Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1)
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“I’m good, pal. I’ll get a ride home. Don’t worry about bringing me my truck” Quick’s eyes were drooping and Duke frowned at the paramedic.

“It’s just the adrenaline wearing off, sir. He’s fine. Vitals are good.”

Duke gave the paramedic the okay and turned to leave. He sent Vaughan a quick text that he’d be home shortly and everything was okay. He’d tell him about Quick’s little bullet graze after the man was home and resting. No need for Vaughan to be worried and race up to the hospital for nothing.

Duke shook his other guys’ hands, thanking them for the support. Ford walked up to Duke with his brother close behind. “We wanted to say we appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Judge keeps us pretty busy with recon, but my brother and I wanted to extend our services to your bounty hunting business. We’re damn good trackers. I think we’d be beneficial to you in your office here.”

Duke didn’t even have to think about. “Agreed. Now that I’ve seen you two in action. I can use a couple of guys like you. I think Judge said you were ex-SEALS?”

“Yes. When my brother was medically discharged five years ago, I left with him. I couldn’t stay there without him.”

Brian didn’t speak up, of course, but he looked like he agreed with what his brother was suggesting. “You want to work here in my office too?” Duke asked, looking at Brian.

The man simply nodded. Although he didn’t speak, Duke knew the man was capable. He’d seen it. “Okay, then. Be in my office on Monday at eight. We’ll go over some things, but I warn you, it’s going to be crazy. We’re getting ready to get back into full swing now and it’s gonna be long hours. Are you up for that?”

Ford smiled and it brightened the man’s face, making him look approachable and handsome. Brian stuck his hand out for Duke to shake, then turned and left. That was his goodbye. Ford added, “We’ll see you Monday. Have a good weekend, Duke.”

Oh I plan too.

Judge looked at Duke for a while before he pulled him in for another one-armed hug. Their unspoken words were enough. Judge had been right. Duke needed the closure of getting this bounty. He felt so much lighter and carefree. With Aaron and that woman loose on the streets, Duke would’ve continued to have nightmares. Now, he was at peace with it all.

He could go home and claim his reward. Duke smiled.

“Sir, it’s against policy,” the paramedic pleaded, trying to get Quick to stay on the stretcher.

“I can walk just fine. There’s nothing wrong with my legs.” Quick jumped down out of the ambulance, still holding the numerous gauzes the EMT put over his wound, and headed into the emergency room. He walked up to the counter and the nurse’s eyes practically bulged out of her head as she took in Quick’s appearance, probably due to the weapons. After she was done gawking, she ushered him into the triage room and started a chart on him.

“I’m afraid it may be a little while. We’re short-staffed and flooded with flu victims.”

“Great,” Quick murmured.

“You can sit here for now.” The round-faced nurse pointed to one of the many stretchers that were lined up in the busy hallway. “Unfortunately there’re no more rooms available. The doctor will get to you as soon as he can. We’ve called for more doctors to come down, but I can’t guarantee how long that will be.”

Quick waved her away. “It’s all good,” he said, and leaned back on the stretcher with one arm draped over his eyes, blocking the irritating fluorescent light directly over his head. He let his long legs drape over the sides, since he was too tall for the bed. People hustled back and forth in the hall but Quick was too tired to care.

“Quick. Quick. Wake up.”

Quick knew exactly who that timid voice belonged to. He wanted to pretend he was still asleep but his arm had started to ache the longer he laid there. He had no clue when he’d fallen asleep, but he was still exhausted.

“Quick. Open your eyes. It’s Cayson… Dr. Chauncey.”

He finally pried his eyes open and sure enough, there he was—the star of Quick’s erotic dreams—staring down at him through those beautiful baby blues. “Quick, what happened?” The doctor was looking at the small file that had been placed at the foot of his stretcher. The man’s eyes widened and Quick had a hard time taking his eyes off the doctor.

“You were shot!” Dr. Chauncey yelled, and a few of the staff stopped their hustling to turn and look in their direction.

“Tell everyone, Doc.” Quick smiled.

“Sorry.” Dr. Chauncey bit his bottom lip, embarrassed, and Quick wanted to pull that abused piece of flesh into his own mouth and lick the sting away. Suck it until the doctor moaned for him to never stop. “Are you in pain?”

“Nope,” Quick lied.

“Mmm hmm. I forgot you’re a real tough guy. This big gash in your arm doesn’t hurt a bit, huh?” Dr. Chauncey rolled his eyes. He looked at Quick for a few seconds like he was trying to determine the best thing to say next. Quick watched him tug at the collar of his gray sweater like it was choking him. When Dr. Chauncey finally cleared his throat and said his piece, Quick was beyond relieved. “I can take care of it for you if you don’t mind. But I understand if you prefer another doctor.”

Quick grinned and winked at the sweet doctor. “I don’t mind at all.” Quick was so tired when he came in that he didn’t think about the possibility he’d run into the doctor down in the ER but it appeared he was one of the extra doctors called down to help. Quick gave the man one of his most charming smiles, disregarding his arm burning like a zillion bees had stung him. He wanted to show the man he wasn’t the big jerk he’d encountered at his house. It was just a bad day. Everyone was entitled to a few of those.

