Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1) (20 page)

BOOK: Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1)
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“Crap.” He thought as he
searched her eyes for signs of anger. “Do I back off or just go for it?” He
asked himself, his eyes travelled to her lips, slightly parted, begging to be
kissed, they travelled back up to her eyes, he saw some confusion but also a
glimmer of desire and that was enough to spur him on. He closed the gap between
their lips, taking advantage of the fact that hers were parted to slip his
tongue into her mouth, the jolt that ran through him when she responded was
magnificent, he pulled her closer, never wanting to let her go.

She pushed him away. “We’ve been through this.” She told him, hands on hips.

“You don’t get it do you?” He
he kept the distance between them “This isn’t
some silly school boy crush I have on you. I’m in love with you, I’ve tried to
ignore how I feel but I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?” She asked.

“Won’t,” he admitted “I want
to be with you and you can’t keep denying that you feel anything for me, if you
didn’t, you would have sent me packing long ago, you like having me around.” he

“Yes, I do.” She was
flabbergasted that she had spoken those words out loud, now she had to explain
herself “I do like having you around and yes, I am attracted to you but I’m
still your teacher and I still can’t do this.”

“I’m not at school anymore,
I’m just some guy.”

“Until you get your
certificates in September, I’m your teacher.” She protested but she didn’t
remove her hand from his.

“Then teach me,”
challenged “Teach me everything you like doing and how to
do it” a quick tug and she was in his arms again.

“Not out here,” she breathed
against his lips “Inside.” She ordered, all reasoning behind her now, she
dragged him into the kitchen “take your shorts off.” She ordered, not wishing
to let him dominate her as he had done previously.

Watching as he wasted no time
in slipping out of his trainers and pulling his shorts down, she sat back on
the table and began a slow strip tease “You want me to teach you little boy?”
she asked, he nodded, unable to speak “I want to watch you pleasure yourself,”
she said and saw him hesitate “The only way this is going to work is if you do
what you are told.” She sat forward, grasped the back of his neck and pulled
him into a kiss before pushing him back and purring “Now grab hold of your dick
and stroke it until I tell you to stop,” she watched him, his right hand slowly
stroking his hard flesh as she untied and unbuttoned her blouse, his eyes
watching every move, her hands flicking open the catch of her bra and letting
it fall followed by her fingers teasing her nipples until they were hard,
bending her head, stretching her tongue to flick at the hardened nub. His left
hand touched the soft skin of her breast “No touching.” She said, softly
slapping his hand away.

She hopped down from the
table, pressing her naked breasts to his chest while one hand covered his and
squeezed it tighter against his organ the other unbuttoned her shorts and she
wriggled against him as she shimmied out of them before sitting back on the
table and suggestively parting her legs, letting her hands trail to her secret
place, bringing forth an
flow of desire, he
groaned as she began to play with herself, all the while watching his face,
seeing the change from mere arousal through to passion then lust, treading the
fine line between teasing and torture as she screamed her way through her first

Carmen beckoned him closer,
positioning him between her legs, the head of his cock just resting on her lips
“Keep stroking yourself, don’t fuck me just yet, just slip the head inside a
few times.” She told him, returning her fingers to her clit bringing herself
off again as his hand flew along the length of his shaft while just the tip of
him rocked inside her. As her third orgasm built to a crescendo, she shouted at
him to fuck her, he didn’t need telling twice, with a huge thrust of his hips
he was inside her, bucking hard, growling with each breath, fighting for
control, finally admitting that he had willingly handed it to her as he covered
her and pumped harder.

Lacing her fingers into his
hair, she pulled his head up as he rested on her shoulder, swiftly, she kissed

“Go and get cleaned up and
we’ll try this again.” She told him.

“Upstairs?” He asked, she
nodded, shoving him away from her and towards the door.

Standing in the shower,
Paul’s head was reeling with what had just happened, he’d expected a little
more protestation, anger even, not the complete turnaround that had just
happened, never in a million years had he imagined the firecracker that had
given him orders. Thinking about that too, he wasn’t sure he liked being
dominated, up until now he had been the dominant party with everyone he had
managed to sleep with, he smiled, perhaps once or twice he had let Suzanne take
over but that had been more by mutual consent than anything to do with a power
struggle. He sighed as he washed the soap from his body, for now, he would play
along and let her have her way, knowing that if she pushed him too far he had
the physical strength to stop her and assert his authority.

She was waiting for him when
he stepped out of the bathroom, determination fixed on her face as she told him
to lose the towel seconds before her mouth was on him again taking control as
she pushed him back on the bed and covered him swiftly, riding him hard,
leaving him drained.

Snuggling into his side, she
revelled in the feel of his large warm hand resting on her hip, who’d have
thought he could take direction so well? Thinking about it made her want more
and she let her hand trail down his body, figuring that since she was going to
hell anyway, she may as well go in style.

“Carmen.” He smiled into the
dimly lit room as his hand grasped hers. “Not again.”

She kissed his chest.

“I should make a move.” He
sat up “I need to check in with my Aunt before she checks in with me.”

“You’ll be back tomorrow.”
She told him, not asking the question.

“I’ll be back tomorrow” He
confirmed. He spent the remainder of the evening with Kay and Hayley, eating
his evening meal with them before Kay dropped him home.

“Will you be ok here on your
own?” Kay asked as she pulled up outside the house

“I’ll be fine. I’m so tired,
I’m just going to go to bed” he told her.

