Private Tuition (24 page)

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Authors: Jay Merson

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S he had now accepted and welcomed the punishments of the professor. He could do nothing to her that she wouldn't enjoy, so what did she have to lose? She would get things going herself and soon!

Louise sat upright, smiling contentedly at the decision that she had arrived at. She looked forward now to actually getting to put it into practice.

* * * *

Paula stood at the head of the catwalk before the now silent crowd. Her legs felt like jelly, shaky and unsteady, as they had been when they had lifted her down from the horse. Her insides felt slightly tender and her labia still reminded her of the size of the dildo that had invaded her. Such a tremendously powerful orgasm it had been. The first was good and different, but the second! That was something else entirely.

The baying crowd and the power that she had felt as she delighted so many people by her actions. Her body receiving such pleasure had brought pleasure to them and they had showed their appreciation. She felt good, so very good, pleased also that the obvious pride that the professor felt, showed in the smile that seemed to be permanently fixed on his face. This for her was the charge she sought, the pain of the canings now simply added to the pleasure, adding another dimension to the sexual world that she had chosen to enter.

"Members, Elders, Senators and Principal,” the professor announced, bringing the audience to attention. “The initiation ceremony has been completed and I think I might take the liberty of assuming that my trainee has passed."

A huge cheer rose and echoed around the room, confirming the professor's assumption to be correct. He raised his arms and called the room to order.

"At this stage of the proceedings I am bound to remind you all that in order to help finance my proposed step up to Senator, I will need your highest bids. Never before have we been fortunate enough to have such a young and willing trainee."

A ripple of whispered agreement ran through the audience, and Paula smiled broadly.

"The rules allow for but six of you to succeed. I will therefore take the six highest only with no exceptions."

Immediately the room broke into a noisily bustling, everyone shouting and waving their arms to try to gain the professor's attention. It was a scene not unlike the stock market during a financial crisis.

"Please! Please!” the professor pleaded, quietening the crowd. He signalled behind him and the velvet curtains parted once again. The horse had been replaced now with a set of old and weathered stocks. A hole for the neck and one for each wrist, next to the head, lower than normal but otherwise identical. The two men pushed the stocks along the boards to the head of the catwalk and moved down the narrow steps into the audience.

The professor had timed this entrance to coincide with the auction, thereby pushing his prices higher than ever. He lifted the top half of the stocks and looked at Paula through the slits in the mask.

"Kneel,” he said coldly.

Paula knelt, placing her neck and hands into the curved sections of the stocks. The professor closed the top, securing her in a kneeling position with her head and wrists through the stocks. She was held fast and unable to move. The professor fixed two straps around her ankles that were fixed to the base of the stocks. Her legs spread, she was helpless.

"Members, my starting price will be seven hundred,” the professor announced as he turned to face the audience. A series of disbelieving gasps filled the room.

"That's almost double!” someone shouted in displeasure.

"Look! Look members, her face, those red, soft lips just waiting to take you into them. The nipples and slim fresh body, is she not worth double?"

"Six hundred,” one man shouted.

The professor shook his head silently.

"Seven,” another shouted, then the room fell silent.

The professor moved over to stand before Paula, and guided his stiff cock to her mouth.

Paula opened her lips and took the head of his cock into her soft mouth. The professor moaned aloud. Paula made greedy sucking noises as she worked her lips on his rigid cock.

"Eight hundred,” a voice called.

"Nine,” another shouted—a woman's this time.

"A thousand! My final offer,” one voice demanded.

The professor moved back and withdrew his cock from her mouth.

"That's better. I accept the offer of one thousand. Are there any more?"

The bidding had a strange effect on Paula, a thrilling and exciting effect that made her feel so important and yet so subservient. Again the sense of anticipation filled her, the throb in her clitoris began and she felt her nipples tighten and firm.

She was aware of the voices around her but couldn't hear what they were saying. Lost in her own thoughts, she concentrated on the sexuality of the situation and the feelings pumping through her.