Dr. Chauncey wasn’t able to hide his surprise. “Okay. I can be professional, Quick. Come on into room six, and I’ll fix you up in there.”

Quick followed the doctor into one of the private rooms and closed the door. When they were alone, Quick realized how much height he had over the doctor. That alone turned him on. When he stood in front of the bed in the room, Quick looked down at the doctor, standing extra close to him. “You can call me Roman.”

Dr. Chauncey looked at Quick like he’d lost his mind. “I can?” he said wistfully.

“Yes, you can,” Quick mumbled softly. His deep voice still overpowering in the small room.

“Okay Roman.” Dr. Chauncey’s face was slightly pink, his pretty cheeks flushed with excitement. Quick could see it as clear as day. It was amazing. Even though he felt the throbbing in his arm, he couldn’t have been happier. Dr. Cayson Chauncey was right in front of him. Helping him, caring for him. Quick’s chest expanded with relief. He’d been beating himself up for weeks over how he’d treated the doc. All because the man had caused feelings to stir inside himself that he hadn’t felt in entirely too long.

But he had a second chance to apologize to the doc and a chance to maybe do other things. Quick had made a promise and he was going to honor that promise… right now.



The End.

Part Two to be cont….

Quick still has to follow through with his promise next….



Bonus Scene …. Keep reading!!

Duke made fast work of completing Aaron’s paperwork. By the time they’d finished with intake and booking, Aaron’s big ass was crying like a punk bitch. Begging not to be taken back to jail. Those must have been some damn powerful drugs the man took if they turned you from a whiny ass girl to a heartless thug with the capacity to kill. Knowing Aaron was that distraught only made Duke want to celebrate harder. All those weeks of hell he had to go through, including the suffering of the love of his life, he would admit he was enjoying a small bit of consolation. He’d gone back to his office to get a few files together for the new employees he had coming in on Monday and to prioritize some outstanding cases.

By the time Duke go home, it was after the dusk. He opened the door to his condo and noticed how dim it was inside. He could smell food and under the delicious aroma was the smell of vanilla candles. Duke put down the dozen roses he had in his hand and went to pull off his coat. His smile was stretching across his face as he called for his lover.

“Babe. I came home, just like I promised.” Duke called out, hanging up his heavy leather coat and picked up the flowers, heading further into the condo.

When he opened his bedroom door, Duke had to grasp the knob to keep his legs from giving out. Vaughan was in the middle of his large bed in nothing but a black g-string that failed miserably at holding in that long, hard cock. 

“Jesus,” Duke whispered.

Vaughan turned onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

Duke forgot he even had the bouquet in his hands. He went over to the dresser and set them down gently, then turned back to the work of art in the middle of his bed.

“Well, are you going to stand there and look at me or are you going to join me?”

Duke snapped out of his trance and slowly began to remove his weapons. He tucked them into his nightstand drawer and then reached for his t-shirt. He had to fumble with it a few times before finally removing it. His mind was a completely scattered mess. No one had ever done anything like this for him. He wasn’t only talking about his boyfriend surprising him by wearing the sexy underwear for him. But everything. The caring for him, cooking for him, staying home, and keeping the bed warm for him. He’d never experienced it in all his years. Now he was beyond blessed. It was almost like his heart was overwhelmed.

Duke went for the button on his pants when Vaughan made him stop. “Wait a minute. Take the pants off real slow, sweetheart.”

Duke tried to be sexy as he slowly removed the rest of his clothes. He never considered himself overly seductive or good at bedroom games, but hopefully Vaughan was willing to teach him. Duke stretched out on the bed and wrapped his man in his arms, squeezing him tight.

“I’m so glad you’re home.” Vaughan kissed Duke like he hadn’t seen him in weeks. When they finally came up for air, Duke was hot and breathless.

“Damn, I wish I could come home to this every night.”

“You can,” Vaughan whispered. “My dad doesn’t expect me there much anymore. Besides, he’s pretty happy with his hospital experience today. Hopefully he’ll have his own company soon.”

“Oh, really?” Duke looked surprised.

“Yeah. But we’ll talk about that later. There’s something more important you should be thinking about right now, love.”

Duke laughed lightly. “And that is?”

Vaughan nibbled on Duke’s cheek before he answered. “Me.”

“I’m always thinking of you, babe. That won’t change… ever.”

Vaughan straddled Duke’s lap, fitting his cock right against his crease, rubbing Duke’s sensitive dick against the tight fabric of the thin string nestled between Vaughan’s soft ass cheeks.

“I love you.”

“Yes.” Vaughan groaned. Duke’s mouth dropped open when Vaughan reached under the pillow and got the lube. He rubbed a considerable amount on Duke’s length and he had to grit his teeth to keep from pushing his cock faster into that tight fist. Because there was no way in hell he was coming before he got inside Vaughan’s warm body.

