psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise (13 page)

Read psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise Online

Authors: marilyn baron

Tags: #Paranormal, #Suspense, #Scarred Hero/Heroine

BOOK: psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise
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“Pose with me, pretty lady?”

Juliette sighed. To protect her cover, she had no choice. This was the umpteenth man to proposition her.

Juliette frowned, and the tourist, who looked like he belonged in Disneyland or a botanical garden, smiled like he had just won the lottery.

The photographer went to work.

“Do you know you look like a gypsy?” Flowered Shirt Guy said.

“I get that a lot,” Juliette said, the smile frozen like bad botox on her face.

The photographer signaled that she had the shot she needed. “You can find your picture in the lounge outside the dining room tonight when you reboard the ship.”

“Why don’t you read my fortune, Gypsy Lady?” said the man, pulling at Juliette’s hand and placing his greasy one in her palm.

Hanging on to his composure by a thread, Will stood like a sphinx in front of Flowered Shirt Guy but finally moved into action. “Move along now, buddy, and get your hands off my wife.”

The passenger slipped away after measuring Will’s bulk and menacing looks.

“Thanks for rescuing me.”

“I seem to be doing that a lot. Do men always hit on you?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Oh, that’s right, you’re irresistible to men.”

“It’s a curse.”

Jack bounded over to where Kate and Juliette were standing.

“They’ve cut us loose. That’s the last of the passengers. Let’s explore Bermuda. I’ve got our cycles all lined up, over there.”

Jack took Kate’s hand and Will grabbed Juliette’s.

“You look like you could use a massage, honey.” Will placed his hands at the back of Juliette’s neck and started kneading.

Juliette rounded on him. “And you look like the guy who wants to give me one. All I want is to get on that motor scooter and fly. Work out some of those kinks.”

At the motorcycle livery, Will pulled up a red two-seater in front of the waiting Juliette.

“I’ve got your ride, ma’am,” said Will. He fastened her helmet strap under Juliette’s chin before he put on his own helmet. “Just hop on and hold on tight.”

Jack and Kate were already on their motor scooter ahead of them. Will had arranged to follow Jack into Hamilton.

When the scooter engine revved up, Juliette startled and tightened her arms around Will’s stomach. She hoped he wasn’t some grandstander. She’d never been on a motorbike before. This trip was full of firsts. First cruise, first marriage, first fake marriage…

Will looked back. “Now, remember, when I lean right, you lean right. When I lean left, you lean left. Don’t fight me.” He seemed to be talking about more than just riding the cycle. Juliette held on as Will pulled the scooter out into traffic. She locked her fingers together. It was like riding a roller coaster. She wanted to scream. She wanted to fly. She never wanted to get off. And then she couldn’t stop smiling.

Will’s body felt solid against her chest. His abs were as strong as steel. Not an ounce of fat on his body. He probably worked out. He was in good shape for a small-town sheriff. For any man. After a few rough starts, she followed his lead and leaned in the direction he was taking the scooter. The warm wind blew against her face. She closed her eyes and then ventured a look at the beautiful houses whizzing by. Spots of aqua, yellow, green, white—an architectural rainbow flashed in front of her. The white roofs, the limestone walls, the gardens. Oh, the gardens! She took in the blue sky and the turquoise water and pressed her face into Will’s back, breathing in his scent. Will Bradley was getting harder and harder to resist and easier and easier to be around.

Chapter Eighteen

Juliette shuddered. Her thoughts drifted back to the last time she had seen Marika in Hungary. The shadow of the stone castle over them, saying goodbye to her mother, saying goodbye to the light, fearing the cold, long journey ahead. She hadn’t thought about the giant, evil, bearded man in all these years. He should be ancient by now, so this man on the ship must be his grandson. Or had she imagined the resemblance? Was it just a nightmare? Or a premonition?

Will shook her awake. “Juliette, you were having a bad dream. It’s okay. You’re okay.” Will’s strong arms wound around her. She was cold in her flimsy nightgown, but Will’s arms were like a raging fire, warm and welcoming.

Her nightgown slipped, revealing a tanned breast and a pink nipple. She started to cover up and caught Will staring hungrily at her. For the first time she let him look. Wanted him to look. Her nipples hardened. Something was happening. Will stirred emotions she hadn’t felt in a long time. Too long. He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, but his eyes revealed that his thoughts were anything but chaste. Nor were hers.

