Pure Temptation (26 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: Pure Temptation
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“Damned if I know, but ’tis true I no longer find perdition attractive. I’ve never thought about becoming a father, and I find the anticipation quite pleasant. I knew Victoria didn’t want children, and all I wanted from her was her fortune.”

How could Moira argue with a ghost? Still, a doubt remained. When Lady Amelia directed Jack to her that fateful night, did the ghost know he’d become a duke? Moira didn’t think so. And therein lay the problem.

“Lady Amelia’s appearance doesn’t change a thing,” Moira declared, less certain now than she had been.

“I’ve engaged a room at the inn,” Jack said abruptly. “Church is no place for a lengthy discussion, and I can tell it’s going to take time to convince you that we belong together. Besides, I have something else to ask, something to do with the locket you always wore.”

“I lost it.”

“I know.” Reaching into his pocket, Jack retrieved Moira’s locket and placed it into her hand. Moira closed her fingers around it, overjoyed to have it back. “I found it in my bed. Now will you come with me?”

Moira flushed, recalling the night she spent in Jack’s bed before she left. “It isn’t proper for me to go with you to your room.”

“We’ve already stretched the boundary of what is proper and what is not. You’re carrying my child, Moira. You’re mine; you’ve always been mine.”

“Your possessiveness is appalling. How do I know you don’t want me for the child I carry?”

“You are the most exasperating female I’ve ever had the misfortune to know! I had no idea you were pregnant when I proposed. Are you coming with me, or do I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of here?”

Jack’s logic defeated Moira. Besides, she knew he was capable
of carrying out his threat. “Very well, though you know it will destroy my reputation.”

“Not if I sneak you up the backstairs.” Grasping her hand, he virtually dragged her through the church and out the door. A chilling rain greeted them. With an economy of motion, Jack lifted Moira onto his horse and mounted behind her. Though the ride was of short duration, they were nevertheless dripping wet by the time Jack left his mount at the stable behind the inn and instructed the stableboy as to its care.

Fortunately the back stairs of the inn lay only a few steps from the stable. They negotiated them without difficulty, and Jack located his room by the number painted on the door. He found it roomy, comfortable and reasonably clean. A bed covered with a colorful quilt took up a large portion of the room. A dresser, commode and desk completed the furnishings. Jack was gratified to see a fireplace and supply of wood and started a fire while Moira sat at the edge of the bed, shivering in her wet clothing.

“It will be cozy in here in a few minutes,” he told her. “Take off your wet clothing and wrap yourself in a blanket. Your clothes can dry by the fire while we talk.”

Moira didn’t think taking off her clothes was a good idea. Just because she wouldn’t marry Jack didn’t mean she didn’t want him. She’d always want him. She knew from experience how combustible they were together, and taking off her clothes would only complicate matters. When she made no move to comply, Jack lifted her to her feet, took the cloak from her shoulders and began unbuttoning her dress.

“I don’t want you catching your death. Think of the babe if not yourself.”

“I…I can do it myself.” She grasped his hands to pull them away and felt a shock of awareness pass through her. She lifted her eyes to him, and he met her gaze, his lopsided grin telling her that he felt the same tingling sensation she did. He dropped his hands and stepped away.

Moira tore the quilt from the bed, drew it around her shoulders and undressed beneath it. Sending her an amused glance, Jack picked up her discarded garments and spread them out before the fire. When he started to remove his own clothing, Moira gasped and looked away.

“Isn’t it rather late for shyness? You want me as badly as I want you. Deny it all you want, but your eyes tell me otherwise.”

“You’re conceited, arrogant and impossibly crude, Jack Graystoke. And nowhere near redemption. Not all women are enamored of you.”

“Other women don’t interest me. ’Tis you I care about. I’ll admit to being arrogant. Even concede being conceited.” He made a show of pondering. “I’m rarely crude. At one time my vices were legend, but since meeting you I’ve foresworn perdition.”

