Project Genesis (8 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Project Genesis
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Vice President
Stone stood at her side. If he’d been injured earlier, there was no sign. He
wore a crisp navy suit, white shirt and a yellow tie with a flag tie pin. On
and on the reports rolled in. Every show highlighted the invasion of Earth as
its featured story. The death toll climbed, other countries reported similar
losses. It seemed there was no easy way to fight this enemy.

Helen turned the
television off and stared blindly at the empty screen. So many thoughts raced
through her mind. Getting to her feet, she pondered what to do next. Watching
back to back news stories hadn’t been the smartest but at least she felt better
prepared. Knowledge truly did equal power in her experience and Helen needed to
know all she could about the Rekabians in case she faced another situation like
this evening. Information on how to kill the suckers was most important to her
way of thinking.

Helen glanced
around searching her surroundings. This space belonged to Vin. She wondered if
her visual exploration would give her more insight into the man. The television
screamed male purchase, all fifty inches while the sofa showed signs of its
last days. Even the coffee table appeared used and worn.

The living area
was as bland and devoid of personality as the bedroom. This place reminded her
of a vacationer’s hotel room except even hotels had decorative flair. From the
scarred wooden table, to the nicked plaid sofa and the fifty inch flat screen
all of it could have easily belonged to anyone.

 Helen checked the
clock briefly allowing concern for Vin’s safety to overshadow the hundred other
items on her mind. It neared midnight and the day in whole had been a long one.
The brief nap did nothing to rejuvenate her exhausted senses. She paced as
tension gradually pulled knots in her shoulder.

Helen ran her
hands through her hair, pulling the loose rubber band free. If she could use
her phone, she could start putting the pieces of her life together over the
internet but she didn’t want anyone questioning her whereabouts. Best to wait
until she returned home.

Sucking in a
breath, Helen decided it wouldn’t be wrong if she went through his place with a
fine tooth comb. Two things could occur. One, she’d get busted if he came back
soon or two, she’d find out more background on Vincent Michaels because Helen
realized, she really didn’t know him at all.

Helen decided to
start with the living area. Nothing out of place to the visible eye except a
stack of mail on a small side table in a totally darker shade of wood. She
rifled through generic pamphlets on fitness, coupon books for a fast food place
with two squares cut out and an outdated renewal for an internet book

The last gave her
pause. A book membership. She scanned Vin’s place but found no sign of books
laying around. Her steps led her to the bedroom area. The covers creased in the
middle where she’d rested but otherwise precise and neat. While the other room
had carpet, this floor had tile in a rustic brown. She remembered the chill on
her feet distinctly.

Worry and anxiety
nibbled at Helen’s mind. She felt the simultaneous need to run and hide. Which
probably explained why she nearly jumped out of her shoes when the knock
sounded on the door. Helen left Vin’s private sanctuary and approached the door
with trepidation. He hadn’t left any warnings about the door. She slid her hand
in her pocket and fingered the cell phone there.

Immediately, she
pulled her hand out. What was she thinking? Calling him would prove pointless
if he battled Rekabians. Helen edged closer, took a deep breath and opened the
door a crack. A tall, bald African American faced her calmly. “Ms. Scott, my
name is David Slade. May I have a word with you?”

Instinct warned
her to slam the door in his face. His creepy brown eyes dared her to make such
a move. Helen stepped back slightly but remained in the doorway, not inviting
him in. “Yes?”

His slight grin
conveyed his amusement at her actions but Helen didn’t care. “I’d like to come
in and talk unless you want to have this conversation in the hall.”

The hall worked
fine for her since knowing his name did nothing to calm the stranger danger
vibe he gave off. Helen withheld her thoughts and cocked her hip to the side.
Considering he knew her name and Vin hadn’t exactly left her any instructions
except to keep her mouth zipped, Helen preferred to err on the side of caution.
“Is there a reason we need privacy?”

He chuckled and
slid his hands into the pockets of tailored slacks which went in line with his
custom jacket. Give the guy a door prize, he could buy a good suit although his
tie choice left a lot to be desired. Paisley print didn’t do it for her. Or

“I see why he
likes you.”

He? As in Vin?
“Hmmm.” Helen played along. She could do this dance all evening. It reminded
her of meetings with her overseas vendors. One just had to watch and follow the

“Let’s start
over.” He extended one hand toward her. “I’m David Slade, Vin Michaels' boss.”

