Project Genesis (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Project Genesis
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Chapter 11


Vin closed the
door behind him on a relieved sigh. The quiet had a soothing effect. Too quiet.
Instantly stiffening, he jerked away from the door searching for Helen. The
living area attested to its lack of occupants. Heart hammering in his chest, he
made his way to his bedroom and relaxed against the wall. Helen bent at the
waist, sliding her pants down her tanned golden legs.

With her back to
him, Vin decided to enjoy the show. When she straightened, her black lace
panties molded to her butt. He loved the peek at the small dimple in her lower
back as she removed her shirt. Vividly reminded of his earlier glimpse of her
in bra and underwear, Vin approached on silent feet.

Helen jumped when
his hands landed on her waist and he eased her around to face him. “Vincent is
everything okay?”

Concern for him
when he’d done everything possible to push her away. In answer to her question,
what could he say?
No, Earth’s refusing to surrender and now there appears
to be an all out war for the planet. Or, hey, I’m probably going to be gone a
lot while I battle a new enemy and there’s a strong possibility I might not

“Things are okay
for now.” He settled for a neutral answer and slid his hands up her torso,
enjoying the satiny feel of her skin beneath his fingers.

“We can’t,” she
demurred and tried to shrug from his grip.

Right and wrong.
Two choices. He was tired, so very tired, from fighting what he wanted. Vin
tightened his hold and pressed his clothed body to her almost naked one. “We
can.” He stilled any further protest by kissing her. Not gentle. Not tentative.
But deep and full of the desire he’d been holding back for months. Full of the
feelings he couldn’t…wouldn’t put into words.

At first, she
didn’t respond. Her lips lay pliant beneath his. Fuck no. Increasing the
pressure of his lips, Vin rocked against her. She finally gave in. Her mouth
parted and her tongue twisted with his on a moan. Vin’s hands cruised up until
he cupped her breasts in his palms. Plump flesh overflowed. Helen adjusted in
the small space he allowed between them and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Her touch sent
tingles of awareness down his spine. Vin sucked on her dancing tongue and
turned, pinning her to the closest wall. Her back bumped it solidly but she
didn’t loosen the grip she had on him. Vin pressed his leg between hers and
ground his hips forward.

“You stopped
calling,” she breathed out when he broke the kiss.

And he was sorrier
than he could ever put into words. Vin unlatched her bra, dropping the lace to
the floor and stretched his arms to place his hands palms down on the wall to
frame her in the circle of his embrace. “Yes, I did.”

He waited while
she thought through his words though he didn’t want to. Right now, he had a
rock hard erection he wanted to plow into her sweetness and forget if only for
a moment everything else going on in his world. Only Helen could grant the
temporary reprieve he sought.

She nibbled her
bottom lip, lashes lowered. Her eyes reflected wariness and unmistakable

Vin sensed her
weakening resolve and pushed his advantage. “Tonight, Helen. Give me tonight.”
He needed another taste to see him through the coming war. Lowering his head,
he placed a kiss on her forehead. “Please.” Vin would grovel, plead or do
anything else she required. He’d damn beg for another chance to have her in his
bed and put off tomorrow.

“It doesn’t change
anything.” She met his stare evenly. “We still need to talk about what

Hell. No way he
was telling her that he had to spend the next four and a half years in service
to the government. Forever at their beck and call. Nor did he think she needed
to know how changed he was from the experiments.

Damaged. More than
when he’d first met her that day in the coffee shop. The damages he carried
affected him physically and psychically. A perfect trifecta since he’d already
been fucked emotionally. “Please,” he repeated softly and ran his nose along
the bridge of hers.

Helen exhaled and
undulated her lower half against his. Victory sang through his veins. Bitter
soft, a smile graced her lips. “Alright.” Then her fingers glided through his
hair and pulled his face back down to hers for a fierce kiss every bit as
wicked as the move she made when she wrapped one leg over his thigh.

Vin grunted and
fisted his hands on the wall while returning her kiss. She tasted like his
hellcat. She felt like his hellcat. And even through everything today, she
smelled like his hellcat.