Next his lips were on hers, soft and gentle, and his tongue teased her mouth open.

“Will,” she sighed, responding. His drugging kisses carried her away. He touched her breast and pressed his body to hers, and she felt him through the sheer gown. She was still sore from riding the motorcycle all day, but it had been exhilarating. She’d loved the feel of her arms around Will and the sun warming her face and the wind in her hair. Smiling at the memory, she relaxed and went limp.

Leaving her lips, Will moved his mouth down her neck with fluttering kisses, took a breast in his hand and licked her nipple, and then took it into his mouth. His hand slid gently down her legs and up again until it reached her panties. She startled. His fingertips touched the outside of her panty line, then rubbed her panties until his hand crept inside and stroked her until she moaned. In response, Juliette moved against him. She was still sore at the core of her, but at his featherlight touch a gushy wetness flooded her panties, and she thrashed and bucked against his hand, wanting to scream out in satisfaction. When Will sensed she couldn’t stand it anymore, he pulled down his briefs, found her, and thrust inside again and again. He collapsed on her and their measured breaths rose and fell in sync. They stayed that way, frozen in their respective positions, afraid to move.

What had just happened?

Will was the first to speak.

“You were pretty noisy,” Will teased, raising his head with some effort.

“It’s been a long time,” Juliette joked.

“You don’t see me complaining. I’ve been wanting to make love to you from the moment I met you. And you fought me every step of the way. What changed?”

“You changed. I trust you. And, you make me laugh. I want to laugh again.”

Will held her tightly. “You’ve had a rough life, sweetheart. I know that, and that evil man, the reverend character…”

“Had me under his spell. I thought I was in love, but it wasn’t love. It was all about power and control. I was too young and naïve to know the difference. And I needed him—needed someone—at the time.”

Juliette nestled into Will to ward off all thoughts of another evil presence. A presence she was convinced was still on this ship.

She had a feeling he would make his move tomorrow in Bermuda. It was their last day on the island, and after that, he would follow through on his threats. He knew her as Ilona. No one else knew that name but the man in the castle, or perhaps the man’s grandson. She was anxious to know what had happened to her mother. Was she still alive? Was she happy? Was she still in Hungary? Did she know where her daughter was? Did she miss her?

Juliette wondered if she should tell Will and Jack. They would think she was crazy if she told them an evil vampire-like presence had invaded her thoughts and stowed away on the ship. No, this was her battle to fight. She didn’t want to involve her daughter. Kate must be protected at all costs. Kate and her unborn child.

“Must have been some dream, huh?” Will prodded. “Want to tell me about it?”

Juliette shook her head and dismissed Will’s concerns, smoothing her hand across his naked chest. “I can barely remember it. It was nothing. Everything seems scarier in the darkness.”

“Well, I’m here with you now, Juliette, my little gypsy, so no more bad dreams, no more bad days, only sunny days ahead,” Will assured. “Waking up here in bed with you, really with you, is a dream come true for me.”

The light crept through the sheer curtains. But Juliette didn’t want the night to end. She didn’t want this time with Will to end. It brought to mind the infamous lines her namesake recited in Shakespeare’s
Romeo and Juliet
. “It was the nightingale, and not the lark…believe me, love, it was the nightingale.”

“Will, I don’t know what to say.”

anything.” Will stretched like a satisfied Cheshire cat and flashed a mischievous grin. He proceeded to move his naked body against Juliette’s, placing fluttering kisses on the tip of her nose, her eyelids, her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips.

Responding to his amorous advances, Juliette lifted her arms over her head to give him better access to her breasts and lower body parts, which inflamed Will even more.

“Juliette, my love,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of you.” His mouth found her nipples, and he teased her with his tongue while his fingers explored her until she was writhing beneath him.

“I want, I want—” she panted.

“Tell me what you want, Juliette. I want to satisfy you.”

Juliette twisted her body as an orgasm threatened to rip through her body with the power of an earthquake.

“I want you inside of me, Will, now,” she cried out ecstatically, her arms pinned above her head as he moved his mouth back to hers. As he drove into her again and again, she moved against him, taking him deeper and deeper inside.

