Private Tuition (19 page)

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Authors: Jay Merson

BOOK: Private Tuition
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Paula felt the stiff cock slipping further up inside her as she sucked greedily on the cock in her mouth. She was fulfilled, the charge that she felt with two cocks inside her sent powerful spasms through her, flutters of orgasm began flitting through her slim body, exciting her vulva and nipples.

The cock in her pussy began pumping a steady rhythm, jarring her body with his powerful strokes. She moaned loudly with the cock in her mouth and drank in the flutters of orgasm that were coming through her faster and faster.

The cock in her mouth jerked, jetting its warm sperm into her throat, and she came herself instantly. Pleasure that she had never known filled her every part, sating the hungry need that had built within her.

Louise was being fucked also. The man that had been licking her now had his cock inside her and was thrusting furiously as she sucked the cock of the man that stood by her head. Her body pulsed with the excited pleasure that two cocks at once gave to her. Every inch of the hard member in her pussy was experienced; reaching parts of her that no-one had ever been to, bringing to her new delights.

Another stiff cock brushed against Paula's sticky mouth and she covered the rigid member with her soft lips. A fresh cock, hard and eager! She welcomed it and sucked furiously on the hard flesh. She heard Louise scream in pleasure, which only spurred her on. Another man had replaced the one behind her and was pushing inside her wet pussy, filling her once again as the hard cock pushed all the way up her wet inner depths.

"Greedy bitch!” she heard Louise shout across to her. Paula stopped sucking to look at her friend, Louise was being licked by the man that had just come inside her pussy, she had sperm trickling down her chin and a great smile on her face.

Paula came again, a ripping series of shudders that shook her slim frame; again her mouth and pussy were filled with hot, warm sperm.

* * * *

"We mucked it up didn't we?” Louise said quietly as she entered Paula's bedroom, throwing the towel onto the bed. The shower had been in almost constant use since the session had ended.

"How so?” Paula gave her a surprised look as she removed her make-up in the dressing table mirror.

"We were too eager, we should have made it last. You know, had a bit more fun with them. I know I couldn't wait at the time, but it would have been better if we had."

"Bloody hell, Louise, I had more cock tonight than I've had in the whole of my life before coming here!"

"You may have had, you took nearly all there was to take!” Louise moaned and threw herself face down on the bed, looking at her friend as she worked at removing the lipstick.

"Meow!” Paula uttered casting a frowning look at Louise.

"I'm not being catty Paula,” she said in a defensive tone. “You could have shared it around a bit more though."

"Greedy, greedy,” Paula chided, standing and slipping off her bathrobe to display her naked body to her friend.

"Flashing at me won't help."

"Shame,” Paula replied lightly, slipping into a pair of tight white panties.

Louise stretched lazily on the bed, making herself more comfortable. Paula came to sit next to her.

"Bloody good though, wasn't it?” Paula offered.

"It was that,” Louise answered smiling broadly. “God! But did you have some cock!"

"Didn't do so badly yourself from what I saw."

"Huh! Surprised you were able to see anything at all with what was happening to you, bitch!"

"Now, now Louise. Jealousy is a negative way of thinking."

"More bloody psychology,” Louise groaned and covered her ears with her hands playfully.

"We had a good time that's all that is important."

"True, even if we could have made it last."

"There's always next time,” Paula said, smiling at her friend. Louise sat upright on the bed.

"Yeah and then we can really spend ages teasing them, eh?"

"We will. That's if you can last and not give in to your aching pussy.” Louise grabbed the towel and threw it at Paula as she dodged giggling into the open wardrobe to avoid it.

Paula rearranged her wardrobe as Louise watched. Neither of them felt like sleeping, the events of the evening were still fresh and spinning around in their heads, filling their thoughts as they recalled details of particular bits of it, happy that they had taken control for once, even if it hadn't gone exactly to plan.

"We didn't get any of their addresses,” Paula said flatly as she hung her clothes back in the wardrobe in some semblance of order.

"No, but we know where the house is,” Louise said absently, turning to swing her legs off the bed.

