Pursued (60 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Pursued
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Elise looked into his eyes—that lovely, mismatched set of blue and gold that had meant safety and love to her right from the start. She felt the stretching sensation again and moaned softly as her body opened for his. But there was no fear as she spread for him, no pain as she gave her self completely, spreading her thighs for his welcome invasion. This was an act of love, pure and simple. And by taking her so slowly and gently, Merrick was wiping away all the earlier, bad memories she had of this act. Wiping them away and replacing them with beautiful memories, feelings of love and trust instead of hurt and terror and betrayal. There was no room for bad emotions here—there was only the bliss of being one with her man and it was the best feeling Elise had ever known.

“Merrick,” she whispered softly, as he finally slipped all the way inside her, mating fist and all. “Oh, Merrick,

“Gods, baby, you’re so beautiful. So gorgeous, taking all of me this way.” His voice was hoarse with emotion and he cradled her carefully against him, not moving a muscle until he was sure she was all right, was used to his deep invasion.

“It feels amazing,” Elise murmured, leaning in to kiss him. “But can you, you know,
like this?”

Merrick gave her a lazy smile. “It’s more of a slow grind, if you know what I mean. You want me to show you?”

“You have to ask?” Elise wiggled her hips, causing some very pleasurable friction between them and they both moaned. “Show me, Merrick.”

“You asked for it, baby.” Pulling her forward, he kissed her again as he began a long, slow ride that Elise knew she would never forget. The feeling of him inside her, so thick and hot and hard was incredible, more pleasurable than she ever would have dreamed possible. She caught his rhythm and began moving her hips in time, meeting and matching his thrusts as they kissed, joined both above and below.

"Gods," Merrick groaned as he rolled his hips up, filling her with thrust after deep, delicious thrust. "Your pussy's so tight and sweet, baby. Feels so right wrapped around me."

"It…it feels right to me too," Elise admitted breathlessly. "I didn't…I never knew it could feel like this. That it could feel so

"It's good because it's an act of love," Merrick growled softly. "Sliding my cock deep into your hot pussy is the deepest, most intimate way I can show you how much I love you. How much I need you, baby." He kissed her gently. "And it's the same for you. Spreading your thighs for me and letting me in, taking all of my shaft deep inside—I can't tell you how loved that makes me feel. How privileged I am to have you as my female."

"Oh, Merrick…" His sweet, hot words along with the slow, pumping pleasure of his thrusts inside her were an overwhelming combination. Elise almost wanted to cry with the outpouring of tender emotion but at the same time, she could feel her pleasure building, taking her to new heights of ecstasy she'd never reached before.

She was almost at the point of no return and she could sense that Merrick was close too. She pulled back to look at him and was startled by the expression in his eyes—it was a look of need so intense it was almost pain.

“Merrick?” she asked anxiously. “Are you all right?”

“I’m really…really close. Makes me want to bite you.” He bared his fangs, which had grown even longer and sharper that Elise ever remembered seeing them. “But I don’t want to hurt you, baby.”

The fangs were scary, and for a moment Elise hesitated. Then she remembered Sophie’s promise that the bite would be more pleasurable than painful. And besides, she wanted the whole experience—every single bit.

“All right,” she murmured. Reaching up, she pulled her hair to one side, baring her throat. “Do it, Merrick. Bite me,” she urged.

He frowned. “You’re sure?”

Elise nodded firmly. “I want all of you in me. No, I
all of you in me.”

Her words seemed to set something loose inside him—something he’d been holding back for fear of hurting her. With a low growl, he pulled her closer, bared his fangs and bit.

Elise gasped and went completely rigid when the hard, sharp points first pierced her flesh. Then something seemed to happen—her entire body was flooded with pleasure—a pleasure so intense she almost couldn’t stand it. It was like orgasm after orgasm, and she could feel Merrick coming too, right along with her. Hard, hot spurts deep inside her bathed her inner pussy with his seed and made her come even harder, gasping and crying his name as the incredibly intense sensations went on and on and on…

Oh God, so good! Can’t…can’t stand much more!
she thought, her back arching as Merrick moved within her, still thrusting up into her pussy to plant his seed deep.

