Private Affair (The Private Series) (24 page)

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Authors: Danielle Torella

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BOOK: Private Affair (The Private Series)
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I sigh with content and pure joy. “That sounds wonderful and I am a little sore,” I wink.

“Only sore from me baby.”

I go into the bathroom and run a hot bath. I slip in and Ben comes in, “What do you want to eat?”

“What are my options?”

“Well it is a full service restaurant.”

“But it’s after two in the morning, are they even open?” I ask with worry, because now I am really hungry.

Ben looks at the menu that was left in the room, “Yes, they are open at all hours.”

My stomach growls and he hears it, laughing, “Now I know you are hungry, what will it be?”

“I am really wanting fried calamari, is that on there?” I have been craving it for some time now, but we never get to eat at a descent place while on the road.

Ben nods, “Anything else?”

“Whatever looks good,” I smile.

His gaze shifting, “Well I see something that looks good enough to eat.” He pours in some bubble bath and walks out of the room to call in the order.

I close my eyes and just relax, because tomorrow I will be cramped on the bus for God knows how long. Take in all that I can. Ben comes back in and washes my back and rubs my shoulders. Then we hear a knock on the door and the customary “Room Service.” Ben opens the door and they cart in the food. When the man leaves, Ben returns and holds open a towel for me and offers me a silk robe.

“Mmm, everything smells divine!”

Ben begins lifting the silver domes off of the platters and I am salivating something wicked. “Have a seat at the table, I will bring everything over.”

I sit down at the small table for two over by the window in the room. Ben carries each plate over, setting my calamari down first. It looks so delicious I can’t wait till he is sitting with me before I pop a piece in my mouth. Savoring the salty, chewy and crispy pieces. I let out a moan.

“Well, gee now, I thought I was the only one that could make you make that noise.”

I hold my hand over my mouth and giggle, “Sorry, it’s just so yummy.”

“I love watching you eat and enjoying your food. Most girls won’t eat like this in front of their partner.” He sits across from me and start in on his meal.

I shrug my shoulders, “I hate girls like that. It’s like hello, everyone eats, so why hide it or eat like a bird. We all know that, that kind of girl goes home and devours a bag of Dorito’s and ice cream.”

Ben laughs at my honestly and nod in agreement, “You are probably very right.”

“So what’s for dessert?” I ask joking, but he gets up from the table and brings over a small white plate and I see my favorite dessert of all time. “Tiramisu. God, I love you!”



Ben is driving me to where the bus has been parked for the night. Its late morning and I knew that we would be leaving soon. We are headed back on the road and this time it is an eight hour haul. I am going to miss Ben, our suite and the food. I really don’t know how musicians do this.

We pull into the lot and Ben turns off the car. Taking my hand to his lips he kisses it and the beautiful engagement ring he had reset for me. “So, if I don’t come back with a color pallet you want for the wedding, I think Gwen and Caroline with treat me to a beating.”

“I didn’t give the wedding colors much thought, but I have always like soft pinks and cream, but I didn’t think you would want pink,” I tell him.

“Anything for you. And I really don’t mind pink … especially
pink.” His eyes glance to below my waist.

“Ben!” I smack his chest. He pulls me onto his lap in the driver seat. He gives me the sweetest, most heartfelt kiss. I have to pull away before it turns into another parking lot session. “So, um, how is Caroline doing?”

“She is doing well.”

Now I have to ask about the thing I am sure he is hoping I don’t ask, “And Dan?”

Ben groans and rests his head on the head rest, “He is well, also. I haven’t killed him yet, if that’s what you are asking. Him and Caroline are not allowed to be alone, either my father or myself have to be present. I never would have fucking thought that I would have to chaperone my baby sister and my best mate.”

I smile, “So Dan is still your best friend?”

He rolls his eyes and returns a small smile, “Yes.”

I kiss his cheek, “Good, I am glad.” I look out the window and find Tony stretching. “Looks like everyone is getting up and ready to leave. When will I get to see you again?” My heart sinks.

Ben, biting the inside of his cheek, “I am not sure right now. I will have to ask Fuller about that, along with getting that access pass…”

I can’t help but giggle and I find the torn of wrist band on the floor of the car. “Okay, well walk me to the bus, before Roger gets antsy.”

“Morning you two, have a good night?” Tony asks with a sly grin.

Ben once again wraps his arm around my waist, what is this man code for
she’s mine
? “Yes, got some much needed restful sleep.” I answer before Ben.

“I bet,” Tony snorts.

