Read Prohibited: an erotic novel Online

Authors: Donnee Patrese

Tags: #erotica

Prohibited: an erotic novel (21 page)

BOOK: Prohibited: an erotic novel
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Maybe this was all a front.  I’m guessing fucking a young sexy black girl could be just a fantasy for a rich, white man like Michael.


“I see your beautiful little brain working. What’s on your mind my love?”


I debated on whether or not I should say. I know sometimes I lacked tact in the things that come out my mouth. However, I decided to say it anyway.


“Am I just a fantasy to you?” I almost whispered.


He chuckled. It was slightly disturbing.


“A fantasy? No my dear. Though at times, you do seem too good to be true.”


I sighed.


“How awful is your marriage then?”


“Well, I guess pretty damn bad if I am here with you.”


Call me nosey, but I was curious.


“What do you mean?”


“Sex right now isn’t going to happen is it?”


I shook my head.


“Then do you mind if I get dressed?”


I shook my head and he began to redress. When he was finished, he sat back down on the couch.


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, for the past ten years my marriage has been a sham. My wife refuses to let me touch her. She prefers to spend all of her time with her friends and I sit at home, alone and unhappy.”


I was shocked. Not that I expected his marriage was perfect.  I mean, he was here with me. However, I didn’t expect this nor did I expect this confession. I wasn’t sure what to say so I just sat and listened.


“Can you imagine on a nightly basis lying in bed next to a person that you love yet they feel no emotion, no passion nor any love for you?” He asked pressing his back against my couch.


“Unfortunately, I do.” I said also leaning back against the couch.


I felt him fix his eyes on me. He didn’t speak, so I offered.


“My ex-boyfriend was not such a nice guy.” I said trying to decide if I wanted to continue.


Just the memory of my ex and I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. Michael noticed and he reached over placing his hand on my knee.


“What did he do to you?” He asked gently.


I mustered up all the courage I had.


“He was very abusive. It took a little while before I could get away from him.”


I wiped a fallen tear off my cheek.


“It was just a bad time in my life. I spent a few nights in the hospital wondering why I was with him and knowing that when I left I was going back to him.”


He looked so upset.


“How long were you with him?”


I couldn’t help it. I started to cry. A few more tears began to fall down my cheek. I felt weird and awkward crying in front of Michael. I honestly didn’t think I had any tears left for Timothy.


I could feel his fingers dig into my knee.


“It was a long and painful three years.”


“I am so sorry my love. Just the thought of another man placing his hands on you in anyway…”


“It’s okay. I get a little better every day.” I said and that was the truth.


It was very difficult to get over something like that and sometimes I felt I was still working on it.


“If it wasn’t for Mikey, I don’t know how I would have gotten away from that jerk.” I said biting my nails.


“I didn’t realize you and Junior were that close.”


I took a deep breath.


“We weren’t that close when we first met, but he met Timothy and then Mikey became my shadow. He knew that Timothy was hurting me. On a few occasions he was the one driving me to the hospital.”


“How did Junior get you away from him?”


I wiped the tears from my eyes.


“Well, Timothy and I had a fight. It really turned ugly and he punched me in the face. I showed up to class with a black eye, and Mikey went ballistic!”


“What happened?”


“Mikey beat the living shit out of him and dared him to touch me again. I slept in Mikey’s apartment for a couple months after that. I owe Mikey so much and it kills me that I am hurting him now.


He looked confused then I could see the understanding in his eyes.


“You are hurting him by being with me?”


“Yes.  He is the reason we can’t do this anymore. Don’t you feel any guilt about what we are doing?”


“I am not going to lie or sugar coat things.” He said turning his body towards me and taking my finger out of my mouth.


“I have been so miserable for so long that sometimes I do not care.”


He sighed.


“I love my son but there are just some things he just does not understand. I can’t tell my son that my wife refuses to be intimate with me.”


“My wife and I have not had sex in years. As I confessed before, there have been other women.”


He smiled at the look on my face.


“Maxine, this is not just about sex. I have spent three years in therapy trying to explain this same thing to my wife. I wanted to go back to where we used to be. Where we would have conversations and hold each other. I am missing more than just sex.”


I sat quietly and let him continue.


“Whenever she looks at me, I see disgust in her eyes. No one should have to live like that.”


I didn’t know what to say yet I knew the feeling. When Timothy was in his moods, in between blows, the only thing I could see in his eyes was disgust. There was disgust for life, for himself and for me. Michael was right. No one should live like that.