“You want me to stop?”
whispered a low, familiar voice in her head.

“Yes…no…I don’t know. I just don’t know how much more I can take!”
Elise sent back, without thinking about it.

“The first time is always intense—that’s what I’ve heard, anyway. Never had bonding sex with anyone before now.”

“No, I guess n—”
“Oh!” Elise gasped aloud. Her eyes flew open just and she looked up just as Merrick withdrew his fangs from her neck. “Merrick,” she whispered in a trembling voice. “Did you…did you just…”

“Talk inside your head?”
He grinned at her, his eyes still lazy with desire. “Yeah,” he said out loud. “Guess I did.”

“And I heard you. And you heard me—didn’t you?” Elise demanded.

He nodded. “Loud and clear, baby.”

“So then…does this mean…” She was almost too afraid to hope. “Is our bond back?”

“Not like before,” Merrick said, frowning.

“Oh.” Elise was crestfallen. “Oh, then…”

than before.” He grinned at her. “It’s a good healthy bond this time—I’d bet my life on it. Though we should probably get checked out by Sylvan, just to be on the safe side.”

“But…but I don’t understand,” Elise said uncertainly. “How could this happen? I thought with you being a hybrid…”

Merrick shrugged. “I don’t know. A gift from the Goddess, maybe.”

Elise frowned. “I thought you didn’t believe in the Goddess. Or didn’t care for her much, anyway.”

“That was before,” he said seriously. “Who do you think healed me and sent me back to you, baby?”

“Oh.” Elise nodded, understanding. “Then we should give thanks!”

“We are, in our way.” His hips rolled up in a deep thrust, making her gasp, reminding her they were still joined. “The Goddess is pleased by the pleasure of those she puts together,” he murmured, smiling at her. “And she definitely meant you for me.”

“And you for me,” Elise told him, rather breathlessly. “Forever.”

“Yes, baby.” He kissed her again and then gave her another long, deep thrust. “And forever starts right now.”


Chapter Forty-six


“So I’ve finally figured out what Minverna was up to.” Nadiah had a frown on her face which worried Lissa.

“What was it?” she asked, picking her steps carefully as she walked the long, winding road to the temple hidden inside the holy mountain. Though she’d been on First World for three years, the dark, circuitous path could still trip her up if she wasn’t careful.

“She—ow!” Nadiah stumbled and Lissa just managed to save her by grabbing her arm.

“Be careful, my Lady!”

“Thanks.” Nadiah rubbed her shin. “I don’t see why we have to keep the path to the temple so dark,” she complained. “It’s really a safety hazard.”

“There used to be glows on the walls to light the way,” Lissa said. “But they burned out and Minverna wouldn’t replace them. She always said the path to enlightenment ought to be dark so that pilgrims who came to us could better appreciate the beauty of the temple.” She cleared her throat. “But I believe she simply didn’t want to spend the credit to have them replaced.”

“That sounds in line with what I’ve found out about her,” Nadiah said grimly.

you find out?” Lissa wanted to know. By now they had left the winding road and passed into the huge natural cavern which housed the temple.

“We’re here now,” Nadiah said, nodding at the temple’s many steps which led up to the Seat of Wisdom. “I’ll tell you when I tell everyone else. Rast has to know too. And Saber, of course.”

“Saber?” Lissa’s heart started beating double time. “Is he still here? I…I thought he was going back to Tarsia today.”

“He stayed at Rast’s request. We’re still deliberating what to do about Draven, and since Rast is tied to First World, he needs someone else who can act as an ambassador to the Kindred Mother Ship. Viewscreen communication is wonderful but it can be kind of patchy this far out. And Rast wants someone actually
, to gauge the reactions of the Kindred Council.”

“I see.” Lissa looked down at her feet as they mounted the steps. “I wonder how the Kindred High Council will feel about having one of the banned Touch Kindred as an ambassador aboard the Mother Ship?”

Nadiah shrugged. “Rast says they’ll have to get over it. He doesn’t have anyone else he can send, and he likes Saber. There aren’t many males here, you know, and he and your, uh, brother have really ‘hit it off’ as my friend, Sophia says.”

“They hit each other?” Lissa asked, horrified. “Is that some kind of male bonding thing?”