Ben didn’t like that remark, he is toe to toe with him. “Look Towers, you better not even think of her like that. I don’t want to see anymore photos of her either on your page. I don’t want people getting the wrong idea. She is mine, not yours and you better remember that.”

“Ben!” I snap.

Tony doesn’t break his stare with Ben, “It’s okay Tess, and I understand where he is coming from. Ben, you have nothing to worry about. I will take care of her.”

“That’s what I am fucking worried about...” Ben mutters as he turns away, pulling me to the side. “If you need to leave and come home or need me to get you, you know I am just a call away.”

“Stop worrying. Everything is fine. I love you. I better see you soon.”

Pulling me into a tight hug, “Of course.”





It’s been a week since I have seen Ben. I am physically hurting from missing him. Fuller has him covering local shows and he has been dealing with Chatz. When I spoke to him yesterday he thinks he can fly out to the Rochester New York show in a couple days, but he isn’t certain.

I am trying to fall asleep, but obviously can’t so I try calling him, “I miss you…” I tell him when he answers.

“How are you? Are you alright? You sound upset.”

“Well, yeah I am upset I wish I was with you. I can’t sleep.” My eyes feel like they are going to sink back into my skull, I am so tired, but I just can’t relax my mind enough or my heart.

“What can I do to help?” He asks.

I pause for a moment and think. “Will you play your guitar for me and sing?”

“Of course baby. What do you want me to sing?”

“Doesn’t matter, I just want to hear your voice.” I tell him. I love his sexy rough voice. It is calming and yet excites me, I suppose it depends on the song choice.

I can hear him fiddling with his acoustic guitar and he puts me on speakerphone so he can play. I recognize the tune, before he starts to sing Wipe Your Eyes, by Maroon 5. My heart skips a beat and I close my eyes and think about Ben and me sitting in bed together as he sings for me. He sounds nothing like Adam Levine, so the song sounds different, but maybe a little more beautiful in his voice. Or because it’s just him.

A few songs later I feel my eyes getting heavy and my body relax. “Thank you Ben. I think I am ready to fall asleep now.”

“Anytime baby. I love you, want me to stay on until you fall asleep?” He asks, sounds just about as tired as I am.

“Nah, you need your sleep too. You have a lot to take care of at home.”

He sighs, “Just not you…”

“Only a couple more weeks,” I try to comfort him, like he just did for me.

“That time can’t pass fast enough.”



“What the fuck?” I hear Tony yell and Jennifer is stumbling out of her bunk. I then feel that we are lop sided on the road.

I throw on my glasses, since I took my contacts out before bed, I walk to the front of the bus to find Roger and Tony standing outside in front of the beast of a vehicle. Jennifer is sitting in the driver’s seat, with her elbows on the wheel, propping her tired head up. “What’s going on?” I ask her.


I groan, “How often does this happen?”

“More than you would think,” She tells me as she watches blankly out of the windshield.

I sit in a chair closest to the front and curl my feet up, “How long does it take to fix?”

“Depends on how fast they can get a truck out here. We are out in the middle of nowhere practically and only god knows what time it is.”

I look at the clock on the mini microwave in the kitchen area, “its three thirty in the morning.”

I hear her groan and hide her face in the folds of her arms, “Fuuuuuck. Yeah, it’s going to take a while…”

Tony lumps back on the bus, “Well, it’s a flat.”

“No shit Sherlock,” Jennifer snips at him. Getting up she goes back to her bunk, on the way through she grabs an opened bottle of vodka.

I look back to Tony who is standing there with a blank look on his face, when his eyes meet mine, we crack up. “Think she’s a little annoyed?” I ask.

“We will see by the hangover in the morning.”

We get a good laugh about that, then the air gets silent and a little awkward. “So, is, um…Roger coming back in?”

Tony looks out the bus window and shakes his head, “Nah, he said that he will wait outside for the truck. He said he didn’t want the ass holes to pass by. So, are you going to go back to bed?” He asks me.

I think about it for a minutes, but I don’t think I can after being woken up so suddenly. My heart is still pumping seventy miles an hour. I try to think of something to do, then I figure there’s nothing better than relaxing with a book and some Swedish Fish. “I think I will stay up and read for a while. You don’t mind if I do it out here do you?”

“Of course not, just as long as you don’t mind if I work out a new song.” He glides past me, grabs his guitar and a rough looking note book with a pencil between his teeth.

I grab one of my smaller bags where I had packed a few different books. I am holding three different ones and I have to decide which one I want to read. I finally settle on what I have heard to be an easy read, which sounds great right now. Minimal thinking.

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