Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Promises: Part I (Bounty Hunters Book 1)
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Duke let Vaughan squeeze him to him, needing his man’s comfort. They’d been lying there asleep in each other’s arms, exhausted from their lovemaking, as the smooth sounds of jazz filtered into their bedroom along with the moonlight, lulling them into a magical post coital bliss.

It was obvious Vaughan had heard the conversation between Duke and his dad. Duke could feel the worry drifting off his lover. “It’s going to be alright, V.”

“I know it is. I just want you to be careful.”

“I have too much to live for not to be more careful than I ever have in my life.” Duke pulled closer and leaned up to kiss Vaughan’s lips. “I love you.”

Vaughan whispered sensually, “Je t'aime aussi, amoureux.”

Duke fondled his aching balls. He wasn’t sure if he had any seed left in there but damn if he didn’t crave release again. They’d both become insatiable animals as their bodies returned back to normal and their strength had increased. “You drive me crazy when you speak French.”

Vaughan made sure every part of them was connected as he moaned softly in Duke’s ear. “Qui vous tourne le plus? Moi de vous parler ou de faire l'amour avec vous.”

Duke gripped Vaughan’s long cock and pulled on it. “V, that sounded beautiful. What did you just say?”

Vaughan rotated his hips, pushing his cock harder into Duke’s large palm. He moved until he was on top of him, pressing all the weight and muscle into his own. “I said. What turns you on more? Me talking to you or me making love to you?”

Duke grabbed a handful of Vaughan’s ass and yanked him tight in between his legs, spreading them wide, letting his man know the obvious answer to that question. “Damn, you feel so good. I can’t get enough of you.”

Vaughan thrust harder. They were already naked from their earlier lovemaking. As soon as they got inside Duke’s house they were on each other. For some reason the dim lighting of the romantic restaurant Vaughan took him too had put him in an extremely passionate mood. His man had fed him, wined him, and wooed him until Duke was nothing but a puddle of in-love mush in the palm of Vaughan’s hand.

Duke held on tight—so relieved that the restricting cast was off as Vaughan took him for another hard ride.

“You’re not too sore are you?” Vaughan was already pushing back inside him, knowing Duke wouldn’t deny him. He hadn’t said no once in all their weeks together, he wasn’t about to start. 

Pushing back against Vaughan’s strong hips was all the answer his man needed as he began to pound into Duke like he’d promised him he would. Duke had always been there for everyone else. Fulfilling countless promises to others without taking anything for himself. Finally someone had promised him something and followed through on that promise. Vaughan was in love with him. Duke had no doubt in his mind. They had the most special connection a couple could have and because of that, Duke knew they’d go the distance. It’s why he’d been hesitant to get back in the field, leaving the chases to a few newly hired recruits. He didn’t want to risk losing Vaughan. But he knew his friends spoke the truth, he had to get Aaron Williams, or else it would haunt him, his life, and his dreams forever.

“Oh, god. Don’t stop, Vaughan. Don’t ever stop. Feels so good,” Duke grunted around Vaughan’s punishing thrusts.

Damn, the man knew how to give Duke exactly what he needed. Vaughan could make the sweetest, slowest love to him, making his body float above them and watch how stunningly they came together. And then there were times like right now. When he loved to be controlled in the bed and Vaughan gave just the right amount. Enough for Duke to feel dominated but not emasculated.

“Fuck! Harder. Make me remember what I’m fighting for, baby. Make me think of you all day tomorrow.”

“Ahhhh. Duke, mon amour.” Vaughan was panting in his ear, his body rubbing lusciously against his own sweat-dampened skin.

Duke could no longer hear the smooth jazz that was coming from his neighbor’s house, only the sounds of their sex. “I’m gonna come, V. Fuck me good. Come with me.”

Vaughan’s pretty hair was slicked back from his face with sweat and exertion, his golden skin flushed and moist as he pushed his body to give them what they both craved. Duke knew the telltale signs of Vaughan’s impending orgasm. His body stiffened, his cock got unbearably hard, and his face transformed into an angelic mask of pleasure right before he exploded inside Duke’s body.

Vaughan fumbled for Duke’s cock while his own orgasm tore threw him. Vaughan only got a chance to give Duke a few strokes before he threw his head back against the pillows and cried the sounds of his orgasm into his lover’s throat. Jizz splattered between them and Duke’s body jerked violently with each spurt of the creamy liquid, making his eyes roll back in his head and his body shake with desire.