Nadiah laughed. “No, no—it’s an expression that means they got along well right from the start. They like each other’s company.”

“Oh.” Lissa felt a measure of relief. “I see.”

They climbed silently for a few moments and Lissa kept her eyes fixed on the steps going ever upward, as though being careful not to trip. In fact, she had climbed them so often she could have managed the temple stairs blindfolded, but she didn’t want to risk meeting Saber’s gaze when they reached the top of the dais.

They hadn’t spoken since the awkward incident in her room, where his crewmember had caught them holding hands, and that was the way Lissa wanted to keep it. Touching Saber—asking for his touch—had been terribly wrong. She had chastised herself for her impropriety and tried to put the incident from her mind, but still she found it impossible to forget the warmth of his hands around hers.

I won’t make the same mistake twice,
she told herself sternly.
It would be better if he just flew home to Tarsia and we never saw each other again.
The idea made her heart sink down to her simple woven sandals but she knew it was true. Better to have Saber half the universe away than to give in to the terrible temptation to transgress she felt every moment in his presence.

“Whew—so many steps!” Nadiah murmured at last. “I never have to worry about keeping my figure around here—not as long as we have to climb up and down these every day.”

“I suppose.” Lissa nodded, still looking down. But the next moment, she was forced to look up.

Nadiah. High Priestess Lissa, welcome.” Councilor Rast’s deep voice filled the chamber.

“Councilor.” Lissa bowed deeply and rose, directing her gaze to the Seat of Wisdom where he sat, his iridescent wings extended and the Eye of Foreknowledge held in one hand. The Seat of Wisdom was on a raised platform and Nadiah had to climb more steps to stand beside her mate. Saber stood patiently to the left side of the throne, looking up, an unreadable expression on his handsome face. Lissa came and stood on the right side, being careful to keep a safe distance between them.

“I’ve called you all here for a council of war,” Councilor Rast said, his truegreen eyes flashing. “We’ve had word from the Mother Ship that Draven has attacked another Kindred—Merrick, the hybrid who was here on a pilgrimage not that long ago.”

“Oh, no!” Lissa put a hand to her mouth involuntarily.

“Was anyone hurt? Wasn’t he traveling with the AllFather’s last victim?” Nadiah asked.

“Elise. Yes—they managed to get away—
,” Rast said grimly. “Apparently Draven is trying to get his hands on a wormhole generator—a ship that can create rips in the space-time continuum at will.”

“A ship like that would be a great tactical advantage,” Saber remarked quietly. “The commander who owned a fleet of such ships could put his army anywhere he wanted to at any given time.”

“That’s exactly what we’re afraid of,” Rast said, frowning. “And that’s the message I need you, Saber, to carry to the Kindred High Council.”

“I will do my best to repeat your words faithfully and represent both First World and Tarsia with honor.” Saber bowed.

“I know you will.” Rast nodded. “But I don’t like to send you without some ideas to present to the Council. What can we do about the Hoard? How were they defeated before, back in my father’s time?”

Nadiah spoke up. “I have some news about that.” She turned to her mate. “As you know, I have been searching the temple library for weeks, looking for the earliest scrolls—the ones that described the period in history when your father, Kall, fought and defeated the Hoard.”

He nodded. “And?”

Nadiah sighed. “I am afraid those records are all missing. They have been sold.”

“What?” Rast gave her a startled look. “Sold? By who? And

“Sold by Minverna.” Nadiah shook her head. “Apparently before her death she’d been pilfering the library for some time, selling some of the temple’s most ancient records and artifacts to collectors in the Ganda system.”

Lissa's stomach dropped and her cheeks felt like they were on fire.
My fault! It’s
fault Minverna felt free to do such things. If only I had been a better high priestess, if only I had kept a better eye on her instead of letting her intimidate me, she never would have been able to get away with it!
she thought, feeling sick.

Councilor Rast frowned, clearly missing Lissa’s reaction to the news. “But why would anyone outside First World have any interest in our past?”

Nadiah shrugged. “Apparently any kind of memorabilia from the ‘Hoard Wars,’ as people call them, is extremely valuable. Minverna made a very tidy sum which she stored in an off-planet account.”

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