Rainlashed (4 page)

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Authors: Leda Swann

Tags: #Romance, #erotic

BOOK: Rainlashed
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His request matched her own desires perfectly. Now that she had touched him, she wanted to taste him as well. Excitement started to pool in the pit of her belly. With the tip of her tongue, she reached out and licked the very tip of his cock. It tasted salty, the taste of the sea that was her true home.

No wonder the sisters had enjoyed suckling on a man’s cock to give him pleasure, she thought, as she moved in close between his legs and bent her head to the very same task. With his cock in her mouth, he was in her power.

His cock was warm and hard to the touch and tasted like sunshine after a week of rain. She suckled on it with increased intensity, drinking in the sounds of the moans he made as she worked on him. Her heart swelled in triumph with each moan that he made. She would please him to her utmost and win her skin back again before night fell.

Her own pussy started to grow wet again as she suckled on him. The desires that the sisters’ stories had first roused in her were now returning with a vengeance. She had felt desire in her seal skin but it was a pale shadow to the raging inferno she felt building in her human body. She wanted his cock inside her, she wanted to feel him stroke her from the inside. No, more than that. She positively needed to feel him inside her, to quench the fires that were burning her up inside.

Writhing herself closer to him, she pressed her breasts, their nipples peaked and aching with sensitivity, against his thigh. The rasping touch of each hair on his thigh teased and tormented her.

Still she sucked on him, squeezing his sac in one hand while she stroked his cock with the other, keeping time with her mouth, as she grew wetter and wetter. Deliberately she began rubbing her breasts against his thighs and her belly against his shins, craving his touch.

Nothing could ease the burning inside her. It only grew hotter and more intense with every move she made.

His sac drew up into his groin and his breathing grew harsh and labored. She started to withdraw from the pleasant task of sucking him, but he wound his free hand into her hair and pushed her head back down again. “For Christ’s sake don’t stop now,” he ground out between clenched teeth, his voice sounding under severe strain. “Keep sucking on me.”

He bucked his hips and gently pushed his straining cock back into her open mouth and she welcomed it gladly.

A few more sucks on him and a groan burst out of the very depths of his being. Spasms racked his entire body over and over again, and a burst of salty sweetness burst out from the tip of his cock into her mouth.

She swallowed the taste of the sea and went back for more, milking him with her hands and her mouth until she had wrung every drop from him.

Only then did she let the suction of her lips break, and allow his now flaccid member to escape from her voracious mouth.

Slowly she stood up, rubbing her body all along the length of his as she did so. Her breasts were pushed against his chest and one of his hard thighs was in between her legs, pressing into her pussy with tantalizing strength.

“Did I please you?” she asked, anchoring herself with hands on his shoulders so she could rub her wet pussy gently up and down his thigh.

“You pleased me,” he confessed, breathlessly. “Very much.”

“Then give me back my skin,” she demanded, still rubbing herself against his thigh and chest and feeling strangely reluctant to leave him alone. “As you promised.” Once she had her skin back and was in control of the situation again, she would maybe even stay for a little longer. She could wait until he had recovered his fervor and wanted to make love to her again. Then she would let him take her, let him thrust his cock inside her, and pleasure her and spill his seed in her. She rubbed her pussy harder against him at the thought. Then, when she had had her fill of him, she would put on her seal skin and escape back to the sea.

He stood there, his hands behind his back, as he breathing slowly returned to normal. Finally, when he had caught his breath again, he spoke. “No.” His voice was flat and final.

The shock of his refusal made her forget her lust for a moment. “But I pleased you,” she exclaimed. “You swore you would give me back my skin when I had pleased you.”

He raised a warning eyebrow. “That is not quite correct. I said I would give it back to you when you had pleased me enough.”

She had sucked the man’s cock until he had come in her mouth. She had pleased him. She knew she had. The vibrations of his satisfaction had poured through every inch of her own body. “That was not enough?” she asked incredulously. Was there yet more to human pleasure?

“Not by any means.”

“But you had pleasure from me. I felt it, I tasted it,” she protested.

“Yes, I had pleasure from you,” he said, as he tucked himself back into his breeches and did up what was left of the fastenings again. “But it was not enough. Not nearly enough.”

“What more do you want? Tell me what you want me to do and I will do it. I will do whatever you want to please you.”

“Come, give me your hand and I will show you. Indeed, I will take great delight in showing you.”

Maya followed him. Disappointed as she was at not getting her skin back, she felt a shiver of anticipation flutter up and down her spine at the thought of what he would show her. She hoped it would be soon. Her pussy was so hot for him that she had nearly reached her own peak just by rubbing herself against his leg.

He clambered up the steep rock face, the selkie’s hand clasped tightly in his own. Now that he had tasted the sweetness she could bring him, he would not let her go in a hurry. The foolish creature had thought that just one orgasm, just one rush of mindless ecstasy, would be enough for him? Her simple mindedness would be her undoing. He would never have enough of her. The need for her was in his blood. He would possess her over and over, again and again, and he would never tire of the magic of her.

Just at the mere thought of possessing her, his cock started to stir again in his breeches. He pulled at the waistband of his breeches, loosening them as much as he could to give his cock room to grow. By God, but she had milked him dry as a bone in the deserts of Araby just a few short minutes ago, and here he was already craving another taste of her.

He’d been so needy that she had sucked him off in less time than it would’ve taken to suck off a randy schoolboy. Even though he had been dying to fuck her, to really fuck her, he had not been able to draw away from her warm, wet, suckling mouth even for a second, let alone for long enough to turn her over and thrust his aching cock into the tightness of her cunt. He had simply lost control and been unable to stop.

