Quest For Earth (6 page)

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Authors: S E Gilchrist

BOOK: Quest For Earth
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‘Where are we now?' Bree said.

is about to reach orbital velocity above your planet,' murmured Sherise. ‘Look towards the horizon.'

The first shards of sunlight flickered along the curvature of Earth. A brilliant thin blue light, blue Earthshine, flared to life and glowed towards them like a beacon of hope.

Awed, she waited and watched the blue light brighten into daybreak. Sunlight spread over the planet revealing the distinctive blue and green patterns of land and water.

‘It is beautiful.' Loneliness stabbed at her, twisting her belly into tight, heavy rocks of misery. She touched the plasma of the screen with a hand that shook.

What if this planet is to be my home?

So far from the Darkon system and the realm of the Seven Galaxies.

So far from what remained of her family.

A bittersweet memory surfaced of her brother standing in the cargo hold of the
supervising the loading of vast stocks of food. Hands on hips, he had barked out an exhausting list of instructions and orders in relation to her welfare.

She remembered how he had tramped past with his arms full of her favourite delicacies, all labelled with her name. The brief moment of happiness shrivelled into cold, lifeless ashes.

I miss him so.

It hadn't been easy to convince him she could fulfil the role of Peace Emissary. She'd known he'd wanted to keep her by his side, protected and safe. But she hadn't dared enlighten him to the truth. What would he say if he knew it was remorse for what she'd done that drove her? Not to mention the vow she'd made to a dead woman. He would have insisted on knowing the reason why and she could not bear it if he turned from her in disgust. To watch the love in his eyes chill to condemnation.

‘I don't recognise these land masses. Everything looks so different. What do you think has happened?' Bree wailed in a voice thick with tears.

Sherise swallowed over a throat swollen tight and hesitated for three beats. It would do no good to hide the truth. In a husky voice, she relayed the information they had received earlier that rising. ‘The unstable weather patterns triggered by drastic climate changes caused the sea levels to rise in many areas and in a few sections, actually fall. This has resulted in different land formations.'

‘What else did they tell you?'

‘Not good news I am afraid, Bree. There was a war that decimated your planet's resources and which lasted for many of your Earth years. The vast majority of your planet is now wastelands.'

‘Damn. I knew things were bad when we left Earth after our government was sucked in by those slimy traders. But this …' Bree gulped a shuddering breath. ‘I want to be on the first shuttle. I want you to set me down somewhere near my home.'

‘Unacceptable, Bree. Its diplomatic relations time and that means we must meet with the ruling authority and establish a connection. We must ensure there is a safe environment on the surface for those who wish to remain. And of course, we need these people to help us repair the

‘And then what? Return to Darkos? You'll never make it back to the same place, the same time.'

Sherise noted the word
. So her friend intended to stay behind when they left.
they left. ‘That is a possibility, but our scientists are working on a solution.'

‘I know you're thinking of attempting to get everyone back to the correct time line. But, seriously? You know damn well there's not a snowflakes chance in hell that's going to happen.'

‘I disagree,' Sherise kept her voice calm, aware several crew members listened to their conversation. She hoped that, despite their translator collars, their lack of familiarity with the Earth people's idioms had cloaked the harsh truth behind Bree's words. Morale had to be maintained. ‘However, until the
is repaired we will continue on our present plan of action.'

‘Yeah, well, whatever. You do what you have to do, but your brother promised we'd go home, so home is where I intend to go.'

‘You will remain on the ship and do as you are bid,' Kondo interrupted.

Sherise sighed inwardly. Her bodyguard had left the others and crossed the room while they'd been speaking and he stood close by, arms folded over his chest. A quick glance beyond his imposing form revealed the Commander hard on his heels.

‘I don't take orders from you.' Bree poked a finger at his chest, an action that had the Relic warrior flaring his nostrils, preparing to do battle.

Not again.
The two of them had been snipping and jabbing at each other the entire journey.

‘Neither of you may give orders on my ship,' she said, her voice cold. She glared from one to the other, silently daring them to speak.

Kondo clamped his lips shut, a deep frown furrowing his brow. He switched his gaze to the ceiling. Bree switched her gaze to the floor.

But not before Sherise caught a glimpse of moisture glistening in her eyes. Her irritation evaporated as she remembered all that her friend had lost. The muscles along her shoulders cramped.

‘There is more than one shuttle,' offered Dyrke, his normally stern face softened with compassion as he looked at the smaller woman.

Kondo's face looked thunderous as he glared at Dyrke and Sherise spared a brief moment wondering whether the Commander had feelings for her friend. He was a hard man to read, more contained than most; he had lost his mate during the war.

As she glanced between the two warriors, the animosity sizzling between them was enough to give her a headache. Longing to knock their heads together, Sherise mulled over her decision. She recognised she needed to be part of the first contact team to begin her mission, but she hated the idea of Bree being alone when she found whatever was left of her home.

‘Very well.' Sherise speared the Relic with a stern look. ‘Kondo, you will take a contingent of warriors and accompany Bree to the surface. Do not, under any circumstances, allow her from your sight. Should there be any sign of danger, return to the
without delay.'

Bree squeezed Sherise's hand. ‘Thank you,' she said softly.

‘I cannot go with you, not this time.'

‘I know. It's all cool, Sherise. No sweat.'

Sherise returned the squeeze and somehow managed a reassuring smile. Her friend's unfailing understanding moved her and for a few seconds she was unable to speak. Finally, she cleared her throat and said, ‘Kondo, obtain as much data as possible while you are on the surface and upload constantly to the
. The more information we have about Earth and the people here can only help us.'

‘You don't trust us?' Bree frowned.