Moira couldn’t help but smile. His statements were so typically Black Jack that she wondered if he didn’t still have one foot on the road to perdition.

“If you’ll move from the bed for a moment, I’ll remove a blanket and spare your dignity.”

Moira jumped up with alacrity, turning her back as Jack dropped his breeches and pulled a blanket from the bed. “You can turn around now; I’m decent.”

Almost decent, Moira thought as she stared at his bare chest. He had wrapped himself in a blanket, all right, draping it loosely around his loins. So much for her dignity. “You wanted to talk,” she reminded him. “What can you say here that you couldn’t say at the church?”

He took her hand, pulling her down onto the bed beside her. “I didn’t want any interruptions. The church is too public a place for what I have to say.”

Moira found it difficult to think with Jack sitting next to her. He smelled delicious, a manly scent that was uniquely his. It reminded her of something dark, musky and irresistible.
The urge to touch his lips, his shoulders, the thick thatch of hair covering his chest was so compelling that she had to curl her fingers into fists to keep from reaching out to him. When she realized what she felt must be reflected in her eyes, she quickly lowered her gaze.

“What is it you wanted to say?”

“It’s not so much what I wanted to say as what I wanted to do,” Jack said, grasping her chin and tilting it upward, forcing her to look into his eyes. What she saw sent liquid heat spilling into her loins. His silver eyes were glazed with passion, his face stark with hunger. “I want you, Moira. Let me love you.”

“You’re being unfair,” Moira charged. “You know I can’t resist you. I wouldn’t be in this predicament if I could. I left you for your own good.”

“How can you claim that leaving me was good for me?” Jack argued. “Don’t you think I know my own mind?”

“Marrying me would cause a scandal.”

“I’ve been involved in scandals before and survived.”

“You’ve never been a duke before.”

“Lord knows I never aspired to the title. Be honest, Moira. Would you have married me if I was plain Black Jack Graystoke?”

Moira paused for the space of a heartbeat. “Aye, but you’re not just plain Black Jack. If you were, you’d be married to Lady Victoria. You couldn’t have married an Irish commoner either way.” Her logic defied him, so he adroitly changed the subject.

“Where is your locket?”

Moira looked askance at him. “In the pocket of my dress. Why?”

Jack rose, retrieved the locket and settled back down beside her. “Open it,” he said, handing it to her.

With shaking hands, Moira sprung the clasp, revealing the picture inside. “There, are you satisfied?”

“Who is the man in the painting?”

Moira inhaled sharply and let her breath out slowly. “No one of importance to you.”

“But someone of importance to you, I’ll wager.”

“Mother told me it was a painting of her father. Mind you there is no one alive to substantiate her claim, but she believed it to be so. It belonged to her own mother, who died giving birth to her.”

“Who gave your mother the locket and told her about it?”

“The nuns who raised her. According to Mother Superior, my grandmother’s family disowned her when she became pregnant. Supposedly the father of her child was an English soldier of noble birth who was quartered in Ireland during a rebellion. Obviously my grandfather, if the story is true, abandoned my grandmother. But I can’t see what difference any of this makes to our situation.”

“It makes all the difference in the world if the man in the painting is your grandfather.”

“You know who it is?” Excitement colored her words and pinkened her cheeks.

“I think so. Have you ever heard of the powerful Earl of Pembroke?”

Moira shook her head. “Is my grandfather distantly related to this great earl?” It didn’t matter to Moira if her grandfather was a shirttail relative as long as the mystery of the locket was solved.

“Your grandfather
the earl. Your mother was the daughter of the future Earl of Pembroke. In time he inherited the title, married, had a son and lost him. He now lives in seclusion in the country.”

“How do you know all this?” Moira asked suspiciously.

“Sleuthing, my love. I gave the locket to Spence and asked him to investigate, never suspecting its importance. His father was the one who finally identified the man in the miniature.”

“Are you sure? Absolutely, irrevocably sure?”

“Reasonably sure,” Jack hedged. “The first thing we’ll do upon our return to London is seek an audience with Lord Pembroke. He’s the only one who can verify the story.”