Helen had no
choice but to shake it as etiquette dictated but she added a nice squeeze for
good measure and made sure to flash all of her teeth when she smiled. “That’s great.
I’m Helen Scott as you’re already aware.”
Next move, slimy

David glanced over
his shoulder, confirming the empty hall behind him. “I wanted to speak with you
about the earlier incident with the Rekabians. To get your perspective.”

Right. Because the
six man team with Vin had left blanks. Helen held her ground. “Of course, Mr.
Slade. How can I help?”

His shoulders
hunched forward and he grinned good naturedly but the twitch in his left cheek
warned of his burgeoning anger at her resistance. “Please, call me David.”

Helen let her
silence and his invitation hang between them.

straightened, fire snapping in his gaze. “You’re going to want to step back
Helen Scott so I can come in and speak with you.”

No way to
misunderstand the order in his statement or the hidden threat. She moved away
from the door, allowing him to enter Vin’s space but moving slowly to make sure
he understood she
to move. He closed the door behind him and
leaned against it. His eyes leisurely strolled over her frame from head to toe,
pausing with heavy emphasis at her chest.

Helen didn’t let
his attempt at intimidation phase her. She worked for arrogant men every day
and they could ring this Slade guy out to dry with their bully tactics. Helen
clasped her hands behind her back, uncaring if her chest rose with the gesture.
A small smile played about her mouth. Using sexual body language was kids play
so if this overgrown soldier thought she’d back down from his dirty leers, he
needed to run another google check on Helen Scott.

“I think we may
have gotten off to a bad start. I’m here to talk to you about the attack this
afternoon. I hoped you’d have details to share about the Rekabians to assist us
in defending the country.”

“Okay.” Helen
walked to Vin’s sofa and made herself comfortable, planting one foot on the
floor and propping the other at the back of the cushions to rest her chin on
her knee. She caught a lingering whiff of lemons. “You want me to give details
on an event that a trained group of military men witnessed?” Her brow rose and
she infused her tone with doubt. “I’m not sure how much more I can add.”

“Ms. Scott, let’s
not play games.” He folded his arms over his chest and eyed her relaxed pose.
The sneer that appeared on his face didn’t surprise her. This was a man used to
cowering people. “You saw things today. Things that should have remained

Helen shrugged.
His conversation mirrored Vin’s except Helen doubted David’s presumed good

“Let me be frank.
What you witnessed is top secret classified information. The government
wouldn’t take it lightly if this information slipped out.”

Because she had a
reputation for blabbing? He knew nothing about her if he thought that. “I

“Do you?” He moved
from the door and sidled closer. “I’m assuming Michaels’ had the opportunity to
make things clear to you.”

Helen eased her
hand in her pocket and fingered her cell. “Crystal.” She bared her teeth when
she spoke.

Slade chuckled.
“You’ve got balls.”

Helen lifted her
chin. “Actually, I don’t.”

Waves of danger
flowed on the current and her courage faltered in the face of the anger he
couldn’t contain. David Slade was not a man to play with and in that moment,
she sensed him contemplating how far he could go with her but something held
him back.

The corners of his
mouth turned down as his gaze hardened but Helen continued. “Look, Mr. Slade,
Vincent Michaels stressed the need for secrecy around whatever his team and
this place have going on.” She lifted a hand when he sought to interrupt. “You
don’t have to come at me like the heavy in a bad sci-fi vid. I’m not planning
on talking because I’m not sure exactly what I saw.”

 “How well do you
know Michaels?”

“Not well at all,”
she answered truthfully, keeping her breathing steady and ignoring the sweat
dampening her palms. The man who had rushed out of here was as different from
the man who’d sweetly held her while she slept as night from day.

“Perhaps, I didn’t
phrase that correctly.” Slade rocked back on the balls of his leather covered
feet. “Did you have a sexual relationship with him?”

Her chest hurt
from her heart’s increased thumping. Deep down an inkling warned her not to
admit to anything regarding her personal relationship with Vin. “I’m not sure
the discussion requires an answer to that.”

His teeth flashed.
Only instead of humor, Helen thought of hungry alligators circling prey. Not
willing to be an easy meal, she pushed to her feet, leaving the faux safety of
the sofa and its soft cushions smelling of Vin.

“You mistake my
interest in knowing. Michaels and his team are dangerous men. A woman like you
needs to use caution in her judgment.” His alligator smile widened. “Harry
Little wouldn’t want you to suffer harm, I’m sure.”

