Rainlashed (2 page)

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Authors: Leda Swann

Tags: #Romance, #erotic

BOOK: Rainlashed
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Now, however, the sister’s words started a low ache in the pit of her belly. For the first time she wanted a man to touch her, to ease the pain that was building up inside her. The risks the sisters ran to be with a man suddenly made sense to her as they never had before. The thought of taking a human lover suddenly seemed not just dangerous but dangerously enticing.

“And not just on my breasts,” a second sister added, her hands moving down over her ribcage and belly to caress her hips and buttocks. “I like a man’s hand to rove everywhere on my body. I like him to take my ass in his hands, to squeeze my cheeks, and to explore the forbidden cleft between them.” She gave a low, guttural moan as she did just that.

Maya wriggled uncomfortably around on her own rocky seat, feeling strangely hot and flustered. Beneath her, the rock showed patches of dampness where her juices had started to flow. The thought of taking a human lover, a thought she had never seriously entertained before, was growing more desirable with every word the sisters spoke.

“I don’t just want a man’s hands on me,” the third sister chimed in, one of her hands moving down to play in her nest of curls. “I want his hands inside me.”

She spread her legs wide apart and arched her back so that her glistening cunt was wide open to the air. “I want him to put his fingers in my pussy,” she said, dipping two of her fingers into her own cunt and withdrawing them slick with moisture. “And not just his fingers, either. I want him to thrust his hard cock right inside me, right to the entrance of my womb, over and over again. I want to feel every inch of him filling me, stroking me, caressing me, until I cry out with ecstasy under him.”

Maya listened to them with growing pleasure as they described in detail what they would like to do to each other, touching themselves all the while.

She ran her hands over her own breasts, delighting in the flexibility of her fingers and hands and the smooth feel of her hairless skin. Maybe it was time that she took the plunge and entrusted her seal skin to one of her elderly aunts, who would take good care of it in return for a fresh catch of salmon. She could arrange to be washed up on a lonely beach, close to the hut of a handsome young fisherman. He would “rescue” her and in return she would live with him and make love with him until she tired of being a woman and wanted to return to the sea once more.

The first sister continued to play with her breasts. “I want to find a hungry farm boy in the hay shed,” she said greedily, “and have him suckle on my bare breasts as if he could milk me dry.”

The second sister giggled at the thought. “I’d feel like a cow, not a human.
want to be washed up in the early morning light on a beach by the hut of a young fisherman and lie there on the sand until he comes to find me. Then, when he kneels down beside me, I want to surprise him by unbuttoning his breeches and taking his limp cock in my mouth.

“I want to suck on it until it grows big and hard and the veins are throbbing under my tongue. I want to hear him groan with pleasure and feel him as he spurts come all over my cheeks and chin. Then, as his pleasure shakes him, I’ll slip silently into the water and leave him there to wonder if I was real or just a wet dream.”

“I want a blacksmith,” the third sister chimed in. “A huge, burly man with a cock to match. I want him to hammer and pound me on his anvil until I scream with pleasure.”

“Then I want to take my farm boy and take off all his clothes until the two of us are lying together naked on the straw. I want him to lick me until I’m dripping wet and on the brink of coming. I want to rub his thick cock all over with my cunt juices until he’s quivering with holding back his come and then I want to take his cock into my ass until he spends there while I rub myself into my own pleasure.”

“I want my fisherman to have a brother, just as young and lusty as he is—”

“One blacksmith will be enough for whatever I need.”

“—I want to have them both on me at once, both competing with each other as to who can pleasure me the most. Both of them will have the biggest cocks you have ever seen, and they will fuck me in every way they can think of, both of them at once—”

A flicker of movement in the corner of her eye made Maya turn her head. She caught sight of Caity hunched over on her rock looking red-faced and miserable as the sisters continued their litany of acts they would like to perform with their human lovers.

With a resigned sigh at missing the rest of the sisters’ elaborate and graphic fantasies, she got to her feet and held out her hand to the poor girl. “Come with me,” she said to Caity, taking pity on her obvious embarrassment. “You’re too young to be listening to this kind of talk.”

Caity took her hand with evident relief, and the two of them wandered along the shore together until the sisters’ voices disappeared into the muted roar of the waves and the rustle of the wind among the bushes at the edge of the beach.


He watched the black-haired selkie pick her way over the rocks hand in hand with the young one, until they were nearly as far away from their skins as he was. The triplets were also engaged in pleasures of their own—their attention occupied enough, he hoped, that they would be slow to react to his presence.

He could hardly drag his eyes away from the three of them and even more he hated to interrupt them in their erotic games, but he knew that now was the time to make his move. For all that they moved as quickly on land as eels, he had surprise on his side.

Surprise and an overwhelming desire that knew no bounds.

The need to capture one of them was so strong in him that he could almost taste it. He had failed once. He would not accept failure a second time.

He inched forward a fraction, coming as close to the edge of the rock as he dared, before springing out from behind it and leaping over rocks and sand towards that precious pile of skins on the shore.

His ankle twisted painfully on a loose stone but he didn’t slow down or take his eyes off the prize for a moment. Each second dragged on for an eternity as he scrabbled his way towards the culmination of his fantasies.

But, fast as he was, the selkies were faster.

The instant the first triplet spied him, she sprang to her feet and let out a keening wail, before leaping for her seal skin. The two others followed her example, while the black-haired selkie and her companion sped back along the beach as fast as they could, in a desperate race.

The triplets reached their skins and made for the water before he could so much as touch a single whisker of their seal faces.

The other two selkies were not so lucky. He reached the last two skins at almost the same time as they did.

