Professional Liaison (5 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Professional Liaison
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Damn it!

She whirled around and stomped out with his amused laugh following her down the hall.

The rest of the afternoon, she fought the excitement running through with each passing glance Drew sent in her direction. It was almost like he knew the heat his gaze caused and how her pussy pulsed with need until she shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

“What’s got you so wound up, Liss?” Mandy asked, drawing her attention from the disturbing gaze from across the lawn.

“Nothing. Why?”

“You act like you’re strung tighter than a spring. You never told me what you and Drew discussed in Brad’s office.” Mandy sipped from the glass in her hand, but her eyes never left Melissa’s face.

“It’s not important.”

“The look on your face every time you glance across the lawn, says something different. You never told me how having sex with him was.”

“And I’m not going to, Amanda.”

Mandy took her hand and pulled her into a secluded corner of the patio. “He’s a Dom, isn’t he?”

“Wh-what?” Melissa’s eyes widened and she sucked in a ragged breath.

“A Dom. Don’t look so surprised.”

“You know what that is?”

Mandy laughed and patted her hand. “Of course.”


Her cousin looked across the expanse of the back yard at her husband and then dropped her gaze for a moment.

“Oh my God. Are you and Brad?”

Mandy’s face flushed with color before her eyes met Melissa’s again. “We’re into the lifestyle, if that’s what you mean.”

She tugged her cousin deeper into the shadows. “You’re into BDSM?”

“It’s a choice. A choice Brad and I made together. I knew from the beginning he was a Dom, and I willingly became his sub.”


Mandy laughed. “It’s not that unheard of, Lissa.” Melissa saw Mandy’s gaze slide across the yard again.

“Isn’t it strange though? I mean being tied up, handcuffed or whatever? Letting him beat you?” She shivered at the thought of Drew and how he’d commanded her and held off letting her climax when they’d had sex.

“It’s not like that. He doesn’t beat me at all. Yes, he’s spanked me, tied me to the bed and tortured me deliciously, but I choose to give him that control. The relationship between a sub and her Dom is chosen and gone into willingly.” Mandy touched her arm. “Don’t knock it until you try it. If it’s not for you, then so be it, but I get the feeling you let Drew dominate you a bit before.”


Mandy shook her head. “Your lips say one thing, but the looks you two are exchanging tell me something totally different. You’re a powerhouse at work, always in control, always commanding others with your presence and your personality.” Mandy tipped her head in the direction of where Drew stood watching her. “He’s your Dom, Lissa. I can see it from across the room.”

She shivered at her cousin’s words.
Am I really? Am I naturally a sexual submissive?

“How do you know if you are submissive or not? I mean, how did you and Brad do this?”

“I realized he was a natural Dom after our second date.”


“We met some of his friends and I got curious when some of the other women seemed meek around their men, some times. Not always, but at times I heard them call their mates sir and I was curious so I asked him. He explained.” She shrugged her shoulders and sipped from her glass. “After we dated for a few months, it became natural for me to allow him to take control. A Dom always gives his sub what she needs, but not necessarily what she wants.”

“I don’t understand.”

Mandy gave her a knowing smile. “You will.”

* * * *

Melissa stared at the water dripping from her roof into the bucket on the floor.
Plop. Plop.

Shit! This is going to drive me nuts.

Grabbing the phone, she dialed Brad and Mandy’s number.

“Hey, Lissa.”
“Hi, Brad.”
“What’s up?”

“I need your expertise, cousin.”


“I have a leak in my living room.”

“I’m not surprised. That roof is at least twenty years old. I told you it should have been replaced last year.”

“Yeah well, I didn’t and now it’s leaking. Can you come over and put a new roof on for me? I’ll even pay you.”

Brad laughed on the other end of the phone line. “I can’t this week, but I can spare a couple of guys to fix it. I’ll send them over there tomorrow. Do you think you can live with it tonight?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“No, not really. It’s kind of hard to do a roof job in the dark.”

“Funny man.”

“I’ll send them over first thing in the morning even if it is Saturday.”

“All right. I’ll watch for them. And Brad?”