A middle-aged man, Paula judged by the slight bulge in his stomach, walked up the steps of the catwalk to stand beside Paula, his cock stiff and wobbling as he walked. In his hand he held a leather cat-of-nine-tails. Leather strips, but without the lead weights in the ends, it looked terrifying to Paula as she knelt helpless at his feet.

The man ran his hand over her prominent buttocks, feeling and caressing, taking his time. His fingers brushed over her open pussy, feeling her wetness and revelling in the feel of such young firm flesh.

He stood back and delivered a brutally savage blow with the whip. Every one of the nine tails stung the soft flesh of her buttocks. Paula screamed loudly, much to the delight of the crowd. Her body jerked forwards rubbing her shoulders against the rough wood of the stocks. Again the whip landed, stinging and cruel. Again Paula screamed, this was pain such as she had never known it. Not sexual, brutal and sadistic.

Paula screamed again as the man struck her a third time, searing pain shooting through her entire body. She sobbed as the raw agony taunted her soft flesh. From the corner of her eye she saw the man drop the whip and move hurriedly behind her, scrabbling to kneel between her legs. He gripped her hips with both hands; she felt the tip of his cock rub against her labia, urgent and rough. Then he came, the warm sperm jetting onto her open pussy in short little spurts. Paula tensed and she heard his groan, more of his sperm landing high on her buttocks until he had finished.

"I didn't get there!” he protested urgently, still gripping Paula's hips.

"You know the rules member,” the professor said firmly. Paula saw him move towards the man behind her.

"But I've paid a thousand pounds to fuck her,” he protested again.

The thumping of the Principal's staff on the hollow boards brought the room to order.

"The member number forty-three will please leave the stage,” the Principle demanded angrily. “And will appear before the senate at the next meeting."

The man moved back reluctantly into the audience on the main floor below. As he left the steps, a masked woman ran up the steps to stand before Paula's face.

"Eat me bitch!” she spat, and pushed her hairy mound onto Paula's soft lips. Paula used her tongue. The woman tasted foul. Overweight and out of condition she gurgled her pleasure as Paula licked quickly, the sooner this was over with the better she thought. The woman landed a stinging slap across Paula's cheek that hurt like hell.

"No good bitch!” the woman scolded angrily. Paula felt only hate for this overweight tart.

The woman moved behind her, rough fingers began exploring the soft inner lips of Paula's pussy. Harsh and uncaring, wanting to bring pain, the woman panted heavily as she pushed her fingers roughly inside. Paula tensed and felt a wave of revulsion wash over her, but there was no way out. Nothing she could do but to accept it and hope that it would soon end.

The woman put one leg over Paula and sat her full weight down on the small of her slim back, fingering her all the time. Paula held her breath and tried to support the great weight bearing down on her. She could feel the wet open pussy of the woman on her skin. The woman ground her clitoris onto Paula's back, faster and faster she moved, rubbing and panting. The she came, wailing and groaning, the fingering continued throughout and the weight on Paula's back became more difficult to cope with.

At last the weight lifted. Paula was relieved, in more ways than one. The woman slapped Paula's buttocks once, hard and spiteful before she walked back into the audience to cheers from the crowd. Paula saw her hand move out to lightly touch the cocks of the men that she passed until she stopped and turned. Her hand then gripped firmly onto a cock behind her and guided it under her buttocks to slip up inside her as she stood watching Paula's face.

Paula promised herself that if she could ever find out who this bitch was, then she would repay her in kind, such was her hate for the woman.

A man moved onto the catwalk, walking with some difficulty as his erection stuck out before him. He moved behind Paula and guided his cock into her open pussy. His length pushed all the way up inside her and he began pumping into her wet pussy. Paula was glad that at last she was being fucked, her body responded, moving as much as it could to meet each of his thrusts. Her mouth opened and her face showed her delight to the crowd.

"Just look at the bitch!” someone gasped.

Paula's eyes closed, drinking in the expert way that the man used his cock inside her tender interior, exciting her and pleasing her. He felt so very good as he fucked her.