Carmen was waiting for him
when he let himself in via the back garden the following day, she had lunch
laid out on the garden table and told him to sit with her and have something to

“We have to talk.” She said
as he tucked into lunch.

“Came to your senses
overnight did you?” He asked.

She snorted “I wish,” and
shook her head “There needs to be some ground rules to our sordid
relationship,” she started “Firstly, no one can know about us.”

“Matt knows.” Paul stopped
her “He saw what I did to you in class so it’s a no brainer that he knows.”

“Fine, just make sure he’s
the only one who does know. We can never been seen together, we won’t be able
to go out anywhere, I can hardly take you into a pub for a nice sociable drink
now can I?”

“I can get served in pubs.”
He mused.

“That’s beside the point
Paul, what we are doing is wrong and will need to remain behind closed doors.
I’m a teacher, you are a minor.”

“The fact that it’s wrong
just makes it more exciting. I have no problem keeping it within these four walls”
he smiled then and watched the tension leave her. “Now, is there anything you
want me to do in the garden today or do you just want me to do you?”

By the time Paul’s family
returned from Spain, his relationship with Carmen was in full swing. He quickly
learned that she preferred to jump on him when he had been working and was
sweaty and dirty. She quickly learned that he preferred her in dresses or
skirts to trousers or shorts and that it was harder to turn him on when he was
occupied. Carmen was pleased with the way he listened to her and followed her
direction as she taught him new things but once or twice she had given him a
sharp order and been on the end of his whiplash like tongue as he protested,
dressed and left, on those occasions, he would take days to calm down before
returning to her and trying again.

During one particularly long
and sticky afternoon, Carmen snapped at him as he penetrated her, telling him
in no uncertain terms that the angle he had his hips at was not what she’d told
him to do, she saw the flash of anger in his eyes as he complied but it was
soon forgotten as she began to climax, reaching out and digging her nails
firmly into the flesh that covered his ribs.

Paul gasped in pain and
decided that enough was enough. Slipping half way out of her and supporting his
weight on his hands while he shifted position, he pinned her thighs beneath him
with his knees before grasping her hands and pinning them over her head with

Stretched out on top of her,
knowing his weight would eventually hurt her, he leaned closer to her as she
glared at him. “No.” He growled.

“Get off me.” She tried to
struggle, for the first time realising that he was heavier, bigger and stronger
than her.

“No,” he repeated “Do not
scratch me again, I’ve told you before, I don’t like it, I don’t like pain,”

“Ok.” She agreed.

“While I have your
attention,” he shifted one of his knees, making himself more comfortable but
causing her to gasp as his weight pinched her skin “You aren’t to boss me
around anymore, I don’t like that either.”

“You asked me to teach you.”
She accused.

“Yes,” he agreed “Teach me,
not tell me, there’s a difference. You seem set on commanding my every move,
that’s not how this works and it stops now.”

“Fine, you stay at the level
you are now.”

“You aren’t in a position to
argue,” he countered “I want to learn Carmen, I don’t like to be told like I’m
a kid, if I’m doing it wrong, let me know, there have to be more subtle ways
than snapping at me.”

“Ok, I’m sorry. Now, could
you please get off me, your knees are hurting me.”

He eased his knees from her
thighs and released her hands but instead of backing off, he grasped the back
of her knees and spread her legs wide, raising her hips to meet his, using the
strength of his arms to raise and lower her hips for his pleasure.

She watched him as he
manipulated her body to satisfy his needs, there was no hint of malice in his
actions and she loved the way his biceps and chest muscles flexed and relaxed
when he moved her onto him.

Matt’s return home also
signified the homecoming of most of their friends and party season ensued
before the return to school and sixth form for Matt and college or work for
their friends. Even though Paul and Matt’s girlfriend Hayley didn’t exactly see
eye to eye, she always made sure to invite him to parties and he had to admit
that she had some excellent contacts and that summer the Jensen twins attended
some extremely hedonistic parties.

Carmen was secretly pleased
with the way her relationship with Paul was going, she liked to watch his
comprehension as the things she would do to him would bring pleasure but it
seemed the more she pleased him, the more he wanted and he was becoming
confrontational and demanding, something she would have to curb. When Matt
returned from Spain, Paul and Carmen began arguing when he would announce that
he wouldn’t see her for most of the weekend as he would be out with his brother
at parties or hanging out with friends in their gardens and swimming pools.
Paul would turn up at her house on Sunday’s, tired, hung over and evasive about
what had happened at the parties he had attended.

“Did you have a good time?”
she asked looking over at him.

Paul, stretched out on a sun
bed beside her, dark shades covering his eyes, smiled lazily “I think so,” he replied
“I don’t remember a lot of it.”

“What’s the point of going to
all of these parties if you don’t remember them?” She asked.

“It’s a laugh and a good
chance to catch up with friends,” he waved a dismissive hand at her “I’m
tired.” He announced.

“So who else is at these

“Oh, you know, the usual
guys, some of the girls from school, Matt and his skank girlfriend.”

“I’ll bet the girls from
school are pleased to see you.” She pressed.

“Dunno,” he sighed “I don’t
take a lot of notice.” He knew where this was heading.

“I think you should ease off
on the partying for a bit, all you seem to do is get drunk with those girls
then spend Sunday recovering here.”

“I don’t get drunk with
girls, I get drunk with my friends, and it’s what partying is all about. What’s
up with you?

“You forget that I’ve seen
you around the girls you are partying with, I’ve seen you around school, your
tongue was down the throat of a different girl every time I saw you, you only
need to smile at a girl to have her falling at your feet.”

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