“Oh, my god,” Duke whispered. Vaughan chuckled in that sexy way as he gently lowered Duke’s legs and settled back between them. After a long while their breathing had evened out and the world came back into focus. They stared at each other for a long time, gently touching and grazing each other’s mouths, before Vaughan finally broke the silence. “I’ll be waiting for you in our bed tomorrow night. Come home to me, Duke. Promise me you’ll always come home, and I’ll love you forever.”

He’d keep his head down in the fight tomorrow. There was no way in hell he could ever abandon the man in his arms. Not even by dying.

Duke cradled Vaughan’s head to his chest, letting him hear his heartbeat: only for him. “I promise you, Vaughan. I’ll always come home to you. I’ve waited my whole life for this, I’ll be damned if I’ll lose love now.”


Vaughan had set his alarm for five a.m. so he could be sure to kiss his man before he left for work. He tried not to worry that Duke was going after the same man that had almost killed him. Tried not to think about all the shit they’d just overcome because of that shithead. Listening more intently, he heard heavy footsteps outside the bedroom, like pacing. He got up and put on his robe—more and more of his possessions had been making it to Duke’s house daily—and sought out his love. Duke had a travel mug of coffee in his hand that he sipped from with each lap he made. “Babe, what’s wrong?” Vaughan asked around a yawn, while rubbing at his tired eyes.

“Nothing. I’m fine. What are you doing up? Did I wake you?” Duke sat down at one of the stools underneath the breakfast bar in the kitchen and picked up his half-eaten toast.

“I’m up because you’re no longer in bed. You look upset.” He stood behind Duke and massaged his shoulders, his hands gripping the large muscles the best he could in an attempt to settle Duke. He couldn’t go out there like this. Vaughan stopped rubbing and came around to Duke’s front, opening his legs and easing in between them. Duke set his cup down and looked up into his eyes, and Vaughan could see so much there. The love, the nerves, fear, and a little excitement just beneath all that.

“You’re gonna kick ass out there today.” Vaughan kissed Duke’s mouth, slipping his tongue in for a quick taste of Duke’s tongue and the strong, black coffee that lingered there. He wouldn’t go back into what they’d discussed the night before. Nothing more needed to be said, and most of all, he didn’t want to distract his lover. Instead he’d occupy him with something else.

Vaughan wrapped his arms tighter around Duke’s neck and rotated his hips, pressing his sensitive cock and balls against Duke’s leather pants. Fuck if he didn’t look sexy in his gear. Weapons were strapped to his back and a shiny gold star was suspended down his thick chest resting over his sternum. Vaughan already had ideas of Duke wearing that outfit in their bed. The smell of leather always did crazy things to him.

“Feels good, babe,” Duke murmured against Vaughan’s cheek, both of his hands held Vaughan’s ass, massaging the smooth globes as he writhed against him. Even though Duke had on thick leather pants, he could still feel the bulge between Vaughan’s legs, could feel the hard, thick length stabbing him through the thin robe he wore.

“You feel good too,” Vaughan added.

They sat that way for a while. Vaughan straddling Duke’s lap while his man rested his head against his shoulder breathing him in. It seemed to do the trick. Duke appeared more comfortable and less fidgety. So Vaughan took advantage. He’d keep his lover’s mind on something else. Rotating his ass in the other direction, Vaughan pressed down harder, placing the crease of his ass right over Duke’s considerable bulge.

“Ahh, fuck,” Duke groaned, holding Vaughan’s hips tight.

“Did I tell you how fuckin’ sexy you look in all this black and leather.? It’s really doing it for me.”

Duke grinned up at him, winking slightly. “You into leather?”

“I’m into anything you’re in,” Vaughan said, licking Duke’s earlobe. His own cock was rock hard and sticking out of his robe. Instead of ignoring it, Vaughan reached down and fisted his length, seductively watching Duke’s dark eyes lower to view the act. Vaughan pulled on it slowly, not on a quest to finish, only to distract his man. It was working. For both of them. Vaughan’s ass clenched tightly when Duke thrust up to meet it.