Moira’s face fell. “I’m not taking anything for granted.”

“It’s almost a certainty, love. Now will you marry me and give our child a name? The blood flowing through your veins is bluer even than mine.”

“You’re not making this up, are you?”

Jack shook his head, exasperated beyond endurance. What a contrary female. But that was but a part of her that made her so endearing. “Would I lie to you about something as important as one’s lineage?”

Moira searched his face, seeking the truth. “No, I don’t believe you would. I’ll marry you after I’ve spoken with Lord Pembroke.”

Jack grasped her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake. “Do you love me, Moira? At one time I believed you did. But your staunch resistance makes me wonder if I was mistaken.”

The moment of truth had arrived. Moira knew it as surely as she knew the sun rose in the east and set in the west. She could deny it no longer. She joyously, happily, exuberantly loved Jack Graystoke. Even if Lord Pembroke turned out to be a case of mistaken identity, she could not deny her child its rightful father.

“I love you, Jack Graystoke. I love you beyond time or reason.”

Jack blinked in surprise, unable to believe his ears. He’d always believed she loved him, but getting her to admit it had been more of a chore than he’d expected. And to think he’d almost given up on her. If not for a meddling ghost, he would have lost Moira forever. For that matter, he would never have found Moira in the beginning if not for Lady Amelia.

“I said I’d never ask you to marry me again, yet here I am, brought to my knees before you. I tried to tell myself I didn’t
love you, even tried bedding other women, but that didn’t work, either. You’ve banished the old Black Jack Graystoke, and in his place you see a reformed man. Lady Amelia must be supremely satisfied.

“I love you, Moira O’Toole. I knew it the instant I realized I couldn’t marry Victoria, even though it meant going to debtor’s prison and watching Graystoke Manor fall down around my ears. You’re the only woman I want, Moira. We’ll be married before we leave Ireland. I can’t wait to make you my duchess.”

Moira opened her mouth to protest, then closed it. She’d put more obstacles in Jack’s path than any man should have to hurdle in a lifetime. When he reached out and removed the blanket from around her shoulders, she had no desire to stop him. The room was warm, almost too warm, but Moira hardly noticed as Jack unwound the blanket from his loins. Never, she thought, gazing at him, had she seen a more beautifully made man. His size didn’t worry her, for she’d adjusted quickly to the thickness of his sex that now swelled with his need for her. His strength and hunger for her both gratified and pleased her.

He took her into his arms, and she felt him against her hip, hard and solid and immense.

“I’ve waited a long time and come a long way to make you mine again,” he whispered into her ear.

He took her mouth in a fiercely possessive kiss that healed her heart and fed her soul. Moira nearly swooned with delight. His kiss was everything she remembered, everything she could ever want, and more. Oh, God, so much more.

Chapter Twenty

Jack deepened the kiss, his mouth fierce and demanding. He was consuming her and at the same time creating a shattering hunger within her. His lips moved on hers, seeking a response that matched his own. Her lips parted beneath his, and he thrust his tongue into her mouth, exploring it with unleashed passion. The tantalizing taste and scent of him titillated her senses. She felt him stir restively against her hip and thrilled at her power to move him. Her tongue began a tentative dance with his as his large hand cupped one breast gently. Her nipple grew hard and throbbing as he took the swollen bud between his fingers and caressed it tenderly. Moira cried out in sweet surrender, wanting more of the sublime pleasure.

He bore her down onto the bed and buried his face between her breasts. She moaned and cradled the heat of his mouth to her flesh as he licked her nipples with the velvet roughness of his tongue. Then he drew her nipple into the wet, warm cavern of his mouth, suckling her with exquisite tenderness. The scrape of his stubbly chin against her smooth skin heightened her pleasure as his mouth blazed a path of fire across her sensitive skin. She became like quicksilver in his hands, hot and eager. Like warm liquid being poured over her, his mouth flowed sweetly over her flesh while his hands moved hot and insistent over her body.