Not that he needed to stop himself, or to feel guilty in any way for using the creature in such a manner. She’d enjoyed suckling on him, too, the randy little sea creature that she was. He reached down inside his coat with his free hand and smoothed down the nap of his woolen breeches, his fingers lingering in the wetness he found there. That particular patch could not be explained away by the rain. Oh no, the selkie was utterly responsible for that. Her dripping pussy had left a wet patch on his thigh where she had rubbed against him like a cat in heat. Her whole body had begged him to take her right there and there on the beach in the open air.

He brought his dampened fingers to his mouth and licked them, savoring the taste of her arousal with his tongue. She tasted like an ordinary woman, a true human, but with a subtle difference. Her juice tasted somehow exotic, at once earthier and more ethereal than a true woman’s.

It was tempting to stop right there in the rain, in the middle of the fields his tenant farmers so carefully cultivated, to taste her juices again. He wanted to lay her on her back and lap them right from her pussy.

He strode on. His manor house boasted every comfort he might want—a soft bed, warm woolen blankets, hot water for washing and a thousand wax candles to light her body by. He was no peasant to have to fuck her in the rain in a muddy hedgerow. Once he returned to his manor house he would have plenty of time to make love to her in every way he could dream up.

Chapter Three


The sharp flints under her feet pained her soft soles. More than once she stumbled on the rough road and would have fallen if the man had not held her upright with the strength of his arm.

She was a selkie and more used to the soft swish of water over her fins than the roughness of stone under her toes. Walking upright on her legs for such a long time felt unnatural and awkward.

But more than the pain in her feet, the insistent ache in her loins bothered her almost beyond bearing. He had made her hot with wanting and then had left her needy and unfulfilled. She was burning up with heat and he would not let her slake her need. The cruelty of his torture was beyond imagining.

She tried to rub her thighs together as she walked but the slight amount of friction she could manage on her swollen and throbbing parts was not nearly enough to satisfy her. It only increased her desire.

“Please can we stop,” she begged, breathless, when the aching began to overpower her. She wanted to lie down in the grass, just where she was, and have him lie on top of her, his cock inside her, to satisfy the overpowering lust for him that was driving her mad.

“You’re tired?” he asked, turning to look at her. At the sight of her limping, he gave an apologetic shrug. “Of course. I forget. You cannot be used to walking.”

She pulled her hand out of his and sank down on to the grass, her legs splayed wide. “I’m not tired,” she confessed. “But I could not go another step.” She reached down with one hand. Ah, how good it felt to finally be able to touch herself, to turn the ache of unfulfilled desire into the pleasant burn of excited anticipation. She patted the wet ground beside her. “Come, join me here and we can please each other this time.”

Instead of eagerly taking up her offer, he looked startled, and swung his head around quickly, evidently to check out their surroundings. His head stopped mid-swing and her frowned. Clearly, he didn’t like what he saw. “Get up,” he exclaimed with vehemence.

She followed the direction of his gaze, but saw nothing to startle her in her turn. Her senses could not detect any predators lurking in the bushes waiting to strike out at them when they were engaged in lovemaking, and there was no other hazard in sight. Only a few other human figures, male she would guess by their breeches, quite some distance away. She peered at them to examine them more closely, but they seemed quite engaged in their own pursuits and unlikely to prove a danger. “What are you so worried about?” she asked, a smile starting to spread over her face as she stroked her wet pussy with growing delight. What a relief it was to finally be able to coax and tease the aching into a rush of fulfillment.

“I said, get up.” His words were barked out with near fury.

She shrugged and stayed where she was on the grass. There was clearly no reasoning with a human. If he could not or would not muster the enthusiasm to join her, he at least should not spoil her games. She dipped one finger, then two, into her eager cunt, arching her back, closing her eyes and shivering with the wondrous feeling of fullness it gave her inside. Pleasuring themselves was not something a seal could easily manage, but now that she was a human…

As she touched herself, she let her eyes drift shut. He was not indispensable, this human who had stolen her skin. She did not need him to give her pleasure—she was quite capable of giving it to herself.

He did not leave her to enjoy herself for long. One rough hand reached out and yanked her brutally to her knees. “Get up, God damn you,” he said to her in a low whisper that was somehow more frightening than if he had shouted and raged at her. He pulled her up again, dragging her to her bruised feet, and setting off at a quick march along the rough ground. “This is not the time or place to be acting the whore.”

She fought his grip, but he was too strong for her and she had to stay on her feet or be dragged along the ground. Robbed of her pleasure, she clawed and scratched at him, but he would not let go.

So tight was his grasp that she could not get free of him, and he pulled her so quickly along over the slippery wet grass and the even more slippery wet rocks that she could barely keep up with him. She would have pleasured herself with her free hand if she could, as much to spite him as anything else, but she needed it to help her keep her balance. She did not want to fall and maim her pretty human body. Awkward as it was to get around in, she liked the smoothness of her skin and the oddity of long black hair falling over her shoulders. She even liked the strange shape of her human body, in particular the swell of her breasts and the generous curve of her hips, and the way she had two legs to balance on instead of a single torso and tail to propel her through the water.

Her human body had never occupied many of her thoughts before. Indeed, she had not used it very often, preferring the smooth sleekness of her seal skin and the way her seal body could slice through the water faster than the fastest fish. Pulling herself up on to the beach and discarding her skin for a short time while she washed in the rain and then sunned herself on the rocks was the most she had ever used it for. Once or twice, maybe, a short walk on the sand beside the waves, but nothing more strenuous.

She was not like the sisters, who seemed almost as comfortable on land as they were at sea. Being too far away from the sea made her nervous. Even the sensation of mud beneath her feet was new to her. She wiggled her toes experimentally. The feeling of it between her toes was unusual, but she had to admit she kind of liked it.

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