I reached over, grabbing his hand and gave it a squeeze. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It sent tremors down my spine. He leaned back and ran his fingers through his dark hair.


what I feel for you is real. I cherish every minute that I have with you. Every time I see you it makes me feel so good and alive.”




He raised a hand.


“Maxine, let me finish.” He said rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand.


“Every time we talk on the phone or any time I look into your big brown eyes something just comes over me. It is a feeling that I have not felt in a long time and I know that you feel the same way.”


My heart ached for him at that moment. It has been such a long time since I had a man touch me so gently or tell me how much they wanted me, needed me so passionately. I knew I shouldn’t be involved with him, but now that he is here, I want him for myself.


“Maxine, I am looking you in the eye and telling you that there is something special between us and we would be fools to just let it go.”


I think about Mikey and my heart hurts. I want this man, but then I will lose Mikey.


Is it worth it?


“Michael, you are married. Are you sure you have done everything you can to save your marriage? I do not want to be something to do until you decide it is time to go back to her.” I said.


He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.


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? Maria and I have been in therapy for three years now and recently she decided she would no longer attend.”


He began to stroke my hair.


“I am not getting any younger and I am too old to continue to live the rest of my life unhappy.”


In his arms, I looked up and I saw sadness. I wanted to wipe the pain away. I moved from his arms and climbed off the couch. I stood in front of him and dropped my robe.


He rose in one fluid motion and took a step towards me. He placed his hand gently on my cheek. His lips hungrily found mine. I rubbed my hands across his chest through his shirt. I could feel his smooth muscular body.


Before I knew it, he lifted me from the floor into his arms and began to carry me directly down the hall into my bedroom.


Once there, he placed me in the center and began to undress. When he was back in his underwear, he joined me on the bed and we began to kiss.


“Oh Maxine, you make me feel so good.”


He slid his hand into my panties and gently rubbed a finger against my clit.


“Michael I want you inside of me.” I moaned.


He obliged. He didn’t bother to remove my panties. He just moved them to the side and entered me with no effort.


I was drenched and he just slid right into my dripping pussy.


I was so lost in his touch I didn’t hear the knock at the door. It was only when she called my name that I froze.


“Hey, Maxi, you awake?”


I almost screamed but I slapped my hand over my mouth. Michael scrambled off me and started to put on his clothes.


“Who is that?” He asked hopping around trying to put on his pants.


“It’s Julia and you have to hide.”


I grabbed his shirt off the floor and grabbed his hand.


“You have to get into my closet.” I whispered.


He didn’t hesitate. He grabbed his shirt from me and jumped into the closet slamming the door behind him. Not even a second later, Julia bounced into my room with Mikey trailing behind her.


“Hey Maxi,” he said.


His upbeat demeanor changed when he saw that I was standing in the room in only my bra and panties. There was no time for me to put on any clothes.


I could see Mikey slowly take in every inch of my body.


He smiled.


“What’s up?” He asked rather suspiciously.


“Oh, umm I was about to take a shower.”


Julia walked toward the closet and my whole body started to tense.


“What are you doing here? I thought you had a double date.” I asked sliding a little more in front of the closet door.


She still continued to move toward the closet.


“We do have a date that is why I am here. I need to borrow your red scarf.”


She made one more move toward the closet and I jumped in front of her.


“Um, it’s not in my closet. It’s in my dresser drawer over here.” I said grabbing her hand and leading her away towards my dresser.


I rummaged through my drawers until I found my red scarf.


I made the mistake of taking my eyes off Mikey. He began to pace my room.


“Maxi, are we interrupting something?” He asked behind me.


“What do you mean?” I inquired spinning around with red scarf in hand.


Julia was standing with her head cocked to one side with a very suspicious smile on her face. In Mikey’s left hand was a black men’s dress sock. I could feel my whole body break out in an instant sweat.


“Do you have a man in here?”


In my head I started to pray that I would think of something quick to say, but I had nothing. Julia slowly walked over to the bed and dropped down to the floor.


“Is he under here?” She joked looking under the bed.


I struggled on what to say. I wondered what Michael was thinking. Julia got up from the floor and walked toward the closet.


“It’s mine!” I blurted.


They both stopped and looked at me.


“Yours? Since when do you wear men’s dress socks?” Mikey asked.


His gaze was unfaltering and it was very hard for me to meet his eyes.


I could tell he sensed what was going on and that thought put a huge pit in the bottom of my stomach.


“I think they are comfortable.”


Julia stood staring at me with one finely arched eyebrow raised.

BOOK: Prohibited: an erotic novel
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