“That’s it. Just like that.” Vaughan sighed. Duke’s strong biceps bulged while he maneuvered Vaughan’s ass exactly how he wanted him. It was really doing a number on his head. He loved being in control in bed but seeing Duke like this was a lot. His man looked downright bad as fuck.

“When you get home, I want you to keep all this on.” Vaughan ran his hands down the jet-black BOUNTY HUNTER t-shirt and skimmed across the leather gun holster, on down to the butter-soft black leather pants. “I want you to bend me over your bed and take me like the king that you are. You go beat that fucker’s ass that had the audacity to try to take you out, then you can come back and howl your victory into the night while you fuck your man hard and fast.”

“Damn, Vaughan.” Was all Duke was able to gasp before the hard knock at the front door alerted them that it was time. His father was here to get his lover. Easing off of Duke’s lap he stood and straightened his robe. Duke held his neck and leaned in to kiss him again. “There’s not a person on this earth that can keep me from coming home tonight. I want you.” Duke squeezed one side of Vaughan’s ass. “I want this so bad.”

“It’s yours. Always will be.” Vaughan gave Duke one last kiss and left Duke to answer the door while he went back to the bedroom. He didn’t need to watch him leave. Didn’t want to, either. He’d prefer to watch him walk back through the door after he did his job. When the front door closed, Vaughan tied his robe tight around him and got back in the bed. He wished he had work to do, but he wasn’t due to start until Monday. He could go exercise but it was six in the morning. He couldn’t just lay there and think about possibilities. He needed to stay positive. He reached over and grabbed his pain pills and took a couple, swallowing them dry. They would help his mind to stop wandering and get back to sleep. Hopefully when he woke, it would be from Duke’s hands rousing him.

Duke stood in the parking lot of his business sipping an energy drink, neither he nor Quick filling the silence with useless conversation. Instead, they watched as Judge pulled up in his huge Dodge. Two men the size of Dallas Cowboys linebackers bounded out of the truck and fell in behind Judge. Damn they looked scary as hell and Duke had to admit that he didn’t mind those big motherfuckers tagging along.

“Hey man. You’re looking good.” Judge gave Duke a one-armed hug and introduced his two guys. “Duke this is Bradford King, we call him Ford and his brother Brian King.”

Duke stuck his hand out. “It’s good to meet ya. Thanks for coming along. It wasn’t necessary, but still appreciated.”

The brother that spoke up first was only a fraction larger than the other was. They both had dark hair and even darker eyes. Ford had a full beard while Brian chose to keep his to designer stubble length. “We did some private work for Judge before he asked us to accompany him on this bounty. He told us about your perp and we’re the ones that found him. I guarantee you the intel is good. My brother is the best.”

Duke nodded and turned to look at the brother—Brian—that had yet to speak. He held eye contact but his mouth was pinched closed so tightly it looked like it’d need to be pried open with a crowbar for the man to speak.

Duke asked Brian, “Was there anyone else in the house? Children, elderlies, women?” They’d already discussed this by conference call earlier in the morning, but better sure than anything.

Brian nodded his head yes, but didn’t elaborate. Duke stared at him then turned back to look at Judge. Something was off.

“Brian doesn’t speak. He’s as smart as they come and wicked strong, but he prefers not to talk.”

Prefers… not can’t
. Duke looked back at the big man standing just slightly behind his big brother, a little to the right of him. Ford turned and looked behind him and his brother signed something to him.
So that’s how he communicates.
As long as someone can understand him, it’s fine with me.

“Brian said there is a heavyset woman living there too. She works at a gas station during the night and sleeps most of the day.”

Duke’s heart rate kicked up at the mention of a woman. It was more than likely the same one that had played a major part in his ass-kicking last time. So both of them were there. Duke thought he’d be more nervous, but he wasn’t, just anxious as hell. Ready to conclude this chapter of his life. He wanted those crackheads to pay, to be behind bars where they belonged.

Dana pulled into the parking lot, his Chevy Nova blasting some kind of pop instrumental. When he killed the engine, the noise level went back to tolerable, and he approached them, looking rested and as well as Duke. Dana didn’t like to wear the leather so he chose dark jeans and a matching jean jacket over his BOUNTY HUNTER t-shirt.