‘You, yes, but remember we know nothing about your rulers or the people who now live here. We must be prepared for any contingency. I will go with the Commander and Lord Barid as part of the first contact team. Commander, my role will be that of a negotiator. Please ensure my connection to my brother, Lord Tarak, is not revealed until I decree otherwise. Lord Barid will lead the negotiations.'

She intended to stay in the background until such time as they had ascertained the Corporation could be trusted and that they had indeed found a safe haven.
Never reveal all the details. Always keep some vital information back.
Her brother's favourite mantra. Her heart lightened at the memory of his words.

‘Commander, please set up a broadcast for me. I intend to apprise the passengers and crew of the latest developments.'

‘As you wish,' Commander Dyrke inclined his head.

‘Where are we authorised to land?'

Dyrke hooked his thumbs into the belt encircling his slim hips. ‘A place called the Central Fortress. Our intel reveals it is an extremely large compound where many Earth people live. It holds the ruling council, called the Board.' He turned to Kondo. ‘The Corporation has warned that the land beyond holds many dangers, including savage predators. You had best be well armed and on guard at all times.'

‘A Relic warrior is always prepared for danger. You insult me to infer otherwise.'

The two warlords faced each other, the suspicion fed by many cycles of being deadly enemies rife in their narrowed eyes.

‘Lord Kondo, please prepare the shuttles for departure and select your team. Commander, send a message to Earth advising that, with their permission, another shuttle will touch down for a brief reconnaissance mission,' Sherise ground out. ‘Commander, you, Lord Barid and I will now confer to discuss our strategy before we depart.' She frowned. ‘Where is Lord Barid? I have not seen him since we emerged from the Vortex.'

‘Barid remains in his rooms.'

Sherise's eyebrows rose at the Commander's dry tones, but his calm face revealed little of his thoughts. Why was Barid closeted in his cabin? Surely, as the representative of the Darkon Council, he should be on the bridge assessing the situation? Something else she would need to investigate. ‘Advise him that I require his attendance in the War Room immediately. I will do the vid broadcast from there. Bree, once you are ready, we will head down to the departure bay. I will see you off.'

She seized her friend by the arm, brushed past the warriors and hustled her towards the door, brooding over the intricacies of the male mind.

Never, will I understand men.
Here they were about to face a possible hostile world, and she had two warriors wanting to trade insults and another locked in his room. Whatever their reasons or what had gone before, now, more than ever, it was vital all on board the
worked together.

About to make a scathing comment, she choked off her words as she noticed the look on her friend's face. Trepidation caused her stomach muscles to clench. Nausea rose. She knew that expression. It reminded her of those buried on Gazood. The ones, who, because of her foolhardy actions, had been chosen by the Elite soldiers to face execution.

It was the bleak expression of the condemned.

Chapter 4

The Central Fortress

Planet Earth

The Teacher was preparing for the first of the day's sacred rituals when the High Priestess rushed into his chamber deep beneath the city.

‘They're on their way,' she announced in a breathless voice.

‘At last.' His hands trembled as he folded the pristine white cloth into a neat square and he had to utilise considerable will power to maintain calm. It could jeopardise everything he'd worked and waited so long for, should anyone become suspicious of his real identity. ‘Has the Board been notified?'

‘Yes. All is ready. They will await the aliens' arrival in the Meeting Room. I have ordered a greeting party to escort them from the landing site. As you ordered, there will be no one of consequence amongst the party.'

‘Good.' He looked up and smiled. ‘You have done well.'

A rich flush bloomed over her face, blotching her skin and doing little to enhance her physical appeal. He smiled at this evidence of his hold over her. He well knew that she would do anything for him, but it was good to have his belief reinforced every so often. Besides, it did wonders for his ego, even though he held no interest in her either as a woman or indeed, as an ally. The rule his oldest brother had lived by was as inflexible as rock in his own mind;
never share power

But until his preparations were complete, he had no intention of divulging his belief or his true goals to either this puny human or any of the Board members. He would continue operating in the shadows.

‘You will not attend the meeting,' he said.

‘But …?' The High Priestess frowned, her face tightening as she glared over to where the young Sacred Handmaidens were preparing the altar for the forthcoming ceremony.

One of them looked up, a sly smile spreading over her pretty face.


His favourite.

The Teacher continued smoothly, ‘I need you here for the ceremony.'

‘Then you're not going to attend either?'

‘No. I am certain that the Board can function without me. They have been given their directives. Any concerns or major decisions will be run past me before they advise any commitments to our visitors.' He shrugged and turned away to inspect the contents of a wine flask. ‘This is empty.'

‘Allow me.' Lilith rushed over and took the flask. She kept her eyes modestly cast down, but as she walked away to replenish the container, her hips swayed seductively side to side.

The High Priestess hissed.

‘Come,' the Teacher soothed, strolling over to take her arm. ‘I have chosen you to assist me with the ceremony.'

The woman's irritation evaporated. An expression like dazed blind-faith settled on her features, momentarily softening the hard lines of her face. ‘I am honoured.'

He nodded, indicating for her to precede him.

Unseen by her and with his back to the handmaidens, he smirked, the swell of triumph quivering through his body until even his nails tingled. Already, he could feel the snap and snarl of his true self writhing inside as he exulted in the heady knowledge that revenge was finally within his grasp.


And a Darkon ship, albeit a damaged one.

Fools that they were, to think refuge could be found on this shit-hole of a rock. What they had found was their graves.


Command Shuttle

Approaching Planet Earth

‘ETA in five sectons,' announced a metallic voice.

Sherise braced for touchdown. She gritted her teeth and gripped the armrests as the rapid vertical descent forced her body upwards. Restrained only by the woven harness, her stomach went into freefall. She heard the engine throttle back into a whine before the small ship settled with a jolt onto the planet's surface.

She pressed a hand against her belly and waited for the nausea to abate before releasing the straps.

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