Considering Mr.
Little founded LS&G, Helen ascertained he cared about all his employees.
“Vincent’s secrets are safe with me, Mr. Slade.” Maybe if she convinced him of
her seriousness to never speak of his soldiers, he’d leave.

Slade reacted when
she said Vincent’s name but recovered quickly. “Vincent,” he repeated, dragging
the syllables out. “Yes, Vincent’s secrets.”

Helen felt as if
she’d missed a step. The thick feel of suspicion and anger grew directly in
proportion with his reactions. Slade took a step closer and Helen stumbled
back. She flushed, hating her knee jerk panic.   

Slade pursed full
lips and studied her. Helen tensed, calculating how fast she could reach a
knife in the kitchen when he suddenly backed up a step. “I think you understand
me. I’ll arrange for a ride to take you home, Ms. Scott.” Helen shivered at the
look he aimed her way. Any attempt at camaraderie on his part fell away. “The
sooner the better, don’t you agree?”

“Absolutely,” she
chimed in. Never let it be said she didn’t know when to answer in the

Helen walked him
to the door. Before he left, his hand reached out, catching her off guard, and
fingered a strand of her loose hair. She wished she hadn’t removed the rubber

“Secrets have a
way of getting out, don’t they Ms. Scott?” The hair curled around his finger.

Which secrets in

Secrets about
Alpha Squad.

Secrets about
her relationship with Vincent.

Secrets about
her upbringing.

Helen kept her
lips pressed tight together. His hand tightened enough for her to feel the
resistance at her roots. Right when she contemplated giving him a knee to the
groin, he let her hair go and left. She slammed the door behind him and slumped
against it. With her palms pressed along the frame, Helen gasped in deep
breaths like a fish out of water. Her body ran hot then cold. From the corner
of her eyes, she watched the fine tremors in her hand. What the hell did Vin
have her mixed in?

Chapter 8


Vin ducked low as
he leaped from the chopper. Alpha Squad jumped to the ground behind him, one by
one. The pilot lifted off with a firm salute to drop the Delta team at their
selected destination.

Three cities.
Atlanta, LA and Boston reported alien presence on the ground. Bravo Squad took
to the air in hopes of preventing the black crafts from placing additional
Rekabians on the ground.

Vin waved his men
forward. The streets of downtown Atlanta were empty. People paying heed to the
warnings to stay home. From where the chopper dropped them, Vin and his team
had a clear view of the Philips Arena. Slade’s most recent reports claimed
visual sightings of Rekabians shooting into the CNN building.

“I’m picking up on
two targets about fifty feet ahead, Vin.”

Vin hustled their
group faster. “Thanks, Curtis. That coincides with the report Slade gave us.”

Thanks to a
vitamin injection, Curtis appeared as fresh as a daisy. Vin smiled, tempted to
share the observation but the twins beat him to the punch.

“You look a
helluva lot better at least.” Nathan elbowed Curtis good naturedly.

“Yeah, I was
worried we’d have to carry you to the helo.” Zander’s comment set Bransen off with
a hearty laugh.

“Better to carry
him than Harkum’s huge ass.”

Curtis grappled
with Nathan and put him in a headlock. Zander ignored his twin’s plight and
rushed over to Vin’s side. “What else did Slade have to say?”

Everyone ceased
their clown like behavior and focused on Vin. “Some of the Rekabian ships that
have been circling random cities transported alien troops to the surface. Slade
wasn’t sure how since the crafts never landed.”

“Is anyone else
thinking a teleportation machine like one of the cable shows?” Sen shrugged
when everyone glared in his direction. “What?”

A frown pierced
Curtis’ brow. “Did other countries get hit?”

Vin glanced
around, still searching for signs of the Rekabians. He’d never seen downtown
Atlanta this empty. “Yeah, so far Rome, Cairo, Tokyo and London reported ground
attacks on the streets that we know of. Their troops have been sent out to
handle them.”

Harkum asked what
was on all their minds. “Do you think Bravo and Delta will make out in Boston
and LA?”

Vin didn’t have an
answer. This afternoons’ encounter with the Rekabians proved they were tough
bastards to kill. Alpha Squad would need to work harder and faster than ever to
combat the aliens and so would the other enhanced teams.