As he slid slowly downward, tracing silky, wet patterns over her skin, Moira panted with anticipation of his next move. He gently nudged her knees apart and settled between them,
pausing briefly to give her a small smile of stark sexual hunger before lowering his head into the damp, musky warmth of her loins. Moira stiffened and cried out as he parted the delicate pink folds with his tongue, seeking a greater intimacy.

Jack pressed a muffled groan into the juncture of her thighs as her sweetness flowed into his mouth, hot and sharp and arousing. Her body spasmed with pleasure. He could feel the tension building inside her as her fingers curled around his shoulders and her legs began to tremble. She arched violently into the sliding pressure of his finger inside her and the wet lash of his tongue, straining against their deft stroking as she melted around the slow deep caresses.

Her cries grew frantic as she clung to him, moving against the thrust of his fingers and the sweet exploration of his tongue. Jack pressed another groan into her musky warmth, his control slipping dangerously. The taste, the scent of her drove him wild to thrust himself into her and stroke himself to rapture. Suddenly her body stiffened and she writhed against him. Keeping his fingers buried deep inside her drenching heat, he raised up to watch her, to hold her as she climaxed violently. His mouth covered hers, swallowing her cries, his strokes continuing until her tremors subsided.

Then, with a mindlessness fueled by fierce need and long-denied hunger, he flexed his hips and thrust into the lush folds of her body. In all his life, Jack couldn’t recall ever being so aroused. Pleasure had become pain, then unbearable agony as he stroked inside her, moving in and out deeply, frantically. His hands were on her buttocks, kneading, caressing, bringing her up to meet his bold penetration, arousing her anew. She arched upward, fever, madness and need driving her to an unbearable pitch, meeting his thrusts with frenzied, gasping cries.

He drove again and again, his face starkly beautiful in its intensity. Sheer, splendid glory washed over her as waves of sensation rolled through her body. Each jerk of her hips took
him deeper and deeper into the core of her, fitting her as if he were made for her alone, throbbing against the walls of her sensitive interior. Tiny explosions burst inside her, thunderous and magnificent, like a tidal wave of pleasure sweeping through her.

“I love you, Moira,” Jack cried as he drove into her one last time and shattered into a million brilliant pieces. “You’re mine!”

Moira reacted with ancient feminine instinct, clasping him tightly and drawing him deeper and deeper until her body thrummed and vibrated with excruciating pleasure. Then, incredibly, she was launched into space, floating there weightless, immersed in perfect harmony as brilliant lights burst around her and her blood sang in her veins. A trembling sigh left her lips as the exquisite contractions tapered away.

Jack felt himself softening, but he was reluctant to leave the liquid warmth of her sheath. He wanted to stay this way forever, in her, over her, surrounding her. If he lived forever, he’d never have enough of her. When he slipped from her body, he rolled to his side, pulling her into his arms. He was numb and dazed and splendidly content.

“Now tell me we don’t belong together,” Jack said, daring her to deny what they had just experienced together. It had been a wild coming together—one billowing sensation after another, like thunderclouds swirling around them.

“It would be a lie,” Moira whispered on a trembling sigh. “I could never deny you, Jack. I love you too much.”

“Thank God,” Jack replied happily. “I’ve come too far to be turned down again. I want our child to have his rightful name. We’ll be married before we return to England. You deserve to have your family around you when we speak our vows. Lady Amelia must be absolutely gloating,” he murmured as he turned her against him and pressed his lips to hers.

His lips abandoned hers to glide over the slope of her bare
breast, capturing the peak of a flushed nipple. His hands ran the length of her body, seeking out each sensitive point, leaving her trembling with renewed passion. “I want you again, sweetheart, but only if you’re not too exhausted.” The scent of spent passion clinging to her was headier than fragrant perfume and a hundred times more arousing.

How could she ever be too exhausted for this magnificent man? Moira wondered. “You’re wicked, Black Jack,” she whispered as she pulled his lips down to hers, answering his need with a need of her own. “Don’t ever change.”