“God, I’ve missed
you.” Admitting it freed up the knot in his chest. He could say it a thousand
times and it still wouldn’t convey how much it meant to be without her month
after month. It wasn’t just sex with Helen. It was so much more and he’d never
be able to tell her.

Vin didn’t want to
wait. Couldn’t wait. His dick throbbed demanding release. He eased one hand
down to pull at her underwear. “Get rid of these.”

Helen hurried to
comply and soon he had her bare before him. Her hands pushed and tugged at his
shirt. Vin stepped back and ripped the offensive material over his head.
Undoing his belt took seconds and he kicked off his pants and boxers together
while toeing off his boots.

Immediately, he
pinned her back along the wall. Vin palmed her dewy curls, his finger stroking
her center. Whimpers and mewls followed. Each movement of his hand caused her
hips to sway sensuously. Vin trailed kisses across her ear, down the sensitive
curve of her collarbone where he inhaled the sweet fragrance that was at once

Longing pushed him
into a sense of urgency. He dipped his finger into her sweetness, the dampness
assuring him of her pleasure. “Show me you like it. Let me hear you.”

Her lids
fluttered. She couldn’t keep her eyes open. “You know I like it,” she panted. 
The jerky catch in her voice warned she was close. Relief loosened his tense
shoulders. Not sure how much longer he could hold out, Vin rubbed harder and
entered her with two fingers. Inner muscles clamped down on him and Helen
gasped, her head thumping the wall. Vin kept his eyes on her face even as the lure
of bobbing breasts tempted him. He wanted to watch her melt for him. Watch the
dazed look overtake her as she rode the wave of ecstasy.

“Vin!” Her head
shook back and forth.

“Don’t hold back,”
he growled. “I got more for you. Come right now, hellcat.”

Her nails pricked
his chest, the sharp bites of pain arousing him. His dick strained upward. Vin
needed her to come right the fuck now before he lost what little control he had
remaining. With that thought in mind, he twisted his wrist grinding his knuckles
against her sensitive nub and curled his fingers deep inside. His eyes dropped
to her mouth. Wet and glistening, the bottom one reddened and plump from his

Helen shrieked,
neck arched back as she came. Enhanced reflexes had him catching her as she
rocked. When the cadence of her rolling hips slowed, Vin laughed and eased her


Vin kissed her
lips drawing in her sweet taste. “Wow, indeed.”

Helen surprised
him and gave a little hop. Vin caught her around the hips as she used the
opportunity to pull her legs up and close, snuggling her heated center right
where he wanted it.

“More,” she

With both hands
gripping her full ass, he walked them to the bed and lowered her first then
stepped back to admire the pretty image she made spread out on his bed.


 From the bed,
Helen admired every inch of Vin below the waist. She didn’t care what women
said. Time should be taken to appreciate the look of a man’s erection and not
strictly because of the size. Vin’s was beautiful. Smooth skin over thick
hardness. Roping veins entwined the length ending where his firm sac hung
between his legs. Dark blond curls surrounded the base.

beautiful.” The words slipped out.

“I’m not.” He
kneeled on the bed and used his muscled forearms to scoot her back on the bed.

When he lowered
his weight to her front, Helen curled her arms around his back, hands gliding
through the moist sweat from his exertions. Being with Vin reminded her of
enjoying her favorite dessert. All gooey and delicious at the same time while
making her feel indulged.

“Hey, no sleeping
yet.” He tapped on her nose, getting her attention.

Helen smiled and
leaned up, letting every inch of their skin touch. “I’m not sleepy. Just
catching up for round two.”


His blue grey eyes
twinkled with mischief. Helen should have been warned. There was nothing
mischievous about her soldier lover. He flipped her in a move that left her
blinking. On her stomach, Helen peered over her shoulder. Vin bit the sloping
curve and his eyes dared her to comment. Helen grinned and pushed up to her

“Vincent, whatever
are you doing?” She deliberately used his full name and his gaze narrowed.
Stifling a chuckle, she wiggled beneath him and his hardness twitched against
her backside. Even though he’d already brought her to climax, her body stirred

“You’re playing
with fire,” he warned but his hands continued to drag down her side, round the
curve of her butt and return back up her front to lightly brush her eager

Nerves awakening,
her body hummed with suppressed sexual hunger. “I like it hot. The hotter, the

He leaned over her
back and whispered in her ear. “I like you hot, hellcat. You get wild when you
forget your manners.”