A thunderous roar
interrupted before he could answer. Dead ahead, two Rekabians raced in their

“Heads up,” Vin
yelled as the team split up and raised their weapons.

The lead alien
clicked and squealed while the one running by its side on the right broke off
and leaped toward the wall of the CNN center. Its long arm grasped on to the
side of an overhanging window ledge putting it ten feet above the sidewalk.

Rock sent out a
warning through their ear com. “It’s got those circle weapons in its hand. Find
cover while I throw a force field.”

The shield went up
just in time. Lightning flashed and recoiled off Rock’s force field. Zander and
Nathan fired from the cover of an empty metro bus. The Rekabian on the street
fired on them as well, its lanky legs eating up the distance as it ran in their

Harkum and Bransen
dove to the ground, both rolling under a blue SUV and barely missing laser
fire. Two cars behind them exploded.

“Put them down,
now,” Vin ran across the street shouting out the order. He swung his G32 up in
his arms, wishing they’d had time for Rock to modify their weapons. He fired
his weapon repeatedly and it was joined by gun fire from his team.

The alien on the
building used it arms to swing from one ledge to the next as it drew closer.
Curtis stood in the line of fire raising a sedan in the air with his
telekinetics. Both aliens aimed their weapons his way as if realizing the

“Fuck, pull back,
Curtis.” Vin tapped his ear com when static hissed back. Shit. Too far away,
Vin ran towards Rock. “Cover him, man.”

Rock looked up
with a frown trying to make out his words. Vin switched to telepathy.

Rock’s head
jerked, finally noticing what Vin saw. Rock’s large muscled arms thrust out
toward Curtis and a complete shield surrounded their teammate. Already in
motion, the levitating car barely skimmed the edges of Rock’s protective
barrier and swiftly flew through the air towards the Rekabian hanging from the

Curtis dropped to
his knees, arms still out. Flashes of light bounced off the shield. Too close.
Vin’s ear com crackled with more static. Cheap, government equipment. Vin sent
an electrical charge through the piece. “Check in, Alpha Squad, check in.
Technical difficulty with communications. Need a check in now, guys.”

One by one they
sounded off and this time their voices came through clear and clean. Maybe he’d
have Rock work on their ear coms too. The car Curtis tossed, missed the
swinging alien by inches as it slammed into the building and burst into flames.
Zander and Nathan rose to launch their synchronized attack.

Their bolts of
energy hit the alien racing on the ground and Vin had to turn his head on a
wince when it died, filling the air with its particular stink. The sound of
body parts hitting the ground with a splat followed. Its remaining partner
squealed loudly and lithely jumped to the ground, agitation and anger in its
jerky movements.

Now that it was
closer, Rock used the fire on his G32 and torched the bastard mid-run. The
Rekabian stopped in its tracks and died.
susceptible to flames,
Vin mentally added. Sen stood beside Rock, his stare intense.

“Sen, what’s up?”

The group gathered
closer giving Sen the chance to speak at once. “Earlier in the fight in
Baltimore, your G32 glitched, just now the ear coms went south.”

“And?” Vin
couldn’t figure out where Sen was going.

“We’ve never had
trouble with our equipment. Just wondering if the Rekabians have something to
do with that.”

His words had all
of them thinking.

“Some sort of
electrical interference, you think?” Rock’s mind already whirled with the

Sen shrugged. Vin
needed base to be aware. “Let’s keep moving. Intel gave this location and
another at the hotel up ahead.”

Curtis closed his
eyes and focused. When he opened them, his gaze was clear. “Nothing yet. Might
be too far to pick up.”

“Alpha Squad
return to base, immediately!” The demand blasted in Vin’s ear from the Comm
Specialist and to his men through theirs as well. “Rekabian presence detected
and base under attack. Repeat, Alpha Squad return to base.”

Vin keyed his mic,
frowning all the while. His men wore looks of confusion. “This is Alpha Squad.
The threat in Atlanta has not been contained. I repeat, we have not contained
the threat.”

Slade’s voice
replaced the Comm Specialist. “You get your team back here stat, Michaels. We
got a contingent of Rekabian aliens surrounding the premises. Possible ten
spotted and a ship hovering over the area.” Slade’s voice continued on a pant
as if he ran. “Choppers on its way back to give you a lift.”

Shit. He’d left
Helen in DC. Vin ignored the sudden pressure in his chest “Go, go, go.” He
signaled his men and they started toward the helo drop zone at a brisk pace.
“What about the other teams, sir?”