The six of them stood there, waiting on Duke’s final command. Their team was all back together again, plus a couple new additions. It’d been a while since Duke was in the field with Judge. He had no doubt they’d prevail. Then he had a heck of a reward to claim when he was done.

Eyes were trained on him. Duke fastened his bulletproof vest and the others started to check their weapons and making final preparations to leave. Judge laid a map on the hood of Dana’s car since it was the lowest; everyone else had huge trucks taking up most of the parking lot.

“We’ve already been through this, but once more won’t hurt.” Judge pointed at a place on the map. “We’ll enter through the back of this neighborhood. Brian says that there’s little to no activity at this time of day.

Of course not. It’s the ass crack of dawn. Everyone should be asleep.

Duke continued to listen, fine with letting Judge run this part of the op, but it was understood that Duke would secure the bounty; everyone else was there for backup.

“Duke, Quick, and I will enter through the front. Dana, Brian, and Ford will come through the back all on the same count. Don’t underestimate this guy. He’s a cold-blooded killer.”

“How the hell did he make bond?” Ford asked after Brian signed it to him.

“He’s a known gang banger and killer but he’s never been convicted of murder. Only on petty drug charges and one breaking and entering.”

Once everyone was confident of their duties, they loaded up into two trucks and started the trip to Allendale and Alston, located in one of the highest crime neighborhoods in Atlanta. Duke rode shotgun in Judge’s truck with Dana in the back and Quick drove his truck with the two sumo brothers.

Duke took a deep breath as the scenery started to change the closer he got to the ʻhood. Homes that once stood three stories high were now abandoned, crumbling, and boarded up. Men and women both stood on the corners waiting for their next customer. Duke ignored it all. He had no quarrels with them. As long as they let him come in and do his business, he’d leave their territory and hope to not return. Anyone that got in his way would meet whatever consequence he saw fit.

“You ready, boss?” Duke opened his eyes. When did he close them? Judge and Quick were watching him closely. Duke took the safety off his Glocks and opened the door. There was their answer. He was more than ready.

Duke got on his radio. “On my count. Three and we’re inside.”

He got his ten-four responses and the three of them begin approaching the house from the front, knowing Dana was on top of things in the back.

“Ready on your count, Duke.” Dana’s voice echoed through the radio.

Duke counted into the radio. When he got to three, Quick busted through the front door and at the same time, the back door flew open hard enough to take it off the hinges. One of the brothers must’ve done that.

Duke was inside now. His heart was beating faster than it ever had, but he kept his hands steady and his eyes trained forward. There was nothing downstairs. A few pieces of furniture, including a ratty recliner that sat in front of a small, old-style television that was still on.

Quick and Judge were both yelling, “BAIL RECOVERY AGENTS! WE’RE ARMED!” Duke joined in and the three of them were taking the stairs fast while three men remained downstairs. Duke used his hand signals to motion for Judge to check the bedroom on the left and Quick the one on the right. Duke headed to the last bedroom and after he finger-counted to three, they each kicked at the door in front of them.

The bedroom was larger than it appeared. Judge and Quick both called clear into their microphones, but Duke was stunned into stillness at the scene before him. Duke had his gun trained on Aaron Williams’ forehead, his trigger finger poised, ready to pull and put an end to all this.

“Drop the weapon, Aaron. It’s over,” Duke hissed. He wasn’t even yelling. He was calm and in control.

“Stay back. I’m getting out of here whether you like it or not.” Aaron looked like he was high, drunk, stoned, tripping, and anything else drugs could do to you. The bedroom stank to holy hell and the man looked like he hadn’t showered in weeks. The same applied to the woman he held in front of him; his 9mm pointed at the back of her skull. It was the same bitch that had beat him. Her eyes were wide, bloodshot, and glazed. Duke wondered if she really knew what was going on.

Duke heard his name called and he answered right before Quick and Judge made it down the hall and into the room.

“What the fuck?” Judge snarled, standing close to Duke. His own weapon raised and ready.

Quick spoke into his own radio, “We have a hostage situation. Stand down.”

Duke knew he was talking to his guys downstairs. Stand down for them really meant be on high alert and approach cautiously.

  “You and your team got seconds to get the hell out of my house before I kill her.”

Duke took a couple of steps closer, his gun gripped so tight his hand began to cramp but he didn’t dare ease up. “Kill her,” Duke growled. “I don’t give a fuck.”