Both of them reached desperately for their skins, while he launched himself on to the ground, grabbed a handful of fur and hung on to it for grim death. There was too much at stake. He would not fail this time.

The selkies fought tooth and nail for their skins, but he was stronger than they were.

With one last desperate wrench he stood up, victorious, a smooth, soft selkie skin in his hands.

In front of him stood the black-haired selkie, her bottom half transformed into a seal, while at her feet, sobbing uncontrollably, lay the youngest of the five, the girl-woman.

His triumph turned to bitter ashes in his mouth. He had only half succeeded and his half success was more disappointing even than an outright failure would have been. He had caught a selkie, for sure, but she was only a child, only a pup. Of them all, she was the only one he did not want, the only one he had no use for.

Turning away from the pair of them, he clenched the soft fur tightly in his hands, steeling himself to throw the girl her skin and say farewell to his dreams for a second time. He would not try again. He would not come back to this lonely beach and torment himself yet again with the sight of what he could not have.

He had almost made up his mind to throw the fur on the rocks in front of him in utter defeat and walk away when the black-haired selkie spoke to him.

“Give the child her skin.” Her voice was as smooth as the ocean on a windless day, and more seductive than anything he could have imagined. She sounded like an enchantress, a siren whose voice could call a sailor to his doom on the rocks.

Her voice made up his mind for him. He could not let her go. Not without fighting for her in any way he could, with whatever weapon he had available.

He turned around slowly. She had changed back to her human form and was holding her seal skin in front of her like a shield, hiding her human nakedness from his sight.

Though her voice was controlled and calm, he saw fear and uncertainty in her face. She needed to protect the seal child from him and that need made her vulnerable. Vulnerable to his needs and his desires.

The seal skin he had stolen was clutched tightly in his fingers. He had despaired too easily and too soon. There was still a chance he would get at least a little of what he had aimed for. “Why should I do that?” he asked, playing for time.

“You can want nothing with her. She is just a baby, a mere child.” She gestured to the young girl lying on the beach, whimpering into the sand. “See, you have frightened her.”

“A selkie is still a selkie, be she young or old.” He shrugged with studied casualness, not letting a flicker of excitement show at the prospect of striking a bargain with her. “She is a curiosity to me, nothing more.”

He paused for a moment, letting the black-haired selkie visibly relax into relief before moving in for the kill. “But a curiosity that I have a fancy to keep.”

“You cannot keep her,” she burst out, holding out her hands to him in entreaty. “You cannot.”

Her heartfelt dismay struck daggers of guilt into his heart. The selkie clearly knew nothing of the ways of mankind, or of the art of bluffing. Every thought that went through her mind, every feeling she experienced, was written clearly on her face. Poor creature, her honesty only made her more vulnerable. “Why not?”

Her face was white. “She is young. Too young. She will die if you keep her captive.” At her feet, the girl child’s heartbroken wailing intensified.

He shrugged uneasily. Though he was only bluffing and would never knowingly hurt the girl child, the selkie’s disgust hurt him. “Then she will die and I will be robbed of my curiosity.”

Her horror was written clearly over her face. “You would let a child die for so small a matter?”

“She is no human child, but a creature of the sea,” he said, feeling abominably guilty for the trick he was playing on her emotions. “Why should I care overmuch whether she lives or dies?”

She was silent for a moment, deep in thought. “What will you take in place of her seal skin?” she finally asked.

He’d thought she would never get to that without his help. “What can you give me?” His momentary crisis of conscience now forgotten, he could barely contain his growing excitement. Now that the bargaining had started, he was sure he could outmaneuver her every ploy. She was too innocent of the ways of men.

“I can bring the fish to your nets so you never go hungry again,” she offered. “And keep the water calm for your boat so the waves never harm you.”

He gave an offended snort. Could the selkie not tell from his dress or from his demeanor that he was no poverty-stricken fisherman? He could almost be offended by such an offer. “I have no need of fish or calm water,” he sneered. “I am the Earl of Stoneleigh and a gentleman of means.”

“I know where ships full of Spanish gold lie sunken at the bottom of the sea. If you let her go,” she offered, a crafty look in her eye, “I will fetch you treasure from one of these ships. I will bring as much red gold as you please to ask me for. You will be a rich man.”

What was more gold to him? He was no greedy miser to be swayed from his purpose with such a paltry offer. “I am a wealthy man already. I have no need of more treasure. A real living selkie woman is worth far more to me than all the sunken Spanish gold you could find for me.”

She looked utterly dumbfounded at his refusal. “I thought full-blooded humans cared for little but gold. My mother taught me that no human could refuse such an offer.”

How many things she had to learn. “Your mother was mistaken—there are many things I treasure far above gold.” And how he would enjoy teaching some of them to her.

She gave her head a puzzled shake. “Then tell me one of them that I may offer it to you, if it is in my power to do so. What do you crave besides gold? What would entice you to give my sister back her skin?”

“Give me yours. Give me your skin and the little one may go free.”

Chapter Two


A shudder of horror racked her body and she clutched her skin tightly to her breast. “You want my seal skin?”

He wanted her more than he wanted life itself. He could almost taste the wanting, deep and dark on his tongue. “Yes.”

She shook her head, her eyes wild with fear, her knuckles white as she clenched her fingers into the soft fur. “I cannot give it to you. I cannot.”

“No matter,” he said more easily than he felt, turning away as if to scramble back up the rocky cliffs to the grassy pasture above. He was calling his last bluff and hoping against hope that she would fall for it. “I have the young one’s skin. It matters not to me which skin I have so long as I have one of you.”

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