Will collapsed on top of her, forcing an “I love you,” to whoosh out of her.

Winded, Will looked into Juliette’s violet eyes. “Did I hear the “L” word?”

Juliette smiled. “Did

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with our hearing,” he said. “I’m in love with you, Juliette Spencer.” He paused, waiting for a response. “And this is the part where you say…”

Juliette reached up and kissed Will on the lips. “I think I might be in love with you, Will Bradley.”

“You think? You think? You don’t know?” Will feigned distress.

“I would be up to a repeat performance, just to verify my feelings.”

“You’ve worn this old body out, Juliette, for the moment. I love you, and I’ll shout it out to everyone in Bermuda. I’ll never get tired of saying it.”

“And I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

Will took Juliette in his arms and gave her a possessive squeeze with a grip as tight as a boa constrictor’s.

When Juliette recovered her breath, she sprang from the bed and opened the French doors to the balcony. Fishing boats and pleasure craft dotted the crowded harbor. The unique architecture of the island took center stage: pastel cottages—sky blue, yellow, sea green, and lilac, with white-limestone roofs and colorful doors and shutters—nestled in the cliffs and dramatic rock formations. The island was blessed with pristine pink sand beaches and turquoise water. And the flowers—calla lilies, iris, oleander, hibiscus, bougainvillea, and bermudiana—added to the island’s fragrant scent. There were beautiful beach vistas everywhere you looked. There was a new day to explore, and she was anxious to get started.

“Let’s get dressed and go down for breakfast. I can’t wait to see the rest of the island. We had so much fun yesterday, exploring, going to all the beaches. You’re beet red, Will Bradley. You need to wear sunscreen today. And a hat. The sun here is stronger than you think.”

“You just look more tanned and more beautiful, Juliette. The sun agrees with you.”

“You think I’m beautiful?”

“Best-looking woman on the ship, in my opinion,” said Will. “And I’m the luckiest man, to be married to you.”

Juliette laughed.

Will joined Juliette on their balcony and folded her in his arms protectively. It had been a long time since she had felt so coveted or heard such praise. Certainly not from the reverend, who had tried to diminish her at every turn. And when Will talked of their marriage, he sounded sincere. Could his feelings be real? What would that be like? To be in a normal relationship. And for the first time she entertained thoughts of a real love and a real partnership.

“This might be the prettiest view I’ve ever seen,” Will said, looking at her meaningfully. “What’s on the schedule today?”

“Well, Kate and Jack want to take us to dinner tonight at a place called the Waterlot Inn at the Fairmont Southampton. And I know Jack wants to check out some of the local galleries, to see if anyone suspicious has come in inquiring about selling any paintings. Although Kate says the man would not be out in the open dealing with a gallery. He would have other, more nefarious, contacts. The thief may already have left the ship and has probably already chartered a boat, or found another way off the island. But I’m afraid he’s not done with us.”

“He doesn’t want to hang around, believe me. He wants to get as far away from this ship as possible. You heard what the captain said. We don’t need to follow him. We’ll just go about enjoying ourselves as if we’re regular tourists. He’ll be following us. He knows you and Kate can identify him, so wherever we go, he won’t be far behind. Jack and I will be there to protect you, but we’re going to have to be careful. You’re his unfinished business, and after he takes care of loose ends, he’s free to disappear.”

The thief and murderer has a new mission, Juliette thought. A mission that has nothing to do with stolen art.

Chapter Nineteen

Kate, Juliette, Jack, and Will were dining alfresco on the Lido deck.

“This breakfast is just delicious,” said Juliette, stabbing a fresh piece of pineapple with her fork and popping it into her mouth. “And I don’t just mean the food. This view is fabulous, and it’s just as amazing in the morning as it is at night, with all the lights twinkling against the cliffs. It’s paradise.”

“Mark Twain said it best when he wrote, ‘You can go to heaven if you want; I’d rather stay in Bermuda,’ ” quoted Kate, taking Jack’s hand. “I wish everyone could experience Bermuda. It has so much to offer. I hope we can come back every year.”

“This has been the best vacation, or rather working vacation, in my life. Wife, don’t you agree?” Will asked.

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