His eyes sprung open when Vaughan eased the dark string between his ass to the side and let Duke’s cock rub deliciously against his tight star. When his lover began to sink down onto him, Duke grabbed his waist and held him still, just barely able to keep his eyes from crossing. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Wait baby. Let me prepare you first.”

Vaughan held still. The head of Duke’s dick just past his entrance. “I’ve been preparing myself all day.”

Duke sounded like he was a woman in labor the way his breathing escalated almost beyond his control. “You’ve been here doing—”

“That’s right. I’ve been here fucking myself with that big dildo you got in your drawer, just so you could sink into me and fuck me like the man you are.” Vaughan’s eyes were a stunning hazel that shimmered radiantly as he continued to sink onto Duke’s thick cock.

“Oh, my fuckin’ god.” Duke twisted and hissed. “Oh, you’re still so goddamn tight.”

“That’s it baby. Go as deep as you can.” Vaughan grimaced. His beauty was a sight when he was like this. Impaled on Duke’s cock, his strong thighs twitching and burning with strain to keep him from sinking down too fast. “You’re so big.”

“Take all of me, Vaughan,” Duke pleaded. He sat up and put his arms around Vaughan’s waist, holding him tight to his body. Needing the contact and the anchor.

As soon as Vaughan’s ass was pressed against Duke’s groin, they both released a contented sigh while Vaughan’s body adjusted to him. “Ahhhh. Fuuuuck. Vaughan, baby. Ride me.”

Vaughan gave Duke’s rock hard cock a few shallow thrusts, getting them both ready until finally his man rose up and slammed back down on Duke’s dick so hard he screamed out into the dark room. Vaughan did it again and again. Until Duke was barely holding on, his head bowed with his chin touching his chest. Vaughan kissed the top of Duke’s head as he bounced up and down on him and Duke grunted with each pounding his lap took.

He should’ve know Vaughan would be a controlling ass bottom as much as he was a controlling top. “You watching my ass swallow your dick, sweetheart?” Vaughan huffed, never losing momentum. He wasn’t going crazy on him like Duke knew he could, but he was damn sure fucking him good enough to make him beg for more.

Duke whined. “Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop, V.”

“Never.” Vaughan slowed his pace and changed up the tempo. Moved his hips in a slow winding grind, like he was stripper. His beautiful body fit him perfectly. All that toned muscle over flawless golden skin made Duke feel like he was fuckin’ his own personal god. When he was able to catch his breath albeit only briefly, he realized that the intensity of the slow drag up and down his wet cock was just as erotic as the fast-paced fucking. Only the slow was more sensual, more intimate. He adored how Vaughan could fuck him like he was being punished in the best way and he could make such slow sweet love to him that Duke felt like the most beloved man in the world.

“Oh babe. I’m gonna come. I can’t hold it. You feel too damn good.” Duke’s face was still buried in the small thatch of slick hairs on Vaughan’s chest. He twisted his head back and forth, his lips brushing against his lover’s hard sternum as he spread his legs and held on for the ride. And oh did his man ride him.

His balls tingled and pulled up snug to his body. Duke spit in his palm and grabbed Vaughan’s pale cock that was sticking out the side of his tiny g-string. It only took a few strokes before Vaughan was painfully squeezing Duke’s shoulders and spraying their chests with his come, groaning Duke’s name over and over in his ear.

“Yes, baby. Fuck yes.” Duke made sure that Vaughan was spent before he licked his fingers clean and held on to that toned ass, thrusting up into him with everything he had. He was no longer responsible for whatever came out of his mouth as his orgasm shot to the surface at a mind-altering speed. Without a second thought, Duke flipped them both over, Vaughan sinking face first into the plush mattress.

“Fuck me,” Vaughan said shakily, staring back at Duke with eyes half hooded from his release, his hand underneath him lazily pulling on his semi-hard cock.

Duke knew he only had a few seconds before he was going to explode. It’d been way to long. He sank back fast and deep into Vaughan and hammered into his perfect ass like it’d been years since he’d topped. God, it had.

He used both hands to hold Vaughan in the perfect position so he could pound him how he wanted him. Duke was showing any and every one that he was still the motherfuckin’ man and anyone who questioned it or challenged it would find out the hard way.

“You are mine. All. Fuckin’. Mine,” Duke said between thrusts.

“Yes!” Vaughan yelled beneath him. “Fuckin’ show me.”

Trying desperately to keep his eyes open to watch the erotic scene, Duke pushed in as deep as he could possibly go and howled his release deep inside his lover’s ass. Bellowing his victory. He pressed his forehead against the back of Vaughan’s neck and jerked with each pulse of his cock. Flinched with each spurt of his seed. Fuck. It was so primal. Duke felt like a completely new man.

Though Vaughan loved to top and top Duke hard, he wasn’t threatened by letting Duke lead sometimes. Knowing he’d need it. Needed to flip his own dominant switch on every now and then. Letting them know Duke was still an alpha. Always would be.

The End


There will be more of Duke and Vaughan in Promises Part II

BOOK: Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1)
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