Helen flushed and
debated hitting him but Vin must have sensed her intent because he took one of
his caressing hands and buried it in her hair to grip tight. His hardness
probed her entrance.

“Condoms,” she

Vincent stilled
behind her. “We went over this a long time ago. I can’t have kids and I’m

He’d told her
their first night together about his vasectomy at twenty-five and for some
reason, Helen refused to investigate, the thought depressed her that this
beautiful man with his strong sense of honor wouldn’t pass that legacy on.
“Yes, I remember but…” she bit her lip, wondering how to phrase it. “We’ve been
apart for months.”

He jerked away
from her and pushed her over to her back. His looming form leaned up close in
her face. She didn’t need his harsh glare to read the anger written over every
inch of his vibrating frame. Fury glittered in his gaze. “What are you saying,
Helen? You’ve fucked somebody else?”

She flinched from
the crudity and dodged his piercing stare. “No.”

Vin didn’t let her
escape. His hand wrapped around her chin and drew her eyes back to him. “Then
what the fuck!” his tone rose on an incredulous note.

Helen slapped her
hand on his arm breaking the hold on her face. “What about you? Who’ve you been
with, Vincent?”

His jaw dropped
but Helen didn’t let that stop her. “It’s been six months. Are you going to
tell me you haven’t been with anyone that whole time?”

“That’s exactly
what I’m saying.”


Helen swallowed.


She cleared her
throat and pointed her gaze at his throat and the thick corded muscles
extending to his broad shoulders.

“Okay?” he
repeated and his body trembled. Trembled so hard the bed shook.

Helen lifted her
eyes to see him throw back his head and laugh. Tears actually made an
appearance his humor was so strong. “Shit, hellcat. There’s been no one but
you. I promise.”

The thrill of
hearing that brought Helen up short. This was for one night. The one night he
asked for and she couldn’t let herself get sucked backed into all that was
Vincent Michaels. Forcing a smile she didn’t exactly feel, Helen asked, “Are
you over your hissy fit?”

He snorted. “I’ll
give you that one. Now roll over the way I want you.”

To be contrary, he
refused to budge, leaving her no choice but to ease onto her side in the
confines of his arms. Skin connected to skin as she rolled onto her belly.
Their bodies brushed, bumped and stroked leaving Helen turned on and shaky.

The length of him
tapped her thigh with its minute movement. Helen lowered her head to the
mattress and lifted her backside. Vin groaned deep and grasped her at the
waist, pulling her in close. This time, he didn’t just probe, he thrust forward
and glided in on a smooth stroke that left her choking out a startled, “Yes.”

  He didn’t allow
her anytime to adjust and reached for her hair to wrap its length around his
fingers. Helen leaned into his hold. Used to the way Vin liked his sex, she
arched her back, enjoying the sting on her scalp from his unrelenting hold on
her hair.

“Ahhh, just like
that, baby. Work my dick, hellcat.”

Wetness sluiced
between her legs and Helen rocked back on her hips. His pumps varied from short
and shallow to long and deep. A tease to the big event. “Vin.”

His other hand
tightened at her waist as he thrust deep. “Right here, baby. Right here.” His
breath panted against the side of her neck, the weight of his body covering her

Helen moaned
wanting him to move faster, but he continued to ease in and out of her channel,
switching the maddening pace. “Please.” She clawed the bed in frustration.

Vin let go of her
hair and the mass slid around her face. Large hands reached around to fondle
her swinging breasts. At her gasp, his fingers tweaked her nipples causing a
corresponding convulsion in her belly. He rocked harder, his thighs rasping
along hers. Rough hair tickled her flesh. Teeth came into play as he raked them
down the tendon on her neck. Helen shivered from her head to her curled toes.
Vin chuckled, puffs of air ruffling the hair by her ear. “So easy, hellcat.
That’s what I like about you. You respond to my every touch.”

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