“You bet. I have to take care of my favorite cousin-in-law, right?”

“Only because if you didn’t, Mandy would have your hide and you probably wouldn’t get any sex for a month.”

“My little wife knows exactly how to submit.”

Her thoughts swirling, she said, “I really didn’t need to hear that, Brad.”

“Why not? She told me about your conversation at the barbeque.”

“She didn’t, did she?”

“Mandy told me of your curiosity. If you’d like, next time we go to Leathers, we’ll take you along. Just for curiosity’s sake, that is.”

“Yeah.” Melissa pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers. “Anyway, thanks for sending the workers over and I’ll give you a check next time I see you.”

“No worries. Talk to you later.”

“Bye.” She hung up the phone and sighed.

Damn it!

Ever since the barbeque, she hadn’t been able to get Drew out of her thoughts. Every time she took a bath, she remembered how he’d rubbed her shoulders, dried her off with one of her towels and made her come on command before he drove his cock deep inside her. She shivered and rubbed her arms as she watched the water drip into the bucket on the floor. Moving toward the refrigerator, she grabbed the bottle of wine, a glass and headed to her room to try to forget about the disturbing man who invaded her mind and dreams more than she wanted these days.

Unfortunately, visions of him fucking her senseless invaded her thoughts there, too. She couldn’t believe she’d let him stay the night. That never happened. Usually if she brought anyone home, which she rarely did, they never stayed overnight. It usually ended in a “thanks for the good time, but there’s the door.” Drew had pulled her butt against his pelvis, her shoulders back so she lay cradled within his embrace while his lips whispered along her skin until she fell into one of the best night’s sleep she’d ever had.

She shook her head in a vain attempt to rid the disturbing man from her thoughts.

Rip roaring drunk. Maybe that will help. If it wasn’t fucking raining, I’d sit in the hot tub.

“Damn rain!”

Instead, she poured some bath salts into the sunken tub in her bathroom and flipped on the hot water. Half a glass of wine down and three quarters of a bottle to go, she slipped off her clothes and sank beneath the warm bubbles with a weary sigh. She set her glass and the bottle on the side of the tub before she tipped her head back on the rim and closed her eyes.


A soft moan rose from her lips and she whispered, “Drew.”

The heat in his brown eyes made her bite her lip and when his lips lifted in a sexy grin, she fought the moan bubbling in her chest. His arms were crossed over his bare chest as he stood propped against the doorjamb.

“I want you, baby.”

Her throat felt parched and dry as she tried to slow the lump almost choking off her air.

“Do you want me, too?”

“Oh God yes.”

“I need to eat you until you come. I want to taste your sweetness on my tongue.” He pushed away from the wall and sauntered toward her with a slow roll of his hips. One hand unsnapped the waistband of his jeans and both hands worked the material down his ass before he pushed them to the floor. His cock bobbed against his stomach and her mouth watered to taste him. When he stopped next to the tub, she sat up and grasped him in her hand. His head tipped back with a hearty moan when she slipped her lips over the head of his cock. Her nipples puckered tight at the sounds he made while she sucked his entire length into her mouth.
Lord, he tastes fantastic.

He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up in front of her and then captured her lips in a heart-melting kiss. Bubbles slipped down over her breasts as he devoured her mouth, his tongue diving between her lips and dance with hers. One hand slid over her stomach and dove between her thighs to rasp against her swollen clit. Her groan of satisfaction was swallowed as he deepened the kiss and he drove two fingers into her pussy. Hot lips made tracks across her cheek to her ear as she widened her stance.


“Tell me what you want,” he whispered before he nipped at her earlobe.

“Fuck me, Drew. I want you inside me.”

“Slide back into the water. You’re going to ride me.”

She stepped back and he followed with a wicked grin. Once they were both beneath the warm layers, he lay back against the side of the tub and she straddled his hips, but before she could slide him deep inside her aching pussy, he grabbed her hips.


The question on her lips was answered when he took a nipple between his lips and sucked. She threw her head back and grasped his head with her hands. The rough pad of his tongue did delicious things to her nipple, making it harden even more as she groaned and rocked her hips.