Aaron looked shocked for a split second. But he tightened his hold on the woman’s neck while he aimed his piece at Duke, then Judge, then Quick, then back to Duke. This man didn’t know what he wanted to do. His eyes darted all around the room like he was hallucinating. They needed to end this fast. Aaron was too fucked up to do any real damage.

“Take him, Duke,” Quick whispered sternly. “Get that fucker.”

“Help me,” the woman cried in the man’s arms. She still had on her gas station smock and her wild hair was all over her head like she’d literally been yanked out of the bed. “Please, help! My brother is crazy! Don’t let him hurt me! I don’t want to die!”

“Neither did I, bitch. But it didn’t stop you from trying to beat me to death,” Duke countered, getting angrier by the second. The woman’s eyes widened, then narrowed like she was trying to recognize Duke and couldn’t. Figured. She had no clue who he was. What she’d done to him. Fuck her.

Sirens were approaching outside and the second Aaron turned to look out the window all three of them pounced. Duke went for Aaron’s arm that held the weapon and pulled it above his head, punching him hard in the midsection to hopefully make him release the weapon. The gun fired twice in the air and Duke struggled to keep the barrel up. He threw a few elbows to the man’s jaw while slamming his arm against a dresser, trying to dislodge the weapon.

Quick jumped for the lady, removing her from the situation, throwing her body to the matted carpet. Judge had Aaron around his neck, trying to weaken him while they wrestled with the gun. Another shot was fired and Quick yelled out, gripping his shoulder. The woman was bucking hard beneath his large body, and Quick’s face was full of pain and anger as he fell against the wall.

“Rome!” Duke screamed.

“I’m all right.” Quick grimaced, trying to right himself. Duke noticed the blood on the wall. Fuck. Quick was hit.

The woman jumped up and headed for the door but was detained by one of the big brothers before she could get out of the room. Duke watched Brian’s impassive face as he used some military style restraint hold and brought the screaming bitch down to her knees. He didn’t hurt her but he was determined not to let her get the upper hand. With her hands secured behind her back, Brian ignored all the curses and angry slurs as he propped her against the wall, never uttering a word. He made it look so damn easy.

Duke and Judge continued to wrestle with Aaron, who was even stronger than Duke remembered. Judge kept one fist around the guy’s throat while he pummeled the guy’s ribs with the other. Duke knew those blows had to do some damage because Judge was hitting the man hard enough to jolt all three of them. It had to be the drugs and adrenaline pumping through the guy’s system that kept him upright so long. When Brian joined in, they were able to get the gun away from the perp without it firing again. When he was down, Judge allowed Duke to put the cuffs on him. Duke was breathing hard, but he got to his feet and yanked Aaron up with a little assistance from Brian. Once Duke was sure their bounty was secured, he passed him on to Judge and ran over to his best friend.

Quick was sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the wall. Sweat ran down his temples and Duke could see his friend trying to keep his composure. Duke yanked off Quick’s leather coat and pulled the short sleeve of the t-shirt up. The bullet looked to have grazed his friend on his shoulder. It took a pretty decent chunk of flesh as it passed through, but didn’t look to have done a ton of damage.

“How’s it look? It’s not the muscle is it?” Quick panted.

“Doesn’t look like it.” Duke said, applying pressure with a towel that Dana brought him. “It’s bleeding a lot, Rome. You’ll need stitches for sure.”

“Fuck.” Quick grunted, lifting himself up from the wall with one hand.

“Suck it up, ya big pussy,” Judge ordered.

Quick flicked Judge off but the smile curving his lips was reassuring. His friend was fine. Thank goodness. That whole situation could’ve gone differently. Duke’s hands shook. He was scared, but it was all right. It was over. He walked behind Quick as they made their way back downstairs and outside. The neighborhood was lit up with red and blue lights, including an ambulance and a couple fire trucks.

Dana stood with the two brothers while they gave the police their bounty paperwork. One of the cops offered to transport their bounty for them but Duke refused. He let Judge load Aaron Williams into the back of his truck; he was taking the shithead in himself.

He walked around to the back of the ambulance where Quick was sitting on the stretcher and the young EMT was applying another bandage to the still-bleeding wound. Duke told Quick he’d meet him at the hospital after he dumped their bounty
the jail.

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