Now she felt a second cock nudging against her soft mouth. She didn't open her eyes, just her mouth. She took it in gladly and began sucking noisily on the rigid member. It thrilled her to be receiving two cocks at once. Her own orgasm was beginning to build. As his excitement built he pushed further into her soft mouth, Paula gagged as it pushed into and down her throat. The pounding cock in her pussy was thrusting stronger and more forcefully than ever, together they filled her from both ends.

Paula's delicate fingers bunched into clenched fists as the pleasurable feelings moved through her body. The cock in her mouth withdrew to just rest against her lips before it came. Grunting and moaning the man's seed spewed out onto the red of her lipstick, squeezing between her soft lips and coating her chin with thick globules of his sperm. His spurting continued, warm and velvety Paula felt it was as it sprayed her. Moments later she felt the same warm jets of sperm splashing her interior as the man behind her jerked into her, gripping her hips tightly and pulling her harder onto him as he reached his peak.

Paula was close so very close herself now to the heady pleasure that her orgasms now could bring. She wanted it, needed it, she urged it onwards.

Both men withdrew. She opened her eyes to see a third man standing close to her face wanking himself furiously as the crowd cheered. Just in time she snapped her eyes shut. Another series of spurting warm sperm coated her eyelids and the bridge of her nose. Paula tensed as the flutters came to her, flitting through her body to tantalise and excite her, bringing her to the point of no return. She groaned open mouthed, the taste of semen and the slightly acid aroma tipped her over the top and she came. Panting heavily, biting her bottom lip, she strained to accept the feelings in the awkward position she was in. Long and shuddering convulsions racked her slim body and then she came powerfully, enjoying each and every second of the ecstasy. The crowd loved it and screamed for more.

Silence fell across the room as the principle stood and tapped his staff.

"I choose to exercise the privilege of my position and elect to take my turn at a time and a place of my choosing,” he stated flatly and officially. His erection however portrayed that he was in need of the attention that so many in the audience sought.

He continued. “It gives me great pleasure to welcome your trainee as an honorary member and to accept the first part of your application to the senate."

Loud applause and shouting followed. The professor bowed to the audience and turned beaming a smile at Paula. He released her from her prison and helped her to her feet; the strength of the applause was increased and renewed, this time for Paula.

* * * *

Louise slumped heavily onto the seat under the ivy-covered wall that backed onto the laboratory block in the campus.

"My god Paula!” she said in amazement, a hint of jealousy in her voice that couldn't be disguised. “It must have been tremendous!"

"Leaving me sore but satisfied.” Paula beamed at the reaction of her friend.

"Should bloody well think so!” Louise sighed heavily, crossing her legs and smoothing the denim of her jeans idly.

"That fat bitch though!” Paula said bitterly through gritted teeth. “I'll make her suffer if ever I get the chance."

"Jealousy was it?"

"What else! With a body like hers what else could it be?"

"One day you might get the chance,” Louise said to comfort and encourage.

"Hope so, I bloody well hope so."

"Did the professor mention anything about me going to the barn?"

"Only that he didn't think it would really suit you,” Paula said mournfully.

"Lying bitch!” Louise shrieked and hit Paula playfully.

"Your turn will come. You just need to be patient; and to keep your pussy in check."

"Difficult, very difficult,” Louise sniggered stretching her long legs out before her. “It's getting hungry again."

Both girls giggled as they returned to their lectures, life was good for them right now and the way they saw it, it could only get better.

* * * *

"Come in Paula,” the professor said kindly as he invited her into the lounge to sit with him.


"At the library, a bit behind with her studies."

"That I am sorry to hear. Your finals are close and I want nothing to interfere with them."

"Nor us,” Paula replied as she sat down in the chair opposite the professor.

"Paula, I want to express my gratitude to you for the other evening. The way you supported me on such an important occasion will not be forgotten.” His voice was sincere and kind. She loved it when he was like this with her.

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