"House? But it isn't a house, it's a barn!"

"Can't be. Paul definitely said a house. He even described it to me."

"But I tell you it was a barn! A great big thing out in the middle of nowhere, I know a barn when I see one!” Paula said, turning and facing her friend.

"A great big mansion, set back off the road. A tarmac driveway and big stone pillars with a small carved eagle on top of each one,” said Louise, repeating the description that she had been given.

Paula went into deep thought, staring into space, she walked to the bed and sat next to Louise.

"There must be two places then."

"Well done Watson!” Louise said, mimicking a man's deep voice.

"Do you think it's deliberate—on the professor's part I mean, you know, to throw us off the scent."

"Why would he bother? No, it's just that there are two places that they use.” Both girls sat thinking about the possibilities for a while.

"Well we managed to take control didn't we?” Louise said after a few minutes.

"That we did! And wasn't it just great! Something that we definitely have to repeat."

"Halleluiah to that,” Louise said readily. “All our waiting and planning wasn't in vain ... fancy a coffee? I'll get them."

"Yeah, only don't disturb the crowd in there.” Paula indicated the lounge with her finger. “The meeting is still in session and remember what the professor said; not to disturb them."

"Quiet as a mouse,” Louise confirmed, turning the door handle carefully and slipping silently out.

* * * *

"Thanks for the coffee then,” Paula said sarcastically as her friend returned empty handed.

Louise had a face like thunder, grim, the anger in her showing in her expression.

"Whatever is the matter?” Paula asked, concerned on seeing her friend's expression.

Louise sat silently on the bed and Paula joined her, slipping a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"We've been had,” Louise said at last.

"Well I don't think anyone could possibly disagree with that statement,” Paula joked, trying to cheer her friend.

"I went to go into the kitchen and stood listening in the hallway. I could hear most of what was said."


"He, the professor, he recruited us for their club or organisation,” Louise stated, looking straight ahead at the wardrobe.

"So what? We could almost say that we volunteered couldn't we."

Louise shifted, shrugging her shoulders to get Paula to remove her arm.

"You don't understand. He recruited us to use in this club thing of theirs, that way, he gains promotion to elders something."

"You mean to say that this was his only reason for taking us in? I don't think so Louise."

"I feel betrayed!"

Paula felt sorry for her friend, but couldn't agree with her feelings.

"He gets promotion okay so what? We get great accommodation, clothes allowance, a salary, extra tuition and we get bloody good sex as well! What's wrong with all of that?"

"I see it differently,” Louise said solemnly.

"Differently and wrongly."

"I feel used."

"Did you feel used when you were controlling those two blokes to do what you wanted?"

Louise sat staring silently for a moment.

"Perhaps not."

"I think that you are making too much of nothing. Just ease up and relax, enjoy it while you can."

"Maybe,” Louise whispered, unconvinced. Paula was concerned, she knew Louise well, but this sort of thing only gave rise for future problems. Problems that Paula wasn't anxious to allow to ruin her life.

"We have control now, let's just work on that side of it. We know what we know and nothing else has really changed has it?"

"Maybe not for you Paula, but I want revenge. I want to hurt him the way that he has hurt me. To use some of his bloody psychology on him."

"Could be difficult trying to beat him at his own subject. But when you have the whip-hand over him so to speak..."

"That's physical pain, I mean mental, to hurt him mentally. And you, isn't that exactly what you are doing, trying to beat him?"

Paula didn't respond to Louise's question, preferring instead to deflect from the question that she didn't really know the answer to any more. Sure, in a way she wanted a degree of control, but total control or revenge? She didn't think so.

"Okay, so what's the best weapon you have to do just that with?” Paula asked.

Louise looked into Paula's eyes.

"Me of course! My body."

"Exactly, so use it in the way that you know that you can get at him.” Louise smiled and then the smile broadened to show her teeth. Paula felt that she could almost read her thoughts.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Paula walked into the professor's study. He had asked her to be there at three o'clock precisely and she was punctual. Dressed only in her white panties and collar, she closed the door and went to stand next to him as he sat at his desk. The professor continued to write for a moment, he then laid his ornate fountain pen carefully down on the desk and turned his chair to face her.

