “She says her kind doesn’t claim. If they only get matched to reproduce, could be he wouldn’t care.”

“No, but your bear would care, and a bear defending its mate can rip apart basically anything,” Shane said, earning a nod of acknowledgement.

“Anything but a dragon, I guess,” Jesse said.

“Yeah,” Shane said. “Plus, isn’t the guy gay?”

“From what I hear. I don’t know what her friends are basing that on, though. Maybe just instinct. I mean, not that I have a problem with anyone being like that, but Bonnie deserves someone who wants every part of her. Not just her breeding ability.”

“Yeah,” Shane agreed. “It would piss me off if it was Ruby.”

“Yup,” Jesse said.

“Should we head back?” Shane asked. “About time for breakfast.”

“Right,” Jesse said, scratching his head. It was also time to face his mate. They turned back and walked toward the trees they’d just come through, and he felt tension coiling in the pit of his stomach.

Like men, they walked in silence, both ignoring the tension and trying to focus on the trail, the lovely day, and none of the mess.

As they reached Shane’s place, Jesse felt the knot in him coiling almost impossibly tight.

“I don’t know what to do,” he said. “I don’t know how to win against someone who isn’t here.”

Shane raised a dark eyebrow. “That’s just it. He isn’t here. That means you have the advantage. Woo her. Do everything he can’t. Love her. Give her presents and experiences. Pack all the love you can into the two days you have without Mav around to ruin things. Then just hope it’s enough.”

Then he went inside with a tip of his invisible hat and shut the door behind him.

Jesse kicked the dirt and then looked in the direction of his cabin.

Do everything he could, huh?

onnie was dressed
and showered when she heard a knock on the cabin door. It was still early in the morning, and she vaguely remembered Jesse telling her he was heading off to take care of some business and he would be back later.

Perhaps that was him?

She opened the door, but all she saw was a covered platter of steaming food with a little folded note on lacy stationary beside it.

She picked up the food and the note and carried them inside.

issing you already
. Had to go into town for something but will be back to see you at lunch. Love, Jesse.

er heart clenched
at the thought of seeing him again. She didn’t know what had gotten into her yesterday. She’d actually pushed him over, taken him before he'd been meaning to, squeezed every bit of life out of him.

Begged him. Harder. Faster.

She ached between her legs, but it was a pleasant kind of ache. One that meant he'd been there. Even if it was a little sore in the shower.

Still, she could hardly wait to have him again.

She set aside the note and took the lid off the tray to see what he’d brought. It looked like a full spread of everything Fanny knew how to cook for breakfast. Eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, pancakes. She grinned, looked around for his remote, turned the TV on to something fun, and then flopped on the couch with her breakfast.

She could definitely get used to this. It was going to be a great vacation. Even greater now that she was getting to explore things with a hot man like Jesse, one who could give her all the things her fiancé couldn’t.

Even if she had to go back to Seth, if he came to get her and claimed her family’s promise, she would always have these memories of a real romance, one that burned hotter than fire in the summer.

She was wearing something casual today. A light sweater pullover that hung low over her comfiest pair of skinny jeans. She liked the way they hugged her curves and was looking forward to Jesse seeing she’d done herself up for him.

She’d gone light on makeup, just enhancing her eyelashes with mascara and putting on light foundation. She’d let her hair air-dry in braids, which made her long red hair fall into soft waves when she let them loose. She’d been happy when she’d looked in the mirror and finished things off with a layer of coral lip-gloss and excited at the thought that Jesse was at the door.

But amazing breakfast and some alone time was okay too. She needed a break from her hormones, which went absolutely insane when he was around.

Another knock on the door sounded. This one softer.

“Can I come in?” Ruby’s voice called out.

Bonnie jumped up and pulled open the door, hugging her friend as she walked in. Ruby looked her up and down and shook her head.

“So you really did it,” she said, stifling a giggle. She sat in a chair across from where Bonnie was, but not before stealing one of her pieces of bacon and munching on it. “Good for you! How was it?”

Bonnie felt a blush running up into her cheeks and swallowed. Suddenly, she wasn’t that hungry for her breakfast anymore. She pushed the half-eaten plate away. “Um…”

“Hey,” Ruby said. “There is nothing to be ashamed of. You deserved to experience something good for once in your life.”

Bonnie shrugged. “I have a good life. I like my job. I have good friends, like you…”

Ruby waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah. But how was it?”

Bonnie grinned as she felt her stomach growl and took her plate back on her lap once again. Ruby was right. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She’d told Seth she was leaving, and he’d told her fine, go. He knew they were broken up, and he hadn’t tried to do anything about it.

As far as she was concerned, that made their contract void.

She met Ruby’s blue eyes with her own. “It was good. Really good.”

“I can tell,” Ruby said. “You look happier than I’ve ever seen you. Shane said he went into town early today. Did he bring you this before he left?” She gestured to the breakfast.

“Yup,” Bonnie said, taking another piece of bacon and stretching out on couch. “I could get used to this.”

“Have you thought about staying here?” Ruby asked tentatively. “They could use vet help. During the slow season, they have to call someone from a couple hours away. It’d be nice to have someone year round.”

“You think I could do it?” Bonnie asked, leaning forward with interest. “I’ve never done it on my own. I’ve always wanted to.”

“I know. I remember your big animals unit being your favorite. Honestly, if it sounds fun to you, you should do it.”

“I’m tired of handling spoiled poodles,” Bonnie said, frowning. “Not that there's anything wrong with poodles, but it’s not my calling. I’d love to work with horses. Although, I’d want to work in tandem with their regular vet to make sure I can get the hang of things.”

“Sure,” Ruby said. “I can talk to Shane about it if you want.”

“Okay,” Bonnie said. “I’m sure Jesse would be overjoyed.” She sighed and rested her head on her palm. “These guys move so fast.”

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