Fear coated
Slade’s next words. “Boston’s a fucking nightmare and Bravo has their hands
full in LA. The small spotting in Atlanta doesn’t rate.”

Holy hell. Alpha
Squad exchanged similar grim looks. They reached the abandoned parking lot just
as the distant whump whump of chopper blades got louder. Vin braced an arm over
his head as the wind whipped dirt and dry leaves in the air. He raced toward
the helo before the skids touched the ground and counted off to make sure each
of his men strapped in safely.

Determined to
pretend the pounding in his chest didn’t exist, Vin bowed his head and waited
as they soared off into the purple black sky.
Stay safe, hellcat. I’m coming



Helen washed her
hands under lukewarm water at the kitchen sink. Thinking about turning on the
TV depressed her since she didn’t need to see more reports of the Rekabians.
She was half way to Vin’s bedroom to search for a magazine or newspaper when
sirens blared overhead. Unlike the alarm prompting Vin’s departure, a loud
voice accompanied this one.

“Enemy spotted on
ground level. Gates breeched. Prepare defense.”

Helen stopped in
the super tiny kitchen to grab a steak knife then ran to the door and opened it
in time to witness uniformed men and women armed with large guns zoom by.
Suited in matte black body armor similar to Vin’s team, their uncovered heads
revealed faces taut with determination. Bright red strobe lights in the ceiling
had her squinting. Slade came barreling around the corner yelling in a phone at
his ear.

Helen tried to
decipher the commands ringing out. Finally, it sunk in. The Rekabians were here.
Attacking the base. Slade paused at her doorway, suit rumpled. “Do. Not.
Leave.” He took off running again toward the exit.

Ah, hell no. Helen
ran down the long hallway in the same direction as the uniformed troops. She
refused to be trapped in a building again without any hope of someone rescuing
her this time. Once more her hands went to the phone in her pocket. The device
connected her to Vin if she needed him and was fast becoming a security

When she burst out
the main door, Helen came to a complete halt. A familiar alien craft hovered in
the pitch night sky, white lights flashed in a rhythmic pattern and illuminated
the ground below. Sirens continued to wail as soldiers took to a knee shooting
at the vessel. Ignoring, the loud burst exploding from their weapons, Helen
inched further out.

The roar of
fighter jets approaching pulled her attention away from the mesmerizing sight
of an actual space ship this close. The fighter jets soared passed. These
military crafts were unlike any she’d seen. Black with a pointed nose area in
the front and shorter wings, the jets dipped and careened around the Rekabian
ship. The cockpits were tinted black, hiding the pilots within.

The fighters put
up a good battle, the craft seeming unsure how to respond to the whizzing
attack. Each fly over held her enthralled as the attack dragged on with no
seeming winner. The black ship changed direction and moved its position. Helen
ran around the corner to keep the fight in sight.

Huddling against
the wall of the main building, she watched the sleek jets head straight for the
Rekabian ship and open fire. The bullets tinged repeatedly along the hull but
did no damage from what she could tell. On the ground, at least ten of the
aliens ran across the yard with weapons aimed at the charging men from the

Squeals and clicks
reigned in the explosive night air. Turning to the side, Helen caught sight of
a gray-green Rekabian as it leaped toward an unsuspecting soldier. The man
turned as if sensing danger but his scream cut off abruptly as the Rekabian
arched back its arm and ripped his head off.

Helen gagged
loudly, causing the Rekabian to jerk around in her direction. Adrenaline surged
forth and with knees quaking, Helen darted back along the concrete path leading
to the metal door and the safety of the main building. The creature squealed
loudly behind her and the ground shook with each pounding step the Rekabian
took as he chased her.

‘Oh, God. Oh God.’
The chant fluttered through her mind as she picked up her speed and suddenly
the haven she’d left without thought seemed a million miles away. Clawed hands
gripped the back of her jacket. Helen’s feet pin wheeled in the air and she
went flying. The ground met her with a jarring thud. Body aching, Helen pushed
up to her elbows and looked frantically over her shoulder.

The birdlike beak
opened and closed.

Click, click,

Heart thudding,
Helen scrambled to her knees and remembered the knife in her fist. The Rekabian
cocked its head to the side and raised its arm. In his hand he held a silver
circle. Her knife was no match for laser fire. Getting to her feet, Helen
braced her weight prepared to meet death head on.

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