“I need you now!”

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “We’ve had this discussion. I’m in control, babe.” Her eyes widened when his powerful thighs lifted them out of the water and he forced her over the side of the tub on her stomach so her butt stuck in the air. A whimper left her lips when his slick fingers slipped along her back hole. No one had ever done her there, but she wanted him to. One finger slid through the tight ring of muscles and she almost screamed at the sensations.

“God, yes.”

Two fingers slid past the ring and her thighs parted even more as she pushed her butt back against his hand.

“Please, Drew.” Her pussy clenched when she felt her climax swell from her toes to encompass her legs and they trembled with her need.

She wasn’t prepared when his fingers disappeared and a wet hand came down hard across her ass cheek.





“I told you, sweetheart. You get to cum when I tell you to.”

“But, I need to, Drew. Please.” She couldn’t believe how her pussy wept with need at his high-handed behavior.


“Shall I put you in handcuffs? Tie you to the bed?” She whimpered. “Soon, baby, soon. For now, I’ll give you what you want —what we both want.” He drove his cock into her pussy and she thought she would die from pleasure. One hand on her hip, the other twisted in her hair, he pulled her head back as he pounded into her from behind. Her pussy clenched him tight and quivered with her need to climax. “Not yet, Liss.”

The loud shrill of the telephone brought her bolt upright in the tub and her eyes wide. She fought the tears that burned the back of her eyelids as her body ached with need.

Son of a bitch! This is fucking crazy. I need to get him out of my system and now. I can’t keep going on like this.

Standing up quickly, she grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around herself before she stepped out of the bathwater. The answering machine picked up and she could hear her mother’s voice on the other end asking her to call back.

Obviously not happening tonight, mom. My vibrator is getting one hell of a workout before I’ll be able to sleep now.

With thoughts of pleasuring herself with her toy in the drawer, came visions of Drew and how he’d used it to pleasure her until she couldn’t stand it anymore and he finally let her cum.

“Damn it! I need to get him out of my head.” Wine bottle in hand, she tipped it back, letting the cool liquid spill down her throat until she was forced to take a breath. “Enough.”

* * * *

The doorbell rang, dragging Melissa from her fitful sleep. The sun cut a swath across her eyelids and she groaned as she forced them open as the bell rang again. Rolling on her side, she stared at the clock.
Eight in the morning. Who the hell is here this early?

Next came the shrill of her telephone.

Doesn’t anyone sleep in on Saturday?

She grabbed the receiver with a broken hello.


“Yeah. Who’s this?”

“Brad. Aren’t you up yet?”

“No. Why?”

“The guys are at your door. You need to get up and let them in so they can get busy on your roof.”

“Shit, Brad. I’m sorry.”

“No big deal. Just get up and get dressed. I’m sure you don’t want to greet them in your unmentionables, but then again, maybe you do.”

“Fuck you, Brad.” The sound of his hearty laugh made her mad. “All right. Tell them to hang tight. I’ll be down there in a minute.”

“Good. You might want to make some coffee, too. These guys are doing your roof as a favor to me.”

“Coffee. Got it.”

“Bye, Lissa.”

She hung up the phone as the bell rang again and she cussed when she crawled out of bed and slipped on a tee shirt and shorts.

“I’m coming!”

She whipped open the door to see one guy standing in front of her and one with his back to the door. Her heart wasn’t prepared when the he turned around and her shocked expression met the piercing brown eyes of Drew.

Chapter Four

Damn! She’s gorgeous even waking up in the morning. The last time, I only got to see the sleeping Liss. The freshly awakened look is even hotter.

Drew cocked an eyebrow when his gaze moved from her face to her breasts. Her nipples stood out taunt and proud against the thin material over her chest. He knew a cocky grin lifted the corners of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it. The way she looked when she opened the door had him almost coming in his jeans. Her face was flush from sleep. Her hair was mussed like someone had run their fingers through it or wrapped their hands in it, while he rode her hard.
Fuck that, unless it’s me.

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