“Never, sweetheart. You’re my passion, my life, my love.”

Their loving was slow and leisurely, the rapture so intense Moira felt her soul leave her body. When Moira returned to herself, Jack was lying beside her, resting on his elbow and smiling down at her. “I want to keep that look on your face forever.”

Moira blushed. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Aye. But I think I’ve worn you out. Sleep, love. I’ve arrangements to see to. I’ll awaken you in plenty of time for our wedding.”

Jack kissed her forehead and uncoiled his long length from the bed. Moira watched from beneath lowered lids as he pulled on his clothes. Her gaze charted the incredible width of his shoulders, his slim waist, his narrow hips, then continued down the supple length of his thighs, calves and ankles. When he bent to retrieve his trousers, she admired the taut, hard globes of his buttocks and rippling tendons of his muscular thighs. Sensing her scrutiny, Jack turned and gave her a cocky grin.

“Keep looking at me like that and we’ll never leave this room.”

Moira smiled sleepily. “I didn’t realize I was staring. You’re beautiful,” she said shyly.

Jack flushed with pleasure. But when he tried to formulate a suitable reply, he wasn’t surprised to find that Moira had
dropped off to sleep. Dressing quietly, he left the room and spoke at length to the innkeeper. The man appeared more than a little surprised at Jack’s request but consented without comment when Jack produced enough to pay for what he wanted.

Father Sian was agreeable to performing a wedding. More than willing, truth be known. His faith didn’t condone premarital intimacy, and he was anxious to right a wrong. A child made it even more imperative that the mother and father be united in holy matrimony. Jack named four o’clock that afternoon as the hour for the ceremony, then asked directions to the O’Toole farm.

Jack cursed the infernal rain as he rode the muddy lane to the O’Toole farm. He was more than grateful when he spied smoke rising from a chimney and the outline of a house at the end of the lane. The cottage was in desperate need of a coat of whitewash and looked dingier than it really was in the misty grayness of the day. Jack reached the gate, bent to unlatch it and rode into the yard. He saw the curtains at the front window flutter as he dismounted, and then the door burst open before he reached it.

Kevin’s jaw jutted out belligerently as he blocked the front door. “Where is my sister, milord? What have you done with her?”

“Moira is safe and dry in my room at the inn. I’m sure you’ll agree ’tis neither healthy nor wise to drag her out in this kind of weather, especially in her delicate condition. May I come in?”

Kevin wavered uncertainly. Katie glared at him and shoved him aside. “Please come in, milord, where it’s warm and dry. I’m sure we can sit and talk without animosity.”

Kevin moved aside with marked reluctance as Jack stepped through the door. He looked around curiously. Sparsely furnished but scrupulously clean and neat, the house was warm
and inviting, telling Jack without words that the occupants were bound together by love. Jack smiled at the children as they crowded around him, their eyes wide with curiosity. They smiled back shyly before Katie shooed them into the kitchen.

“Sit down, milord,” Kate invited. “Kevin and I are both anxious to hear about Moira.”

“Please, call me Jack. As I said before, Moira is fine. I left her sleeping. I’m here to invite you to a wedding.”

Kevin bristled angrily. “What did you do to Moira to convince her to wed you?”

Jack faced him squarely. “Did you think I’d harm her? My God, man, I love Moira. It’s taken me months to convince her to marry me.”

“Your pardon, Lord Jack. ’Tis just that Moira was against marrying you,” Katie intervened when she saw Kevin rousing himself for a nasty confrontation.

Jack grinned cheekily. “I’m a very convincing chap when I set my mind to something.”

“Obviously,” Kevin said dryly. “You seduced my innocent sister.”

Jack did not deny it. “Someday I’ll tell you how I met Moira. The danger she faced wasn’t from me. But there isn’t time now to go into details. Our wedding is set for four o’clock. Moira and I would be pleased to have you and Katie stand as witnesses.”

