Quest For Earth (15 page)

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Authors: S E Gilchrist

BOOK: Quest For Earth
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‘Always.' Her friend smiled grimly and flipped open her satchel, then rummaged amongst the contents. She knelt on the other side of the warrior and waited.

The wounds the Relics had sustained were not serious, for which Sherise sent a thankful prayer to Cercis. She left the anointing of potions to Bree and turned her attention to the three Lycaneans who had come to Kondo's aid.

A brutal battle. She continued to interpret the data from the shayote she waved over a seriously damaged warrior. The type of creature that could inflict such injuries must be incredibly savage. Her stomach churned. It had to be the Half-dead and she hoped she'd never meet one face-to-face.

She injected a pain med into the injured solder's thigh. The wounded man was semi-conscious but made no sound or cry of pain. Despite herself, such stoic courage impressed her.

All lay quietly resigned and heartbreakingly grateful for whatever ease she could offer. What surprised her was their lack of wariness at her alien technology. A fact that only fed her curiosity about these people.

And her suspicions.

She examined the room. This level must be the main living area, for many beds of furs lined the floor. In an alcove was a hearth with an immense cauldron suspended by a metal brace. She compressed her lips at the spartan conditions and beat down the depressing thought that this could well be the only life that was left for her. If they failed to repair the
, if this planet erupted into war and the dome was destroyed …

No comfort and little protection for these people with nought but crumbling walls and gaping holes; an open invitation to the fury of the elements and any flying predators. It was such a contrast to the parks, gardens and architecturally pleasing buildings in the Central Fortress. How could the Purideans force these people to live like this when they, themselves, had access to virtual luxury in comparison?

No wonder Maaka was determined to improve his people's way of life.

She shuddered, longing for her snug cabin on board the
, but her return to the ship would have to wait.

She tapped a sequence into the shayote. While she waited for the new data to stream, she stole another glance about the room. Those warriors not sleeping were sharpening and inspecting various weapons and conversing in low tones. Were there no women or children of their species? Where were the rest of the men? By her reckoning there were more beds than soldiers. Did they hunt for food? Were they guarding the building?

‘Can you help him?'

Maaka's composed voice interrupted her musings. She hastily returned her attention to the scanner, but his closeness distracted her. The warmth of his body seeped through her clothes and heated her cool skin. She knew if she turned her head, she would find him a hand's width behind her.

He crouched.

A tremble quaked her limbs when she saw his thickly corded thighs either side of her. Trapping or protecting her? If she pressed her back against his hard chest with all those deliciously rough hairs, would he slide his large hands over her ribcage, her belly, her breasts?


Sherise snapped straight. She fixed her attention on the data, willing her silly desires into oblivion. Speeding them on their way with a hastily chanted prayer.


‘There is always hope.' She found the fallen soldier's stare fixed with painful intensity on her face. Smiling, she reached out to place a bandage over the open wound with a gentle hand. ‘There is a small medie tube on the shuttle but I would prefer not to move him any more than we have to. Kondo,' unconsciously she raised her voice in command, unheeding of Maaka's proximity, ‘… we need the shuttle here. Are you able to raise her? If not, send one of your men.'

Kondo barked out orders. The heavy tramp of his footsteps crossing the floor caused her to turn her head. His forehead was etched with a black frown. His gaze riveted to Maaka. Quickly, she moved well out of reach of both males and hastened to the injured man's other side.

She fixed Maaka with an imperious stare and held his gaze. ‘We need fresh water.'

His expression shadowed, he slowly inclined his head and motioned to some of his men. They marched from the room.

‘Not now, Kondo,' she said as her bodyguard opened his mouth to speak. She dismissed him and everything else from her mind to concentrate on the men who needed her hard-won healing skills.