"The other evening,” he said flatly, the tone not portraying his mood. He paused, adding to her anxiety. “Went well, very well indeed."

His hand moved up her leg, stroking gently, up and over her hip to slip under the tight panties and begin caressing the velvety skin of her firm buttocks.

"All of my guests were very pleased with both of you."

Paula smiled, accepting his rare praise.

"I however, am not!” His tone turned more severe. “Louise seems to be questioning my authority. Do you feel that, Paula?"

His hand slid between her legs to begin stroking her labia with his trembling fingers. Paula adopted a wider stance to allow his fingers free range on her now excited pussy. He felt and probed, unhurried and tenderly.

"Don't really know,” Paula replied, not wishing to take sides in the dispute that she had seen coming.

"Faithful Paula, never one to break loyalty eh? Let me then make my position quite clear, then if Louise should ask, you will be able to present my views to her."

His other hand slipped her panties down over her hips, the fingers rubbing her swollen labia parted her and entered her soft wetness. She stood obediently still as he moved his fingers inside her. She liked him so much, more so now. Time had passed and she had become accustomed to him and his ways. She was content and had no reason or desire to alter that. Her quest to take more control however, had not changed one bit.

"I will deal swiftly and completely with any deception. Our arrangement here will end the instant that I feel that is so. Do I make myself clearly understood?"

"Certainly,” Paula said simply.

"Very well,” he said and, drawing her closer to stand touching his knees, he pushed his fingers fully up inside her wet cavern. His other hand began stroking lightly over her mons, exciting her clitoris and bringing delightful feelings to the now fully aroused Paula.

"Louise will of course need to be punished for her disobedience."

"I didn't think she disobeyed you, she just likes being in control sometimes, as I do, all part of being a woman,” Paula offered, trying to both help her friend and to further their cause.

"I am always in control, Paula,” he breathed excitedly as his fingers worked on her pussy.

"Yes, sir is always right,” she lisped in the little-girly voice, and he groaned and shuddered as his excitement heightened. “Little Cynthia must suck sir's cock,” he said, his voice thick.

Paula slowly removed his hands and knelt before him. Yes you are always in control, she thought as she undid his trousers and immediately began taking over the situation. She only had to hint at becoming his fantasy little girl and he was under her spell. He had control certainly until she wanted to take over.

She had achieved this part, she could take over in private, on the schoolgirl fantasy, but now she had to extend that degree of control to their other activities.

"Oh!” she gasped loudly. “Sir's willy is so big!"

He moaned as her slim fingers circled his throbbing shaft, gripping it lightly and sending delightful feelings pulsing through him. He shifted his hips forwards and she licked the end of his rigid cock, giving him the full benefit of her soft and knowing tongue.

"Sir's cock tastes funny,” she lisped, and covered the end with her soft mouth, taking the whole of his glans and part of his shaft inside. He gasped and gripped her naked shoulders, the fingers biting into her flesh as she pleasured him.

Her wide moon-like eyes stared up at him as she slid her wet mouth up and down his shaft. The professor couldn't last long. A few little shudders and he began to come. Paula moved back and sat on her heels, wanking his stiff cock that was smudged with red lipstick.

He groaned and sent several long spurts of sperm jetting into the air. Paula gripped his cock harder and continued milking his cock of his seed. The force with which men ejaculated fascinated her, she loved to watch as it spat out from the end of their hard cocks.

As he began to soften, Paula continued to hold his wet, glistening member, feeling how it moved as the muscles relaxed.

"Paula, dearest Paula,” he smiled as he opened his eyes, “you are ready for your first visit to a full club meeting. The night of the fifteenth it will be, we leave at about five."

Paula slowly released his cock. She thrilled at the prospect of going again to the barn, this time to see the full attendance there. Pleased also that his faith in her was unwavering and that the way he felt about Louise hadn't mucked things up for her.

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