It was apparent Kevin wasn’t convinced that Jack was the right man for his sister. “What will your fancy friends say about you taking a Irish peasant to wife?”

“I don’t give a damn. It’s no one’s business whom I marry. Besides, you can’t be unaware that you and your sister may have noble blood flowing through your veins.”

Kevin’s attention sharpened. “What do you know of that? Such belief may be naught but the fancy of a woman who wished it were so. Our mother had no real proof that her father was a titled gentleman.”

“She had the locket bearing her father’s image.”

“Moira lost the locket; we no longer have that as proof, if you could call such flimsy evidence proof.”

“Moira left the locket in London. I found it. After some sleuthing, my friend’s father identified the man in the miniature. Have you ever heard of Lord Pembroke?”

“No. Should I have?”

“ ’Tis possible that Lord Pembroke, the Earl of Montgomery, is your grandfather. His title dates back to William the Conqueror. At one time he moved in high places. He has since retired to his country estate. He lost his only son before the son could produce an heir, and when his wife died several years later, he chose not to remarry. The earldom will die out for lack of an heir.”

Kevin sent Jack a measuring look. “What makes you so sure this earl is our grandfather? Have you spoken with him?”

“I haven’t contacted the earl yet. I intend to do so upon my return to England. Only Lord Pembroke can verify that he was…er…acquainted with your maternal grandmother. What was her name, by the way?”

“Sheila Malone. Our mother’s name was Mary. Is that why you’re so eager to marry Moira? Because she might be the granddaughter of an earl?”

“Bloody hell, O’Toole, I would marry Moira if she were a scullery maid. What will it take to convince you?”

Kevin muttered an apology of sorts, still not fully convinced of Lord Jack’s tender feelings for his sister.

“ ’Tis time I left to prepare for the wedding. Will you be there, O’Toole? It will mean a lot to Moira.”

“Of course we’ll be there,” Katie interjected. “If Moira consented to the marriage, that’s good enough for me.”

“Four o’clock, at the church,” Jack said, sending Katie a grateful look.

“Four o’clock,” Kevin repeated with grudging respect.

Jack took his leave soon after that, pleased with his progress. He knew Moira’s brother still didn’t trust him, but he hoped one day to gain his full approval.

Moira was still sleeping when Jack let himself into the room. He hated to awaken her, but he didn’t want to be late for their wedding. He shook her gently so as not to frighten her and watched with glittering interest as she stretched and smiled up at him. The blanket fell away as she lifted her arms, baring her breasts, and it took all Jack’s willpower not to join her in bed.

“Get up, lazybones, ’tis time to ready ourselves for our wedding.”

“So soon?” Moira’s grin widened as she reached for him.

Jack recognized the invitation and groaned in dismay. “There is no time, love. Your brother and his family are already on the way to the church.”

“You went to see Kevin, and he agreed to attend our wedding?” Jack nodded. “I love you, Jack Graystoke. If you join me in bed, I’ll show you how much.”

Jack’s manhood stirred and he shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t know I was marrying such a brazen wench. Do you want to be late for your wedding?”

“We’ve waited this long, a little longer won’t hurt.”

It took little effort on Jack’s part to relent. She looked so adorable, flushed from sleep and dewy-eyed that he couldn’t deny her any more than he could deny his own clamoring need. He undressed quickly, his hot gaze fastened on her breasts, which seemed to swell with each breath she took. When she pushed the blanket aside so he could join her, his glittering gaze slid down to that part of her that gave him so much pleasure. But he didn’t join her, not yet.

With slow purpose he walked to the washstand, poured water from the pitcher into a bowl and wet a clean cloth.
When he returned, he spread Moira’s legs and gently washed away all traces of their previous loving. When he finished, Moira rose from bed, took the cloth from his hands, rinsed it, and shyly performed the same service for him. Jack groaned, his passion ready to explode. Then they fell together on the bed, arms and legs entwined, bodies touching from breast to groin. When Jack slid over her, Moira gave him a mischievous grin and pushed him down on his back.

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