The day was well advanced before the men were out of danger. With regular sessions in the medie tube, all should survive. Unable to communicate with neither the shuttle nor the
, Kondo had obeyed her order and dispatched one of his men on foot. A short time later the undamaged shuttle had touched down in a fairly cleared area in front of Maaka's headquarters. The Captain had emerged, plitza in hand, until Sherise had taken him aside. In a few short sentences, she'd advised him of the situation and told both him and Kondo of her intentions of discovering more about these people. Neither had been happy with her decision but had agreed the opportunity was too good not to take advantage of.

But first, Sherise had been determined to help the wounded.

Leaving Bree in charge of supervising the wounded soldiers' rotation in the chamber, Sherise climbed down the steps of the shuttle and pressed her knuckles against her aching back.

No sooner had her feet hit the ground, than Maaka stalked towards her. She fought back the heat that gathered beneath her skin at his intent regard and wrenched her eyes away to examine her surroundings with feigned interest; pretending she was not fascinated with his arrogant grace, the swing of his narrow hips …

He planted himself directly in front of her.

Immediately, she checked out his wounds. They were no longer raw but beginning to heal. The tension contracting her shoulders relaxed. He continued to stand there, legs apart, shoulders back, chest puffed out. His gloriously naked chest. An expanse of golden-brown hair glittered from the rays of the sun and arrowed her eyes lower to his belly. To where her gaze had no right to go.

By Cercis's clock, does he deliberately tease me?
She scowled, positive she was right in her assumption.

‘Do you not have any clothes?' She side stepped him, intending to hunt down Kondo for some belated questioning. Irritation rose when the Lycanean leader kept pace.

‘Why? Does the sight of my naked chest disturb you?' he murmured. His voice, deep and husky, held a challenge she did not dare accept.

She ground her back molars and increased her pace. Up the steps and into the building. Still he strode by her side. Silent. Vibrating with controlled tension. Sherise whirled to face him.

‘Is there something I can do for you?' As soon as the words left her mouth, she rolled her eyes, certain he would bounce back a comment that would sear unwanted images into her brain.

He reached out and lifted a strand of her hair, soothing it behind her ear. His touch sizzled a trail of fire down the line of her neck. To her intense mortification her breasts swelled, heavy and aching beneath her tunic, her nipples hardening into eager, quivering peaks.

Those unwanted images seared into her brain.

Exasperated at her body's response, she flattened her lips into a thin line and huffed out a sigh, folding her arms across her chest. Biting down hard on her dry cracked lips when his gaze lowered. A faint smile curled the edges of his wide mouth. His gaze swept up and met hers. Her stomach muscles tightened at the molten purple of his eyes.

‘Your healing skills impress me.'

Ruthlessly, she squashed the warm glow his words had caused. She tried for lady-cool. ‘In case you did not hear me, please rid your mind that I am trying to impress you.'

‘I know this.' Maaka tapped her chin with a calloused finger.

Her spirits sank as the heat banked in his eyes.

His tender expression hardened. ‘There are others that require medical attention. And quickly.'

By the stars, she'd hoped to continue her investigations, not spend her time treating the injured. But how could she ignore a plea for help with others' pain? For a plea it was.

The Lycanean warrior stood with his head held high, one hand clenched into a fist at his side, pride and arrogance emanating from his stance. And yet those amazing eyes held an entreaty she could not turn her back on.

She dusted her hands together. ‘Where?'

‘We have more wounded at a nearby Freeber settlement, some hours journey from here. There was an attack on one of the Freebers' growing fields two days ago.'

Sherise caught her breath. Here was the chance she'd been hoping for; a chance to study the other tribe and see a settlement for herself. A little snooping and she could soon discover whether either race really were the primitive and desperate people they portrayed. ‘Very well.'

He smiled. Approval glowed in his eyes.

Sherise broke her stare. Her gaze fluttered around the room like an agitated flymoth, while she inwardly bemoaned the telltale heat creeping over her cheeks and down her neck.
He thinks I've agreed because I want to help. What will he think of me if he knows I have another agenda? Will he still look at me with that same hungry stare?

He tilted her chin until she met his forceful gaze.

He lowered his head.

He is going to kiss me!
The heady realisation sent her heart pounding and her body softening with anticipation.
Should I push him away?
She stared at his mouth, her gaze tracing the tender curve of his lower lip and she remembered how his body had felt when she'd lain on top of him.

His face was closer, his eyes half-closed. He shifted his weight as if about to reach out and wrap his arms around her. Her knees trembled. She placed her hands on that hot bronzed skin, half to steady herself and half because she couldn't stop the need to touch him. The very air between them seemed to crackle as that strange pull tightened. Her fingers curved greedily over his hard muscles, glorying in the tickle of hairs beneath her palms.

Then, with a careless gesture, he ruffled the top of her head and strolled off, tossing an airy admonishment for her to ready herself, over his shoulder.

It took an enormous amount of will power, but Sherise stayed where she was. She did not rush after him to throw herself into his arms and grind her lips against his. Nor did she rush after him to pound his head with the butt of her stunner until he went down on his knees and begged.

No, she remained, smiling pleasantly, her head held high. Regal, imperious, alone …

Suddenly, all she wanted to do was cry.

A lady always has control of her emotions.

Her mother had told her that rule.

But her mother had never met anyone like Maaka.

Chapter 11

When every passing minute could mean the end of a life that may have been saved, they set off quickly, heading north-west. Following the path of the setting sun.

Sherise trudged down the wide broken road which her friend had informed her had once been a highway. Bone weary and with the pain med she'd finally succumbed to taking earlier now wearing off, the desolate landscape did little to lift her spirits. She'd wished they could have travelled in the undamaged shuttle but the medical supplies had run low and needed replenishing. Plus, it was imperative Sherise's intentions and their unharmed status were conveyed to Commander Dyrke. After a hurried discussion with Kondo and the Captain, the shuttle had lifted off and set a course for the
. Sherise had ordered the Captain to arrange for the damaged shuttle to be retrieved and for him to meet them at the Freebers' settlement with fresh supplies.

A pity she had not considered asking how far away the other settlement lay before she'd agreed to assist.

When she turned to smile at her companion, Bree pinned her with a narrowed stare. ‘Why are we going to this place?'

‘We cannot turn our backs when others are in need.'

‘Yeah, I already know that bit, but you could've sent a shuttle and lifted them onto the
. At least then we would've gotten a decent breakfast.'

‘Until we know more about these people I do not consider it wise to allow them access to our technology.' Sherise considered her friend. In any other circumstances, Bree would be the first to offer assistance.

When Bree stumbled over loose gravel, Sherise reached out to grab her arm but she shrugged her off.

‘What is wrong?' Sherise frowned.

Bree whirled to face her, hands going to her hips. ‘Shit, surely you don't need to ask. Doesn't any of this remind you of somewhere?'

Sherise pressed a hand to her trembling mouth and took a deep breath to push back her memories. She whispered, ‘Yes.'

‘I'm sorry, Sherise.' Bree turned and looked to the road ahead, jerking her chin to indicate the ravaged landscape. ‘I'm not sure I could relive those days again.'

‘I understand. I also feel the same way. But Bree, you know our circumstances.'

‘Repair the
and hot-foot it back to Darkos.'

‘It's more than that,' Sherise said sharply. ‘If,
we can repair the ship, I cannot leave until I'm absolutely certain those who wish to remain here will be safe.'

‘You don't trust the Corporation?'

Sherise shrugged. ‘Honestly? I don't know who to trust. The people in the dome are protected, and appear happy and kind. And yet, they have no concern for those living outside.'

‘That doesn't seem right.' Bree chewed a fingernail.

‘They have technology they do not share. These people in the Outworld appear to have none.' Sherise raised her eyebrows. ‘They harbour a great deal of resentment towards those living in the dome.'

‘Great. Just great. Anger and greed, shit yeah, we both know where that way of thinking leads.'

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